Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 37 Receive cold ice protection fee!

Chapter 37 Receive cold ice protection fee!

The so-called fence is a guardrail made of dry branches.

About as tall as a person.

One person and one crocodile looked into the yard through the gap between the fences.

I saw the courtyard.

Liang Bing, who was wearing a long beige windbreaker, was still sitting on the seat in the courtyard.

Chewing and swallowing slowly the food made from gourmet furoshiki on the table.

on top of its head.

The incandescent chandeliers responsible for lighting still attract a large number of palm-sized moths.

"Damn it? This female bun is actually fine! Brother, did you deliberately avoid this place when you used your big move?"

Thorton and Ye Yang walked along the fence towards the gate of the yard.

Ye Yang shook his head.

The expression is also very puzzled.

When I made my big move, I didn't evade anything at all.

Moreover, the several kilometers around the small farmyard are all scorched and sunken. Why are the lights in the yard on?
and also.

There was such an earth-shattering battle outside the yard just now.

This Liangbing actually ate food like a normal person.

So weird.

Ye Yang pushed open the courtyard gate.

Cover up with the sound of the door opening.

At the same time, he signaled Thornton softly:
"This woman may be weird, you should be careful later."

"Okay bro."

The dinner table.

With his back to the door, Liang Bing smiled slightly.

Just now I saw three angels descending on Huangcun.

And it seems to be aimed at Ye Yang.

I plan to intervene.

Unexpectedly, I just walked to the door.

Sensing Ye Yang, Thornton fought with the three angels.

In the end, Ye Yang launched the move of divine sanction.

The astonishing destructive power made Liang Bing himself feel a little bit excited.

At the same time, the space-time wormhole barrier was directly used to defend the entire small courtyard.

"Miss Liangbing, is the food still to your liking?"

When Ye Yang and Thornton came to both sides of the dining table at the same time, they stared at Liang Bing.

Ye Yang's tone was tinged with yin and yang.

There was a look of indifference and scrutiny in his eyes.

"Wow, what a big crocodile, alien?"

Liang Bing pretended to be surprised by Thornton.

But anyone can see that this acting is too bad.

Comparable to Feng Baobao in Under Someone.

"Stop acting, you're an alien too."

Ye Yang asked coldly.

Although I have a lazy personality.

But that doesn't mean you're a fool.

"I killed a female alien just now outside. Since you protected my yard, I can forgive your interruption. Let's leave after eating these meals." Ye Yang issued an order to evict the guest.

Thornton on the side is acting as a thug.

Clenching his crocodile fists left and right, rattling.

He even made a humanized villain expression on his face.

"Hey~ what aliens, I'm just like you, just an ordinary person with special genetic abilities, that's all, refund the money, I'll leave right away."

With a regretful tone, Liang Bing stood up and said.

He reached out to Ye Yang to ask for it.


Ye Yang's originally indifferent expression became a little embarrassed.

He looked down at himself.

I am Cao!

Why is he wearing a pair of white bitter tea?

The system in the brain seemed to know what Ye Yang was asking.

Immediately replied:
"Reporting to the host, because after you use the ability many times, the clothes on your body will burst and fall apart, so the system has opened an auxiliary function for you, called [Infinite Underpants]."

"As long as you are completely naked after desimulation, this function will be triggered."

After listening.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to thank him or complain.

The heart is very complicated.

Because the 1 yuan that Liangbing asked for his refund seemed to have been turned into powder in the battle just now.

My WeChat balance is only 500 yuan.

And the five hundred is all his belongings. can this be done.

"Huh? No retreat? Then I can't leave."

Seeing that Ye Yang didn't speak for a long time, Liang Bing stood there in a daze.

Immediately sat down again.

With his hands folded over his chest, he had an unfriendly attitude.

I was secretly happy in my heart.

After this period of contact and observation with Ye Yang.

Although this guy has various abilities.

However, behavior patterns and thoughts are still affected by the solidification of human society in the pre-nuclear era.

Very observant of social order.

And Liang Bing also knows that Ye Yang is poor, but has a lazy personality.

So use money and human social rules to check and balance him.

is the most effective.

"Ahem, it seems that you are also a person with a story, let's sit down and talk first."

Because there is no money back.

Ye Yang can only paralyze this woman with a delaying strategy.

"You said that you are a person with special genes? I have indeed encountered a lot recently, angels, demons, and space fleets, and what other earth-native super seminaries do you know?" Ye Yang asked.

At the same time, he beckoned to signal Thornton not to play the role of villain.

Sit down and talk together.

Immediately, Thorton was eating happily while listening to the conversation between Ye Yang and Liang Bing.

Liang Bing uttered the phrases he had thought up long ago:

"Super Seminary approached me. They said that the light of the sun turned on a batch of super genes on the earth. We are the selected super fighters. They want me to fight aliens. I have no interest in these at all. I I just want to live in peace, but they won't let me, so I hide from them everywhere."

Hear this.

Inexplicably, it aroused Ye Yang's inner resonance.

Although I am not a super gene carrier.

But isn't my life these few days also being disturbed in various ways?

"I can understand it too well, then you can stay here, and don't talk about refunding money in the future, though."

Ye Yang said righteously and sternly.

"But what?"

Hearing that Ye Yang didn't want to drive him away.

Liang Bing secretly rejoiced.

But when she heard another sentence, it immediately aroused her curiosity.

"But you have to add money, 1 yuan is just the price of food and housing, I have to protect you now, this protection fee"

Ye Yang rubbed his fingers to signal.


This woman is not bad looking.

But it looks like he's almost thirty.


There is a high probability that it is a prostitute or a mistress who is kept outside by the big boss.

Absolutely no money in hand.

"Oh~ add more money, no problem, how much do you want? As long as you can protect me well, I can afford to give as much as you want."

Said coldly.

Ye Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

Smiling and shaking his head, he took a deep breath.

Ms. Kuan!
Sure enough, I was right.

Think for a moment.

Ye Yang extended a slap and said:
"Every month you give me an extra 5000 yuan."

"Hehehe~ five thousand, what if I give you an extra ten thousand a month to protect you at night?"

Liang Bing asked with her charming tone and drawing eyes.

Ye Yang suddenly felt it.

under the table.

My calf was being rubbed against something cold.

I looked down.

It's black silk toe!
Damn, this woman is not simple!
(End of this chapter)

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