Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 23 Morgana's Shock!Carl's voice transmission!

Chapter 23 Morgana's Shock!Carl's voice transmission!
Earth side.

The demon side ended the hunt for Ye Yang.

Returned to the Devil's Fortress.

Atuo is leading the demon warriors to repair the huge hole on the top of the hall that was blown up by Ye Yang.

Morgana looked blown up.

Standing in front of the throne with his hands on his hips, he forced Lai Lai.

They are all scolding Ye Yang.

The scolding was so harsh that the dog shook his head and ran away.

"Queen, that guy runs too fast. According to the only screen analysis, he has mastered the ability of a single soldier to exceed the speed of light."

Ato, who was tall and tall, stood in front of the throne and reported.

He has followed Morgana for so many years.

I have only seen her queen scold Keisha, the queen of angel civilization, in this way.

"Super-light speed? Are you kidding me? A warrior trained by an earth super seminary is so young and possesses so many abilities?"

"Even Keisha, that old bitch, can't cultivate it!"

Hearing this, A Tuo said in a deep voice:

"Queen, do you want me to take an elite team to the Super Seminary to obtain information about this Ye Yang, and launch a counterattack by the way to retaliate?"

For this Ye Yang.

Atuo still had lingering fears.

Did not expect ah.

At first I thought it was an ordinary human bug.

Didn't think so.

The strength is not only far beyond oneself.

There is even the secret protection of Di Leina, the goddess of the blazing sun.

Even if he is captured by his own queen.

He even blew up the dome of Devil One's hall and ran away!

A god of war with such strength.

Definitely kill it before it's fully grown.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a big stumbling block preventing the demon civilization from ruling the earth in the future.

I saw Morgana calm down.

Said with a cold expression:
"Gather your forces and launch a full-scale counterattack against Tianhe City,

Contact Taotie,

Let them launch a full-scale attack on the earth at the same time! "


Atuo immediately went to do it.

The entire palace is except for the demon warriors who are tinkering on the top.

All that's left is an angry Morgana.


A dark communication message sounded in Morgana's mind.

"There seems to be an unexpected development on Earth's side,

In less than a minute, a vanguard flagship of the gluttonous civilization under my command,

Destroyed by a fighter from Earth's Super Seminary,

Is it one of the three god-making genes? "

Hear this voice.

Morgana was a little impatient, but she still held her temper.


"What are the three major god-making genes? I don't know where they came from. They can cut time and space, can become top-level beast bodies, and can wear special armor. What's more, that little girl from Lie Yang is still guarding him."

"What did you say?"

"The gluttonous vanguard fleet was completely defeated within 1 minute? Grass!"

I heard the news that the Gluttonous Pioneer has been damaged.

Morgana was shocked at first, then speechless again.

His demon army is still in the stage of recuperation.

There is also a super seminary on earth.

There is no gluttonous cannon fodder.

I can't eat the whole earth in a short time.

"Don't worry, I've already asked Howl to take the army forward, and I will be able to reach the Big Worm Bridge in the Chiwu star system in a short time."

"Plus, Kesha has already come to me, leaving a right wing guard,
Now on the way to Earth,
Although you have been upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body by me,

But facing Keisha,
Still have to use tactics,
I suggest you send someone to Frazier immediately,
Divide Kesha's power. "

Carl's voice sounded again in Morgana's mind.

Immediately replied:
"Understood, people who play tactics have dirty hearts, but the opponent is Keisha after all, so it should be."

"Hang up first, I'll talk to you about that important plan when Keisha comes."


Morgana unilaterally severed contact with Karl, the god of death.

Ato was called immediately.

The plan to counterattack Tianhe City was cancelled.

And ordered Atuo to go to Frazer immediately.

After doing all this.

A demon warrior suddenly rushed in and reported:

"Report to the Queen, Devil One detected that the enemy has returned to Earth, and his current location is Tianhe City, Huang Village."

Morgana showed a dignified expression, and said:
"This guy has appeared again. It is estimated that he was the one who broke the gluttonous vanguard team. This guy is too strong. Let's observe secretly for a while and let the nightmare continue to invade his dreams."


(End of this chapter)

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