Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 96 The Negotiation Between Pan Zhen and Karl

Chapter 96 The Negotiation Between Pan Zhen and Karl
"Queen Keisha, we have been authorized by the power of the galaxy, and now we are going to the other side of the earth to contact Ye Yang. May I ask how long it will take for Hua Ye's forces to arrive here?"

Angel Yan asked.

It can be heard from Yan's words.

The two clusters of nebula in front of me are exactly the space principal of the Super Seminary who has already merged into the void, and the holy Keisha who voluntarily entered the black hole not long ago and chose to merge into the void.

"He has Karl's help. He already knows at this moment that you will arrive on Earth, about fifteen days later."

Nebular Kesha speaks with the same timbre as before.

But also lost emotion.

Speaks like a space principal, meal by meal.

"Fifteen days should be enough for us to contact Ye Yang and implement the plan." Yan said.

Zhi Xin on the side suggested:

"My teacher once sent a clone to obtain information about Ye Yang on Earth. He doesn't like contact with aliens. Why don't we fly there? Tianren No. [-] will open the protective cover and hover over the South China Sea to let the remaining sisters How are you resting?"

Angel Yan nodded.

She also has this idea.

"I want to continue, escape into the void, the next time I appear, ten hours later, just call my real name."

At this time.

Nebula Kaisha said.


The three of Yan watched helplessly as the illusory nebula dissipated, leaving only the dark nebula, the Space Principal, still floating in place.

"Why can't Queen Keisha show up for as long as you do?"

Angel Yan asked.

Space: "Kesha, the time to escape into the void is short, because of the special nature of the sacred body, she can manifest so quickly, but after all, the time is too short and needs to be adapted."

Space: "Remember your purpose. Ye Yang is a human body that fears the void. He has the power to subvert the known universe. Maybe he doesn't know it yet. And Hua Ye, equipped with the black hole engine bestowed by Karl, both belong to the power of the void. human body."

Angel Yan: "So the plan you and Queen Keisha made is to let us contact Ye Yang, guide Ye Yang and Karl to have a duel, and use the void to fight against the void."

Space: "That's right, after the call is over, I want to escape into the void, and next time I call, just sing my real name."

That's it.

The nebula of space also disappeared into the palace.

There are only three angels left in the main hall.

Ah Zhui, who has a more rational personality, couldn't help worrying:
"I always feel that this plan is a bit risky and sloppy. After the queen escapes into the void, is she still the Queen Kaisa we used to be?"

Say this.

Zhi Xin subconsciously looked at Xiang Yan.

Yan shook his head and said:
"When I was in Fraser, Queen Kaisa appeared in front of me for the first time. We talked about it. Although Queen Kaisa lost most of her emotions, it was indeed her, and she also predicted Huaye's love for Hua Ye 5 minutes in advance. Frazer's actions, if it wasn't for Queen Keisha's reminder, I would also have fallen in Frazer. The only pity is that I still didn't save Enishid in the end."


Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui looked at each other subconsciously.

5 minutes.

It is enough for Yan, a king-level powerhouse, to do many things.

For example, save Enishid?
Now it seems that in the process of chatting with Queen Keisha of the Void, there is a high probability that the original Queen of Angels, Anishid, was abandoned.

after all.

In the current chaotic situation of the universe, even with the guards of the angelic legion and the blessing of the treasure house of knowledge, it is no longer a mere Anishid who can control the overall situation.

"Then what is the state of space between Queen Keisha and the founder of the Super Seminary? It seems that they know every corner of the known universe." Zhi Xin asked curiously.

"I once asked Queen Keisha the same question, and her answer was that the known universe is a giant computer from the perspective of void, and she and space are wandering in the countless components of the computer, the current of the chip, which can be understood at any time. At the same time, you can learn a vast amount of knowledge, and the longer you merge the void, the more it will have a huge impact on the computer (that is, the known universe)." Yan said.

At this moment Ah Zhui interjected:
"So when the technological level of the known universe breaks through the processing and understanding of this supercomputer, it will trigger the fear of the void and come, which is the so-called defense mechanism, which allows the known universe to reset to what was originally I have seen a little bit of the super seminary theory that has been circulating in Tiangong for a while."

Yan nodded and said:
"That's almost what it means. However, Karl, the god of death, believes that as long as the void is actively triggered, the age of the void can be opened. The known universe will be integrated with the void to achieve the so-called ascension. At that time, life will become meaningless. , this splendid universe will cease to exist. Of course, these are their respective theories. We only need to implement the justice of Queen Kaisha and protect the current universe from being destroyed. This is the meaning of our angelic existence."

at the same time.

Over a gray sky over Pluto.

An incomparably magnificent battleship hovering in the space, the Heavenly Court warship that is as holy as the holy land of the great sect of fantasy.

The above is resplendent and magnificent, various Qionglouyuyu buildings are stacked one after another, and there are tens of thousands of soldiers of the Lieyang Army flying in the clouds and fog, lined up neatly above the Yanwu Square.

Retro armor, holding a spear, and all long hair in high buns, like a servant under the emperor's throne, full of boundless fighting spirit and murderous aura.

And this moment.

In the subterranean space of Pluto.

Dead Song Academy.

meeting room.

Karl, the god of death, was sitting upright in a blue mage gown.


Sitting was a burly man in heavy armor.

The man has a square face, a long beard, ear bones turned out, thick eyebrows and thin eyes, and a humped nose.

Karl: "Learning the highest technology to drive the stars to crack the ultimate fear is meaningful to the entire universe, so the ultimate fear exists concretely. Now I have the ability to use the power of the void everywhere in the known universe to cause the ultimate fear to descend. But I want to guarantee that after the arrival, those void creatures will not tear me into pieces, can you understand?"

Pan Zhen: "I don't want to hear what you say about fear."

Pan Zhen pointed to his head, stared at Carl and said in a deep voice:
"There is a 1-year-old city here. For 1 years, I only think about the safety of Lie Yangxing and my god."

Carl asked calmly, "How do you choose between the safety of Lieyangxing and the safety of the sun's light?"

Pan Zhen: "Why do you ask such a sharp question? Although I know that Reina is indeed in your hands, I think it's the same thing whether it's Lie Yang or Reina!"

Carl paused.

Not long ago, Howl, equipped with a void engine, helped him capture Reina.

It has been controlled in his own hands.

Because I really need the highest technology to be close to me, to prevent the void creatures from threatening me after the void comes, especially Ye Yang, who is defined by the space teacher as the existence of void-fearing human beings.

Karl even felt that Ye Yang was those void creatures.

As for why Pan Zhen knew that he had Leina in his hand.

And it's hidden here.

Carl guessed that he was his all-knowing space teacher now, and secretly informed Pan Zhen.

But Pan Zhen is very strong, no worse than Leina.

So Carl wants to be around.

"This statement is not good enough for General Pan Zhen." Karl was about to continue brainwashing and fooling around.

But was interrupted directly by Pan Zhen:
"My grand master has studied you for many years, about 60 years."

(End of this chapter)

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