Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 83 Xiongbing Company, a few yuan a month, what kind of fate!

Chapter 83 Xiongbing Company, hundreds of dollars a month, what kind of fate!
"Xiongbing Company? Hey, these three people seem to be Liu Chuang, the black Great Wall of Xiongbing Company, Qilin, the Kamigawa sniper, and Su Xiaoli, the charming fox demon!"

"Why did they come here to ask for help? Who is Mr. Ye Yang they are talking about? The name sounds like a Chinese?"

"Isn't the Xiongbing Company the strongest team of superpowers in China? During this period of time, they were active on the battlefield of more than 900 million square kilometers in China, frantically resisting aliens, and became the spiritual pillar of countless people in various countries around the world." And the object of worship, could it be that the three of them have encountered powerful alien forces to encircle and suppress them?"

"Fack! Could it be that they were beaten like this by the Howl King?"

"That gluttonous king will not be attracted by them!"

These Western celebrities watched Liu Chuang help the two injured players and yelled like headless chickens in the crowd.

They all kept their distance and retreated to the corner to discuss.

Thornton, who has become a king on the stage, leaps forward.

It landed in the open space in the middle of the crowd with a bang.

Domineeringly pointed at the three of Liu Chuang with the golden scepter in his hand.

"Hey, what are you three looking for with my elder brother?"

Many people heard the words.

Only then did I know that Thornton actually has an elder brother named Ye Yang.

Once again aroused a heated discussion.

And many people also began to look around, looking for oriental faces.

"You are the crocodile who washed the dishes for Mr. Ye Yang in Huangcun! Great! Where is Mr. Ye Yang? Let him save us. The howls of the gluttonous civilization hunted us everywhere, and we were scattered, Captain Reina has been arrested, he is hunting us around now, he can't stand it anymore, he really has no other way to come here to ask Mr. Ye Yang for help."

Liu Chuang saw Thornton appear.

It was like seeing a life-saving straw.

"So it's like this, you don't need to look for my brother, as long as you come to this city and can afford anything of value, I, Thornton, will protect your lives!"

Thornton, who had just ascended the throne as king, was also very swollen.

Learning from the methods used by the kings in his impression to buy people's hearts, he shouted at the crowd.

"I, I only have some value for the god-killing ax behind my back now, but can you do it? I still want to ask your brother for help."

Liu Chuang's eyes were still scanning the scene.

In his heart, he didn't believe that Thornton could beat Howl, who possessed strange abilities.

"Axe? Hey, show me."

When Thornton heard that there was an ax and that it could kill gods, he immediately became interested.

A fierce man rushed behind Liu Chuang and pulled out a pure black metal battle ax on his back waist.

The tigers and tigers waving on the side are full of wind.

Very satisfied.

On the other hand, Liu Chuang was a little anxious.

But I had to bow my head.

He could only put Qi Lin and Su Xiaoli, who were seriously injured, in a corner of the hall, while he went to the dining table to pick up some food and water.

While stuffing it into his own mouth, he sent it to the two girls and gently fed them water.

The three of them had been hunted down as prey by Howler for three whole days.

Ari and Qilin are exhausted.

The three of them took a fighter plane at first, but were targeted by Howl.

After crossing the Three Kingdoms from Huaxia, the fighter plane was shot and exploded.

Relying on their strong physique, the three of them traveled across many countries to avoid being hunted down.

It seems that Howl is not in a hurry to kill, but is enjoying the excitement of hunting and killing.

This also gave Liu Chuang time to contact the Juxia.

At last.

As the commander-in-chief, Du Kao learned that the three of Liu Chuang were located very close to Ye Yang.

Decided to take the plunge.

Liu Chuang was given the current coordinates of Ye Yang.

Let him take Qilin and Ari to ask for help.

"Hey, crocodile, you'd better call your brother, howl can't be defeated by brute force."

Liu Chuang looked at Thornton wielding the god-killing ax and said.

At the same time, he was panting like a cow, and his lungs were recovering quickly through deep breathing.

"Fart, who said that brute force is useless? It's because you are not strong enough. When the howl comes over, I will kill you with an axe."

Thornton was confident in his strength.

But many Western celebrities around are under the translation of the translator.

I also understood the content of the conversation between the two just now.

Many celebrities, politicians, mafia bosses and giant businessmen all turned pale with horror.

Output all kinds of difficult languages ​​towards Thornton.

A mafia patriarch: "The great crocodile King Thornton, drive them away! They want to kill us all!"

A diplomat who fled here from a certain country: "Your Majesty Thornton, there is absolutely no need for us to offend the gluttonous civilization for the sake of the army. The earth will definitely be connected to the interstellar in the future. It is very unwise to offend an alien civilization."

An international star: "His Royal Highness, don't just shoot blindly just for the sake of an axe. I suggest that these three guys be controlled and sent to the Taotie King to howl. This will strengthen our relationship with the Taotie, and even form an alliance is also very important." Maybe."

A wealthy businessman in a certain country: "It's a good idea to form an alliance. The men will be handed over to Howl, and the women will be handed over to the Demon Queen. In this way, we can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. King Thornton, please think again."

Thornton was very troubled by the chatter of these guys.

Liu Chuang, who was in the corner, was eating food to restore his strength, while scanning these western faces fiercely.

"You bastards, here you eat and drink. The wealth in your hands is the blood and sweat of ordinary people from all over the world. Now that the whole earth is in dire straits, you are still thinking about how to please aliens. What is your conscience? !” Liu Chuang said angrily.

in the crowd.

An ancient western old man said in broken Chinese:

"Conscience? Take a long-term view. Your heroes are worth hundreds of dollars a month. What kind of life are you playing? As super soldiers, each of you has countless lifespans. Why do you resist aliens? Let them help us Isn’t it good to connect with the stars? Your so-called resistance and protection of the homeland are not blocking the long life of ordinary people?”

These words of the old man.

It speaks to the true inner thoughts of all the capitalists present.

These people are a group of people who have great wealth in the original society.

For them, the three views are no longer important.

As long as they can live for a long time and live safely, it doesn't matter who they turn to.

Bang! ! !

Accompanied by a huge bombing.

There was a strong wind in the entire banquet hall, smoke, dust and debris, and various decoration debris flew everywhere.

After a while.

Everyone saw a huge light-transmitting hole blasted out of the wall of the original stage.

The hole connects the outer sky of the building.

The dazzling sunlight came in from the outside, making it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

after a few seconds.

Everyone's eyes gradually adapted.

I saw the enthroned arena in a pile of crumbs.

A tall, blue-and-white Mecha God of War with mechanical wings on his back stood in the middle of the stage against the sun.

The whole body exudes an aura of invincibility.

(End of this chapter)

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