Chapter 94 The eve of the decisive battle
"Queen, Devil One has been secretly monitoring the communications of the gluttonous civilization battleship during this time, and they vaguely mentioned that Karl, the god of death, is currently hiding in the underground of Pluto."

Atuo heard his queen murmuring that she was going to find Karl, the god of death.

Immediately report the information you have obtained.

"Good job Atto."

Liang Bing nodded to A Tuo.

His solemn eyes turned to the group of elite demon fighters ahead.

Hands on hips.

Resuming his usual high-spirited posture, he stood in front of everyone and said:
"During this period of time, everyone has made efforts on the earth, and I have seen the queen,
The number of converted new generation demons is increasing every day,
Our power on earth has feared no one,
But next,
Angel is coming, Hua Ye may be coming, Lie Yang is also coming, Karl from Styx is still watching secretly,

These guys have a grudge against us demons,
I don't know when,
Who will it be, who will jump out first and bite the king,
The situation is very unclear
So I want you to gather your strength now,
Eat the two civilizations of gluttony and giant wolves that are causing chaos on the earth within three hours,
Loot all their resources and return to the spaceship,
At that time, the spacecraft will enter the stealth mode,

Wait for the moment to make a move. "

Liang Bing's words made all the soldiers feel an unprecedented crisis and pressure.


Since the establishment of the demon civilization, tens of thousands of years have been spent in various desperation and crisis.

The more this is the case.

The demon blood in their bodies became more and more excited.

"For the Queen!"

As the sergeant major, the sword demon Atuo shouted with a broad sword in his hand.


The neatly lined up demon warriors also followed the mountain shout and shouted.

Shouts resounded throughout the devil's fortress.

Followed by.

Liang Bing waved one hand.

The ordinary broadsword in Atuo's hand turned into a dark iron broadsword, with a sharp dark red blood groove on the sword god, and a bloody flame on the hilt.

The whole exudes a bloody aura, as if it has some kind of special magnetic field.

"Queen, this is it!"

A Tuo looked at the brand-new broadsword in his hand. He held it in his hand, and he felt a surging force through his arm, rushing straight to all parts of his body.

"I give you the sword of command! Command the demons!"

"Go! For the future of the great demon civilization!!!"


Morgana went straight into the wormhole and left.

Followed by.

A large number of demon fleets flew out from the demon fortress at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

They swarmed like a swarm of bees.

After about 10 minutes.

It can be clearly seen from the space perspective of the Demon One.

The entire Eastern Hemisphere, which has entered the night, began to flicker with explosive flames.

The command room of the Giant Gorge.

Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun, Qilin, Su Xiaoli, Qiangwei, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Rui Mengmeng, Cheng Yaowen, Sun Wukong, [Shorton].

Ducao, Laohuang, Lianfeng, Yuqin.

An emergency meeting is being held.

Lianfeng: "Emergency! The demon group under Morgana began to quickly attack the gluttonous and giant wolf civilization in the entire eastern hemisphere. The pressure on the three most severely affected areas in East China, South China, and Southwest China has been greatly reduced."

Yuqin: "This time the devil seems to be determined to deal with Taotie, the giant wolf, and the strategic means deployed can be described as crushing. I don't know what Morgana wants to do."

The two Intelligence Specialists of the Great Strait just finished their report.

Thornton, who was covered in jewels and wearing a red royal robe, slapped the table and said angrily:

"Damn it! You actually beat me to it, so I'll give you a fart! No, send me to the battlefield, I'm going to fight Taotie to get back!"

Everyone looked at Thornton.

Thornton was brought back by Monkey King from Jerusalem not long ago.

After Lianfeng's test.

Thornton's combat strength can be ranked among the top three even in the company of heroes.

"Don't worry, let's take advantage of the fisherman's profit now, Thornton, how is your brother doing?"

Ducao stretched out his hand to signal Thornton to calm down.

Thornton didn't give Ducao any face at all.

He got up directly, shook his hands and left the conference room, muttering:

"Damn it, you always ask my brother, why don't you invite my brother directly! I'm not going to the meeting, I'm going to find Taotie by myself, I really fell for your tricks!"

When Thornton left.

The air at the door of the meeting room was turbulent.

A muscular black-haired god of war wearing vintage chain mail stepped out of it.

It is the hair god of Lieyang.

He looked sullen, and looked at the Super Seminary in front of him, as if he was owed money.

"The demon civilization is fighting against gluttony outside, and the giant wolves are in full-scale war. I also helped kill three giant wolf warships. Don't you guys just hang out here?"

As soon as God Mao came in, he yelled at everyone and questioned them.

Everyone lowered their heads, except Monkey King.

"We are also having a meeting to discuss how to rescue Reina, don't get excited, there is no specific news about Reina yet."

Ge Xiaolun in the crowd said.

As the power of the galaxy, and also the identity of the main god, Ge Xiaolun's words still have a bit of weight.

Mao Shen's muscles, which were like pouring steel, crossed his arms and embraced his chest.

There was a cold snort in the nasal cavity.


"I will truthfully report your inaction after the disappearance of the goddess Leina to General Pan Zhen. He has already reached the outer reaches of the solar system in the Soaring Heavenly Court. When the general arrives, you will bear the wrath of Lieyang!"

Everyone is trembling.

Especially Ducao, his lips began to tremble.

"Who is Pan Zhen? Lieyang Civilization, isn't Xiaona the main god?" Elder Huang asked.

"Pan Zhen, the regent of Lie Yang, has an extremely powerful fighting ability to drive the energy of stars, and is also a strong man at the level of the main god. He is very dangerous. I didn't expect him to come directly." Du Kao trembled.

At this time.

Sun Wukong sat in his seat.

"What the hell, it's all because of my old grandson's defeat. Our earth is indeed responsible for Leina's loss, but if you, Lie Yang, want to think that you are justified by this, and want to run rampant on the earth, you have to first Ask about my grandson's golden cudgel."

Said the craziest words in a flat tone.

The one who directly killed God Mao could only stare at Monkey King angrily in place.

"Sun Wukong, today's General Pan Zhen is not what it used to be. Just wait, you have a chance to experience it."


Mao Shen turned and left.

"Hey~" Ducao sighed heavily.

After thinking for a while, he ordered:

"Since this is the case, we have also started to fight back against Taotie with all our strength. The purpose is to find out Lena's whereabouts and rescue Lena. If we encounter demons, we will try to negotiate and adopt a non-essential non-combat policy."

Ducao just finished speaking.

The entire conference room began to flash red alarm lights.

"What's going on? Is there an enemy invading the sky above the Juxia!" Ge Xiaolun asked.

Everyone looked terrified.

The two technical specialists, Yuqin and Lianfeng, immediately started the inspection on the portable projection computer they carried with them:
"There is a huge wormhole channel opening over the Juxia, which is very similar to the spatial fluctuations generated when the Holy Kaisa came last time!"

(End of this chapter)

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