Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 58 Space Principal!Elementary Will of Heaven!

Chapter 58 Space Principal!Elementary Will of Heaven!
Ye Yang saw Kesha and Carl below looking pained.

It seems that he can't bear the sound transmission of his own holy thoughts at all.

Indifference rose involuntarily in my heart.

Send out the vast holy thoughts again:
"Why don't you two talk?"

"Why didn't you show off the lofty attitude that you claimed to be a god?"

Two simple sentences.

Kesha and Carl, who were pressed again, were in unbearable pain.


Ye Yang also discovered that the surrounding cosmic starry sky once again burst into several super void cracks with a width of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

And continue to crack at a speed faster than the speed of light.

to be frank.

Although Ye Yang is very pretentious in his words at the moment.

But he didn't dare to move at all.

There is a feeling of walking on thin ice when standing on a thin layer of ice that is constantly cracking and may fall into a cold pool at any time.

After all, this universe can't even bear what it says.

If you move yourself.

I am afraid that the entire star field and the barriers of the universe will collapse.

"It's so strong! It's not a level existence at all!!"

Kesha clutched her chest armor and thought to herself.

The time-space wormhole defense barrier in front of him also collapsed at this moment.


The might of the vast golden saint swept towards Kaisha.

Keisha couldn't even form a wormhole corridor under her feet.

The whole body continued to fall downwards as if falling into a bottomless sea.


The silver-winged double-edged blades that were summoned early protected Kesha's body in the middle of each other.

At this time.

Kesha accesses the sacred vault of self-consciousness.

In a chaotic darkness.

Keisha was suspended in it.

Surrounding it is a group of changing liquid five-color energy.

It seems to be the brain in the sacred treasure house.

[Lock target. The initial analysis of the target analysis failed. The sacred treasure house cannot understand the target]

Hear the beep from the computing engine inside the sacred vault.

Keisha seemed to have expected it.

"I didn't expect that I would upgrade to the fourth-generation sacred body, and I couldn't even resist the power generated by his words. It's too outrageous. This is definitely not the power that this universe should have."

Kesha thought to herself.

Immediately, he was ready to activate the sacred database and began to supply energy to his body with all his strength.

Try to let yourself recover freely under Ye Yang's power.

"Kesha, Kesha."


A distant and vicissitudes of voice came into Kaisha's consciousness.

Keisha's consciousness showed doubts.

"Carl? No, this familiar voice, are you? Space? Didn't you go to explore the void and not ask about worldly affairs?"

Space: "I feel a stronger existence than me, and he is destroying this universe, creating a lot of void."

Keisha: "I can't understand your existence, and I can't understand the concept that he is stronger than you, but you said that he is destroying the universe of the main creature and creating the void, so he is void fear?"

Space: "I don't know, the fear of the void does not have any form, or, any form can be the fear of the void."

Space: "The existence of fear of the void is to destroy the universe we exist in, and then re-create a new universe, and the cycle repeats."

Keisha: "According to your theory, the current development of the universe has reached the bottleneck of the fear of the void, so the fear of the void endowed Ye Yang with will and power, so he is so ridiculously strong and beyond my cognition .”

Space did not speak, and fell silent.

It can be regarded as agreeing with Kesha's inference.

"Then why are you here now, looking for me?" Keisha asked.

"Although I escaped into the void world, I also learned endless knowledge. I can help you destroy Ye Yang, but it will take time. I will save you and Karl now and leave here."

After speaking.

In the vast space outside.

Ye Yang suddenly felt that he was in the many void cracks that had broken apart and spanned hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Strange forces that ignore the mighty power of the saint envelop Kesha and the phantom Karl and take them away from the star field.


Ye Yang was a little sullen.

Actually saving someone under his own nose?

This elementary will of heaven is worthy of being a native of this universe, and its methods are not bad.


Ye Yang thought about it.

Cast the eye of the saint.

The golden light flowed in the pupils.

It was as if a volcano erupted in the left eye, and the lava was like a waterfall.

Nebula flickers in the right eye.

The universe is born and dies in it.

Mysterious avenue runes circulate in it.

Explore the origin of everything in the world!
I saw it among the many void cracks.

A mass of infinite light-years in diameter, similar to a nebula, is displaying some kind of supernatural power.

"Elementary will of heaven?"

Because Ye Yang is imitating the leader of the Tongtian Church at the level of a saint of heaven.

Possess a vast and complex experience and knowledge.

An accurate judgment was made at a glance.

Unexpectedly, this small broken universe can still give birth to the will of heaven.

I thought it was a small world with incomplete rules of heaven.

"How dare you do such small tricks in front of the saints of heaven?"


The incomparably stalwart Ye Yang raised his saint's arm, and went toward the cracks in the void of hundreds of millions of miles away.

Runes of the Dao of Heaven circulate on the arm.

Shout out! ! !
I saw the golden talisman culture as three infinitely extending chains of heaven.

Enter the void with strangulation.

Boom boom boom! ! !
While Ye Yang made this series of actions.

Countless stars in this star field nebula collapsed and exploded.

The tragic collapse of the pitch-black starry sky stretches for countless light-years, forming void cracks, which swallow a large amount of cosmic matter and form a chaotic vortex.


A scream came from the crack in the void.

The great sound swept across the entire broken star field, and the entire star field collapsed at this moment.

Followed by.

The chain at the end of the golden rune inserted into the crack in the void broke, and the mana chain bounced back into Ye Yang's palm.

Ye Yang wanted to chase after him.

Just set off.

The whole body was blocked by void cracks, and the entire galaxy completely collapsed and burst.

Although the power of the violent nebula could not harm Ye Yang, it also hindered Ye Yang for a moment.

Ye Yang looked at the front angrily.

Exhaled in one breath.

Blow away the chaotic matter and brilliant nebula light from the exploding galaxy.


This place was once again shrouded in the dark starry sky, and the eternal silence was restored.

"Do you really think you can escape?"

Ye Yang punched forward.

The punch containing the true anger of the saint directly blasted more than a dozen nebulae nearby.

A large number of void cracks formed, sucking in and out cosmic matter, and various mysterious substances were formed in it.

It's a pity that I still lost in the end because I was too naive and accidentally let go of this elementary will of heaven.

Moreover, Carl and Keisha were also blinded, and it was difficult for them to lock themselves.

Ye Yang moved across several star fields in a row, all of which collapsed, countless stars exploded, and the void cracked.

It's not my own universe anyway.

I really made myself angry, so what if this world is destroyed!

In the end, Ye Yang lost interest in chasing and killing him.

It stopped somewhere in the depths of the starry sky.

"It's boring, just try to test the strength of Tongtian level, can you let me return to the original earth world."

In the void, the sage Ye Yang closed his eyes and began to perceive the orientation of the earth in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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