Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 82 Mr. Ye Yang!Quickly save the Xiongbing Company!

Chapter 82 Mr. Ye Yang!Quickly save the Xiongbing Company!
About three more days passed.

these three days.

Ye Yang lived a shameless life with Hexi in the palace building in Jerusalem.

There are nightmares of nightmares to harass though.

But the three-day sleep time of the two did not add up to more than five hours.

This made Nightmare complain of a headache.

Noon today.

Thornton held the king's enthronement ceremony in the banquet hall on the 33rd floor of the Palace.

Many celebrities, as well as celebrities, businessmen, mafia leaders, etc. came to the banquet hall.

These guys defected here because of Jerusalem's special location and Thornton's powerful protection.

Ye Yang, who always likes to be low-key, is wearing a half-sized T-shirt, loose pants and flip flops.

Hexi, who was dressed in a white shirt, black-rimmed glasses, and dressed in a literary style, came to the corner of the banquet.

Shae followed behind.

Even though he was in the corner, with the backdrop of the two beauties, Ye Yang still became the object that many people wanted to make friends with.

But Ye Yang, who is afraid of trouble, has already arranged for a half-chicken fox to guard at a place three meters away.

Invisibly established a line of defense.

Ye Yang was eating a toothpick and fruit plate at the table in the corner, with his arms around Hexi's waist, and his eyes were on Thornton who was wearing a king's red robe, a golden scepter, and a jeweled crown on the podium ahead.

"This guy actually became a king. It's really funny in this world."

Until now.

Ye Yang seems to have adapted to life after time travel.

A sense of belonging gradually emerged in my heart.

Let's see, I have strong strength, and there are beauties by my side, and my crocodile brother has also become the overlord in this troubled world, and no one dares to provoke him.

own future life plan.

It might be to give birth to a few fat babies with Hexi, or date a few more women, and then regenerate.

What's not to be satisfied with?
"Where is Liang Bing? I got angry and left for three days and still haven't come back?"

Ye Yang looked at Xue Yi who was sitting across from her and stared at Hexi all the time like a resentful woman.

"I don't know, maybe I'm still angry with someone, and I'll come back when the anger subsides." Xue Yi said.

It's been three days.

He just couldn't find a chance to play poker with Ye Yang.

The so-called Tianji Wang Hexi was really good at seducing men to play poker, and Ye Yang didn't go out for three days.

A few days ago, I played poker with Ye Yang, and I didn't even persist for three hours, and my body was full of signs of being abused.

It seems that even this Hexi is just a clone.

The strength of his divine body is also far beyond his own.

"Hey, you can actually talk to me about your conflicts, maybe you can talk about reconciliation?" Ye Yang said.

"There is no reconciliation. Liangbing once betrayed her sister and me, and even formed a team outside to destroy the company we built. Such a person is not worthy of reconciliation." He said calmly.

But Xue Yi immediately retorted.

"It's obvious that there is a problem with your philosophy. Not only did you remove Sister Liangbing from the company, but you even imprisoned her. Indeed, there is no reconciliation with overhead forces."

Neither of them wanted to expose their identities as aliens in front of Ye Yang.

The rebuttal can only be implied by the interests of corporate groups on Earth.

"When personal beliefs affect the collective, it must be corrected. Liangbing is too paranoid." Hexi said.

Seeing Xue Yi being annoyed, Ye Yang stretched out his hand to signal Xue Yi to shut up.

"Understood, you two don't quarrel, find a time to call Liangbing's sister, sisters and sisters sit down and chat together, anyway, the world is in chaos now, isn't it good to get together to eat hot pot?"

Ye Yang didn't realize that the so-called elder sister was actually the holy Kaisha who escaped into the void and went offline because of him.

After hearing Ye Yang's words, the two girls also chose to shut up.

At this time.

Thornton on the stage is also waiting for the enthronement to be completed.

Among the crowd, there was a Moxican mafia leader with a back-cut hair and a high-end suit. He raised his glass and said:

"Respected King Thornton, I am the head of the Sitphia family. I have 5000 people under my command, and they are all your loyal fighters now."

Thornton on the stage heard the words.

Smiling and very satisfied, he ordered to the waiter in the audience:

"Not bad, come on, give him a braised pork leg."

Everyone at the scene looked at the mafia patriarch, some covered their mouths and snickered, while others looked at him expectantly.

When the huge braised pork leg covered with sauce is delivered to this person.

This person laughed:

"King Thornton, with your strength, you should not be willing to eat these low-level delicacies every day, right?"

"With your strength, you should capture the Huaxia battlefield with the richest resources!"

Join the Huaxia battlefield?

These remarks exploded in the banquet hall in an instant.

Some were shocked, some directly greeted the whole family of the mafia patriarch, and a few radicals agreed.

"I just escaped from China. Now Taotie, Giant Wolf, Demon Queen Morgana's demon fighters, and mercenaries from various countries who believe in Morgana are all fighting there. If we join in, at most we can Let's make a little splash."

"I heard that the most famous group of super fighters in China, called the Xiongbing Company, is being hunted down by the king of the gluttonous civilization all over the world. I also received news that the gluttonous king snapped his fingers. Mi's Snow Mountain just disappeared out of thin air!"

"I came from Nanmei. I once saw the female captain of the Xiongbing Company in the sky above the city, that is, the light of the sun. He was directly covered by an energy shield by the gluttonous king, and then he was defeated and taken away directly. .”

"The Huaxia battlefield is too chaotic. It is best for us to remain neutral. We can also find an alliance with Morgana's demon forces! I heard that you can gain superpowers by becoming a demon!"

"Morgana can't do it either. One of my younger brothers joined the demons with three thousand younger brothers. He is active in the Beishan area. He has been oppressed by the gluttonous army recently and can't hold his head up."

When these discussions reached Hexi and Xueyi's ears.

The brows of the two couldn't help but frown.

Xue Yi: "How dare a mere low-level gluttonous civilization bully the devil in your heart? It's the opposite of heaven!"

Hexi: "To be able to defeat the light of the sun and make the mountains disappear out of thin air without flying soot, it seems that Karl equipped this gluttonous king with sub-biological-level equipment and reached the combat power of the void level. Unfortunately, the main body closed the silver blade The authority and communication of the arsenal, otherwise, it only takes one order to kill him instantly on this side of the earth."

The reason Shae was angry was simple.

It is impossible for any force to bully the devil.

As for Hexi.

Although it is a clone, it also inherits Kaisha's philosophy, does not allow any civilization to master, and uses cutting-edge technologies that will affect the world of the main creature.

"No no no! Not good!"


The closed heavy banquet hall door was suddenly opened.

A heavily armed bearded mercenary rushed in with a panicked expression.

Everyone was shocked, and their horrified eyes immediately looked.

And they all gave way to the soldier, for fear of encountering some bad luck.

Followed by.

Everyone was at the door behind the mercenary again.

I saw three warriors wearing broken black armor.

Two women and one man.

The man's face was full of stubble and blood.

With both arms supporting two women, one on the left and one on the right.

The three of them looked very embarrassed, they swayed when they walked, and the black armor on their bodies was all damaged.

"Help us, where is Mr. Ye Yang? Quick, save the Xiongbing Company~"

The man looked around with bloodshot eyes.

However, all these noble people wearing dresses and suits and drinking red wine in front of them avoided it.

(End of this chapter)

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