Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 59 Tianji King!Do you want to rebel!

Chapter 59 Tianji King!Do you want to rebel!
Ye Yang crossed his legs and silently felt in this deep space of the universe.

Runes circulated all over his body, and the majesty of the saint continued to hang down.

The surroundings are so quiet that they seem to have lost the concept of time.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Ye Yang opened his eyes.

With a long sigh.

"I can't fucking sense it at all, forget it, let's go back to the earth in this universe first."

Ye Yang thought to himself.

such a pity.

Although I imitated Tongtian, many of Tongtian's magical weapons, spirit treasures, and killing arrays could not be used.

And if he chases and kills himself.

The entire cosmic boundary wall is afraid that it will crack like an ice surface.

to the end.

The universe returns to chaos.

Sitting alone in the chaos like an idiot for eternity, or start a long road and severely damage the world.

In the end, it is yourself who suffers.

Hey ~
Don't open such a big hanger in the future.

Ye Yang thought to himself.

at the same time.

Earth side.

The sky-cracking scenes that spread across the skies all over the world have disappeared without a trace.

But billions of people are still panicking.

Constantly speaking and discussing on the Internet.

High-level militaries of various countries, high-level United Nations countries are all holding various meetings.

The meeting room of the Giant Gorge.

Ducao, Lao Huang, and Xiongbing Company are having a meeting.

Lao Huang (the observer sent by the Supreme Command to the Xiongbing Company represents the Supreme Command):
"According to Ye Yang's performance,

The so-called Holy Keisha is no match for him at all,

with his strength,
To destroy the whole earth,

It's all easy,
But he was kind to us,
He even asked the military to compensate him for the loss of Huangcun,
Such a virtuous man,

We hadn't noticed it until now.
how stupid we are,
He has obviously hinted so many times, hey! "

Ducao, who was directly opposite, nodded solemnly.


Although I don't know why Ye Yang is so ridiculously strong.

But seemingly from beginning to end.

They are all provoking Ye Yang, and Ye Yang has never done anything to harm the people of the earth.

Ducao: "Although I don't know where Ye Yang and Holy Kaisa went, the most urgent task now is to solve the Demon Queen Morgana hovering over Juxia City."

Reina on the side sighed:
"Hey, now that Ye Yang has shown invincible power, as long as he hasn't appeared or confirmed his news, gods, no one will dare to mess around on the earth, don't worry."

Old Huang: "The lord of the country just finished talking with me on the phone. If Ye Yang appears, he must be treated with the highest standard. Any request that does not violate the purpose of the country must be satisfied with him."

In the palace of Devil No. [-].

"Carl! You're tm online! Did you hear that?"

"Reply quickly when you hear it! Cao!"

"Is Kesha dead?"

"Don't just pretend to disappear after using up my Demon One!"

"Just now it was almost smoked by Devil One, you know! Speak up!"

Morgana paced back and forth in front of the throne with one hand on her hip.

He also insulted the air in front of him.

Those who didn't know thought she was going crazy.

Throne side.

Thornton slumped on the ground.

I am sharing the delicacies created by the gourmet furoshiki with Da Bo Lun.

"Sister, sit down and eat something. You've been talking to yourself for more than ten minutes."

Thornton shouted glibly.

"Fuck, I'm not in the mood to eat right now!"

Morgana scolded.

Thornton had an indifferent expression on his face.

Continue to eat.

Morgana sat back on the throne discouraged.

He murmured in his heart: Damn, Ye Yang is so ridiculously strong.

This wave if Kesha didn't die.

If he wanted to kill her again, he would have to wait another tens of thousands of years.

at this time.

At the star gate outside the nine celestial defense array in Melo's Heavenly Court.

The star gate is actually a stable worm gate.

Based on a huge meteorite.

A pair of huge golden sharp blades parallel to form a portal.

A blue vortex wormhole portal blooms in the middle.

at this time.

The Angel Legion headed by Angel Yan and Angel Zhui is assisted by the power of the A Zhui Ci biological engine.

left the earth.

Cross the infinite star field and return to the gate of your own civilization.

Angel Leng: "Why did we come back?"

Angel Moy: "Where's Queen Keisha?! Is this the worm gate portal of the Nine Star Region?!"

Angel Chase: "It was Queen Keisha who sent everyone back to Tiancheng through me in times of crisis."

Angel Yan: "I have tried to communicate with Queen Keisha, but there is no reply, how about you?"

Everyone heard what Angel Yan said.

Immediately each fell silent and began to call Queen Keisha.

But they shook their heads in turn.

"Queen Keisha has actually disconnected from us. What kind of monster is that Ye Yang on Earth? The ray of light that fell from her body overwhelmed Queen Kaisha and opened the protective barrier. That momentum alone overwhelmed our entire Angel Legion. You can't even float in the air!"

Talking is angelic cold.

She learned from Gabriel, the God of Stormwind.

Always warlike.

just now.

But it showed a rare look of decadence and despair.

Everyone is also silent.

At this time.

A figure walked out of the azure blue spiral worm bridge in the star gate.

Dark blue royal robes.

Red and silver armor.

Shoulders of white fur.

She has slender legs, silver hair and blue eyes.

The facial features are beautiful and fair, which is completely in accordance with the golden ratio.

When she appeared before the angels.

Just this face.

This made Angel Yan and other young angels become overshadowed.

"See Tianji King."

Angel Yan and other angel warriors knelt down on one knee.

"You get up."

He Xi's voice was as noble as ice.

"King Tianji, we..." Angel Yan spoke first.

But he was signaled by Hexi's eyes.


"Kesha has told me everything that happened to you on Earth, you don't have to worry about her."

"She is currently somewhere in the deep space of the universe, and... is about to go offline."

As soon as Hexi said this.

Angel Yan and other soldiers who have followed Keisha for many years all stared at Hexi with bewildered expressions and disbelief.

The word offline.

In the angelic civilization, that symbolizes death.

"What's going on? King Tianji, please tell us! Why doesn't Queen Kaisha accept our communication now?"

"Is Queen Keisha fighting Ye Yang on Earth?"

"As the former three kings, don't you do nothing? Watch Queen Kaisha go offline?"

"A Zhui, mobilize the angel's eyeliner in the whole universe to find Queen Keisha's whereabouts! The king-level station will definitely cause a lot of commotion!"


Looking at these impulsive soldiers, He Xi felt a little relieved.

But still with a wave.

Mysterious space technology binds everyone.

"Do you want to rebel! Tianji Wang Hexi?"

Angel Yan twisted his body and struggled to be restrained by space.

He Xi swept across the crowd with a serious expression, and said coldly:
"Kesha is about to start her offline announcement, every angel warrior listens to me!"

[When I wrote Tongtian, I already thought that many people would spray it, because no matter how I write it, I can’t meet everyone’s requirements for the level of saints.

Understanding space as the way of heaven is the understanding of the protagonist in the state of Tongtian. It is not that I directly set space as the way of heaven.
In addition, you can understand that the Tongtian sage has his own bonuses in the prehistoric universe, but in this small universe, the protagonist does not want to explode the universe directly, because he is lazy]

(End of this chapter)

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