Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 93 Frazier was exploded, and the gods gathered on the earth

Chapter 93 Frazier was exploded, and the gods gathered on the earth
Seeing that Thornton was so angry, the fox quickly comforted him:
"Your Majesty, don't be angry, Sun Wukong hasn't left yet, and I don't know when he will come, but I heard that he has a high status in the Xiongbing Company, and he is coming now, probably to discuss how to transport troops to China. .”

Hear this.

Thornton receded his anger a little.

On the contrary, Hexi's eyes flickered on the sofa beside him.

"I want to go to the bathroom."

He Xi said to Ye Yang who was leaning on his lap.

"Yeah." Ye Yang didn't think much about it.

When Hexi just walked to the door of this banquet hall, in the corridor, Monkey King in a dark alloy armor walked towards him.

The moment the two look at each other.

Although He Xi looked calm, but subconsciously worried in his heart, he looked at Ye Yang in the banquet hall from the corner of his eyes.

I didn't expect that except for the cold ice that had already left.

I can still meet people who know my identity here.

According to the memory, after Sumari was exiled to the earth, the main body visited the earth once or twice.

And also learned the technique of avatar from this Monkey King.

It is said to be learning, but in fact it is to steal the technology of Monkey King through battles.

The reason for the fight between the two at the beginning was because Su Mali wanted to be the king of the earth and killed many human beings, which led to the suppression of Sun Wukong, the god of war who protects the earth. It happened that Hexi was also on the earth. Li is a war criminal of Angel, and Sun Wukong is not qualified to suppress, so the two broke out in a battle, and after the battle, the outcome was not decided.

"Long time no see, I remember that it has been thousands of years since we last met."

In the corridor, Monkey King took the initiative to talk.

"You don't need to say hello, Ye Yang is waiting for you inside, I don't want him to know my identity, so don't talk nonsense after you go in."

He Xi knew very well that this monkey had a delicate personality.

So simply cut to the chase with a warning.

And now he is just a clone, without many blessings, in terms of combat power, he is really not necessarily the opponent of this guy.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. Since this is the case, if you don't want to reveal your identity, then call the angels to help the earth, drive away Morgana, and the various civilizations entrenched here." Monkey King said.

"Now the situation in the universe is changing day by day. The soldiers of the angelic civilization are busy maintaining justice and order throughout the universe. There is no time to control the earth. Even if I am here, I am only here to observe Ye Yang. I can't fulfill your request."

He Xi refused very simply.

If you want to summon an army of angels to come to Earth to help, isn't that the same as telling Hexi, the main body, that you are not dead yet?

This is absolutely impossible.

"You should also know that what Ye Yang hates the most are aliens. If he knows that you are a person of angelic civilization and a queen, what will he think? You should think about it carefully."


Monkey King turned around and entered the banquet hall to meet Thornton.

He Xi was confused by his threats.

He didn't leave at all, and just stood in the corridor, listening to the conversation in the banquet hall.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong didn't mention anything about himself in this wave of conversations.

During the whole process, they were discussing how Thornton's army would be transported to the Huaxia battlefield.

Finally, Sun Wukong contacted Ducao online.

After learning that Thornton has hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous troops who want to join the Chinese battlefield.

Ducao directly refused.

And only Thornton and Ye Yang are allowed to enter the Huaxia battlefield.

The reason given is that the multi-national miscellaneous army will threaten the suffering people in China, and there are great hidden dangers.

Ye Yang thought Thornton would be furious.

But under the cooperation of Ducao and Monkey King.

Thorton also felt that letting himself enter the Chinese battlefield alone, and overthrowing the fleets of many gluttonous civilizations by himself, would be a more pretentious act that would make his king more famous!

He was so ready to be fooled on the spot that he even wanted to leave Ye Yang and fly away with Monkey King.

"What are you in a hurry for, let's go after lunch together."

Ye Yang on the sofa said lazily:
"Xue, go and ask the kitchen to prepare a hot pot."

Xue Yi, who was at the side, probably also got the idea of ​​the sweet fruit, and nodded obediently and left.

"Brother, you can also go back to Huaxia with me." Thornton suggested.

"I'm not going, there must be a lot of troubles if I go, troublesome people, it's still clean and comfortable here, eat more later, I'll treat it as the eldest brother seeing you off."

Ye Yang really wanted to let Thornton go.

This guy is delicious and full of energy. Every day, he asks himself to go out with him to review the army, or to patrol the territory, which annoys the quiet Ye Yang to death.

"Hey, well, just right, I'm also looking for that bun girl Liangbing everywhere. She's been away for so many days, and I don't know where to find someone to bring us a message." Thornton sighed.

at the same time.

The Devil's No. [-] battleship is located somewhere tens of thousands of meters above the Chinese territory.

It was midnight.


Liang Bing, dressed in a devil's tight-fitting costume, just landed at the gate of the castle.

Straight ahead is an elite demon team headed by Atuo.

"Queen, don't you, you also have a cold?"

Atto asked.

"It must be some brat who is yelling at me behind my back. Tell me, why are you in such a hurry."

Liang Bing was a little impatient.

In the past few days, she was riding Qiangwei's motorcycle on the way to the Great Gorge. An hour ago, the two of them took a shower in an abandoned small town hotel, preparing for a good night's sleep.

Liang Bing was about to do something to Qiangwei who was sleeping.

Suddenly received a message from Atuo.

Immediately returned to Devil One.

"It's like this. During the few days you were on vacation, Huaye Group attacked Frazer. According to intelligence, he seems to have some kind of ability to create black holes. It is very powerful. Many angel teams who went to attack him were all destroyed. According to the last information, the whole of Frazer was absorbed by the black hole. Angel Yan drove her sky-blade warship to gather angel soldiers all over the universe, and they came to the earth. In addition, the Xiongbing Company is gathering strength and plans to rescue the Taotie in the next step. The news of the light of the sun Emperor Reina kidnapped by civilization also attracted Lieyang Pan Zhen, Pan Zhen has now arrived in the Milky Way in the Soaring Heavenly Court battleship, and it is estimated that he will arrive on Earth tonight."

When Ato finished speaking.

Liang Bing froze in place.

She never expected that she would just be on vacation for a few days.

How did so many events with a huge amount of information happen?
Liang Bingyuan showed a thoughtful look on his face, and murmured:

"It must be Karl who gave Hua Ye the ability to create black holes. Damn, he actually developed this abnormal ability and armed Hua Ye, a bastard. I guess the next step is that this crazy guy will either come Earth attacks me, or directly attacks the Angel Nebula."

"Although Angel Yan is the king of angels now, those who are willing to follow her are all young angels who have accumulated her reputation over the past 7000 years. The older generation of angels probably haven't recognized her yet, so there is nothing to be afraid of, mainly because she now I don't know what her purpose is for Earth to come, but if this attracts Hua Ye, Earth will have to end."

"As for Pan Zhen, after he finds Di Leina, he definitely doesn't want to provoke Hua Ye. There is a high probability that he will return to Lieyang, and wait for the situation to stabilize before going out."

"No, no matter how I count, I can't sit still. It seems that I have to go back to Ye Yang to seek shelter, or go to the bastard Karl to see if I can get information on Hua Ye's ability."

(End of this chapter)

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