Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 48 The Heroic Company! 1 Let's be buried here!

Chapter 48 The Heroic Company!Let's be buried here together!

Ram, ram, ram! ! !
Ram, ram, ram! ! !
The unique friction sound of metal chains erupted in the atmosphere.

A series of golden chains suddenly sprang out from the scorched black ground behind Ye Yang.

Although it is in the form of a chain.

But the swift and slender golden Xunying, which is all over the sky, looks like a dragon.

A majestic swirling torrent was formed, winding and strangling towards Leina.

Lena saw this.

Instantly fires two energy bombs.


The energy bomb collided with the golden chain of order and couldn't shake it at all.

Realizing something was wrong, Reina immediately jumped up her legs.


The ground collapsed and black waves surged.

Relying on her powerful body strength, Reina shot straight into the sky.

But the rattling sound of the chains in his ears became more and more clear.

Look down.

Good guy.

The golden chain seems to have turned on the tracking and positioning function, chasing after it in the air, no matter how I change the flight trajectory, I can't escape the tracking, and the distance between the two sides is even more visible to the naked eye.

Ye Yang on the ground saw that the time had come and said.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Squeeze the supernatural power seal with your hand.

"seal up!"

When empty.

The torrent of golden chains that was about to catch up to Lena opened its huge chain mouth like a piranha.

And accelerated violently.

Wrap Reina in it.

This is the end.

Reina hovered in the air.

Watching the golden chain formed into a spherical ball, which is as solid as gold, rotates at a high speed like a ripple.

Lena felt the pressure.

Look in one direction.

Lena continuously released high-speed energy bombs with both hands to bombard the target.

However, this chain is the product of the power of rules.

The level is far beyond this mere stellar energy bomb.

After Reina found out that her destruction was useless.

I want to use the micro-wormhole transportation technology to escape the encirclement formed by this strange golden chain.

Under one thought.

Reina had a bewildered expression on her face.

The wormhole cannot be expanded!

what happened? ? ?

Immediately, Lena used the communication device that came with the dark alloy suit to contact the outside wormhole master Qiangwei:
"This chain is not right, it can actually prevent me from opening the wormhole!"

"Rose, Rose! Can you hear me?"

The voice just fell.

The chain of order shrank instantly.

Layer upon layer of chains of order were tightly bound around Lena's body.

The whole person is like a golden mummy in the air.

And it slowly descended towards Ye Yang below.


In front of Ye Yang.

A group of Xiongbing companies rushed to them.

When they saw Lena was mummified.

All are extremely shocking.

Under the brief confrontation.

Ye Yang actually displayed several powerful and terrifying ultimate moves.

And a normal person can see it.

Ye Yang's control and development of his own super genetic ability.

It has far surpassed their group of so-called rigorously trained heroes and super soldiers!

"Captain Reina! Are you still alive?"


Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun kept a safe distance from Ye Yang.

One by one, the hands are spread over the mouth.

Shouted towards the chains of order that had slowly drifted down in front of Ye Yang.

"Ye Yang, let Lena go, we won't ask you to join me!"

Qiangwei thinks she understands Ye Yang well.

Standing at the front of the line, he asked with a serious tone and sincere eyes.

"If you can't beat it, just say this kind of nonsense. I gave you a chance just now."

Ye Yang looked at these people in front of him coldly.

Because the simulation is the Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian.

Now the whole person's aura and words and deeds are as domineering and crazy as Shi Zhongtian himself.

I saw Ye Yang's right index finger and middle finger together forming a sword.

Pointing to the chain of order around him.


Ram ram ram ~!

Everyone's eyes were horrified.

I saw the tight golden chains rubbing against each other again.


Inside, Lena only felt that her body was about to be squeezed.

Make painful noises.


Stunned-headed Qingge Xiaolun picked up the big sword in his hand and slashed at the chain of order.

Everyone was taken aback by his behavior.

But fortunately, Ye Yang did not attack Ge Xiaolun.

Everyone saw that the great sword known as piercing the fear of the void was directly shaken off Ge Xiaolun's hands the moment it collided with the chain of order.

