Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 56 The prestige of the prehistoric sage!Kesha is terrified!

Chapter 56 The prestige of the prehistoric sage!Kesha is terrified!
The moment when Ye Yang said in his heart that he completely imitated the leader of Tongtian!
Deep within the body, a majestic force surged crazily as if the chaos of the universe exploded.

The dark energy that imprisoned Ye Yang's body exploded in an instant.


Ye Yang Xuankong raised his head slightly.

There was a long whistle that was almost a sigh.

A beam of golden light shot out from his mouth.

Pass through the Legion of Angels, passing just to the left of Kesha's throne.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The originally clear sky was within seconds.

It seems that an infinite thunder calamity is brewing.

Thousands of miles of thick black clouds centered on the Juxia, radiating the entire eastern coast of China, and even two or three nearby countries entered the night in an instant.

"Ye Yang activated an unknown strange ability again!"

outer space.

Angel Yan, who was in charge of the full-power Heaven Blade Judgment, saw the movement below, and his face suddenly became solemn.

call out!
I saw a beam of majestic golden light channel with a thickness of [-] meters shooting from the earth and rushing straight into the deep space of the universe in an instant.

"Ye Yang, this guy! What a terrifying aura, I can clearly feel it even here!"


over the South China Sea.

Followed by.

Ye Yang's eyes, ears and nose also sprayed out streaks of golden light.

The breath of the whole body is constantly improving.

At this moment, his posture became boundless and majestic, and his body broke through the turbulent vortex and thunder clouds.

Even the projection of Morgana hundreds of meters high.

In front of the gigantic Tongtian Yeyang, it is like dust on the ground.


Wisps of the saint's coercion materialized in gold fell from his body, and most of them floated into outer space.

Every wisp of golden coercion is in the process of falling.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

The boundless atmosphere was crushed and exploded.

At this moment, the skies all over the world are constantly showing scenes like the cracks in the sky caused by the collision of the four emperors in the anime.

Billions of people across the world are in panic.

And outer space.

Most of the heavenly saints' coercive brilliance surged violently like a solar storm.

Seeing this, Angel Yan didn't dare to be careless.

Immediately lifted the Heavenly Blade Judgment.

Quickly use the sub-biological engine in my heart to construct [Time and Space Wormhole Defense Barriers] around my body.

Under the coercion of the ocean-like golden saint.

The spherical space-time wormhole defense barrier glowed with a faint light blue light.

Like a rock in the sea.

The Angel Yan inside was even more frightened, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"The time-space wormhole defense barrier was bombarded by this vast force, and it was in jeopardy!
Does this strange golden torrent have the power to break the rules of time and space?

Second biological engine!
Give me all my strength to maintain the space-time wormhole barrier! "

Under Angel Yan's full resistance.

She was engulfed by the boundless golden holy power.

The golden holy power blasted towards the deep space of the universe indiscriminately at a speed exceeding light.

Near the Pluto Worm Bridge.

The gluttonous fleet is also under the impact of the coercion of the saint.

A single ray can crush several escort spaceships of the one or two kilometer level.

The gluttonous army of hundreds of ships spread over tens of thousands of kilometers of the space front is currently collapsing.

Addicted to howl command room.

All the gluttons were in extreme tension and panic.

"It must be Holy Kaisa! She actually attacked us directly!"

"It's outrageous! We are just moored here, why is she attacking us, didn't she establish a justice order, did we invade the earth, why did she attack us? Could it be that our plan with Morgana was exposed? "

"Quickly withdraw to the Big Worm Bridge! Open the Light Energy Barrier!"

"The King of Howls! Our army has already suffered more than half of the casualties, and the strange golden attack is about to reach the main ship!"


The phantom of Death Karl appeared above the conference table.

"It's my god Karl? Why did you come here suddenly?!"

All the Taotie knelt down and saluted.

The Howl King knelt down on one knee and asked.

It seems to be accompanied by the appearance of Karl, the god of death.

All the gluttons seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Don't panic anymore.

"I will take you out of this universe."

Carl said only one word.


A vast golden wave swept across the entire Pluto.

The remaining half of the gluttonous army disappeared collectively before the arrival of the saint's prestige.

Near Pluto.

A large number of meteorites and meteorite belts on a continental scale.

And the Death Star was completely overwhelmed by the power of this terrifying saint.

Even some dark places deep in the universe have been turned upside down.

Even the light of chaos exploded faintly.

The sky above the Juxia.

Three strands of hundreds of meters long golden saint coercive energy.

Detonate layers of air.

Falling towards Keisha's head.

Morgana's phantom was also crushed by the air at this moment, and finally blurred until it disappeared.

Angel Leng, Ah Zhui and the other guardian angels all raised their heads in shock at this moment.

And those who are under the pressure of this momentum can hardly even maintain flight.

Keisha on the Heavenly Blade Throne is no longer calm at this moment.

Stand up.

With a wave of his hand, a space-time barrier enveloped the entire Angel Legion and the Heavenly Blade Throne.

The angels were relieved.

But then.

Three wisps of saint power fell on Kesha's space-time barrier.

Cracks and extremely unstable fluctuations appeared in the space-time barrier instantly.

"What black technology! Even the barriers created by the rules of space and time have been broken."

Although Keisha's face was calm, her shocking tone had already betrayed her heart.

"Queen, what should we do now?" the angel asked.

"A Zhui, I will now release all the authority of the sub-biological engine in your body, and use its power to send everyone back to Tiancheng."

[A Zhui has a biological engine, if you don’t believe me, you can check it on Baidu first. 】

Kaisha ordered Ah Zhui secretly.


Holy Keisha had a thought.

Ah Zhui and the rest of the angels all disappeared.

At this time.

Another ray of saint pressure fell.

The space-time barrier is already extremely unstable.


Keisha pulled out a pair of huge silver wings from the god-killing weapon arsenal to protect herself.

The sky over Juxia City.

Inside the palace of Devil No. [-].

Morgana pointed at the air with her hands on her hips and said angrily:

"I am Cao, I am Cao!!"

"Ye Yang, what kind of plane is this bastard doing!"

"Carl! Use your void technology to get Ye Yang and Keisha away from the earth!"

"What? The quality of the current space is multiplying at a geometric speed, so use a big clock!"

"Do you want me to join the calculation with Devil One? All right, send the port here! Hurry up!"

On board the Great Strait of the South China Sea.

There is no saint coercion down here, most of them have gone to space.

But Ducao, Reina, Ge Xiaolun and other super fighters were all pressured by the saint's momentum and lay on the ground.

His face was pale and sweaty.

On the contrary, the ordinary fighters on the deck have no effect.

Xin Zhao: "It's so uncomfortable!"

Ge Xiaolun: "I'm about to explode!"

Liu Chuang: "I can't breathe~ help."

Lena: "It seems that this attack is only aimed at the strong, and it has no effect on ordinary people. It's terrifying, cough cough cough ~!"

Sun Wukong: "I said not to provoke Ye Yang, hey. I didn't expect the catastrophe of this war to be Ye Yang in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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