Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 77 Complete simulation!Living Buddha Ji Gong!

Chapter 77 Complete simulation!Living Buddha Ji Gong!
In fact, just now downstairs, when He Xi and Liang Bing met.

Ye Yang realized that the relationship between these two people was not as close as it seemed.

Because Hexi was very indifferent during the whole process.

Combined with the tragic scene of Liangbing's clothes bursting in front of him.

Ye Yang guessed that the two daughters were probably fighting downstairs.

And Liang Bing is a superpower who has awakened the super gene, so he is so embarrassed at this moment.


Teacher Hexi is also a superpower.

"I am fine."

With the help of Xue Yi, Liang Bing stabilized her body.

Then Ye Yang came over.

"Hexi, she's gone." Liang Bing lied without blushing.

Ye Yang saw it right away.

asked coldly:

"Then explain how your clothes became like this?"


Rao is Liang Bing has an excellent brain.

At the moment, I can't think of a suitable reason.

Ye Yang said with a serious expression:
"I'm not interested in your previous conflicts, but Hexi is a friend I brought back, tell me where is she?"

In Ye Yang's character, idle fish is the main theme.

But it does not mean that he is a person without emotional intelligence and the concept of interpersonal relationship.

First of all, Hexi gave him a good first impression.

It fully meets the requirements of looking for horse juice.

Moreover, in this chaotic world, even Hexi is a superpower, alone in a foreign land, and finally met such a good young fellow like himself.

Now he has a conflict with Liang Bing again.

If bad guys take advantage of this, I have an unshirkable responsibility.

"She, she is in a city near the Keral Desert."

Liang Bing was frightened by Ye Yang with serious eyes.

Said Hexi's location.

This is the first time Liang Bing has seen Ye Yang being so serious about the people around him since he came into contact with Ye Yang.

Is it?

Could this guy have taken a fancy to Hexi?

Just when Liang Bing was making such speculations in his mind.

Ye Yang left the room.

at the corridor.

Ye Yang completely imitated Doraemon and took out any door from his pocket.

After opening.

Came to a deserted and dusty modern city.

Due to the city's close proximity to the desert and the fighting that just broke out, the air quality is extremely poor.

The entire sky and the streets of the city were shrouded in a hazy light yellow.

"Fortunately, I am a Doraemon template now, otherwise I would have choked to death if I took a breath."


Ye Yang put away any door, took out the bamboo dragonfly from his pocket, and started looking for Hexi in the air.

The strange thing is that there seems to be no one in the city.

And there are signs of destruction everywhere.

There are new ones and there are old ones.

A large number of cars are jammed on the city roads.

It's as if the doomsday zombies broke out.

"It seems that this place has also been invaded by the demons under Morgana's command. A city has been directly turned into ruins."

"Speaking of which, these two women are fighting, why did they come so far? Could Liang Bing beat Teacher Hexi to death?"

If Mr. Hexi really has three good things and two bad things.

Don't even think about sleeping in the next week with Liang Bing!
And her little sister, Shae, don't even want to sleep!

Ye Yang, who was flying high in the sky, saw billowing black smoke rising from the intersection below.

Immediately lower the flight altitude.

I saw that the hood of a white BMW was dented by something, and thick smoke billowed out.

And at the right wheel of the front of the car.

He Xi leaned against the wheel, slumped on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

The original literary costumes on his body were in dilapidated condition and were torn on the ground on one side.

Only a white tube top and a white boxer skirt remained on Hexi's body.

Long silver-white hair was messily draped over his body.

The breath is weak.

But Ye Yang could see his chest rising and falling.

"Teacher Hexi? Wake up, are you not hurt?"

Ye Yang landed on the ground and knelt down on one knee to check Hexi's body.

Although Hexi only has a little cloth left to cover it.

But eager to save people, Ye Yang didn't have so many scruples.

He checked Hexi from front to back, up and down.

Fortunately, there was no trauma.

"What's going on? Can't you wake up?"

Ye Yang was very strange, did he suffer some internal injury?
at the same time.

Hexi's body is far away in the forest of Tianji Royal Palace in Merlot Heavenly Court.

The information uploaded by the clone is being received.

in front of her.

Wearing silver armor and carrying a red royal robe, Angel Yan has just passed many tests set by Hexi, and successfully upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body.

"King Tianji, what's wrong with you?"

Asked Yan, who noticed that Hexi was distracted.

Hexi replied:
"A clone I sent to Earth is about to disintegrate. The original plan was to get close to Ye Yang and conduct long-term observation.
But I didn't expect Morgana to do the same thing,
For this reason my clone broke out with Morgana,
Avatars are avatars after all,
Can't beat Morgana, who has four generations of gods,
Even though I endow the avatar with a silver blade weapon and the blessing of a space-based computing group,

In the end, it was only possible to fight six or four with Morgana,

Unless I am present in person,
Otherwise, no one in the known universe can check and balance her,

Now that clone energy is about to dry up,

In order to prevent her from invading the angel database,
I've cut off all access to that clone,
If nothing else,
That clone will immediately dissipate due to energy exhaustion. "

Angel Yan heard the words.

He looked at the sword in his hand, and his current fourth-generation divine body.

Yan: "Your avatar is indeed very powerful. Even if the eight avatars I faced just now didn't have the blessing of a space-based computing group, they only held a Raging Flame Weapon, and their overall combat power far surpassed that of the three generations of angels. I want to know. With my current strength, what are my chances of winning against Morgana?"

Hexi: "With Kaisha's god-killing weapon arsenal and sacred knowledge treasure, you should be able to reach June [-]th, but you can still grow, so don't be impatient."

Yan: "I understand."

Hexi: "By the way, during your upgrade process, the angels outside sent back a message that the ancient Tianzha Huaye forces are gathering Tianzha everywhere, and they are chasing and killing the angel sisters who are performing missions all over the universe. I have already let Zhi Xin led the team to suppress it, now you are the Heavenly Blade King, you should give instructions."

Yan: "Hua Ye. I heard what Queen Keisha once said, but now I have to follow Queen Keisha's order to go to Frazer to protect Anishid. I will deal with Hua Ye's matter in time, and the heaven will be left to you Come guard."

He Xi nodded and said:

"Anishid is just the best candidate calculated by Keisha's database, but sometimes, the calculated one may not be the most suitable candidate."

Yan was silent.

Immediately, Angel Yan left.

"Hey~" He Xi sighed, that beautiful face, as if the forest had lost its vitality because of her sigh.

"It seems that it is impossible to send a clone close to Ye Yang, but according to the information, Ye Yang is quite normal, and should not be influenced by Morgana."

at the same time.

on the earth.

Ye Yang reached out and patted the clone Hexi's face.

Tried to wake up, but couldn't.

"My Cao? Why is your face so cold? So are your hands?"

Ye Yang pinched Hexi's face, grabbed her hand and rubbed it and said in surprise.

Looks like he has suffered serious internal injuries.

I have to find a way to save myself.

It seems that among Doraemon's props, there is no prop that can bring people back to life.

Even if there was, Ye Yang couldn't think of it for a while.


While Ye Yang was scratching his head and thinking.

This scratching movement reminded Ye Yang of a classic mythological figure.

"Complete simulation! Living Buddha Ji Gong!"

Ye Yang thought to himself.

Followed by.

Ye Yang put his hands into his armpits, kudang and other places.

(End of this chapter)

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