Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 70 Betting against Liangbing!Win when I'm horse juice?

Chapter 70 Betting against Liangbing!Win when I'm horse juice?

Jerusalem is the same as Ye Yang's world before he traveled.

It is a famous historical city and a holy place of religion.

On the side of a 900-year-old cathedral.

Inside the tennis court.

Ye Yang was brought here by Liangbing's ability to carry micro-wormholes.

He was forced to change into a sports suit with a white T-shirt and black shorts.

I have an extra racket in my hand.

And the cold ice seems to have some evil taste.

The black sports shorts that Ye Yang matched seemed to be a small size.

The thief who Niu Zi was killed is obvious.

Even though there was no one around, Ye Yang shyly blocked Niu Niu with his racket.

"Ling Bing, I don't really want to exercise now. I just finished swimming, so I should go eat hot pot and beer now, and then stay in bed and watch dramas beautifully."

Ye Yang said impatiently.

When Liang Bing saw Ye Yang's lazy appearance, how could it be connected with the stalwart posture that the sacred light swayed the world that day.

I must take advantage of this time.

Take a good look at the secrets of Ye Yang.

No more.

It's okay to increase the goodwill.

After all, after the development of his own great demon civilization on the earth.

It will definitely collide with the remaining angel civilization power.

as well as.

That perverted Karl who wants to turn himself into a phantom all the time.

These are the formidable enemies of the future.

If only Ye Yang could support her.

I am absolutely invincible!

"You can eat hot pot if you want, but you have to promise me a request."

Liang Bing straightened his back and said.

Ye Yang asked: "What request? Let's listen first."

"Let me make your horse juice!"

Liang Bing said with slightly raised eyebrows.

There is a big one, you kid is picking up cheap, I am such a fairy who can take the initiative to make your horse juice.

You should immediately kneel down, cry, kneel and lick.

Hold my old lady in my hand, thank you very much.


The entire stadium was eerily quiet.

The cold voice echoed continuously over the empty stadium.


Incredibly quiet.

Ye Yang's whole body was petrified in place.

He stared at Liang Bing with widened eyes. (After killing Ruoning, Ye Yang has always been in the state of double pupil Shi Yi.)
Under the double pupil.

Liang Bing wasn't talking about lying!
Ye Yang was even more surprised!
Is there something wrong with this girl's brain?
I only played poker with her once, and I haven't even known her for a week.

Why make your own horse juice?
And Liang Bing looked a few years older than himself.

About 26 seven years old.

Let's talk about it for a year or two.

I am only 23 and four years old.

Cold ice is only 28 nine!
Next, do I have to prepare the bride price, prepare the house, and then have to consider the issue of having a child?

A child is born.

Then the happiness and freedom of being a man are completely gone!
For an instant.

Ye Yang can almost see his horrible life after entering marriage.

"Let's play, I suddenly want to play."

Ye Yang declined politely.


Liang Bing was dumbfounded by Ye Yang's answer.

Is the daughter of my majestic angel, the queen of demons, not worthy of being your horse juice?
"Okay! Then you're done!"

Angrily, Liang Bing threw up the tennis ball in his hand.

One hop.

A smash came directly to Ye Yang.

And this blow.

Liang Bing used the power of the four generations of gods, and also secretly strengthened the racket and tennis ball.

I saw that the tennis ball was like a blow that contained the explosive power of the planet in the later stage of Prince of Tennis.

along the way.

The air was compressed, and the space even showed signs of being crushed.

But Ye Yang has the blessing of double pupils.

Reach out for the racket in your hand.

The tennis ball passed through the racket and hit the ground.

Empty! ! !
A large mud hole was blasted out from the edge of the tennis court behind Ye Yang.

When the dust dissipates.

Ye Yang looked at the broken racket in his hand.

Three black lines and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Ye Yang: "Are you playing ball?"

Liang Bing shouldered the tennis racket with a proud expression on his face and said:
"I know it's nothing to you."

"It's the first time I've asked to be someone else's horse juice. You dare to refuse, which really makes me very upset."

"Two wins in three rounds. If you lose, let me be your horse juice. If I lose, you can ask whatever you want."

"Now you've lost a goal."


From the palm of Liang Bing's left hand, another tennis ball emerged from the micro-wormhole.

Toss into the air.

Both legs jumped, and another powerful smash hit Ye Yang on the opposite side.

Ye Yang panicked a little.

How can a woman be so eager to be her own horse juice?

And I only have a broken racket in my hand!

This is not bullying.

Facing the high-speed ball that bombards and collapses the space.

Ye Yang stepped out subconsciously.

Unleash the ten fierce treasure technique Qilin Step.


The entire tennis court was thunderous and lightning.

The wind blows.

The shock wave of turbulent momentum blasted from Ye Yang's body towards the cold ice on the opposite side.

Shengsheng suppressed the speed of the incoming high-speed ball.

The moment the ball crosses the net.

Ye Yang also waved his racket to greet him.

Although it is a broken racket.

But Ye Yang injected mana into it.

The entire racket exudes pure golden mana light.

And the hole in the middle of the racket is also repaired and strengthened by the basic runes of [Sky Mending Art].


Seeing this, Liang Bing let out a burst of anger in his nasal cavity.

The slender arms stretched forward and aimed at the tennis ball.

Just when Ye Yang swung the racket and was about to collide with the tennis ball.

The void between the tennis ball and the racket suddenly creates a wormhole.

The tennis ball instantly entered and disappeared.

Ye Yang's shot was missed.

When he settled down.

I saw that tennis ball was speeding back and forth through various wormholes around him.

I was completely imprisoned in place by this tennis ball that repeatedly shuttled through many wormholes at high speed.

"It's just a joke."

Ye Yang frowned.

"What do you mean by being lazy? You can also use your ability. If you don't catch the ball, I will let the ball hit the ground. Then you will lose two goals to me. Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Cool ice is very proud.

I dare you to reject this king's kindness.

This is punishment!
"Okay, if you lose, put your butt up and let me slap you!"

Ye Yang was also angered by this guy.


Eyes closed and opened.

Double pupils show their power.

The eyes bloom with chaotic light.

The sky over the entire stadium was shrouded in darkness.

In the sky, one after another purple pupils opened from the wormhole.

Although the scale is much smaller than when Ruoning was killed.

But there is no shortage of power and terrifying aura.

"The ancient double pupil! Can imprison the wormhole!"

Seeing Ye Yang use this trick again, Liang Bing was secretly startled.


The tennis ball, which was repeatedly shuttled through the many wormholes on the other side of the net, also slowed down.

And can no longer enter the wormhole.

Ye Yang looked at the right time.

A shot hit the tennis ball.

The tennis ball hits Liang Bing at a terrifying speed.

Before Liang Bing could react.

The tennis ball passed through the left side of the cold ice and hit the ground, making a big crater.

The shock wave made the cool pleated skirt blow loudly.

The sun visor on the forehead was also hung down.

Liang Bing subconsciously covered the pleated skirt with both hands.

Although looking forward to.

A large piece of white ingot was exposed behind it.

After calm.

Ye Yang pointed at Liang Bing on the opposite side with his racket and said.

"One to one, just wait for the beating."

(End of this chapter)

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