Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 66 Tianji Wang Hexi!Keep an eye on Ye Yang!

Chapter 66 Tianji Wang Hexi!Keep an eye on Ye Yang!

"Damn, stomped on Ruoning's head?!"

In the space-time cage on the mountain below.

Liang Bing said in shock.

To know.

Ruoning is the God of War who followed Kaisha during the period of the Three Kings.

The third generation divine body!
The ability in terms of wormholes is one of the most extreme existences in the known universe.

Second only to myself and Holy Kesha.

He died like this!
After a while.

The double pupils of purple light all over the sky closed their eyes one by one, and then disappeared into the void wormhole.

The sky also returned to clear daylight.

Under the eyes of all the citizens of Jerusalem.

Ye Yang is like a god.

Bear the sun.

Descending from the sky towards the mountain top.

Holding a severed arm in his hand, a headless black-winged female corpse was trampled under his feet.

"Big brother! Big brother, cow!"

Thornton rushed forward, jumping around Ye Yang excitedly.

Ye Yang kicked Ruoning's headless female corpse to Thorton.

"It's okay, the corpse will be handed over to you."

Thornton glanced at the female corpse on the ground with a happy expression.

The tongue is exposed.

Ye Yang's double pupils looked at Liang Bing in the time-space cage behind him.

The entire space-time cage is in the shape of a birdcage, pure black.

Although it looks like an ordinary iron cage.

But just now Thornton swung the ax and slashed violently without leaving a scar on it, which shows its firmness.

"What's the matter with your arm? It's clearly broken. Why is it still moving on its own as if you were alive, and you keep trying to rush towards you?" Ye Yang said.

"Oh, I don't know either. Maybe it's another genetic ability of mine. Just like you, I can see you using new abilities every time. It's amazing."

Liangbing randomly found a reason to prevaricate.

But she didn't know it was.

Saint double pupil has unparalleled insight.

See through all falsehoods and lies.


Although it can be seen that Liang Bing is lying.

But Ye Yang didn't intend to get to the bottom of it.

"Why don't you let go of your arms and see what happens?" Liang Bing suggested.


Ye Yang let go of the arm he was holding.

I saw the arm flying directly towards Liangbing.

The slender arm passed through the gap of the cage column of the time-space cage, entered it, and automatically combined with the wound of Liang Bing's severed arm.

I saw a ray of purple light healing rapidly at the joint of the wound.

After a while.

The arm is back to normal.

Liang Bing moved her arms pretending to be surprised.

"Me! I recovered! Did you do it, Ye Yang?"

"It should be your own ability. Anyway, it's fine. By the way, where do you live now? I want to sleep."

"Can you come out of this cage by yourself?"

"Why don't Thornton dig a hole in the ground to rescue you."

Ye Yang asked lightly.


I have been sleepless for the past few days, my body is sticky, I have long wanted to take a bath, sleep comfortably, and then find my favorite anime to watch dramas under the covers, or play a few games of LOL.

"Shorton has a palace in this city, and we will live there for a few days."

"I'll try to see if I can open it myself."

I saw Liang Bing holding the two columns of the time-space cage with both hands.

After a while.

The space-time cage will automatically float.

Like a spirit treasure in a fantasy novel, it rapidly shrinks and is suspended in Liang Bing's palm.

Flip your palm.

This mini version of the space-time cage disappeared.

Ye Yang didn't bother to ask.

Changed the subject:
"You know the female alien who was killed by me just now? I heard you call her Ruoning. Is she an alien or a genetically awakened person like you?"

Naturally, Liangbing couldn't be said to be revealing.

In front of Ye Yang.

She has to be an earthling who has awakened a super gene.

"Just like us, the Gene Awakener, my deadly enemy, has joined a certain alien group and wants to destroy me every day."

Liang Bing lied and didn't make drafts.

It is also a set of tricks to fool people.

But Ye Yang saw through that she was lying even with double pupils.

It doesn't matter.

As long as Liang Bing doesn't do anything that hurts himself, it's fine.


Katz Katz~
The sound of gnawing and bone breaking came from behind the two.

The two turned their heads.

I saw Thornton sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Holding a black wing in his hand, he was gnawing on the fur and drinking blood.

The sharp crocodile teeth are biting Ruoning's wings.

"Damn it? You're just going to eat it! This guy is a three-generation god body! It's very valuable for research, you foodie!" Liang Bing said angrily.

Directly gave Thornton a chestnut.

"My elder brother asked me to handle it myself. If you have the ability, you can kill one yourself, go and go~"

Thornton ate very well.

Said without looking back.

"You're disgusting Thornton!"

Ye Yang couldn't take it anymore and felt sick.

at the same time.

The Tianji Palace in Tiancheng Merlot.

Forest beside the lake.

Hexi, who was wearing a silver armor and dark blue royal robe, was walking here with the new king, Angel Yan.

He Xi raised a white jade finger.

A butterfly rests on the fingertip.

A pair of beautiful sapphire blue eyes admired the figure of the butterfly.

"Although Keisha passed on the acting throne to you, you must accept my test."

The voice just fell.

Butterflies on fingertips were burned to ashes.

"If you pass the test, will you help me level up?" Angel Yan's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Not against Hexi.

It's Ye Yang whose heart is on the earth.

"Well, I have learned something in the last few thousand years, I don't know what level you are?"

Hexi draws his sword.

While pulling out the sword.

The body suddenly transformed into multiple clones, forming a circle around Angel Yan.

"Clone body technique." Yan said.

At the same time, he also put on a fighting posture.


A reminder sounded in the hearts of Hexi and Yan at the same time.

"Angel Ruoning, is offline."

The two stared blankly at the same time.

Followed by.

A picture was sent to the dark plane of the two.

After a while.

Hexi: "You heard it too, every angel warrior died in battle in the universe, no matter whether she betrayed justice or not, the moment she died offline, the king will receive a reminder that the picture she is seeing now is Ruoning Lin It was uploaded to the Angel Dark Plane database before death."

Angel Yan: "Ruoning, who trampled to death three generations of gods, didn't Ruoning take refuge in Hua Ye? How could she provoke Ye Yang?"

He Xi said calmly: "Is this little guy Ye Yang? He looks really extraordinary, and his combat power is terrifying."

Angel Yan couldn't wait:
"Hurry up and start the test, upgrade me to the fourth generation as soon as possible,

There are still many things waiting for me to deal with outside,

Hearing that Karl of Styx collects void matter everywhere in the universe,
Those were all caused by Ye Yang breaking through the gap in the void of the universe,
Definitely can't let Carl get it all. "

A group of Hexi raised their swords and made gestures.

The main body, Hexi, sat on a rock and said:
"Void matter, this thing is indeed very useful in some cutting-edge theories and academics, but you can't be impatient now, let's talk about it after passing the test, my clone is quite strong,"


Six clones began to besiege Angel Yan.

The two sides fought flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, the stream was gushing, and the atmosphere was turbulent.

Extremely fast.

The main body, Hexi, split out another clone.

Ontology Hexi: "I will activate the blessing of the space-based computing group for you, and you will have the power second only to me. Go to the planet Earth to lurk, keep an eye on that Ye Yang, and it is best to get his genes,"

Clone Hexi: "Understood."

(End of this chapter)

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