Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 49 Death Carl Appears!Completely imitate Silver Super!

Chapter 49 Death Carl Appears!Completely imitate Silver Super!
Since I was sent to the unknown depths of the universe.

Moreover, there are a large number of alien civilizations in this cosmic worldview.


There is a group of aliens ambushing near this huge meteorite belt.

I have to simulate a person with super strength.

And can survive in the universe starry sky.

Do not know why.

At this moment, Ye Yang couldn't help but see a muscular figure in a red cloak, blue tights and underwear outside his mind.

"Completely simulated! Super Silver!"

When Ye Yang shouted the simulated password in his heart.

Originally, the physical body was suffering from the extreme cold temperature in space and the uncomfortable feeling of vacuum pressure.

Instantly dissipated.

Ye Yang himself could even feel it clearly.

The hardness of his body has reached the level where he can blast a planet with his physical body, and even the Big Bang can't hurt him.

A sneeze by yourself can even blow the entire solar system into another galaxy.

One's own speed can traverse multiple dimensions and break multiple time barriers.

His own IQ has also been greatly improved.

He has an extremely clear control over everything around him.

"This is the superhuman power of the silver age. It's really good."

Ye Yang squeezed his fists to feel the destructive power in his body.

There was a sound of admiration in my heart.


He looked at the many meteorite debris belts floating around.

Under rough perception.

There seems to be no ambush or danger around.

Followed by.

Bloody red energy flowed in Ye Yang's pupils.

The two pillars of high-energy lasers exploded in an instant and went out to an unknown distance.

An irregular meteorite with a size of [-] meters was instantly exploded.

Accompanied by Ye Yang turning his neck.

With two pillars of red high-energy lasers, a large number of meteorites that have been up and down for unknown billions of years along the way are blasted or cut into pieces.

When the meteorite belt completely dissipated.

The field of vision is also widened.

Ye Yang didn't even see a spaceship or anything.

"You are very strange. The genes and abilities in your body have been undergoing some mysterious changes."


A voice sounded in the dark space of the universe.

And it was clearly passed into Ye Yang's ears.

According to the common sense of the earth, the universe cannot transmit sound.

Therefore, the voice just now should be some kind of thought force wave, or telepathy.

"Don't play tricks, come out, you bunch of trash."

It happened to be among the many abilities of the Silver Dachao.

There is also the item of thought power.


Ye Yang only saw an illusory figure appearing in the void more than ten meters in front of him.

He was wearing a black suit.

Wearing a black hat, the whole body is airtight, and a metal skull mask is on his face.

But this person seems to be an energy body or a virtual projection or something.

A ring of blue energy light is inlaid around the body.

Gives an unreal feeling.


Ye Yang shot Cyclops directly.

The laser light penetrated the person's body and shot into the depths of the universe.

The man was unscathed.

"A phantom...doesn't dare to appear in front of me?" Ye Yang said lightly.

"I am the High Priest of the Styx Civilization, Snow."

Ye Yang was furious: "Styx. Another alien, don't let me know where your lair is, hum!"

Snow: "Ye Yang, you are very special, and you have attracted the attention of my god Karl. As long as you are willing to leave the earth, my god Karl can reward you with hundreds of living planets and make you the overlord of a domain."

Ye Yang: "Your god Karl? Reward? Let me leave the earth? Hehe~ A dog is also yelling in front of me, let that man named Karl come out and talk to me."

Snow: "My god, Karl, is the oldest god in the known universe. It is your great honor for me to stand in for you. Don't be too arrogant."

Ye Yang smiled coldly:
"Hmph~ Then there's nothing to talk about,
Then let me analyze why you want me to leave the earth,

I was about to kill those trash just now,
You have moved me here,
And your purpose is to invade the earth,
But how can they help the group of super soldiers who protect the earth?
Unless, among the group of super wastes, there is a waste that you fancy,

Is that monkey?
Or the female captain?
It should be the female captain, right? "

When Snow heard Ye Yang's analysis.

The expression hidden under the metal mask was very gloomy.

This guy's analytical ability is really scary.


Snow was about to speak up to defend himself.

The illusory body projection was suddenly forcibly offline and disappeared.

Ye Yang's expression was cold.

I was just cheating casually.

It seems that I really guessed right.

The Styx civilization valued the female captain very much.

The reason is that I have no interest in it.

Waited a moment.

See that the other party is not online again.

Ye Yang is about to leave here and return to Earth.

Although that earth is not the earth in his previous life.

But at least the similarity is as high as 90.00%, and I live comfortably.

No need to move.

"Do you want to leave now? Do you know how many billions of light-years away from the earth in the Chiwu star system?"


A calm and young voice sounded in Ye Yang's ear.

I saw another illusory figure emerging from the void.

is a teenager.

Wears a scholarly hooded robe trimmed in blue and gold.

Short blonde hair.

The facial features are delicate and delicate.

Gives you the feeling of a shy teenager.

But those amber eyes were not as clear as those of a teenager.

On the contrary, it is the kind of sophistication and calmness that are used to seeing the vicissitudes of the universe.

"Which one are you? You have the ability to use your body to come to me." Ye Yang said coldly.

"I'm Karl from the Death Song Academy of Styx Civilization, you can also call me Karl, Lord of Styx, God of Death."

"What? I guessed it right just now, are you afraid that I will go back to Earth?"

Ye Yang looked at the boy.

I guess in my heart that the boy's appearance is just a fantasy.

In fact, I don't know what kind of old monster it is.

"It was indeed guessed by you. Di Leina, the captain of the Xiongbing Company, is an important part of my next plan on Earth. You almost killed her and almost ruined the future development of the entire universe." Carl said lightly. Said.

"Then I'm quite powerful, so you appear now to kill me? If you have any tricks, come over immediately."

"I don't want to kill you. You are special. I can feel it. As long as you don't return to Earth, I can let you go."

"First of all, I hate other people threatening me the most. Secondly, I must go back to the earth. By the way, you just said that you are Karl from the Dead Song Academy, right? Then you are in the Dead Song Academy now, right? "

Hear Ye Yang's words.

Carl was silent.


Ye Yang said silently in his heart:

"Full simulation! Doraemon!"

There is an extra four-dimensional pocket on the T-shirt.

Ye Yang was under Karl's silent gaze again.

Take out a pink portal from the four-dimensional pocket

(End of this chapter)

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