Chapter 54 Holy Keisha, you bitch!
Keisha's eyes paused on Ye Yang for a while.

It seems that he recognized Ye Yang's face.

Immediately, a white light flashed in his eyes.

The eyes of insight opened and then quickly closed.

"Oh? It's interesting. The brain is protected by a mysterious force, and even I can't invade it. Is it a firewall designed to resist the eye of insight?"

"Yan, is that person, this face, I have seen it several times in the battle reports uploaded by you and Zhi Xin."

Holy Kesha secretly transmitted to Angel Yan on the left side of the throne.

Yan Yan followed Keisha's line of sight.


I saw Ye Yang on the side of the lower deck.

"It's him, he actually returned to Earth from the Styx civilization so quickly?
Karl must be behind the scenes to help,

But he stood with the people of Super Seminary,
It is estimated that it has been incorporated by the Earth Super Seminary,
It also confirms the inference I suspected before that he was a dark son planted by Karl on the earth.

but the queen,

He has a double identity, and there is no evidence to directly prove his identity as Karl Anzi,

We can't hit him. "

Yan secretly replied.

The tone is calm though.

But there was a sense of unwillingness in the brow.

Now I have learned various combat usages of the biological engine.

The strength is not what it used to be.

I wanted to follow Queen Keisha back to Earth this time.

While killing Morgana.

By the way, find Ye Yang to avenge the previous torture, and capture Melo Heavenly Court for Tianji Wang Hexi to study his genetic composition.

But now, Ye Yang's identity and position have changed.

It is also more difficult for Angel to deal with Ye Yang.

"He once attacked the holy left wing of the king, which is a felony in itself. Don't worry, do the business first." Holy Kaisha responded secretly.

"Are you Holy Kesha?"

"What are you doing here on Earth?"


At the front of the Juxia aircraft carrier deck, Ducao in military uniform shouted.

"War Madman Dukao?"

"Seeing you here, I seem to understand everything."

"Give me a minute to read about Earth."

Kesha on the throne looked at Ducao after hearing the voice.

I recognized it at a glance.

Immediately, the eyes of insight were opened, and the eyes glowed with white light, looking straight ahead at the void.

The commented with words in his mouth said:

"Well, it's a beautiful world, but it's full of wars. The whole history is wars. Wars. Wars. Deaths. No wonder Morgana and Reaper Karl are interested in you."

Her voice has its own reverberation.

Clearly passed into everyone's ears.

Ye Yang in the corner didn't recognize Angel Yan.

Because in his cognition.

The blonde female angels in the sky are all beautiful, as if they came out of a comic.

Plus there are a lot of them.

It directly caused Ye Yang to suffer from face blindness.

"This group of high-ranking blonde female angel aliens is really annoying to watch. With so many of them here, are they planning to start invading the earth from here?"

"I'm too lazy to care."

"By the way, I'm going to seek compensation from that man named Ducao."

Ye Yang looked forward to Dukao who had his back turned to him.

I only heard Ducao yelling at Kesha above again:
"You angelic civilization, didn't you come here just to start a war?"

"Come here for the war? We don't need to use war to talk to you." Holy Kaisa said.

Ducao was speechless all of a sudden.


With the technological level of angel civilization.

It is almost a matter of seconds to conquer the earth.

There is no need to talk to him here.

"What about the power of the galaxy? He is the future main god of the Chiwu star system. Based on the justice order established by me, the main god of the galaxy is qualified to talk to me." Kaisha asked.

At this time.

A cabin door was pushed open.

Ge Xiaolun, who was wearing dark alloy armor, stepped out of it.

But the whole head was swollen like a pig.

Especially the right cheek is highly swollen, and there is a clear red palm print.

"That old man sitting on the sofa, what do you want me for, you!"

Ever since Ge Xiaolun was slapped by Ye Yang, who was in the state of a great demon god, in the early morning.

The face is still swollen.

The medical team on board the Great Strait were helpless and curious.

It is obviously the power of the galaxy that is undefeated.

How could such a small injury heal so slowly?
Heavenly throne.

Holy Kaisa: "This is the power of the galaxy? Why does it look so strange?"

Ge Xiaolun covered one side of his cheek.

Secretly, a little shy.

Ducao on the side couldn't help but say:
"Hey, since it's a conversation at the level of the main god, please try to talk on an equal footing."

Keisha: "The main god-level conversation, don't interrupt, I'm done talking with you, Ducao."

Ye Yang in the corner recognized Ge Xiaolun.

"Isn't this the idiot who slapped me yesterday?
He is actually the main god of this planet and this galaxy?
It's rubbish.
No wonder this planet is always invaded by aliens from all sides,


You can ask him later if there is any whereabouts of Thornton and Liang Bing. "

Just when Ye Yang was thinking about it.


High above the sea and in the sky.

A huge virtual portrait projection suddenly appeared.

It was Morgana in a black outfit with mechanical wings on her back.

"Holy Keisha you bitch!"

As soon as she came out, Morgana gave a classic greeting.

And this huge projection with a height of hundreds of meters stunned the soldiers on the entire Juxia.

Ye Yang also murmured curiously:
"Huh? Morgana from the demon civilization, the one who killed Baosheng, she is also here."

"What's the relationship between her and these angels?"

Around the Skyblade Throne.

Angel Yan and a group of angel warriors saw the appearance of Morgana.

All are ready.

Angel Yan sensed something and immediately reported to Kesha on the throne:

"Queen, I have locked the location of Morgana's Demon One, which is located above Juxia City. If the full power of the Heavenly Blade Trial is carried out and it hits Juxia City, 100 million innocent humans will die."

Although Yan's report was not loud.

But it was enough to pass into the ears of the people below.

Holy Kesha nodded to Angel Yan.

Angel Yan flew into space in full view.

Holding high the flame sword, urging the trial procedure of the sky blade, the infinite and terrifying star energy is being continuously accumulated with the flame sword as the carrier.

View from the Great Strait.

There seems to be a dazzling sun in the sky.

"Choose like a god, Galactic Force."

Holy Kaisa ignored Morgana's huge projection, and turned to Ge Xiaolun below.

Morgana on the side:
"Hey, Keisha, you old bitch, you're chasing me all over the universe to convict me, right? You're going to kill 100 million people on Earth as soon as you come, and you still think your actions are justice, and that justice is just your own will The product is extremely hypocritical!"

"It's not because of you, don't talk nonsense with me here again."


Everyone only heard Morgana and Kesha start bickering in the air.

Each slanders the other and declares its own civilizational philosophy.

Ye Yang slowly came to Dukao's side.

Ducao, who was staring intently at the sky, suddenly felt someone standing side by side with him from behind.

"You are General Ducao, I think you are very busy now, so you should take care of my affairs together."

Ducao heard the words.

My heart said, who the hell is this?

He actually talked to himself in this tone.

Don't you know that aliens are invading now?
Ducao looked sideways.

When seeing Ye Yang's relaxed and handsome face.

Ducao was so frightened as if he saw a ghost when he went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and took several steps back in a row.

"My Cao! How did you come here!"

The shouting sound instantly brought the attention of the entire deck to focus.


The bickering between Kesha and Morgana also quieted down.

and looked directly below on the deck
(End of this chapter)

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