Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 32 Comes to Huang Village!Yan was ridden!

Chapter 32 Comes to Huang Village!Yan was ridden!
Angel Yan who was sitting in the seat at the moment.

The voice stopped suddenly.

The slightly frowned expression instantly caught Reina's attention.

"Huang Village, Tianhe City? What did you see?" Leina asked.

Right after Reina finished asking.

The phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

It was Lianfeng calling.

"Hi, I'm Reina, what's the matter?"

"Leina, are you with that angel?" Lianfeng asked on the phone.

Reina glanced at Angel Yan on the opposite side.

It seems that he is still trapped in the picture he sees and cannot extricate himself.

"Well, yes, what's wrong?" Reina asked.

"The military monitoring Huangcun found that Ye Yang, who returned to the village a few days ago, had an extra woman in his residence, and Ye Yang was beating a female angel at the moment. I will send you the video and ask them what the hell is going on. What do you mean?" Lianfeng said.

"it is good."


Lena received the picture of Huangcun taken by the drone.

on the screen.

Ye Yang dragged a female angel in silver armor out of the door.

All the way to the street with cutting and beating.

When Reina presses the screen to pause.

The appearance of the female angel is clearly presented.

"It's you?"

Reina looked at Angel Yan on the opposite side and questioned.

Angel Yan also released the Eye of Insight at this moment, looking at Lena with a complicated expression and a hint of anger.


"It seems that you have also received the news. I can only say that the female angel who was beaten was not me, but the crocodile from the Styx civilization."

"As for Ye Yang, he is the god of war who stepped on the golden armored dragon. I thought he was the god of war of Styx, but he also destroyed the gluttonous vanguard army under the rule of Styx. This is not in line with my guess."

"According to the information I found, he was taken away by Morgana under your protection."

"So who is this Ye Yang? Your Super Seminary should know a lot, so let's share the information."

Reina thought for a moment.

Still told part of Ye Yang's information.

Angel Yan made up for one thing and the timeline.

The trajectory of Ye Yang's behavior in the past few days was fully simulated.

"Ye Yang is an unknown mutant of many super genes that your Super Seminary has spread on the earth.

After all the super soldiers turned on their genes,

He has all kinds of powerful abilities,

In Tianhe City, the beast body God of War crocodile was blown away,
Successfully attracted the attention of Super Seminary and Morgana,
But he himself does not want to participate in any party forces,
Even if captured by Morgana,

He also used some kind of special ability to escape,

and for some unknown reason,
He went to the vicinity of Pluto and killed the vanguard,
Then he returned to Huang Village and took the crocodile to live with him. "

Angel Yan's explanation.

It almost coincides with Ye Yang's life trajectory during this period.

"Okay, little girl, I have to go. Go back and tell the Super Seminary that the demons will be killed by the angels. As for the gluttonous army that is coming here, if the earth is willing to live under the protection of the angels' justice and order, we can also pass by the way." Let's clean it up together."


Angel Yan got up, walked outdoors, and said:
"Oh, by the way, there is also the power of the galaxy. There are angels in him that need to be activated. Just love him, and that's it."

"How can I love this kind of dick, but I can be a matchmaker. Hey, hey, you're in such a hurry, do you want to find Ye Yang?"

Lena could feel it.

Angel Yan is also very interested in Ye Yang.

At least for now.

Ye Yang can escape from Morgana's hands.

He must have information that Angel is interested in.


Ye Yangneng demonstrated his powerful combat power on Morgana several times.

If it can be absorbed by the Super Seminary.

Plus the strength of the entire company of soldiers, and the Earth Defense Force.

Even the gluttonous army has no fear.

Angels like to brainwash others, maliciously implanting certain solidified consciousness.

If Ye Yang is implanted with this consciousness.

It is very likely that he has become an angel's lackey since then.

For the Super Seminary, this is absolutely not allowed.


Angel Yan took two angel subordinates to fly quickly in the clouds of the night sky.

Soon, the three of them hovered above a cloud layer.

Angel Yan looked up at the starry sky, and silently communicated with the holy Kaisha:
Angel Yan: "Queen, the Earth Super Seminary has rejected our help. They don't want the Earth to belong to the name of justice, and want to face the army of gluttonous civilization alone."

Holy Kaisa: "Respect the opinions of the Earth's Super Seminary first."

Angel Yan: "In addition to the light of the sun, I also saw the power of the galaxy and the Nuoxing God of War, as well as a special existence. He is a super genetic God of War that was inadvertently sown by the Super Seminary and the Deno survivors. , escaped from Morgana's hands, and single-handedly defeated the advance troops of Taotie and subdued a top-level beast-body war god created by Karl, the god of death."


Holy Keisha paused for a moment.

It seems to be digesting the message of Angel Yan's words.

"The power of the galaxy, let's see if he is worthy of you. In addition, the special existence you mentioned, please scan all the brain information about him and synchronize it. Let me take a look." Keisha said.

Angel Yan was a little flustered.

The queen is asking herself to choose a marriage partner.

Angel Yan: "I'm sorry Queen, that special existence is named Ye Yang, and there is some kind of protective energy in his brain. My eyes of insight can't detect the information in his brain, but I have sent you the information about his ability. .”

Holy Keisha paused for another moment.

It seemed that she was accepting and understanding what Angel Yan had sent her.


Holy Kesha says:

"This little guy is indeed very special, but at present it is basically certain that Morgana is hiding on the earth. You can contact him to see if you can find out the exact location of Morgana. By the way, give the crocodile made by Carl to him." Extinct, this kind of life form created against the logic of life in the universe should not appear in this universe."

"Yes, Queen."


Angel Yan brought Angel Chase and Angel Moy to the sky above Huangcun.

through the clouds.

The three of them could be clearly seen on the dark streets of Huangcun.

A handsome boy in a white T-shirt and black flip flops.

Sitting on a blonde beauty.

Repeated pain flat.

Angel Chase and Moy in the air for this scene.

With a surprised expression, he looked at Angel Yan beside him with complicated eyes.

Angel Moy whispered: "Sister Yan! The image he is riding seems to be you."

Angel Yan clenched his molars and said coldly:
"I saw it, let's go down together."

(End of this chapter)

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