Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 34 Thunder God Form!God's punishment!Angel Yan's panic!

Chapter 34 Thunder God Form!God's punishment!Angel Yan's panic!
Under Ye Yang's continuous absorption.

The lightning energy in the billowing dark clouds began to weaken.

Thunder's bombing sound also became smaller.

Even some of the dark clouds are beginning to crumble.

"Thunder will be completely absorbed by him,
And according to my dark energy calculation group shows,
He has already stored all the thunder in his cells at this time,

The overall strength has been greatly improved,
In earth terms,
He is a large battery,
The cells of the whole body are recharging at this moment,

Become the energy he can control. "

A holographic calculation projection appeared in the void in front of Angel Chase.

Above are various dynamic data combinations.

"Yan, we can't let him absorb it anymore." Angel chased suggested.

Yan heard the words.

While expressionless.


She pointed her sword at the sky and stepped forward.

"I, Thunder God of War!

A personal disciple of Queen Keisha,
Possess the strongest thunder power in Merlot Heaven!
I'll see how much you can absorb,

Unlimited thunder! "

(Remarks: The current Yan doesn't have the nebula-level power of Infinite Thunder, it's just that this trick is called that.)
When Yan was in the process of singing.

The thunder and electric current all over his body were rushing wildly.

The surrounding ground was bombed indiscriminately.

Every bombing can leave deep pits on the ground and walls.

Both eyes were like Ye Yang's silver light.

Like Cyclops ready to go.

The angel behind chased him, and the angel Moy saw it.

I understand that this is starting to be serious.

Immediately, the two silently flapped their wings and flew away.

I saw Angel Yan switched to holding the sword with both hands.


The discharge capacity soared a hundredfold!
The blade of the sword is full of silver light.

Followed by.

A thick beam of thunder and lightning sprayed from the tip of the sword into the clouds, and rushed straight into the dark sky.

In an instant.

The electric beam rubs against the atmosphere.

It seems that thousands of divine birds are singing.

Unusually harsh.

"I'll see how much you can absorb."

Angel Yan stared coldly at Ye Yang floating in front of him and said.


Under this wave of her charge.

The clouds in the sky that were about to collapse once again surged with thunder waves.

Rays of radiating silver thunder pierced through the clouds, which was extremely dazzling, and the whole Huangcun was as bright as day.

outside the village.

Barracks station.

When the soldiers of the entire reinforcement regiment saw the originally dimmed clouds burst out with lightning that surpassed before.

All were stunned.

Some soldiers even had numb legs from fright.

But a big part of it is that powerful electricity is in the air.

Even the air twenty kilometers away is filled with enough electricity to make the human body feel numb.

"Quick! Tell the Juxia, there is a violent energy explosion here in Huangcun!"

"Oh my god, isn't this a weather weapon from a science fiction novel? What happened in Huangcun?!"

The two commanders in the army station shouted in horror.

And this moment.

Ye Yang was still floating in the mid-air of the ruined country streets.

Sniffing through the mouth and nose is connected to the torrent of lightning in the sky.


An extremely low muffled sound exploded from Ye Yang's chest.


Ye Yang let out a howl.

The three thunderbolts of electric current sucked by his mouth and nose instantly expanded from a trickle to a width of several meters.

It greedily devoured the thunder in the sky like a whale devouring an ox.

Angel Yan frowned.

Something feels wrong.


Ye Yang's chest kept beating like a drum.

Even overwhelmed the thunder in the sky.

on the sky.

Angel Chase and Angel Moy calculated Ye Yang at the same time.

The expression on the second girl's face became more and more shocked.

Angel Moy: "The target's body structure has undergone a mutation. His body cells no longer belong to the Shenhe body. How can this happen? Thunder, his body cells are completely composed of lightning. He has surpassed the scope of human beings!"

Angel Chase: "If it is said that his previous body cells were large batteries, then he is now a thunderbolt, a strange life form condensed by lightning into a human form!"

Angel Moy: "In Angel's database, there is no record of similar race or genetic constitution. It's amazing."

Angel Chase: "Not good, his size seems to be undergoing some kind of evolution due to the inhalation of a large amount of lightning!"

Angel Chase hurriedly used dark communication to inform Angel Yan below: "Yan, he seems to have evolved, you have to be careful!"

I saw Ye Yang at this time.

The T-shirt and jeans on his body turned into debris and disappeared.

The entire body began to quickly turn into an extremely bright silver blue.

And the original hairstyle.

It also turned into a sharp electric blue flame standing upside down like a hedgehog.

The eyebrows danced like flames.

The back of the arms and shoulders and neck.

A silver-blue divine iridescent ribbon formed out of thin air.

The originally well-proportioned figure also swelled and enlarged at this moment.

in a blink.

It turned into a three-meter-tall blue electro-optic giant.

Especially the stomach and chest, as big as a balloon, as strong as a cow, and there are spiral tattoos on both sides of the ribs.

Under the blessing of thunder and lightning, the lower body condensed into a scale skirt.

The overall shape is like the Four King Kongs in Buddhism.

Do not!

It is almost exactly the same as the Thunderbolt fruit Enilo Thor in One Piece!
"After absorbing my thunder, it turned into this appearance."


Ye Yang, who has always regarded himself as an angel of God, was staring at the sky in a daze.

Maybe at this moment.

Yan Yan may feel that this form of Ye Yang is more in line with the title of Thor.

at the same time.

Ye Yang with the body of Thunder God looked at Angel Yan.

The thick right arm stretches out.

Pointing to her.

Feeling being provoked, Angel Yan came back to his senses.

Without arrogance or impetuosity, he uttered contemptuous words:

"It's bluffing, kid. In my 7000 years of warrior career, you should be the most bluffing I've ever seen. I hope you can make me happy soon."

"You call yourself the god of thunder, then I will kill you in your field of expertise."

Ye Yang pointed to Angel Yan and said.


His flashing eyes looked at Angel Chase and Moy in the sky.


"You aliens are more annoying than the other."

"Today I will kill one and respect one hundred."

The voice just fell.

Ye Yang shouted loudly:
"God's Punishment!"

boom! ! ! !

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly made a dull and loud noise.

And a huge vortex hole appeared in the dark clouds.

The diameter of this huge vortex hole is as long as ten kilometers!

It was as if the sky had fallen.

Angel Yan waited in full force, holding a sword and looking at Tianyuan.


In the deep abyss.

Waves of silvery energy seemed to flicker from far away.

Although it seems weak.

next moment.

Angel Yan's complexion suddenly changed!
Shouted to Angel Chase and Moy in the sky:
"Hide in the wormhole and escape from here!"

[Because the imitation is Enilo, and absorbing the power of Angel Yan's Infinite Thunder, Ye Yang's combat power will far exceed the original Enilo. 】

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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