Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 60 Ye Yang!The void fears the human body?

Chapter 60 Ye Yang!The void fears the human body?

The next moment when He Xi finished speaking.

All the angel legions at the star gate.

Many young angels reserve in the Merlot Heavenly Court.

And the many angels who are performing missions all over the universe.

A familiar noble voice sounded in their heads.

"Many angels in Merlot Heaven, I am Holy Kaisa."

Angel Yan: "It's Queen Keisha's voice, have you all heard it?"

Angel Chase: "This is the shared channel of the angels, and only Queen Keisha has the highest authority to enable all silence."

Somewhere in the universe.

Angel Zhixin, who is still on his way from the Styx civilization to the Chiwu star system.

It also stopped at this moment.

Listening quietly.

The teleportation stargate outside the [-]th Celestial Defense Front.

Hexi looked indifferently at the angels who were discussing fiercely.

Commanded again:
"Listen quietly, this may be Keisha's last message."

Heard these words.

Everyone's face became solemn and quiet.


Kesha's voice sounded again.

"I have reigned for 3 years,

This time on the earth, I encountered an existence beyond cognition,

Now I decided to go offline,
Enter a more advanced field to learn vast knowledge,

After I log out,

The position of the king of angels will be temporarily replaced by the holy left-wing angel Yan,

Till Anishid grew into an angel,
next time we meet,
I hope that the fruit of justice has spread all over the corners of the universe,
I'll always watch over you,
My dear soldiers. "

When Kaisha's group offline announcement finished.

In Angel Yan's personal consciousness space.

Keisha's private chat message sounded.

Holy Kaisa: "Yan, one of Morgana's subordinates is massacring Fereze, which is very likely to threaten Enishid. Let Hexi help you upgrade the fourth-generation god body, take control of the throne, and go to protect it immediately .”

When Yan heard that Kaisha finally replied to himself.

A look of emotion flashed across his calm and serious face.

Immediately responded in my heart:

"Queen Keisha, why did you go offline? Where are you now? Did that Ye Yang from Planet Earth hurt you?"

Faced with a series of questions from Angel Yan.

Keisha spoke some secrets very calmly.

Holy Kaisa: "Ye Yang is indeed very strong, beyond the cognition of me and Karl, the god of death, and even beyond the cognition of the founder of the super seminary who has merged into the void."

Angel Yan heard this.

While surprised, he immediately reacted.

Angel Yan: "I have seen the founder of the super seminary you mentioned in the angel database, he is a very great god, wait! You said that he has merged into the void, is it the advanced place you are going to , is also void!"

Holy Kaisa: "The void is not a concept, the space has been integrated with the void, and the space and learned a lot of mysterious and vast knowledge in it are far away, you can understand that the main biological world we live in is【 Positive], the power controlled by the secondary biological plane and the secondary biological engine is [negative]. The birth of this kind of power will trigger the outbreak of void fear and destroy the positive and negative worlds."

Angel Yan: "According to what you mean, if he merges into the void space, even if the positive and negative worlds are destroyed, he will not be affected. And Ye Yang is this power that can subvert the positive and negative. He will cause the so-called fear of the void. Why did he come to help us? It stands to reason that he has already detached himself, and we can’t even understand whether his thoughts are on the same front as ours.”

Holy Keisha: "Space has indeed transcended this world and will not be affected, but his lifelong wish is to defeat the fear of the void. I don't know why he insisted that Ye Yang is the fear of the void, but I have no other reason to doubt it his words."


Holy Kaisa sent a picture into Angel Yan's mind picture by means.

Angel Yan saw that this was a super macro picture of the cosmic starry sky.

on the screen.

There are more than a dozen galaxies exploding in a row.

Each galaxy is infinitely light-years in diameter.

And within the range of the galaxy that exploded.

The boundless deep space cracked a large number of void cracks, which were filled with various terrifying and violent energies and mysterious substances.

"This? This is?" Angel Yan was shocked.

"The power of Ye Yang's punch." Kaisha said lightly.


Angel Yan was so shocked that he was speechless.

If this is not the fear of the void, what else is it?

One punch!
Just one punch!

Holy Keisha: "I know this is outrageous and beyond recognition, but it is the truth."

Angel Yan restrained his shocking emotions and asked:

"Queen, then...then what should we do now?"

Holy Kaisa: "Look for Ye Yang's whereabouts, monitor at all times, but don't provoke him. In the future, space and I will use all kinds of knowledge learned in the void to help the development of major civilizations, accumulate strength, and defeat the fear of the void. "


After explaining.

Keisha cuts off the connection.

Somewhere in the deep space of the universe.

A changing nebula with a diameter of about [-] meters is suspended in the void.

In contrast to the sacred Kaisa suspended parallel to it.

The battle armor on his body was full of scars.

His face was a little tired.

But the aura still calmly said to Nebula ahead:
"I have finished my explanation, you can take me into the void."

Space: "After merging into the void, you will take time to adapt, the time is uncertain, and any emotions will be abandoned. At that time, you will be able to wander in the past and the future, and have access to vast knowledge. At that moment, Ye Yang's existence brought harm to this universe."

Holy Keisha: "These are all your one-sided words. Before I merged into the void, I couldn't believe it all. The reason I believed in you was because you saved me, and I did feel the existence of that state in you." Ye Yang has a similar aura, which cannot be described in words."

Space: "Because that is the breath of the void. He is stronger than me. I can feel that he has not even exerted one percent of his full strength. Perhaps this is the strength limit of the void-fearing human body."

Holy Keisha: "The void fears the human body? It's an appropriate adjective. Another question, why didn't you choose your disciple Karl? Instead, you chose me to merge into the void?"

Space: "He wants to go his own way, there is no need to stop him."

Holy Kaisa: "His path is nothing more than turning all living things in the known universe into immortal phantoms. Come on the boring path, take me into the void, and I want to see what it feels like to be transcended."

I saw Holy Kaisha slightly opened her arms.

Stepping in the cosmic space towards the nebula-like space.

I saw the nebula-like space suddenly dissipate.

after it dissipates.

A tiny celestial black hole is quietly suspended there.

(End of this chapter)

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