Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 90 Complete simulation!Lord of Fire Demon!

Chapter 90 Complete simulation!Lord of Fire Demon!
As the third generation of the peak strength of the beast body, Monkey King.

The uniform flight speed in the atmosphere has reached Mach [-].

If it explodes with all its strength, no one knows how fast he can go.

About ten minutes passed.

He came to the [-]-meter-high sky of Jerusalem City in the western continent from the southwest of China.

A pair of golden eyes comparable to dark energy analyzers scanned the city below.

In the perspective of the piercing eyes.

The three Liu Chuang, Xue Yi, Hexi, Thornton and others who possess dark energy and divine energy are like fireflies in the dark night.

Very striking.

"It's really a gathering of the gods here. It seems that the defeat of Howl is as I expected. It's not just Liu Chuang and the three of them. Who could it be?"

Sun Wukong murmured in his heart.

But seeing these clusters of dark energy all gathered in one place, Monkey King also descended rapidly.


A dark communication was transmitted into the communication system of Sun Wukong's dark alloy armor.

"Wukong, I heard that you are going to the western continent to look for Su Xiaoli, Liu Chuang, Qilin, have you arrived now?"

The voice is Ducao.

"Just arrived, landing, what's the matter?" Sun Wukong replied.

"Nothing, just to inform you that it was Ye Yang who defeated Howl in the Western Continent. At this moment, Ye Yang is being contacted by Liu Chuang and the three of them. Ye Yang saved the Xiongbing Company and the earth twice. When he meets, you must help me, Huang Lao, and the whole Huaxia to thank him."

Ye Yang: "It turned out to be Ye Yang, so it makes sense. Okay, I will help you guys convey it. After I bring them back to the Juxia, we can start planning to rescue Lena."

"Well, the call is over."

When the call ends at the same time.

Monkey King also landed on the helipad at the top of Thornton Tower.

A micro wormhole traveled through the space and came directly to a certain suite inside the building.

On the sofa in the room.

Qi Lin and Liu Chuang, who were dressed in casual clothes, were sitting slumped, watching news reports on the TV about the western mainland in boredom.

Liu Chuang: "Brother Monkey?! Hahaha, I finally met an acquaintance!"

Qilin: "Brother Monkey, why are you here? Shouldn't everyone go to the Juxia to gather now?"

When the two saw the sudden appearance of Monkey King.

They all stood up excitedly, as excited and respectful as graduated students seeing their teachers back then.

"Well, I heard that you and Ye Yang killed the Howl, so I flew over here to take a look. I have been waiting for that guy at the southwest border, but I haven't waited for him. It's a pity that I won't have the chance to fight him in the future." Monkey King Said.

"Hey~ They were all driven to nowhere by the howl guy. Boss Du asked us to come to Jerusalem to try our luck with Mr. Ye Yang. Unexpectedly, we made the right bet," Qi Lin said.

"Hey, hey, hey~ This is called living in a catastrophe, there will be a future blessing. If you follow you, Brother Chuang, you will not be cornered, and you will only see another village~" Liu Chuang's true character as a big brother on the street has not changed.

He always likes to brag and pretend in front of everyone.

Everyone in the Xiongbing Company has also gotten used to it early.

"Where is Su Xiaoli? I saw that her dark energy information should be there, are you injured?"

Sun Wukong looked around the room and asked the two of them.

"Oh, little raccoon is with Ye Yang in the upstairs room." Liu Chuang said.

This statement came out.


Sun Wukong uttered a slightly suspicious and unexpected question.

Qilin immediately realized that Liu Chuang's words were a bit rough.

Immediately explained with a smile:

"Brother Monkey, don't get me wrong, the little raccoon was not injured, she went upstairs to thank Ye Yang on behalf of the two of us."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded calmly.

Seeing Sun Wukong's normal attitude, Qilin also heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, everyone in the Xiongbing Company knows that Monkey King and Su Xiaoli have emotional entanglements in the past and present.

Even now Sun Wukong is already a fighting Buddha who guards the earth.

But usually in the team, he still takes more care of Su Xiaoli than ordinary people.

If this makes him misunderstand the relationship between Ye Yang and Su Xiaoli, with Monkey King's temper, he really doesn't know what will happen.

"Just right, when I came, Lao Du and Lao Huang also asked me to thank Ye Yang, let's go up together."

Sun Wukong said.

Qilin thought.

Su Xiaoli also went up for a dozen or 10 minutes.

I haven't come down yet, I guess I had a good chat with Ye Yang.

At this time, if they go up, they probably won't bother.

"Alright, let's go up then."

Qilin said.

at the same time.

Upstairs in the presidential suite.

Ye Yang is being taught by Su Xiaoli.

"First of all, I would like you to introduce me to my genetic prototype. I am a descendant of a charming goblin, and my genetic ability is not mainstream Kamigawa technology. We are more inclined to natural science gene drive. In terms of combat, I can drive some in the air. The natural matter forms a ballistic trajectory and produces an explosion. The above effect you want is that I drive dark energy to control the directional emission of my own hormones and increase the concentration of hormones, so as to achieve the purpose of charming the other party."

After Su Xiaoli introduced his abilities.

With a sly smile on his face, he asked:
"Do you want to experience it?"

Ye Yang still put his hands behind his head, and said lightly:
"Your ability may not work for me, but you can try."

Su Xiaoli's ability is actually to interfere with other people's brain perception through hormones.

Her body is protected by a system, and she is still in the state of a supreme mage. Her little trick may not be useful to her.


Ye Yang commanded the system in his heart to turn the current complete simulation object into the fire demon Lord.

The weakening of one's own comprehensive strength may make Su Xiaoli's ability effective.

"Mr. Ye Yang, just look at me."

Su Xiaoli said.


Ye Yang saw Su Xiaoli's big and beautiful eyes staring straight at him, and suddenly came to wink, and matched with a sweet smile with pouty lips.

An invisible force of charm rushed into Ye Yang's pupils.


Ye Yang felt a drowsy feeling in his head rushing to the top of his head, very similar to the hot and dry feeling mixed with faint dizziness when he smoked cigarettes and chewed betel nuts after drinking too much.

Su Xiaoli in front of him seemed to have been given some kind of dreamy and sweet filter.

It made Ye Yang feel that the beauty was indescribable.


The neighing of the horse sounded in Ye Yang's mind.

Accompanied by the sound of horses.

A cool feeling spread throughout Ye Yang's body.

The feeling on the top immediately returned to clarity.

And the speed of the brain feels much faster.

Ye Yang knew.

This is the power of the horse spell at work.

"Your ability is indeed interesting, but"

Ye Yang said.

"But what?"

Su Xiaoli looked at Ye Yang in a little surprise.

Although he had expected in his heart that his abilities might be useless to Ye Yang.

But Ye Yang said half of what he said, but he still whetted his appetite.

After all, Ye Yang is so strong, if he gives advice to him casually, he may benefit infinitely.

"It seems that I also have your ability."

Ye Yang said.


Su Xiaoli was stunned, staring at Ye Yang blankly, suddenly at a loss for what to say.

at this time.

Ye Yang secretly said in his heart:

"Thanks to Su Xiaoli's reminder of using her ability, I suddenly thought of that woman's ability. As long as I use that woman's ability, Hexi will always be devoted to me."

"Complete simulation."

(End of this chapter)

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