Chapter 24 Complete simulation!Doraemon!
that night.

On the Great Gorge.

Ducao held a meeting online with the top figures of the North Star and the rulers of various countries.

Discuss the establishment of the Earth Anti-Alien Alliance.


All military bases across the country have also entered a state of first-level combat readiness at this moment.

As for the Super Seminary.

Under the organization of Du Qiangwei and Ajie.

Leina has already started training Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Rui Mengmeng and others.

The rudimentary form of the Xiongbing Company has also been formally formed.

The next morning.

After a night of video conference, Ducao was still standing in the command room full of energy.

The military uniform is straight, and his eyes are staring at the many messages on the screen in front of him.


The mechanical intelligence door of the command room opened automatically.

Lianfeng, also in military uniform, walked quickly with a file in his hand.

"Mr. Du! An email from NASA, the beautiful country responsible for monitoring Pluto's gluttonous fleet! Just printed it out, so shocked!"

"Is the gluttonous fleet heading towards the earth? It has been expected for a long time."

Ducao stood there calmly and said.

Yesterday, Demon Queen Morgana suddenly made such a big commotion in Tianhe City.

Moreover, Ye Yang, the "super mutant" Kamigawa warrior, was also kidnapped.

In addition, the panic created by the gluttonous soldiers in Tianhe City some time ago.

All signs are showing.

Demons and gluttons are about to attack the earth.

All countries are now preparing for war.

Believe in the power of the earth's human army.

Enough to block the first wave of attacks from these two forces.

"No, Mr. Du! You see, the Gluttonian fleet was attacked by an unknown force near Pluto. In less than a minute, all the warships disintegrated in space."

Lianfeng handed the file in his hand to Ducao and said.

Hear the news.

Ducao, who was originally calm, was confused.

Hastily opened the document and took out the photo data inside.

"This! When did this happen?"

When Ducao saw these photos, the picture of the gluttonous fleet being pierced and exploded by a golden streamer was perfectly recorded.

He is a war madman.

Now the scalp is numb.

"What is that golden light beam in such a huge fleet?" Ducao asked again.

"This is what happened at 1.30am, captured by the Harper Telescope in Pretty Country."

"The golden streamer can be analyzed by the Deno-[-] system, but according to my experience, the speed of this stream has reached super-light speed, and the images captured by the Harper Telescope are too low-level. It may be necessary to rely on the Deno-[-] system to make up for it." a little time."

Lianfeng reported.

Hearing this, Ducao frowned.

This streamer actually possesses superluminal power.

When did this level of civilization exist in the Milky Way?
"Immediately analyze that it helped the earth to kill the gluttonous fleet, if we can win it to our side, together with the Xiongbing Company and Wukong, the only remaining alien forces on the earth, Morgana and his group, will be nothing to fear! "

Ducao ordered.


Lianfeng quickly sat back in front of a supercomputer dedicated to her.

A text prompt popped up on the supercomputer screen:
"Entering the password of De Nuo's No. 10 command, uploading the target sample, and analyzing the target to fill the pixels. It will take three to [-] minutes."

10 minute later.

Ducao still stood there waiting for the calculation and analysis of the system.

"Good morning, Mr. Du."

Yuqin came to the command room.

I saw Ducao standing behind Lianfeng waiting for something.

I asked curiously.

As one of the super fighters who have followed Ducao for many years.

When Yuqin learned that the Taotie fleet was wiped out.

Also shocked to the point of speechlessness.

"Now the pressure on the earth is much less, we only need to resist Morgana's demon army, but as the ancient god Morgana, I don't know how long she has been lurking on the earth, she must be very familiar with our technology, The enemy is in the dark and I know that you are in charge of satellite monitoring, and locate the location of the devil as soon as possible."

Ducao, who had recovered from the shock, ordered towards Yuqin.


Yuqin turned on her Kamigawa-class supercomputer.

Just connected to the satellite.

The satellite sent an alert message.

Yuqin looked intently.

A look of astonishment appeared on the pretty face again.

Quick reports:

"Report to Mr. Du that the satellite has detected a female angel warrior breaking through the atmosphere at a rapid speed. Her speed is very fast and she has already entered the sky above Tianhe City"


Ducao and Lianfeng on the side heard the news.

At the same time, there was a sound of surprise.

And quickly went to Yuqin's computer to check the satellite image.

displayed on the screen.

The female angel finally landed in the Angel International Building in Tianhe City.

"When did the earth become so lively, and the angel civilization also came to join in the fun, are they enemies or friends?" Ducao's face was extremely dignified.

"Mr. Du, according to the information of the Super Theological Seminary, they call themselves angel civilization, and they call themselves angels. The angel clan has been composed of beautiful women for 3 years. It has been 1392 years since the last record came to earth." Lianfeng said.

"Our earth's understanding of angelic civilization is very limited. Judging purely based on angelic scriptures, they claim to be the kings of the gods. In my personal memory, there have been many wars between demons and angels in the universe. This time Arrival is most likely to annihilate the demon forces headed by Morgana."

Ducao expressed his judgment.

Lianfeng and Yuqin both nodded.

"Mr. Du, do you need to establish contact with her?" Lianfeng asked.

"With the current technology of the earth, even if there is Deno III, they are not the opponents of the angels. Their technological level is too strong, let Lena contact them." Ducao said.

"Yes, does this photo still need to be analyzed?" Lianfeng asked.

Ducao shook his head and said:
"No need, this angel warrior must have done it, right,
Let Reina draw the angels to our side as much as possible,
At the same time, in order to express gratitude to the angels for destroying the gluttonous battleship,

And Morgana, who terrorizes the shadows,

The military decided to entertain this angel warrior,

Let Reina just say it. "


at the same time.

A dirt-covered hilltop near Huangcun.

"Brother, I'm hungry, can I find something to eat by myself?"

A naive voice asked.

I saw that Ye Yang had returned to his original human form.

Crocodile Thornton sat slumped on the ground.

Looking at Huangcun down the mountain with an extremely aggrieved expression.

"You can eat whatever you want in the mountains,

You are not allowed to eat people, and you are not allowed to eat livestock,

I have to go into town to do some shopping now.
You just stay here for me,
Dare to run around and cause panic,

I will destroy you. "

"I'm going to the city too! Brother, take me! There's a lot of food in the city! I'm not talking about eating people!"

Hearing that Ye Yang was leaving.

Thornton is very sticky.

Since returning to Earth with Thornton last night.

Ye Yang first took it to the North Pole.

There was a harsh interrogation.

Later, I learned that Thornton is a native monster on this planet, not an alien, so I accepted him as a younger brother.

With rough skin and thick flesh, it can be used as a mount if nothing happens.

And just returned to Huang Village with Thornton.

Ye Yang found that his self-built house collapsed!
The surrounding forests and mountain peaks were destroyed beyond recognition.

Many folks in Huang Village are currently moving their families.

"You can follow if you want, but your appearance is too ugly, which may cause unnecessary trouble."

Ye Yang frowned and rubbed his chin thinking.

Thornton heard that his elder brother disliked his ugliness.

The mood suddenly changed.

It's like Zhu Bajie who was taught a lesson by Monkey King in Journey to the West.

"Have it!"

Ye Yang had a flash of inspiration.

silently said:
"Full simulation, Doraemon!"

(End of this chapter)

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