Spinning in the air and flying backwards for more than ten meters.

Accurately inserted into the ground.

Xin Zhao: "My Cao, I can't even chop Xiao Lun's big sword, what is this thing? Didn't Super Seminary say that Xiao Lun, Chuang Zi, and Leina's god-making genes are the strongest? What? Ye Yangqiang paid so much?"

Liu Chuang: "Well, Brother Hou, can you save Captain Leina?"

Sun Wukong's golden eyes and fiery eyes are working at this time.

Facing Liu Chuang's inquiry.

Sun Wukong said in a deep voice:

"This chain is formed by the condensed power of rules,

It belongs to the high-level application of dark energy. "

When Wukong said this paragraph full of technical content.

Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Cheng Yaowen, Rui Mengmeng and Qiangwei all looked at him with unbelievable and half-knowledge eyes.

"During this time, I have added a lot of knowledge in the Super Seminary, so don't make such a fuss."

Wukong finished.

He looked at Ge Xiaolun and said:
"Xiao Lun, I have studied your ability. You have the ability to suppress dark energy. Try it with your silence."

Ge Xiaolun nodded heavily after receiving the instructions.

Full of confidence again.

However, just when he was about to open his mouth and shout out the word quiet.

A big pussy pocket was drawn violently.

Ye Yang slapped Ge Xiaolun directly on one cheek.

The whole person turned into an arrow.

Spiraling to the right direction and lasing away.

Along the way, several milky white sound barriers were continuously broken through in the air.

"Damn, discuss tactical countermeasures in front of me? Do you really think I'm blind and deaf?"

Ye Yang stared at the crowd in front of him coldly and said.

"It's over, Xiao Lun!"

Zhao Xinxin, who was the fastest, was in love.

With one charge, he jumped far and chased after Ge Xiaolun.

"Can you stop going crazy! We are all Earthlings, is it necessary to do this?"

At this time.

Qiangwei couldn't stand Ye Yang's behavior anymore.

He rebuked angrily:
"If you don't want to defend the earth, then you should hide, and we will never come to you again."


Ye Yang's face was gloomy:

"Is this the attitude you begged me for?"

"It's you who want to fight, and you who don't fight. It's your own crime, you can't live!"

"Let's be buried here together!"

"hand of God!"

Ye Yang once again used his great supernatural power.

Everyone saw Ye Yang behind him.

Suddenly, a white palm phantom appeared, and that phantom continued to grow larger, and in the blink of an eye, it looked like a billions of feet of ancient fairy mountains, exuding hazy and pure white light.

Everyone felt hopeless and small.

Sun Wukong and Liu Chuang hold weapons.

Gritting his teeth, he prepared to fight with his back with a solemn expression.

Cheng Yaowen used the power of the earth to create an extremely thick rock shield wall to protect everyone.

The hand of God was huge, and it slammed towards everyone on the ground.

A firm palm struck the solid black ground.

There is no imaginary tens of kilometers of land cracking, and even the smoke and dust are not rolled up.

This palm.

Only a handprint dent with a range of one or two kilometers was left on the ground, which was fully embedded in the ground three meters deep.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang was a little confused.

The power of the hand of God cannot be so small.

Followed by.

A sense of suffocation and biting cold came from outside the body.

Ye Yang looked around quickly.

I saw that the surrounding starry sky was extremely dark and deep.

Those trash are also gone.

The ground under his feet was not the ruins of Huangcun, but a huge hard metal island.

There are also countless mountain-sized meteorites floating quietly around the island.

"Here? Universe?"

Ye Yang was confused.

Why did I suddenly come here from Huangcun?

Is it some kind of space transfer method used by those trash?
"Ding! It is detected that the host's body is suffering fatal harm. The blood lock function will be activated in ten seconds. Please simulate a character suitable for the current environment as soon as possible."

in the brain.

Full simulation system prompts.

"It seems right. This place is indeed somewhere in the universe. With the strength of Shi Zhongtian in the array realm, it is not enough to cross the universe physically." Ye Yang murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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