Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 78 Living Buddha Jigong VS Ancient Slaughter God Sumali!

Chapter 78 Living Buddha Jigong VS Ancient Slaughter God Sumali!
In Ye Yang's memory.

The living Buddha Jigong can rub the dirt on his body to create a special elixir with the flesh and bones of life and death.

It's called [Stretching Legs Staring Eye Pill].

But in the tales of folk tradition.

This clay pill is called [Living Buddha Elixir]. Eating it can not only prolong life, but also regenerate the body and bring the dead back to life.

But now it's embarrassing.

Ye Yang just played poker with Xue Yi not long ago, and before going out to buy hot pot ingredients, he even washed off the remaining essence of Xue Yi and his own sweat.

Now it is estimated that it is difficult to rub out a standard-sized leg-stretching pill.

After a while.

Ye Yang took his hands out of his clothes.

A gray mud pellet the size of a soybean was pinched between the thumb and index finger.

The volume is only half the size of the stretched leg staring pill in memory.

I don't know if the effect will be weakened.

Buzz! ! !

Ye Yang heard the roar of engines on the street not far away.

Sounds like it should be a big-displacement sports car.

It's driving towards me.

And along the way, there were constant cracking sounds of cars colliding with each other.

Ye Yang probably was a refugee passing through the city, or Morgana's demon warrior, but he didn't take it to heart.

Pinch Hexi's cold cheek with one hand, causing her to open her lips.


With the other hand, he sent the reduced version of the stretching leg staring pill into Hexi's mouth.

He lifted Hexi's chin up with his fingers to make it close.

But let go of your fingers.

Ye Yang noticed that Hexi's mouth was slightly opened, and the eye-stretching pill stuck to the tip of her tongue, without swallowing it at all.

"Huh? Why didn't you eat it? Eat it, it will save your life."

Ye Yang patted Hexi's face.

It was found that its body temperature was even colder.

The weak breathing also becomes like a gossamer.

"Teacher Hexi, you've offended me, I'm here to save you."

Ye Yang looked at Hexi's mouth.


Brain twisted.

Go forward and face the past.


In the gesture of blowing up a balloon, Ye Yang blew the eye-stretching pill into Hexi's throat.

at the same time.

On the street behind Ye Yang.

A blue sports car with its front almost destroyed stopped.

Sumari got out of the car.

When he saw Ye Yang with his back turned to him, holding Hexi's head and doing that kind of thing.

Handsome and enchanting, like him who stepped out of the comics.

At this moment, his fists were clenched tightly in anger.

The expression on his face has been distorted by anger.

His eyes almost shot out with anger.

Su Mali couldn't even think of killing him.

Someone would forcefully kiss Hexi in front of his face!

And judging by the attire, he is still an ordinary earth ant!
It is estimated that Hexi was shot down in the city by the cold ice just now, and Hexi, who was dying, happened to be seen by this hungry pervert.

"You step on the horse! Move your mouth away from her!"

While Sumari shouted.

The right arm waved forward fiercely.

The moment his right arm waved.

A sharp silver blade shot out from the micro wormhole in a super-speed spinning posture.

Shooting at the back of Ye Yang's head at a fast speed.

Break through the speed of sound continuously along the way, cutting out sharp sonic booms in the air.

Its sharpness can penetrate even a mountain hundreds of meters away in an instant.


When the silver blade collided with the back of Ye Yang's head.

There was a crisp metal clash sound.

The silver blade was bounced off the back of Ye Yang's head.

Shoot toward a 50-meter-high office building on the left side of the road.

call out!
The silver blade passed through the office building and flew straight into the sky.

I saw a small but sharp cut mark on the wall of the office building.

The office building gradually emitted a frictional hum.

The building was cut into two sections, one up and one down, at the moment just now, and it is now falling towards the top of Ye Yang's head.

"how is this possible?!!"

The angry Sumari stood there in a daze.

The shocked pupils stared at Ye Yang's back.

His invincible silver blade was actually bounced off the back of the earth's head? !
What cosmic joke?
At this time.

Ye Yang raised his head and glanced at the huge office building that hit him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the strange man behind him who shot at him.

With his right hand in the shape of a cattail leaf fan, he waved lightly towards the half of the office building that was toppled over his head:

A strange scene happened under Su Mali's gaze.

I saw that half of the collapsed building seemed to have been pressed the rewind button of the screen.

Strangely backed up.

The cut parts of the building healed miraculously.


Sumari's hairs stood on end.

The man in front of him kissing Hexi forcefully is no ordinary person.

Not only does it have a divine body that cannot be destroyed by a silver blade, but it also seems to have cutting-edge technology such as time.

"Are you Morgana's demon subordinate?"

Su Mali quickly calmed down.

After all, he is an ancient slaughter god who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his xinxing is still online.

Ye Yang turned around.

He looked at Sumari.

asked indifferently:

"I'm not a demon, why did you attack me?"

Ye Yang looked at the sissy in front of him, feeling inexplicably disgusted in his heart.

I hate men who dress like women the most.

The person in front of him is not only a golden retriever, but also draws eye shadow. He looks beautiful, and he probably has done many places.

And the move just now is probably a superpower, or an alien.

If it weren't for him, he would be the Jigong template now.

Possesses a mythical Rohan golden body.

Otherwise, it is really possible to be injured by his blow just now.

"I know her, what is your relationship with her?"

Su Mali has the attitude of an ex-boyfriend catching rape.

I really want to find out the relationship between He Xi and Ye Yang.

"I know you again? Why are there so many superpowers around me recently?" Ye Yang muttered, and then asked Su Mali:

"What's your name? Do you know her name? What's your relationship with her?"

Sumari crossed her arms and said proudly:

"My name is Su Mali, Hexi's ex-boyfriend."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

It turned out to be an ex-boyfriend.

No wonder he reacted so strongly when he saw what he did to Hexi just now.

"It's just an ex-boyfriend. That means you're not familiar with him. You'd better get out of here and don't mess with me."

Ye Yang said with indifferent eyes.

Although the surface is indifferent.

But there was a sense of loss in his heart.


Teacher Hexi actually has an ex-boyfriend, it's not perfect.


Sumari glared angrily.

Ye Yang turned around and hugged Hexi like a princess.

"Put her down!"

"I didn't use all my strength for that blow just now!"

"If you don't let go, you will be the one lying on the ground!"

Sumari couldn't sit still.

Hexi has just experienced a battle with Liangbing.

In this state, he is absolutely seriously injured.

If he can take the opportunity to control her and get information on how to attack Melo's Heavenly Court.

King Huaye will definitely reward himself greatly!

Must not be taken away by this weirdo.


Su Mali spread his right palm.

The silver blade that flew into the sky was summoned by him again from the void wormhole.

The shape of the silver blade is like an exquisitely carved Nepalese army knife, the whole body is pure silver, suspended in front of his eyes and slowly rotating, exuding a frightening coldness.

Su Mali's aura was overwhelming, and his murderous intent filled the air, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to drop suddenly.

After all, the name of the ancient butcher is not for nothing.

"You only have one chance to make a move, I hope you can seize it, and don't leave any regrets about your own death."

Ye Yang, who was holding Hexi, was not afraid of this guy's threat at all.

Didn't even lift an eye.

His gaze was always looking at the face of Hexi in his arms, which gradually regained its vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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