Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 81 Atuo is dead!The chaotic universe situation!

Chapter 81 Atuo is dead!The chaotic universe situation!
Thornton House in Jerusalem.

Ye Yang brought the revived Hexi to his suite.

Just opened the door.

The two saw Liang Bing and Xue Yi sitting on the sofa in the living room of the presidential suite.

At this time, Liangbing has changed into a beige windbreaker jacket, and the black hip-wrapping cheongsam inside has also been changed into a new set.

Shae was still wearing the dark gothic tight leather jacket.

When the two saw Ye Yang come in with Hexi who only wore a white tube top and a white boxer skirt.

Both pairs of eyes widened.

"Why are you still alive?" Liang Bing asked subconsciously.

On one side, Xue Yi was so shocked that she was speechless.

He looked closely at Hexi.

He secretly thought [this is Tianji Wang Hexi of Angel Civilization?Sure enough, she is very beautiful. Although the queen said that she is just a clone, she also has great strength, but didn't the queen tell me just now that she killed this clone? 】

"I rescued her, Liangbing, just because you are here, I declare that Teacher Hexi is now my horse juice, no matter what grievances and conflicts you had before, as long as you are in this building and in front of me, If you dare to do something, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others, "

Ye Yang domineeringly protects his girlfriend.

Liang Bing and Xue Yi on the other side were dumbfounded.

These two people saw each other so quickly and walked together?

So what are you and Shae?
"Damn, I'm really drunk, Shae, come with me."

After calming down, Liang Bing was very angry, got up from the sofa and left with a cold face.

When passing by Ye Yang and He Xi.

Liang Bing's eyes turned white, scanning He Xi's avatar.

He Xi is afraid of catching cold ice.

Clinging tightly behind Ye Yang's shoulder, he dared not look at Liang Bing.

Inside the corridor.

Liang Bing walked in front, and Xue Yi followed.

"It's really strange. She has obviously been exhausted by me. I even tried to hack into her brain, intending to hack into Hexi's database, but Hexi has already closed all communications and permissions of this avatar. Ye How did Yang save her?" Liang Bing was curious.

"Queen, this Hexi is really good at seducing men. Just now, she stood pitifully behind Ye Yang and pretended to be weak. If I didn't know her real identity from you, I couldn't believe that she is one of our deadly enemies. Tianji Wang Hexi."

Xue Yi's jealous face helped Liang Bing complain.

After all, the two of them are women after all.

Seeing Ye Yang, who he couldn't attack for a long time, he was on good terms with his enemy in a blink of an eye.

Being jealous and slandering Hexi behind his back are simply normal operations.

"Queen, what should we do now? Find a chance to kill this clone outside?" Xue Yi asked.

And made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"According to my observation just now, she was very cautious when facing me, she didn't even dare to look at me,

It is estimated that the ontology Hexi revoked many permissions given to her,

Maybe even the main body doesn't know that her clone is still alive,

After all, it was Ye Yang who rescued the clone,

Ye Yang's ability is still a mystery until now,


You continue to cling to Ye Yang during this time, trying to find a way to play poker with him,
I'll let the nightmare infuse them both with nightmare,
In this way, the relationship between the two of them will definitely not last long. "

Seeing that her own queen looks confident.

Xue Yi directly called this move brilliant.


Xue Yi spread out her right palm, and conjured a bottle of sealed glass test tube from the micro-wormhole.

There was about three milliliters of white cloudy liquid in it.

"This is?" Liang Bing asked.

"Queen, I see that you are very interested in Ye Yang. This is part of the DNA he left in my body and I secretly kept it." Xue Yi said.

"Is this Ye Yang's?"

Liang Bing was overjoyed, and immediately took the test tube into his hand and carefully looked at the white thing inside.

"You are doing very well, Xue Yi. You are indeed a capable subordinate I have trained for so many years. With this thing, I can also start to do various analysis experiments on Ye Yang. I will find a reason to leave in a while, and then You can stay by Ye Yang's side, but you have to be careful of that clone, although her combat power has decreased, but after all, it is from He Xi, if you have anything to do, contact me immediately."


Ye Yang and He Xi were eating hot hot pot in the room.

Liang Bing took Ye Yang's semen sample back to the Devil's No. [-] laboratory in Huaxia.

Back to the lab.

Liang Bing turned into a mad scientist.

Ordered to a demon experimenter:
"Detect sample activity."

"Divide the active samples into two categories, 1. Do artificial test tube experiments with the genes of outstanding female warriors of various civilizations in the gene bank, and 2. Compare all the cell structures in the devil gene database."


A group of demon warriors in dark red armor quickly put into work in the laboratory full of futuristic sci-fi and dark styles.

Liang Bing sat in front of a host.

Calmly manipulate the active sperm that has been generated on the virtual interface.

"These little guys are really active, I hope you can surprise me."

at this time.

Nightmare in a black robe hurriedly entered the laboratory on crutches.

Coming in front of Liang Bing, he bowed and reported:

"Queen, you are finally back. Something is wrong. 10 minutes ago, Atuo sent back a message that he was instantly killed by the newly appointed King of Angels, Wang Yan, in Frazer."

"Yan? Cao! The first thing this kid did when he became the king of angels was to kill one of my generals, right?"

Liang Bing was sullen.

The news is like a bucket of cold water.

Let her who just obtained Ye Yang cells.

The mood suddenly cooled down.

Immediately afterwards, Nightmare continued to report:

"Now Frazer is guarded by Angel Yan,

The ancient scumbag Wang Huaye is recruiting soldiers everywhere in the universe,

That Angel Zhixin led the Angel Legion all over the universe to conquer Hua Ye's forces,
All civilizations heard the news that Kesha was offline,
It's been a mess,

This side of the globe, during your vacation,

The gluttonous civilization and the giant wolf civilization all joined the earth battlefield,
They create massacres, fight against the Earth's super seminary, the military of various countries, and the company of heroes,

Some of our fighters transformed from earthlings into demons also broke out small-scale battles with Taotie from time to time, and the earth has become a place where gods fight. "

Most of these news, Liang Bing has long been expected.

But when she heard that the gluttonous army would actually break out friction with the forces under her command.

This is unbearable!
"The current king of Taotie is the one called Howl, how dare he allow his subordinates to jump on the head of my demon civilization?" Liang Bing asked.

"According to the information, Howl has been upgraded by Karl, the god of death, and possesses the power of the void. It has recently expanded a lot, and hunts and kills the people of the heroic company everywhere." Nightmare reported.

"Void Engine. Hmph, the bastard Carl was indeed created. After Kesha went offline, she started to show her sword against me."

Liangbing had been hearing Karl talking about the void before.

But it's all theory.

I didn't expect this to be a finished product.

Liang Bing ordered:
"Let him swell for a few days first,

In the past few days, you have created nightmares for Ye Yang and a silver-haired woman beside him,
make them hate each other.
Atuo is dead, I have to revive him with a spare gene,
Still have to secretly protect Qiangwei who possesses time and space genes,

Hey, I really don't let this queen be idle for a moment. "

"The old minister understands."

(End of this chapter)

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