Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 55 Complete simulation!Saint of heaven!Master Tongtian!

Chapter 55 Complete simulation!Saint of heaven!Master Tongtian!

Ye Yang was so upright exposed to everyone's gaze.

A hint of excitement flashed across Morgana's eyes, which was projected hugely.

Unexpectedly, this guy stepped on Karl's dead singer and returned to Earth so soon.

What kind of anti-heavenly method was used?
Similar to Karl's void theory?
If he can deal with Keisha.

I have another big help.

on the deck.

When Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Liu Chuang, Lei Na, and Qiangwei saw Ye Yang standing with Du Kao.

They all looked terrified.

His face was pale as if he had seen some nightmare.

Early morning battle.

Almost all members of their Xiongbing company were crushed.

But when Ye Yang released the final blow to kill them.

Ye Yang disappeared strangely.

Only then did they get the chance to escape together.

I didn't expect this guy to come here now!

Is it to seek revenge?
If so, it will be difficult for their military.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ducao, who calmed down quickly, asked.

This is the first time he has looked at this young man Ye Yang so closely.

Although it seems ordinary.

But I have read a lot of reports about Ye Yang in the past few days.

Let each one out.

It has to shock the whole world.

Ye Yang put his hands in his pockets and said calmly:
"I'm here to seek compensation from your military. Your Xiongbing company destroyed my place and left two of my friends missing. It's not justified if you don't pay for mental damage and demolition fees. Bar?"

Ducao, Lena and others heard Ye Yang's words.

An expression of disbelief was written on his face.

"Just for this? Didn't you come to seek revenge?" Ducao asked.

"I don't intend to seek revenge. They haven't beaten me. If you want to seek revenge, you must seek revenge. Besides, seeking revenge is too tiring."

Ye Yang shrugged and said:

"You should deal with this matter as soon as possible. If you don't give me a satisfactory compensation, I will lose my temper."

"Okay, you go ahead."

Ye Yang raised his finger and pointed to Kesha and Morgana in the sky.

Immediately turned around and walked towards a dark corner on one side.

Take out a beach chair from the dimensional pocket.

Lie comfortably on it.

Lena and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time.

The huge projection Morgana said:

"Ye Yang, do you still remember me, you kid? This king said, as long as you submit to my great demon civilization, I can give you whatever you want. How about it, I can forgive you for destroying the palace before. In the arms of the king."

Morgana opened her arms.

Although it is a phantom.

But the huge and white evil was trembling very realistically.

Many ordinary soldiers are dazzled.

Swallowing saliva silently.

"I remember you, but I'm not interested in joining aliens, and I don't even like you demons." Ye Yang said lazily on the recliner.

And also took out the mobile phone from the dimension pocket.

Leisurely played Xiaoxiaole.

"Cao~ Whatever you want."

Morgana responded coldly.

On the Heaven Blade Throne.

Keisha also said in a lazy voice:

"Okay shut up Morgana,
The greatest evil you have in the known universe is that no one will join you,

The power of the galaxy, have you figured it out?
As long as you say a word, the devil will disappear from the earth,

Although it will cause more than 100 million innocent sacrifices in Juxia City,
However, the angels will help you kill the gluttonous army that is about to attack,
Or, would you like to hand the little one over to us,
I might figure out another way to kill Morgana. "

Kesha's words.

Make Ducao creepy.

One million people died!
This cost too much.

But Ye Yang is completely moody and mentally ill.

Strong combat power.

It's not something they can claim at all.

"I'm curious, you are already a well-known strong man in the universe, why do you want him? He is the same batch of us who turned on the super gene, why is he so strong?"

"Also. Ye Yang is not one of us. Even if I agree, he won't be obedient."

Ge Xiaolun asked with a swollen face.

It can be regarded as asking the inner confusion of all those who knew about Ye Yang's deeds on the Juxia during this period.

Kesha rested her hand on one cheek on the throne sofa.

Lightly said:
"Why are there so many?
If you go out to play,
Saw something weird and interesting,

Don't want to play around with it?

