Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 91 Complete simulation!Pirate Queen Boa Hancock!

Chapter 91 Complete simulation!Pirate Queen Boa Hancock!

"Complete simulation! Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!"

When Ye Yang said this command to the complete simulation system in his heart.

A sense of self-confidence arises spontaneously in my heart.

This kind of self-confidence does not come from self-confidence in one's own strength.

It is a strong confidence in your appearance and appearance!
Although in the past, Ye Yang, who had a leisurely personality, didn't pay much attention to his appearance, because he knew that he was barely a handsome guy, so he didn't care about dressing up.

but now.

Probably because of the Hancock simulation.

Ye Yang has a strong urge to dress up.


Su Xiaoli, who was sitting on one side, looked at Ye Yang, and his eyes gradually changed.

Doubt, surprise, admiration, and then obsession with the eyes turning into the shape of a heart.

"What's going on? Why does it feel like Mr. Ye Yang, you are suddenly N times more handsome!"

"Could it be, have you already used your ability?"

At this time, Su Xiaoli rested her chin with both hands, staring at Ye Yang like a crazy girl.

Seeing Su Xiaoli's appearance, Ye Yang was very satisfied.

I am so stupid.

He obviously has the ability to simulate characters from the heavens and worlds, so he asked Su Xiaoli what to do.

If you want Hexi to be superior to you, you can just use the ability of the Pirate Empress directly?

Anyway, what I want is her body.

Soul or something, whether you really like yourself or not, it doesn't matter.

From Ye Yang's point of view, there is no love in this world that will not go bad. After the expiration date, people will change their hearts.

I have experienced breakups and been broken up in my previous life, and I have already seen through the so-called rules of relationship.

Now, as long as He Xi is obsessed with him and never leaves.

Just when Ye Yang was feeling proud.


Ye Yang felt something rubbing against his side.

Take a look back.

It's Su Xiaoli.

At this time, Su Xiaoli seems to be a bit addicted to poker, very clingy, and his fragrant breath hits one of Ye Yang's ears.

Ye Yang subconsciously looked back towards the direction of the bathroom.

I was afraid that Hexi who was inside would see it.

"Mr. Ye Yang, you are so handsome~" Su Xiaoli said in a charming tone.

Ye Yang moved his butt to one side, trying to keep a little distance from Su Xiaoli.

But this guy clings like a sticky bug.

Ye Yang was also drunk.

This charm of mine doesn't seem to be under my control.

Rather, it is a built-in skill of Boa Hancock's ability template.

"Don't post it here, go out, our conversation is over."

Ye Yang stood up and said.

Getting up suddenly made Su Xiaoli fall directly on the sofa.

"Don't, Mr. Ye Yang, don't you want to play cards with me?"

Su Xiaoli posed seductively on the sofa, matching her jk attire.

Really tempting.

But now Ye Yang's resistance to beauty has reached a very high level. It can't be said that he is indifferent to Su Xiaoli's level, but it can't arouse Ye Yang's interest too much.

"No, you go out." Ye Yang was still indifferent.

"Hmm~ Ang~"

Su Xiaoli acted like a baby on the sofa, making a long and coy nasal voice.

tuk tuk tuk~
At this time.

The door was knocked.

When Ye Yang went to open the door, he happened to be a little farther away from Su Xiaoli, to see if the influence of his own charm on Su Xiaoli would be lessened after he distanced himself.


Twist the doorknob.

Ye Yang opened the door, only to see a monkey wearing dark metal armor and Liu Chuang from the Xiongbing Company standing outside the door.

"Mr. Ye Yang, hello."

Liu Chuang was the first to say hello.

Seeing that the two of them looked familiar and each of them was smiling, Ye Yang let go of his guard.

at this time.

Qilin looked at Ye Yang, as if an invisible force hit her heart.

very handsome.

what happened?

It's not that I haven't seen Ye Yang before, why is he so handsome?So handsome, so feeling~
"You all came to Huangcun to bother me before, what's the matter? Are you leaving?"

Ye Yang's tone was calm and alienated.

"I'm sorry for the previous incident. Now we are formally apologizing to you on behalf of the Huaxia military and expressing our gratitude. You have made outstanding contributions to defending the earth."

It was Sun Wukong who spoke.

As the god of war on earth, he has silently guarded the earth for thousands of years.

Even he felt that the majestic combat power that Ye Yang displayed in Huangcun and on the Juxia was incomparable.

Facing Ye Yang at this moment, he let go of his arrogance abnormally, and his posture was a little humble and kind.

"Well, I see. As long as you don't bother me, I will accept your apologies and thanks. There is still one of you on the sofa inside. Let's take it away together."

Ye Yang nodded and said.

Immediately, he turned sideways and pointed in the direction of the sofa behind him.

Sun Wukong, Liu Chuang, and Qilin all smiled, thinking that Ye Yang's character is pretty good, but his character is too withdrawn, if he can use his power to defend the earth.

It is estimated that it will not take a day.

Demons, gluttons, giant wolves and other civilizations of gods can be suppressed!

Wukong and the others looked in the direction Ye Yang pointed.

Sun Wukong: "..."

Liu Chuang: "!!!"

Qilin: "!!!"

I saw Su Xiaoli on the sofa holding a plaid skirt with a fair finger.

He straddled the backrest of the sofa, which was less than ten centimeters wide, and rubbed non-stop.

On the coffee table and on the ground are her jk suits and socks.

Her whole body was in a very bad state.

Eyes blurred, lips dry.

"Hey, I'm going! This, this, this!!!"

Liu Chuang covered his eyes subconsciously, and while turning around, he still didn't forget to glance at Monkey King beside him.

Oops, Brother Hou has a predestined relationship with Su Xiaoli in the past and present, and now I'm afraid it's about to change.

Monkey brother, you must hold back!
At this time, Liu Chuang only felt that there was a shiny natural-colored hat on Monkey King's head.


I saw Sun Wukong uttering the Buddha's name, turning around calmly and standing in the corridor about three meters away from the door, closing his eyes and chanting Buddhist scriptures in silence.

"What are you doing, little raccoon?!"

Qilin rushed into the room at this time.

Quickly put the clothes scattered all over the place on Su Xiaoli.

But Su Xiaoli is like a spoiled child, very uncooperative.

"No, I want to play poker, Ye Yang is so handsome, Ye Yang~"

If Qilin hadn't stopped her, Su Xiaoli would have jumped on Ye Yang by now.

"Stop talking, Brother Monkey is here too! It's right at the door!"

Although Qilin was also radiated by Ye Yang's charm at the moment, she was not as fierce as Su Xiaoli.

In addition, the atmosphere at the scene was very awkward.

Qilin's attention was completely scattered on Su Xiaoli.

"I don't like that monkey. He wants to practice Buddhism and ignores me at all. I like Ye Yang. I want to stay by his side. I won't go back to Xiongbinglian~ Qilin, go away~"

Just after Su Xiaoli finished speaking.

A white and flawless female palm slashed at the back of Su Xiaoli's neck.

Su Xiaoli fainted and lay in Qilin's arms.

Qilin subconsciously looked at the owner of the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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