Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 61 The Earth is in Chaos!Demon dyeing!

Chapter 61 The Earth is in Chaos!Demon dyeing!
Kesha's third day off the assembly line.

It is also the third day that billions of people on the planet have been plunged into extreme panic.

Because Morgana of the demonic civilization publicized the demon's belief in extreme depravity and freedom within these three days.

And only human beings who rebel for freedom.

Shout Morgana's name before dying.

Then you can get the blessing of Morgana.

Transform into a demon image and possess various super powers.

a time.

Riots broke out in countries all over the world.

Among them, local armed forces headed by Western countries, gangs, and various club families all became Morgana's demon troops.

Many federal troops were beaten to pieces within three days.

On the deck of the Great Strait.

The Dawn-[-] fighter jet is entering orbit and preparing to take off.

A company of soldiers is transported inside the fighter plane.

Inside the cockpit of Dawn III.

A driver who is about to push the accelerator.

Suddenly, I saw a pink portal appearing directly in front of the deck runway.

"Tower, there are obstacles on the takeoff runway, please deal with it."

The driver just finished speaking.

He saw the pink portal being pushed open.

A figure came out.

When you see that face clearly.

The pilot was so frightened that he turned off the engine of the plane directly.

He opened the glass cover of the cabin, stood up, and looked at the person in front of him in horror.

Immediately rushed to the cabin.

"Fuck! It's Ye Yang! Ye Yang has appeared! Right in front of the plane!"

The pilot's terrified expression and voice directly made all the soldiers who were chatting in the cabin dumbfounded.

Pairs of frightened pupils contracted extremely.

Xin Zhao jumped straight: "What to do! The God of Death is back!"

Liu Chuang also showed a cowardly look: "Did he kill the queen of female angels?"

Di Leina also said nervously: "Fuck, he probably came to us for compensation, I heard from Lao Du that he came to us a few days ago just to claim compensation, and now he is busy with other things , come and deal with us!"

Qiangwei in the corner felt an inexplicable sense of excitement in her heart.

this time.

She is still lethargic.

The content of the dream has not changed, it is still playing poker with Ye Yang on various occasions.

in contrast.

Monkey King is the calmest one:
"I don't feel the killing intent. Also, didn't Lao Huang say that if Ye Yang appears, he must be treated with the highest standard. Any request that does not violate the purpose of the country must be satisfied."

Everyone heard Brother Monkey's words.

They all calmed down.

Get out of the cabin one by one.


After receiving the notice, Ducao rushed to the deck with Lianfeng and Yuqin.

When Ye Yang saw Ducao who was the leader in the crowd.

Immediately asked:

"Have I been walking for a long time? The wound on that pig's face is healed."

Ye Yang pointed to Ge Xiaolun who was wearing dark alloy armor in the crowd.

Ge Xiaolun's eyes dodged.

Subconsciously touched his cheek, showing a silly smile.

"You have been away for three days, Comrade Ye Yang, let's go in and talk."

Ducao invited sincerely.

"I won't go in, let's talk about how you decide to compensate me for my loss in Huangcun. Also, haven't you heard about the crocodile and Liangbing who lived with me in Huangcun in the past three days?"

Since blowing up many galaxies with one punch.

I suppressed my own heavenly combat power to cross this fragile universe.

Many living planets passed by.

After taking a quick look around, he used any door to return to Earth.

Unexpectedly, I actually walked for three days.

"There is news, your crocodile friend has appeared in Western countries and is wreaking havoc on the city. As for the friend named Liang Bing you mentioned, does it look like this?"

It was Lianfeng beside Ducao who spoke.

She flicked in the void with one hand.

A virtual projection of Liang Bing's frontal photo appeared.

"Yes, both of these goods are in Western countries?"

Ye Yang was a little happy.

These two guys really didn't die.

I don't care at all whether Thornton is destroying the city or not.

Above all, it was the West that Thornton was destroying.

Even if this earth is not my previous life.

But when Ye Yang heard the word "western country", he hated it.