And he wounded my holy left wing,

This crime is serious,

Need to be brought back to Heavenly City for trial,

As for requiring your authorization,
According to the rules of justice and order I have established,
In front of the civilization with the main god,
In order to give you enough respect,
Anything, I will negotiate with the Lord God,


I struck him dead with a thunderbolt,

This is called God's will, it is dictatorship,
But the behavior of angels is not like this, can you understand? "

Hearing Keisha's answer.

Ge Xiaolun looked at Ducao, Leina and others.

Lena: "From what she said, killing Morgana is not difficult for an angel. As long as Xiao Lun agrees to hand over Ye Yang's authorization, maybe the crisis of internal and external troubles can be resolved, and the only sacrifice is Ye Yang is an uncontrollable guy."

Ducao: "What Xiaona said is correct, but the credibility of Angel's words is a problem."

Just when the Xiongbing Company was discussing with each other in whispers.

Morgana, who is huge in the sky, heard Keisha start robbing people.

One mouthful of old Bichi's scolding.

Ye Yang was playing with his mobile phone on the beach chair.

Frowning, he pressed the switch off.

Looking at Keisha, he muttered in a low voice:
"Damn, these self-proclaimed god aliens are really more and more arrogant recently,
They actually described me as a toy on the side of the road,

I still want to take it back to play with me,

Another lightning strike killed me,
See what you old woman can do,

Dictatorship is dictatorship,

He also said how moral his behavior was. "

on the throne.

Kaisha with a lazy expression seemed to have heard Ye Yang's words.

His brows suddenly frowned.

He raised his arm, stretched out the white jade-like slender fingers of his right hand and pointed down at Ye Yang.

"Spoken words."

An invisible force engulfed Ye Yang and flew into the sky towards the Angel Legion.

Ye Yang twisted his body.

But found that it was impossible to break free from this invisible bondage.

At last.

Ye Yang was suspended at the same height as the Heavenly Blade Throne.

Face the holy Kaisa.

Keisha glanced at Ye Yang.

It was found that Ye Yang was looking directly at her calmly.

Kesha added:

"The power of the galaxy does not need your authorization anymore. The crimes he committed are enough to be arrested directly. As for killing Morgana, you make a decision immediately."

The huge projection Morgana on the side saw Ye Yang being arrested.

Furious to explode.

Morgana: "Hypocrisy! You old bitch! Just now you said that you need to be authorized by the power of the galaxy, and immediately started arresting people. Your justice and order are a bunch of shit!"

Morgana: "You can see the power of the galaxy clearly, this is the face of an angel."

Holy Kesha: "Justice is justice. Even if God decides, it's justice"

Morgana: "You tm listen to me first! Bitch! The earth is beautiful, I like it here, you get out, I will fight to the end with you for the freedom of the earth!"

Holy Keisha: "It's crazy, why do I say that gods should not communicate with mortals, once there is communication, mortals will see the emotional side of God, and will think about right and wrong, so that... even things like justice Faith will be shaken, which is Morgana's theory of extreme depraved freedom."

Morgana: "Bichi!"

Just when Holy Kesha and Morgana started bickering again.

Ye Yang, who was bound in the sky, took a deep breath and sighed again.

There was a faint boredom on the expression on his face.

"You aliens, you are so unpredictable, you don't agree with each other's ideas, and you fight and talk to each other here."

Finish this sentence.

Keisha and Morgana projected.

All eyes were on Ye Yang.

Ye Yang suddenly raised his chin slightly, looking at them with a condescending attitude.


"Now, let you take a look, the real god."

Heartfelt voice: "Complete imitation! A sage of heaven! Master Tongtian!"

[Simulate Tongtian, how can I say,

General readers must feel that the fighting power will jump when they see this,
But my book itself is invincible, there is no need to suppress the protagonist.

As for the issue of jumping combat power, there is no fighting power in this book.

I have to say that the first word in this book was written for jumping.

So, it's mainly about the plot. 】

 Simulate Babel, what should I say, ordinary readers will definitely think that the combat power will jump when they see this, but my book itself is invincible, so there is no need to suppress the protagonist.

  As for the issue of jumping combat power, there is no fighting power in this book.

  I have to say that the first word in this book was written for jumping.

  So, it's mainly about the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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