Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 71 Slamming the Ice Cream!Shae is coming to Earth!

Chapter 71 Slamming the Ice Cream!Shae is coming to Earth!

"Give me a ball, now it's my turn to serve."

Ye Yang reached out to Liang Bing to ask for it.

Seeing this, Liang Bing felt a little scared.

My purpose is to be Ye Yang's horse juice and tie him by my side.

If this is really a defeat.

Don't you want to be spanked by him?
She is a demon queen who has lived for tens of thousands of years, how could she be so humiliated?

"No, no, let's redefine the rules. Your ability can only be used on the other side of the net, and I am the same, so it's fairer."

Liang Bing confirmed the details of the rules.

Ye Yang didn't care.

Limit the scope of the double pupil in the sky to the sky on your side.


Liang Bing took out a tennis ball from the wormhole and threw it to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang holds the ball with one hand.

From the palm, the tennis ball, golden runes popped out.

A jump kill serve.

Tennis over the net.

With a single thought, Liang Bing built a wormhole corridor.

The tennis ball got stuck one meter away from the net, repeatedly shuttling through the two micro-wormholes.

Followed by.

Cold ice fights back.

Ye Yang was under the support of Chong Tong.

Retaliate with precision.

The sky is dim and the earth is dark when you come and I fight between the two sides.

The ground on the pitch cracked.

It even caused an emergency evacuation of the city's armed forces.

This is a duel between the strong born with double pupils and the number one wormhole master in the universe.

"Queen, I'm Shae. I just returned to Earth from the Styx Nebula. I felt your powerful dark energy surge as soon as I entered the solar system. My fleet just broke through the atmosphere. Do you need the support of orbital guns?"


A dark communication sound transmission entered the mind of Liang Bing who was fighting fiercely.

This distracted Liang Bing a little.

Carrying a strong wind, a ball grazed Liang Bing's right ear.

A large pit with a diameter of ten meters was directly blasted out of the dilapidated ground behind him.

And the mana-enhanced tennis ball rebounded and shot far away.

A church dedicated to a crucified God collapsed.

"One to two~."

Ye Yang said with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Liangbing's eyes flashed with fear.

Shae was an orphan she adopted thousands of years ago on Isa.

He has followed him through countless wars.

At last.

4000 years ago, he was arranged to go to the Styx Nebula to lurk and monitor Karl.

During this time, Karl's hometown was bombed.

Only then did he recall Shae back to Earth.

To Shae, she is both a queen and a mother.

"It's okay, you go to Huaxia to find Nightmare and help the demons accelerate their development on Earth. The queen is on vacation now, don't bother me."

Liang Bing secretly replied.

"But queen, I haven't seen you in 4000 years, I miss you very much."

Shae's tone was a little sad.

But only in front of Liang Bing, she would show such a side.

"Okay, I will find time to meet you in the evening, let's not talk about Ang."


Liang Bing cut off the communication.

Continue to fight Ye Yang for the last ball.

inside the atmosphere.

A huge battleship in the shape of a pure black battle ax is rushing towards Huaxia.

The edge of the battle ax in front of the battleship even rubbed against the atmosphere to form a high-temperature and high-pressure black barrier.

Command room.

A long straight black beauty with an extremely hot figure sat on the control seat.

She was wearing a dark black tight-fitting cheongsam.

He is 1.8 meters tall, with a small slapped face, and a pair of demon horns facing the sky on his head.

The facial features are delicate and small, and the skin is fair.

The eyes are like azure blue cat's eye gemstones.

Compared with the form of the ice demon Morgana.

Shae's image is more like a perfect combination of demons and noble elves.

It has not only the beauty and sexiness of the devil, but also the nobility, mystery and youth of the elves.

"You go to Huaxia first, and talk to Minister Nightmare. If Nightmare asks, just say that I went to report to Queen Morgana."


Shae was not an obedient woman.

She was raised by Morgana after all.

It's nature to do whatever you want.

Even if Morgana said not to disturb herself.

Shae didn't feel that going to see the queen would be an interruption.

The Queen must be fighting an enemy now, and doesn't want to involve herself in it.

Otherwise, how could such a strong dark energy erupt.


Shae stood up from the control position.

Stepping into the micro-wormhole, the next second came to the sky outside the battleship.

A pair of devil wings spread out from behind.

Fly quickly in the direction of Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that.

Shae's shape, and her wings.

It is very similar to the pair of black mechanical meat wings behind the cold ice in Morgana form.

The two are like mother and daughter.

at the same time.

Inside the tennis court that seems to have been eroded by the flames of war.

The net was half-hanging, and plumes of smoke rose from the exploding soil around it.

But at the moment.

The short voice of Liang Bing resounded here.

"Ah anthracene!"

"Ah~ don't hit!"

"I will not let you go, Ye Yang!"

Snapped! !


clap clap clap! ! !
About 5 minutes later.

Ye Yang wiped off his sticky fingers and the T-shirt with his palm on his body.

He looked contentedly at a dilapidated bench in front of him.

I saw Liang Bing lying prone on the bench.

His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment and anger.

Biting her lower lip tightly, her eyes were venomous.

And that was determined.

Bright red like a strawberry-flavored jelly.

Look carefully.

They were all palm prints that had been slapped violently.

"Asshole, although I am a fourth-generation divine body, his attack did not cause any damage at all, but...but! I am a majestic demon queen!"

Liang Bing felt resentful, shy and embarrassed.

Eyes wander around.

Afraid of being seen by acquaintances.


Get up quickly.

Hurry up and reset the sports skirt and racer vest on your body.

He stared at the triumphant Ye Yang with resentful eyes.

Ye Yang mobilized his mana and flew into the air.

He lightly pulled the corner of the tight sports pants.

Said lazily:
"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~, don't accept it? I won't fight if I don't accept it. I'm tired and go back to sleep."

When Ye Yang left.

Liang Bing stared at the direction where Ye Yang left, clenched his fists tightly, and said viciously:
"Whoever the devil wants to get, he will never miss it! Since the hard ones can't do it, then I will be soft."


Liang Bing noticed the void floating in front of him, the wormhole was opened, and a figure came out.

"See Queen Morgana."

It's Shae.

Wearing a cheongsam, she knelt down on one knee as soon as she got out of the wormhole.

Liang Bing was suddenly frightened and his breath became stagnant.

Turning to look sullen, he said:
"Didn't I tell you not to disturb the king's vacation?"

an excited.

Liang Bing accidentally farted.


Liang Bing's cheeks became more bloodshot, embarrassing and angry.

On the other hand, Shae.

He lowered his head in fear and said:

"I'm sorry Queen Morgana, because I haven't seen you for 4000 years, I miss you so much, and don't want to wait for a moment, so Xue Yi hastily violated your order. I just arrived here, and I saw the Queen looking at the sky alone daze."

ps: Today's update is a little late, probably after writing these transitional plots tomorrow, it will start to return to the main line.

(End of this chapter)

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