Chapter 35 A Sword Pierces Angel Yan!

After hearing Yan's order.

Ah Zhui and Moy quickly turned around and disappeared into the wormhole.

And at this very same instant.

In the abyss.

The torrent, the silver torrent, the pure silver thunder torrent slanted down like a galaxy of stars.

It directly covers the entire Huangcun Village and nearby mountains and rivers.

This scale is ordinary lightning?
This is in the ancient restricted area in fantasy novels.

The sea of ​​thunder and calamity refined by the supreme power!
"It's too late to hide in the wormhole."

Angel Yan looked up at the huge thunder curtain above Tianyuan's head that quickly struck.

My heart sank violently.

I had a chance to hide in the wormhole just now.

However, it was too terrifying to discover the thunderstorm energy contained in Tianyuan in advance.

Subconsciously reminded Angel Chase and Moy.

But I lost this precious moment of escape.

next moment.

boom! ! !
The power of the boundless thunderstorm went straight down.

The moment of the crash.

Within a radius of ten kilometers, it seemed to have entered a pale world.

Twenty kilometers away at the reinforcement regiment barracks.

A large number of soldiers were blinded by Sheng Guang's stabbing.

Only the leader, Lao Li, wore sunglasses early on.

Hold the binoculars and stand in place to watch the scene in Huangcun.

I saw a huge silver thunder column reaching the sky and blasting down.

within ten kilometers.

The mountains that stretched for an unknown number of kilometers could only be seen as vague lines, but these lines also dissipated in an instant under the bombardment of the thunderstorm.

Near Huangcun.

There is a long river that flows into the sea.

Thousands of years have flowed quietly.

It is a tributary of the Yangtze River.

At this moment, a large amount of seawater was evaporated.

The river bed also cracked in an instant, turning into a big pit.

Followed by.

The ground where the barracks was located began to hum.

An earthquake begins to erupt.

I saw a large area of ​​soil uplift.

Towering trees, countless fertile fields, national roads, expressways, and even railway tracks were all deformed and collapsed.

Also at an altitude of twenty kilometers away.

Angel Moy and Angel Chase emerged from the wormhole.

look back.

The eyes of the second daughter were horrified.

"Sister Ah Zhui, this power is comparable to a normal one-hit Heavenly Blade Judgment."

Moy said.

"Almost, this Ye Yang is really a freak." Ah Zhui couldn't imagine.

This Ye Yang is just an unknown genetic mutant.

If he can bring back part of his genes back to Tiancheng.

Definitely worth researching.


center of thunderstorm.

Thunder sputum formed a sea, and the temperature was as high as the sun.

Angel Yan, who was wearing silver armor, knelt down on his knees under the pressure of the waterfall-like torrent.

The angel silver armor produced by Melo Tianting on his body turned red under the high temperature, and even softened visible to the naked eye.

There were even large red spots on Yan's fair skin.

When Yan's armor completely turned into liquid metal and melted all over the place.

Her inner clothes were also blasted to pieces under the action of lightning.


Every inch of her skin is being baptized by the thunder jelly.

If this is placed in the fantasy world of a certain brat.

How many amazing people are so hungry.

But a pity.

At this moment, Angel Yan was trembling from being tortured.

The wings and feathers on the back fell off even more, scorched black and smelly.

Even the magnetic pole badge was smashed into powder.


Angel Yan only felt three dots on his body.

Those washed by the current only feel pain and sourness.

And this sour feeling.

In wave after wave, I tried to break my bottom line of reason.

Angel Yan gritted his teeth.

Doing my best to restrain the painful and sour feeling in my body, I said in my heart:

"My body uses the third-generation divine body technology of the angelic civilization,
Also known as the invincible body in the universe,

In the known universe,

Only the flame-level weapon and the god-killing-level weapon in my hand can kill me,

The high temperature of thunder can't kill me!

It is this huge amount of lightning that is so overwhelming that I can't move,
Uh uh~ Damn it,

I have obviously been abstinent for 7000 years,
Why in this case,
Will a wisp of that feeling be born in your head?
It must be that the body was washed by lightning,
The perception of various types has been improved countless times. "


A vaguely huge figure slowly emerged from the plasma torrent.

Angel Yan looked up with difficulty.

It was Ye Yang in Thor's state.

He was in the middle of the thunderstorm torrent like no one else.

His posture and appearance are as majestic as a god descending.

"Is it invincible? Your alien technology is really scary, and none of them are dead."

Thunder God Ye Yang said.

His eyes sized up the shirtless Angel Yan.

That look.

It's like watching a barbie doll stripped of its gorgeous coat at a relative's house.

No mood swings.

Because in Ye Yang's subjective consciousness.

Although this alien has a beautiful human appearance.

But don't forget.

She also has wings on her back.

In the final analysis, they are foreigners.

The so-called angels are a group of beasts with wings.

On the other hand, Angel Yan.

He was in a kneeling posture, with his forehead on the ground, and a spine with clear bones.

She didn't want her body to be seen by Ye Yang.

But under the extremely ferocious thunderstorm bombardment.

It can only be difficult to make such an action, acting as the last fig leaf to protect his dignity as the left guard of the holy Kaisa.


Ye Yang hooked his finger.

The flame war sword in a corner was sucked into Ye Yang's palm.

"A flame-level weapon?

That's the only thing that can kill you, right? "

Ye Yang spoke again.

He looked at the sword in his hand.

Due to body expansion.

The Raging Flame Sword is like a child's toy in the hands of Ye Yang in Thor form.

"You? How do you know?!"

When Angel Yan saw Ye Yang holding the Flame War Sword in his hand.


Really panicked.

It is obvious that I am only an active word in my heart.

How would he know?
Has your own brain domain been invaded?

Just when Angel Yan was puzzled.

Ye Yang pierced Angel Yan's back with a sword.

The sword edge pierced from the chest in an instant.

The blood was evaporated by the high temperature of the thunderstorm in an instant.

A low growl came from Hiko's throat.

His eyes were wide open, full of fear and unwillingness.

At this time.

Ye Yang let go of the hilt of his sword, shook his head, and asked in a rather speechless tone:

"Why so much why,
I obviously gave you a chance,

I also said that I don't want to get involved in the disputes of you aliens,
Don't come to provoke me,

Look, dead?

Is it good to live well?
I just want to live well,

Just live my quiet life,

Hey, I'm really convinced. "


Thunder God Ye Yang waved his hand.

Thunderfall is over.

The clouds in the sky cleared.

The entire Yellow Village, including the terrain within a radius of ten kilometers, has become a huge sunken and scorched basin.

It was as if someone scooped up a spoonful with a huge spoon.

 Why does the protagonist know Angel Yan's inner activities: Because Enilo's passive skill is the heart net, which can know the inner thoughts of others.

(End of this chapter)

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