Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 84 Complete simulation!Supreme Mage!

Chapter 84 Complete simulation!Supreme Mage!
"The big blue mech alien! He's a glutton!"

"I've seen gluttonous warriors at the cherry blossom side. Although they are all blue and white mechas, the one in front of me is bigger than the ones I usually see, and the lines are sharper!"

"Could it be that he is the one! Howl King!!!"


all of a sudden.

In the messy banquet hall, many Western celebrities were talking about it, and many people even pushed open the door of the banquet hall and ran away.

A small number of people hid behind Thornton to seek asylum.


Liu Chuang chased after him when he saw him.

Looking panicked.

Qilin and Ari, who had just recovered a little bit of energy, saw Xiang Howl.

Regardless of the injuries on their bodies, the two struggled to stand up and put on a fighting stance.

But the swaying posture of the two has betrayed the current state of the two of them.

"Have you run out of strength?"

Shan Howl stood in the middle of the stage and said in a deep voice.

The deep voice is full of mechanical magnetism.

"There are quite a lot of people here. This is a reception? Oh? There is actually a beast body. Let me see what level of fighter you are, and you can make the three of them come here desperately. You should be a little strength."

Howl's V-shaped metal eyes swept over the people in front of him.

His eyes were locked on Thornton wearing the crown.

"Lock target. Parse target"

The Void Engine inside Howler made a chime that only he could hear.

"Determine the target biological form: animal body"

"Biological Origin: Styx"

"Comprehensive: The God of War at the top of the beast body of the three generations of Styx."

After listening to the prompt of the void engine in the body.

Howl couldn't help Gao glanced at Thornton.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a fellow.

"I didn't expect to see a fellow of Styx's three-generation peak animal body here. It's interesting."

Addictive Howl said lightly.

His tone was full of appreciation for Thornton.

It’s just a short sentence, hey crocodile guy, I think you are good, come and do it with me, I will make sure you are popular and spicy.

"Crooked! Who the hell are you? Bombed your Grandpa Thornton's palace and ruined my enthronement ceremony!"

Thornton walked in front of Liu Chuang and the others.

Holding a god-killing axe, he said angrily.

in the corner.

The three of Ye Yang sat on the deck, still watching calmly.

Shae frowned.

She has been lurking in the Styx Nebula for 4000 years.

He is well aware of the information of all the powerhouses in Styx.

This howl can be regarded as a king who has risen rapidly in the gluttonous civilization in the past 1000 years.

The strength is terrifying.

But facing Thornton, who was at the pinnacle of the three generations of beast bodies.

According to the consistent analysis of combat power, he is absolutely invincible.

This will be so pretentious, it seems that there is a trump card.

"Ye Yang, your brother can't beat the howler, so let him stay out of the way."

At this time, He Xi reminded Ye Yang in a low voice.

Xue Yi glanced at Hexi who was opposite.

Could it be that this distinction has already seen some clues?
"Don't worry, Thornton's strength is still very strong, and this guy has just become the king, he has lost face, he can only be considered a man if he finds it back by himself."

He didn't know that Ye Yang, who was Howl equipped with a void engine.

Full of confidence in Thornton's strength.

Hexi can only say that.

No matter how much she said, she also had the risk of being discovered by Ye Yang as an alien.

Anyway, Ye Yang is still here.

Even if Howl defeated Thornton, the undead would still have to peel off their skin today.

"I am Howl of Styx, which civilization's God of War are you from Styx? A three-generation animal body cannot be an unknown person."

Howl asked.

"Tui! Who the hell is a fellow of Styx with you, I belong to Earth now."

Thornton spat on the ground.


"Your grandfather, my name is Thornton, I will kill you!"


Thornton doesn't talk about Wude.

Hold the metal ax handle directly with both hands.

Throwing the god-killing ax that belonged to Liu Chuang forward to the howling on the stage.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The god-killing ax rotated rapidly in the air, making a piercing cutting sound.

Liu Chuang's eyes on one side looked straight.

Is this how Lao Tzu's God Killing Ax was thrown away by you?
next moment.

When the god-killing ax was about to slash on Howl's head.

A thought in my heart.

"Redefine the current space!"

"Space is still!"

An invisible force seems to come from another dimension.

Cover the entire banquet hall in the space that I can see in front of my eyes.

Moreover, the God-killing ax that slashed at high speed stopped in an instant.

Hovering in the air as if the freeze button was pressed.

Not only that.

Everyone in the entire banquet hall seemed to have been cast with a holding spell.

The conscious can perceive the surroundings, but the body and even the eyeballs cannot move.

Xue Yi was shocked at this moment: "This is the method of time and space standing still, void!"

He Xi: "I didn't expect this guy to be equipped with sub-biological power. No wonder he is so arrogant. If I have the blessing of a space-based calculation group, his low-level sub-biological power can be killed by me in an instant. It's a pity now."

He Xi was looking forward to Ye Yang's move.

Ye Yang at this time.

"My Cao? I can't move anymore. This is the space-time static technology that often appeared in Sakura movies in my previous life!" Ye Yang was shocked.

Liu Chuang, Qilin, and Ari had despair in their eyes.


Howl on the stage said slowly:

"Surprised right? But I have to admit,
This is the most cutting-edge technology in the universe currently mastered by Taotie.
You must be shocked by now,
I can't move, is it some kind of trick, magic?
Do not,
It is because the space you are in has been stopped by me,
For pre-nuclear organisms, they should already have a certain degree of cognition of space,
Let me introduce myself,
My name is Howl, the culprit who invaded your earth,
The super fighters of the three giant companies in front of you are the targets of my hunt this time,

Just now I heard that some of you want to hand them over in exchange for Taotie's protection,

I appreciate the idea,
So I will redefine what all of you know about gluttony,

All of you will become warriors of the great gluttonous civilization. "

Everyone saw howl finished.

He stretched out a finger and tapped lightly on his metal head.

Call ~
A ring of golden energy ripples radiated from his head.

Swing through everyone's body.

Everyone only felt that their bodies seemed to have entered an obvious external energy.

The sight in front of him suddenly darkened.

His consciousness seemed to have entered darkness.

And even consciousness.

At this moment, he was also imprisoned, as if he was restricted from thinking.

But Ye Yang didn't feel this way.

"The external force is trying to rewrite the host's will, which has been erased by the system." The system in the brain issued a reminder.

"It turns out that this guy wants to rewrite everyone's will. This technology is really terrifying, but let's stop here. Thornton finally became king, and I finally have a sense of belonging in this world. I'm just an alien, but Don't make trouble." Ye Yang said in his heart.

next second.

Ye Yang thought silently in his heart.

"Complete simulation! Supreme Mage!"

[I went to visit the grave in the rain today, the update will be a little later, there will be another chapter in a while. 】

(End of this chapter)

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