Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 36 Yan, the secondary biological engine is on!

Chapter 36 Yan, the secondary biological engine is on!
The world is silent, and the surroundings are scorched black.

Only the jade plate in the sky hangs high.

Even if the cold moonlight falls on the Huaxia at night.

But in the scorched black basin of the Huangcun ruins.

that moonlight.

It seemed to be absorbed by this large area of ​​scorched black.

At first glance, it looks like a black hole, which cannot even be penetrated by light.

A sound of falling sounded in the basin.

It's an angel covered in samara.

Her wings were folded, scorched black, lying on her side on the ground, her eyes slowly closed.

The flaming sword that runs through its front and rear body is very eye-catching.

"It's finally quiet, but it's a pity for the whole Huangcun Village, but I can just take this opportunity to find a quiet place to live, preferably a place where aliens can't find it."

Ye Yang sighed in his heart.

Susu~ Susu~

There was movement from a scorched black soil behind him.

Ye Yang looked back.

I saw Thornton crawling out of the ruins in a panic.

His body was covered in black filth, and he couldn't tell whether it was electric scorched or other debris.

"Oh my brother! Your move is too fierce! You almost electrocuted me to death."

Thornton complained loudly.

But full of spirit.

Obviously just suffered some flesh and blood injuries.

Seeing this, Ye Yang was slightly startled.

"I was so angry just now, I forgot about you, are you not hurt?"

Ye Yang took two steps forward to check the road.

My own character, even after time travel, has not changed.

Not only are they unmotivated to do poorly at work.

And when you are angry, you have no scruples.

"I'm fine."

Thornton saw that Ye Yang cared about him.

Immediately patted his chest to show his strength.

"As long as it's okay, let's go back first and tell Miss Liang."

Ye Yang nodded and said.


Ye Yang and Thornton realized something at the same time.

The expressions of the two showed a funny look at the same time.

"Brother, you wiped out the entire village, and the yard we lived in must have disappeared, Miss Liang."

Thornton looked at Ye Yang beside him.

asked in a naive tone.

Ye Yang heard the words.

Resting his forehead with one hand, he closed his eyes silently.

Yeah, I forgot about it myself.

For no reason, I accidentally killed the tenant who came to give me money.

What a sin.

"Hey! Brother, look!"


Thornton's voice was high-pitched.

The crocodile arm pointed forward, and quickly ran out several meters.

"Our yard is fine! Damn it!"

Hear this.

Ye Yang froze for a moment.

Immediately looked in the direction of Thornton's finger.


I saw that the small rural courtyard where I lived was quietly sitting on the spot without any damage.

And the incandescent lights in the courtyard are still shining.

It is incompatible with the surrounding scorched black basin.

"Let's go and have a look."

Ye Yang was puzzled.

Logically speaking.

The God's Punishment move that I just made was almost destructive.

How could the yard remain unscathed?

He took Thornton and ran all the way towards the yard.

at the same time.

Behind Angel Yan's body.

The void surged.

Angel Chase and Angel Moy emerged from the wormhole.

When the second daughter saw Yan who had been pierced through the chest and back by a sword.

Hastily bent down to check the injury.

"Sister Yan is dead!"

Moi held Hiko's body in his arms.

When it was discovered that Yan's body had lost his vital signs.

His tone and expression were full of disbelief.

Ah Zhui on one side.

He closed his eyes sadly and shook his head.

The two didn't expect it at all.

Yan Yan's 7000-year warrior career ended in such a tragic death.

And he died at the hands of an unknown earthling.

When Ah Zhui opened his eyes again.

His eyes fixed on the back of Ye Yang who was leaving.

He clenched the flame war sword tightly in his hand but dared not make a move.

"Take Shangyan's body and leave here. I need to report the situation to Queen Keisha immediately. From now on, Ye Yang will be the enemy of our angelic civilization!"


Ah Zhui and Mo Yi carried Angel Yan's "corpse" and flew straight into the sky and disappeared into the night.

at the same time.

Angel Yan only felt that his drowsy consciousness began to gradually wake up.

When you open your eyes.

Yan saw a dark chaos around him.

His body is very ethereal.

Although it is a lossless image with silver armor and wings on its back.

Dan Yan felt as vain as a ghost.

"Didn't I get killed by Ye Yang with my flaming sword?"

"here is?"

Yan murmured to himself.


A female voice sounded in this dark and chaotic space:

"Hello, Angel Yan."

"Meet you for the first time, I am your secondary biological engine in the dark plane."

"Your heart has stopped and your life is gone."

Hearing the subbiological engine prompting that he was dead.

Angel Yan was still a little lost in his heart.

Because the secondary biological engine in his body is a secret product that violates the justice and order of Queen Kesha.

"Okay, I understand." Hiko said.

"Then, I will activate within you, and it will destroy and redefine your heart, and you will no longer be an ordinary angel."

"I need to ask you three questions."

"Excuse me: Why did Holy Kaisa only implant sub-biological engines on you and Zhi Xin?"

Angel Yan: "Because Zhixin and I are the queen's guards and are also responsible for the future new queen, if we die in battle early, Enishid may not grow up to that position."

"Then the second question: how did you see your resurrection?"

Face this problem.

The appearance of Ye Yang in Thor's state emerged in Angel Yan's mind.

Both palms silently clenched into fists.

With a dark face, he said:
"This is a disgrace, it is a violation of the order of the angels and the queen, and life must be born or died, so that justice can be practiced."

"The third question: Even if you activate it now, your body will still be weak, but with a strong enemy in sight, do you want to take this risk?"

Angel Yan's eyes were firm: "Yes! Please escort me immediately, Ah Zhui, to a safe place in the Milky Way."

"Do you want to use the secondary biological ability so recklessly?"

"Ye Yang is too weird, and there is Morgana watching secretly on the earth. I must guarantee the safety of Queen Kaisha's arrival."


outside world.

Moi hugged Angel Yan's body, and the Ahmaiti sword opened the way and flew.

Has come all the way outside the atmosphere.


A mysterious force disappeared instantly with the three of them.

at the same time.

In the scorched black basin of the Huangcun ruins.

A small, intact rural courtyard glowed with blazing lights.

Ye Yang and Thornton came outside the fence.

(Today is my birthday, so I will update a chapter, friends have dinner together)
(End of this chapter)

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