Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 65 The Fierce Treasure Art Qilin Step!Ruoning has fallen!

Chapter 65 Ten Fierce Treasure Technique Qilin Step!Ruoning has fallen!

Just as Liang Bing was shocked.

Ye Yang was suspended between the blue and silver energy chains intertwined with huge double pupils all over the sky.

Open your arms like a god.

His whole body was overflowing with mana, and his pupils were filled with silver-gray chaotic flames.

Liang Bing and Ruoning below looked silly.


Hua Ye, who saw this scene with a binocular on the front deck of the Tiangong battleship, was so angry that he slammed the binoculars.

"Cao! Those are the king's twelve personal guards and three fighters!"

"One hit! Just one hit?!"

While angry.

Hua Ye also felt an unprecedented crisis.

In the past tens of thousands of years, has he really fallen behind?

A mere soldier under Liang Bing's command has such terrifying skills.

No no no, slip away!
"Send the order and retreat immediately!" Hua Ye shouted.

"Wang, don't you wait for Ruoning?" a Tian Zha asked.

"She'll figure it out herself, set sail quickly." Hua Ye ordered.


at the same time.

An arm fell in front of Ye Yang in the double-pupil area.

One-handed one-handed arrest.

Use mana to suck the arm into the hand.

Even hold on firmly.

Ye Yang could also feel that this broken arm was full of vitality, and wanted to break free all the time.

Ye Yang scanned his arms with double pupils.

Somehow, it was discovered that there was a certain connection between the arm and the cold ice below, and this arm contained a majestic vitality.

"Ruoning, we will withdraw first, you hurry up and catch up."


A man's obscene voice came from above the sky.

Ye Yang looked up subconsciously.

Huge purple eyes with double pupils all over the sky are also looking at the top of the sky

With the blessing of double pupils.

Ye Yang could clearly see an ancient warship flying out of the earth.

Although I don't know which force is the alien above.

But it's so far away.

Ye Yang also had no intention of chasing him.

Because it's below me.

There is also a black-winged female angel waiting to be dealt with.

The few arrows she shot at herself and Liang Bing just now.

The power is not small.

hundreds of meters below the sky.

Ruoning heard Hua Ye's announcement.

My lungs exploded.

Fortunately, after leaving Melo's heaven, he went to the depths of the universe to find him, and he was still loyal to him.

And play poker with him.

To support his slag army with flame-level weapons.

Unexpectedly, what he got in exchange was to slip away at a critical moment.

"Ruoning, it seems that Hua Ye didn't take you seriously, so he just dumped you?"

In the space-time cage on the mountain below.

Liang Bing said mockingly.

"Hmph, today is your fate, and next time I will kill you."

Ruoning said fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to open the wormhole and leave.

Liang Bing saw it.

Immediately shouted to the sky:

"Ye Yang, this guy wants to escape! Kill her!"


Ruoning heard Liang Bing calling the "God of War".

When I was angry.

Draw the bow and set the arrow, and decide to shoot the cold ice and leave.

call out!
An arrow shot out contained Ruoning's true anger and was extremely powerful.

But at this moment.

boom! ! !
A coercion of heaven-defying magic power descended from the sky.

The cyan waterfall visible to the naked eye turned into a storm that suppressed the entire city below.

The one who bears the brunt is Ruoning who is also in the air.

This coercive impact made her unstable and her headache was splitting.

The sharp arrow shot out was also blown away from its original trajectory.

Fly to nowhere.

Below the top of the mountain.

Thornton held his head, complaining that he had a headache.

On the contrary, the cold ice in the cage of time and space did not respond.


Ruoning felt the pain in his head.

Barely stabilized his body.

"It's such a strong sense of oppression that it actually affected my spirit."

next second.

Ruoning forcefully opened the wormhole and entered it to escape.

Then came out ten meters away.

"What's going on?! Why is there such a small distance?"

Ruoning was horrified to find that she had moved such a small distance.

His eyes subconsciously looked at the cold ice on the mountain below.

But Liang Bing is in the cage of time and space.

Nothing was done.

Ruoning suddenly raised her head to look at the double-pupil area above her head.

Good guy.

Countless pairs of double purple pupils are staring at him forcefully.

Immediately, the eye of insight turns on the scanning mode.

"It's the eyes that restrict my wormhole movement!

so far away
Damn Liang Bing, actually researched such a heaven-defying black technology,

Can restrain the use of wormholes! "

Ruoning said in shock.

At this time.

Ye Yang's body descended to a position only [-] meters above Ruoning's head.

"You female alien with black wings, you just wanted to kill me with those few arrows, right?"

Ye Yang's indifferent voice sounded.

The condescending attitude and the gaze overlooking the ants made Ruoning very uncomfortable and cautious.

I saw Ruoning struggling to put the bow in his hand back into the wormhole.

He took out a flaming sword from the wormhole.

call out!call out!
Dancing the long sword in the air.

Preemptive strike.

He shot out two golden energy sword waves, blasting towards Ye Yang above his head with an X cross in the air.

Ye Yang came to face Jianbo's attack.

Lightly said:

The voice just fell.

Ye Yang's mana flashed all over his body.

The silver-blue surging stream of mana quickly gathered towards the toe of his right leg.

The whole leg is extremely dazzling.


Ye Yang's eyes were cold.

Take a step forward with your right foot in the air, stepping lightly into the void.

A ring of cyan mana spread out 360 degrees, carrying the supreme shock wave of divine power.

Long! ! !
In an instant.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The entire atmosphere is constantly trembling and roaring.

The two golden sword waves that came from the bombardment stopped the momentum even more.

Ye Yang took another step, and took several more steps.

Every step made a dull sound in the atmosphere.

It doesn't seem like stepping on the void.

On the contrary, it seems that there is an invisible drum at the bottom of the foot.

The world shook.

The cold ice below, Thornton, and all the citizens of Jerusalem were frightened.

"What kind of method is this! Ah!!!"

Ruoning's brain was torn apart by this mysterious step.


Falling straight down to the top of the mountain.

Ye Yang chased down.

Take every step.

The power is geometrically multiplied!

When the fourth step is taken.

The mountain below which originally stood the statue of Thornton was humming, and it was about to collapse.

Even if it is the cold ice in the cage of time and space.

At this moment, the face changes color.

The double pupils turned on the scanning and recording mode, connected to Devil One and began to calculate crazily.

"Damn, it's really a powerful skill. Every time you take a step, your strength can be infinitely improved!"

at the same time.

Ye Yang.

After chasing directly above the falling Ruoning, the two maintained a subtle relative stillness.

At the same time, he also took the sixth step.

Suddenly, there was a killing sound like the roar of thousands of war horses.

"Brother! What kind of tricks are you doing! You can't stand it!"

On the top of the mountain, Thornton hugged his head with his hands under the pressure of this momentum, lying on the ground and crying out in pain.

"It's obviously footsteps, but it can actually cause such power, it's too powerful!"

Liang Bing in the space-time cage was very excited.

at the same time.

Liangbing saw Ye Yang slowly lift his right foot, aiming at Ruoning's head and stepping lightly away.

Ye Yang at this moment.


There seemed to be three thousand demons roaring together behind them.

Everything in the world seems to be obliterated under this foot, which is terrifying and amazing.


When Ye Yang stepped on the seventh step.

The sky burst into a roar.

Moreover, the purple mist spread like a cloud, and it tended to drown all directions.

In the heavy and surging purple mist.

Ye Yang's calm voice came out:
"This is the ten fierce treasure technique, Qilin Step."

(End of this chapter)

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