"The two of them took down the city of Jerusalem in the west, and for some reason, they gathered a group of local militants and became the emperor of that city. Those transformed demons dare not fight In the past." Ducao said.

"Crack? These two guys are so cruel? Wait, what transformed demon?"

Ye Yang heard the pleasant news.

Immediately laughed.

Everyone murmured in their hearts when they heard the word brutal.

In terms of cruelty, can you be as cruel as you?
Ducao: "After you left, Morgana of the demonic civilization launched a dyeing plan for the people of the earth. If you believe in her, you can join the demons, gain abilities and lifespan beyond ordinary people, but they will be extremely cruel and do whatever you want. Countless ordinary people are miserable."

When Ducao finished speaking.

The Xiongbing Company was silently observing Ye Yang's reaction to the invasion of human beings by demons.

"Morgana, just that scolding guy. I've seen it a few times, but I'm not interested in what she did. Now let's talk about the compensation you gave me. After the chat, I have to go find those two guys."

Hearing Ye Yang's words.

Disappointment flashed across the hearts of Ducao and others.

If you can get Ye Yang's help.

Can such a small move made by the mere demon queen Morgana be eliminated with a flip of a finger?
But Ye Yang's no-nonsense mentality made Du Kao heave a sigh of relief.

it looks.

Ye Yang has no ambition to rule the world.



Ducao: "What kind of compensation do you want? As a member of the country, the country will not treat you badly."

"I count."

Everyone saw Ye Yang earnestly calculating.

All are ashamed.

Is this really the existence of the holy Kaisa who has the supreme supernatural power and can be overwhelmed by the momentum of transformation?

Afterwards, Ye Yang said to Du Kao with his fingers:
"That yard is temporarily rented by me,
About two hundred square meters,
The original owner was Aunt Liu's family in Huangcun Village.
You can compensate Aunt Liu's family according to the demolition price in the center of Tianhe City,

I reckon there are a thousand or so
As for my mental damages,
There are also door-to-door claims for soup and medicine expenses that were fought by aliens,
Just give me ten. "

Du Kao saw that Ye Yang's request was so "outrageous".

He nodded in agreement on the spot.

He also gave Ye Yang his unsecured bank card out of his own pocket as compensation.

at the same time.

West, Jerusalem.

The world-famous statue of Jesus stands on the top of the mountain and embraces the world.

At this moment, it was replaced by a majestic stone statue of a crocodile holding an ax high on the top of the mountain.

Next to the toes of the alligator on the top of the mountain.

Thornton and Liang Bing sat on the ground.

"Girl Baozi, why didn't my brother come to me? Is it because we didn't make enough noise? I'm going to take down the neighboring country now!"

Thornton said.

Liang Bing looked at Thornton Hanhan whose memory had been erased by him.

"Shabi, your three-generation beast body can withstand several nuclear bombs, even if nothing happens, the city will be destroyed."

Thornton looked disappointed.

"Queen, Ye Yang appeared on the South China Sea Juxia, and it is estimated that he will arrive at your place soon, please be careful."

Suddenly, a dark communication came into Liangbing's mind.

The corners of Liang Bing's mouth rose slightly.

Ye Yang finally appeared.

Since Ye Yang showed amazing fighting power a few days ago, he and Carl used big methods to transfer him and Keisha away.

He started his plan of encroaching on the earth.

But just yesterday.

Karl told himself that Ye Yang was still alive, Kaisha went offline and escaped into the void.

Frightened, Liang Bing quickly erased Thornton's memory.

Take Thornton in this chaotic world.

Lay down a city and wait for Ye Yang to appear.

At least do so.

In Ye Yang's eyes.

She is just a female tenant with superpowers.

Like him, he is unwilling to become a fighting tool of a certain force.

"Leng Bing, long time no see? Can you hear who I am?"

At this time.

A wretched old man's voice came into Liang Bing's private communication channel.

Liang Bing frowned slightly.

His fists were suddenly clenched subconsciously.

"Hua Ye, after all these years, my wretched temperament has not changed~" Liang Bing's tone was very indifferent and mocking.

(End of this chapter)

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