Chapter 33 Complete simulation!Thor Enel!

"I told you to shut up and don't talk, you won't listen, right?"

"I just know how to eat, what an idiot."

"Let me tell you, Ms. Liang is a VIP guest of our hospital."

"What grade are you, grab food from her."

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Ye Yang stood on the rural cement road with one hand on his hip.

On one foot stood Thornton's red skirt and armor.


The angel that Thornton turned into was lying on the ground.

The legs are slender, and the skirt is slightly raised.

From a slightly lower angle, you can see the white inside of its skirt armor.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, don't hit me, I'm just hungry, hold your feet high, brother."

Thorton yelled loudly against Angel Yan's appearance.

"Hey, don't be so greedy in the future, brother will make you full."

Ye Yang shook his head speechlessly.

Withdraw the soles of the feet that stepped on Thornton's buttocks.

Ready to reach out and take out another gourmet furoshiki from the dimensional pocket.

After all, Thornton is his own younger brother.

Not very smart though.

But the victory lies in his rough skin and thick flesh, and he is a good hand at blocking troubles.

Just at this time.

In the night sky, three angel warriors with holy halos descended slowly.

Cold ice in the yard not far away.

I am enjoying the delicacies created by gourmet furoshiki.


She stopped her hands.

He clearly saw the three angels landing.

"Angel? Have you already set your sights on that kid?"

Ice put down the bowls and chopsticks.

Walk slowly towards the door.

At the same time, he silently released his own energy perception.

After confirming that Keisha is not here.

She is firm on her feet.

at the same time.

on the street.

"Meet you again, Ye Yang."

Angel Hiko himself greeted with a cold tone.

The person was standing at the other end of the street 20 meters away from Ye Yang and Suo Dunzu.

"Brother, it's the female angel during the day, and she brought two helpers!"

Thornton was surprised.

Hurry to protect Ye Yang behind him.

Ye Yang sighed lightly.

This sigh was full of speechlessness and helplessness.

Why are there aliens again?

It's that female angel of the day again.

And it also brought two new aliens over.

I just want to live a quiet and undisturbed life.

Is it that difficult?
"Isn't it clear what I said during the day? Don't bother me."

Ye Yang raised his right arm.

Brightened the blue N pole badge on the back of his hand.

Seeing this, Angel Yan's face darkened.


She held the flaming sword in her hand, raised it over her shoulder, and pointed the sword point directly at the night sky.

The silver thunder arc on the flame sword flickered.

Followed by.

The silver armor on Angel Yan's body also began to emit thunder and electricity.

"Turn this crocodile back from my form!"

"You really think I'm afraid of your black technology?"

"Do you know my name in the universe? My name is Thunder God of War! Yan!"

"Even if I am far away from you, I can still control the sky to kill you!"

After Dang Yan finished speaking these few words with great momentum.

Thunder billowed in the night sky.

The boundless dark cloud is thick and close to his forehead.

A series of thick electric dragons rolled in the clouds, looming.

The flickering electric light made the whole Huangcun pale.

"Crack! Big brother! This bitch will attract thunder!"

Thornton exclaimed, acting funny.

"Don't use my appearance to make a sound!"

Angel Yan on the opposite side saw Thornton making funny gestures against her appearance.

Instant fire.

A thought moves.


A huge thunder with a thickness of three meters struck Thorton directly from the thick black clouds.

Thunder boomed.

The entire Huangcun Village and even a radius of [-] kilometers were shrouded in pale white at this moment.

"I rely on!"

After Thornton exclaimed, his whole body was instantly enveloped by a torrent of silver lightning.


A large amount of plasma is continuously radiating in all directions radially.

The earth was blasted into a huge pit.

Numerous buildings in Huangcun were blown up by violent thunder.

The exposed steel bars evaporated the instant the thunder came into contact with it.

In the barracks stationed [-] kilometers away.

The soldiers of the entire reinforcement regiment are all serious.

But after everyone looked at the sky full of lightning in the village, awe flashed in their eyes again.

at the same time.

The very center of the lightning bombardment.

The transformed leaf on Thornton's forehead burst into shards the moment the powerful electric current penetrated it.

The body was also beaten back to its original shape.

At this moment, he is enduring the infusion of terrifying electric current.

The tail behind him was stretched straight by electricity.

Ye Yang on one side was also bombarded by massive electric current.

Because the simulation is the robot Doraemon.

Facing the invasion of powerful currents.

No damage at all.


"Ding! It was detected that the host's body was fatally injured, and the blood lock function of the system has been automatically activated. Please perform a full simulation within ten seconds."

Fortunately, the complete simulation system has a 100% blood locking function.

"Complete simulation! Thor Enel!"

Ye Yang muttered in his mouth under a piece of silver plasma.


A magical force spread in the body.

The physical pain caused by the thunder and lightning disappeared in an instant.

"Oh? Is this the state of Enilo?"

Among the massive plasma.

Ye Yang looked at his limbs and body, and then looked around.

It feels as comfortable as returning to the mother's womb.

The terrifying electric current is like a happy child, constantly trying to get into Ye Yang's body.

Ye Yang took a deep breath.


under the nasal cavity.

Two silver pillars of lightning formed and were continuously sucked into Ye Yang's body.

in a blink.

Ye Yang sucked up the huge amount of lightning and thunder around him.

Thornton, who was paralyzed by the electric shock, felt his legs go limp after the power of the lightning decreased, and he lay on the ground panting heavily.

Tremblingly chant:
"It's so refreshing, so numb, so comfortable, I can't do it~"

On the other hand, Ye Yang.

Under the gaze of the three of Angel Yan.

Feet slowly lifted off the ground.


The three lightning vortex columns are connected to the thunder pool in the sky clouds, suck!

The eyes are even more silvery.

The exposed skin was bright red, and countless veins were clearly visible.


Ye Yang, who was floating in the air, had an extremely domineering posture.

It has the power to devour the sky and the earth.

"He! He is devouring the thunder summoned by Sister Yan!"

Angel Moy said in horror.

"It is indeed devouring. He should be a genetic model that contains the ability of thunder and lightning. After so many years, this is the first time I have seen a super soldier eat thunder and lightning raw."

The angel on one side followed up with a comment.

Only Yan.

Dread secretly rose in my heart.

Just because of her understanding of Ye Yang, she already knows that Ye Yang has no less than three superpowers.

Now it actually showed another one.

This guy hides really deep!

No wonder Morgana would be interested in him.

(End of this chapter)

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