Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 62 The Ancient Evil God Hua Ye Arrives!Liang Bing's arm was shaved!

Chapter 62 The Ancient Evil God Hua Ye Arrives!Liang Bing's arm was shaved!
Hearing that Liang Bing still remembers himself.

Hua Ye on the other end of the secret communication became even more excited.

"Tsk tsk~ I've smelled you since I was in the outer reaches of the solar system, and it's still so wonderful."


Liang Bing, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, stood up abruptly.

With a terrified expression on his face, he looked at the sky anxiously.

"What's the matter? Girl bun?"

Seeing Liang Bing looking at the sky in a panic, Thornton asked strangely.

"I, I feel a super invincible dark dark energy is approaching the earth!"

"What super invincible?" Thornton was dumbfounded.

"Damn... I entered the atmosphere." Liang Bing's eyes were fixed on the sky.

next second.

A beam of golden streamer rushed straight from the sky towards the man and the crocodile on the top of the mountain.

boom! ! !
The golden streamer blasted through Thorton's giant crocodile statue.

The huge crocodile statue is divided into two parts.

Rumbling and rolling down into the city below the mountain.


A golden streamer figure solidly bombarded the top of the mountain, splashing a wave of dust.

At the same time, the majestic atmospheric pressure shock wave directly pressed Liang Bing and Thornton, unable to straighten up.

After the storm.

"Fuck! My idol! Nima!!!"

Thornton cried out distressedly.

Liang Bing is the person who frowned and looked forward and gradually appeared in the thick dust.

I saw that person wearing a dark blue retro Roman armor.

A pair of white wings on the back are waving to disperse the dense dust.

She has short golden hair and a string of golden olive branches on her forehead.

Thin cheeks, a beard, a high nose bridge, and a pair of dark and sunken eye sockets, a classic face of excessive indulgence.

"Leng Bing, I heard that you and Karl killed Keisha. This was the person I loved the most. You have to pay me." Hua Ye said.

"Didn't you run away with Ruoning? What? Did she tell you about Kesha's offline?"

Liangbing has a bad attitude.

She has always hated this bastard.

I thought that after learning about Kesha's escape into the void and going offline from Karl, my pursuit and long-cherished wish for many years were satisfied.

You can also take a vacation.

Get in touch with this guy Ye Yang.

did not expect.

Hua Ye, a wretched old man, took the opportunity to become active.

Terrible motherfucker.

Hua Ye looked at Thornton beside him.

Pointing to the comment:
"What is this ugly crocodile? The body contains divinity and dark energy. This is a pre-nuclear civilization. It is impossible to give birth to such a beast."

"Damn it, no matter who you are, you exploded the statue of your Grandpa Thorton as soon as you came here, and even pointed at me and said I was ugly, so I'll hack you if I don't live!"

The angry Thornton took out the bloody axe from behind.

But was stopped by Liang Bing stretching out his hand.

Seeing Liang Bing is afraid.

Hua Ye mocked even more presumptuously:

"Is this crocodile talking to me? Liang Bing, why do you have such a strong taste? I have made friends with these creatures. If you want to be satisfied, I can give it to you!"

"Fuck you, girl bun, go away, don't stop me!"

Thornton was very excited.

"See, my friend, you are very unwelcome."

Liang Bing finished speaking.

With one arm outstretched, a purple energy mass twirled in the palm.

A posture of fighting at any time.

"Hahahaha~ Liang Bing, Kaisha is offline, and the order of the Heavenly Palace will reappear. Get ready to be conquered by this king."


Hua Ye quickly flapped his wings and took off into the clouds.

"Girl Baozi, who is this guy? He really deserves to be beaten."

Thornton asked, pointing to the sky.

"He is a male angel from 3 years ago, a descendant of the royal family, a waste who can only hide in the depths of the universe and play with women. It is estimated that the boss of the female angel died, and he came out and became active again."

Liang Bing stared at the clouds in the sky and said.

Don't dare to relax your vigilance.


Three male angels wearing ancient Roman armor were killed in the clouds.

They held flaming blades, and their wings fluttered on their backs, breaking through the speed of sound.

"Lie Yan Wu, did Ruoning give it to you? Huh~" Liang Bing thought to himself.

Immediately, he reminded Thornton beside him:
"Shorton, be careful, each of these male angels has lived for tens of thousands of years, has rich combat experience, and has flame-level weapons in their hands. Even if you are the peak of the third generation of beast body, you must be careful not to be cut."

The voice just fell.

Three male angels swooped down towards the cold ice formation.

Liang Bing used the wormhole to escape.

Thornton swung his ax to strike one.

But cut a blank.

When cold ice appeared on the base cross-section of the crocodile statue on the top of the mountain.

The three male angels killed again.

Thornton on the pedestal of the idol hopped,

"Hey! Don't just kill female buns, come and fight me!"

High in the clouds.

Hua Ye floated here.

Beside him, there is a black-winged female angel floating.

She holds a war bow.

Dark red lips, hot body, long brown wavy hair.

The imposing manner is compelling, and the appearance gives people a sense of evil spirits and arrogance.

"I heard that Kesha was on the earth, and was destroyed by Karl and Liangbing together. It seems that a huge strong man with terrifying power was created in the middle. Is it that crocodile? It doesn't look like it. What do you think, what if rather?"

Hua Ye put his hands on his hips and said loudly.

Ruoning said in a deep voice:
"I have observed the dark information on the earth with the eye of insight, and it has been artificially erased. Apart from fragmentary written records, there are not many information records on the earth about the huge and powerful man, but I guess, there is a high probability that it is Styx Carl, the god of death, made it."

"That kid Karl, is he very strong now?" Hua Ye asked.

Ruoning said: "You are a woman who has been hiding in the depths of the universe for tens of thousands of years. Now Karl has the technology and power that is not inferior to Queen Kaisha. If you want to regain control of Tiangong and defeat Hexi, you must have His support."

"Hey, I really miss the time when Kesha was my wife. The legs of my two sister-in-laws were still so white, but they have changed now~." Hua Ye complained.

Ruoning said indifferently:
"Don't recall the past, Liang Bing is not so easy to deal with now, the purpose of this time is to see how much strength she still has after defeating Kesha."

"Okay~ I'll go back to the boat and wait for you~"

Hua Ye said casually.

Before leaving, I didn’t forget to have a handful of salted pork knuckles.

Ruoning was obviously used to it, and with only a look of disgust in his eyes, he shot an arrow at the cold ice below.

Because Ruoning himself is a master of wormholes.

this arrow.

Predicted the location of Liang Bing's next wormhole appearance.

Liang Bing just emerged from the wormhole.

The sharp arrows with explosive power bombarded the top of the mountain, which was comparable to the power of the shells of armed tanks.

Although it does no harm to the cold ice.

But the thick dust raised up covered her vision for a moment.

A slag saw the right moment.

He rushed directly into the dense dust, cut off one of Liang Bing's arms with a sword, and stole it directly.

On the spot, Leng Bing sucked in pain.

Look at the red cross-section of the wound on the arm.

She said angrily:

"Damn it, it really hurts to be slashed by a flame-level weapon!"



Liang Bing saw the dense dust billowing in front of him.

Inexplicably, there was a pink portal.

(End of this chapter)

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