Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 97 Karl presents Pan Zhen as a gift!Red Crow Engine!

Chapter 97 Karl presents Pan Zhen as a gift!Red Crow Engine!

Pan Zhen: "Of course, for a 3-year-old god like you, my grand master can only study the fur of you."

Carl smiled lightly.

This is not wrong.

"The grand master said that you are, phantom."

Pan Zhen looked at Carl indifferently and said.

"This is the first time I've heard this name."

Karl didn't want his secret to be exposed, so he chose to prevaricate.

next second.

Pan Zhen waved his backhand lightly forward.

boom! ! !
The lower half of Karl's body was instantly burned to ashes.

A large amount of debris flared up in the air, and quickly dissipated in the air.

Carl was furious.

Only the upper half of the body remained floating in the air, looking at the slightly immature face full of anger.

"So rude!"

Seeing Carl lose his cool.

Pan Zhen laughed.

"Hehe~ I'm sorry, I just tried it, assuming you were burned to death, there's no need for me to sit here and talk to you, right? I just forcibly demolished your Death Song Academy, I don't believe it, I can't find where Lena is .”

The burned lower body of Karl on the opposite side reappeared.

Coldly said:

"You bet I can't fight back?"

Pan Zhen leaned forward slightly, stretched out a finger and said seriously:
"When your people captured my god Leina, they used a god-killing sniper rifle and a void engine. What reason do you have to fight back?"

"They're not my people, they're just influenced by me," Karl explained.

Pan Zhen waved his hands and refused:

"No need to explain, I don't care about the ultimate fear. Even if I want to study it from now on, it will take a hundred and eighty years. The war between you and the super seminary, angels and demons has long been over."


Pan Zhen didn't care about the ultimate fear coming.

In his heart, there is only Lie Yang, only Lei Na.

Karl wants to use Reyna as a hostage and let Lieyang protect him from the void.

No no.

But, at the same time, Lie Yang should also get corresponding benefits.

Carl: "First of all, I am not the culprit of the war."

Pan Zhen: "Then your position is that this is a crime?"

Carl: "I don't care, you call me Death. Anyway, studying death and void is my greatest pleasure. As long as I can open the age of void, I can bear any kind of reputation."

Pan Zhen's eyes showed seriousness.

This is his first contact with Carl.

But through the conversation just now.

Pan Zhen could already judge Karl's character.

He is a scholar who has an extremely lofty pursuit of academics. He does all this to prove his own theory.

Not mixed with any personal emotions.

in other words.

This kind of person can form an alliance.

But the premise is that he will really use the ability of Emperor Leina, the light of the sun, to open the void!
In this case.

He must consider the continuation of Lieyang civilization in the void age.

Pan Zhen said:
"Rena can't take any damage, you want to blast the black hole with the star and release the void."

Karl: "It is to drive multiple stars and interact with black holes. In the process, some new substances beyond the understanding of the times will be produced, because it is assumed that the operation of the stars is not unified, or if it is not controlled by a god like me, Very likely it will be swallowed by a black hole."

Pan Zhen: "The angels will fight you to the death. They will never allow this kind of technology to be used. Even if there is only one Tianji Wang Hexi left in the angels, she is the scariest of the three kings. My request is only One, a way to allow the Lieyang civilization to survive perfectly."

Carl smiled.

Pan Zhen was finally willing to cooperate.

Carl: "Why don't you change to another planet to survive, my Styx star field has many suitable planets for survival."

Pan Zhen shook his head: "Where God is, we will be there, whether it's planets or stars, we don't care."

Carl smiled and applauded lightly.

Expressed recognition of Pan Zhen's courage.

"Then let's officially start our cooperation. This is my sincerity, and it can be regarded as my compensation for Leina's incident. In addition, she is indeed in my hands, so you can rest assured."


Karl's palms were spread out, a mass of gray chaotic matter, and things without specific forms floated in the space of his palms.

About the size of an egg.

"This is?" Pan Zhen asked.

"The Chiwu engine is specially customized for you. Take it easy and accept it, and feel the cognitive subversion it brings to you." Carl smiled slightly.

The chaotic Chiwu engine in his hand floated like a dandelion towards Pan Zhen who was sitting opposite.

Accompanied by its submersion on the breastplate.

A look of confusion flashed across Pan Zhen's eyes.

Gujing Wubo's face showed a rare expression of shock.

His eyes looked into the void, as if he saw something mysterious that only he could see.

Carl on the side also explained:

"The Chiwu engine is the same level as the black hole engine I gave Hua Ye. It is a 48-frequency super-powerful combat engine. Except for different abilities, the rest are almost exactly the same. He can create black holes out of thin air, and you, even if you are surrounded by hundreds of lights Even without a single star, planet, or even meteorite, you can easily release the star explosion domain, and control the scope of the domain at will."

Pan Zhen exclaimed: "It's amazing, you have mastered such a technology. No wonder even the holy Kaisa was afraid of you, but he couldn't kill you. If it was me, I would never allow a god like you to kill me." exist."

Carl smiled slightly.


"Soon, Huaye's army will arrive in the solar system, and after that, an epic cosmic war will break out on Earth. You are currently guarding Pluto, and you can listen to my orders at any time."

Pan Zhen said: "Well, can you let me meet my god Leina?"

"Let Snow take you there, I still have a grumpy old friend waiting for me."

Carl said.

Just finished.

Snow stepped out from the shadows on one side.

He took Pan Zhen out of the conference room.

After about a moment.

Originally at Pan Zhen's position.

Morgana, dressed in leather, stepped out of it.

The plump buttocks are sitting on the soft sofa.

A pair of charming eyes stared at Carl.

"So anxious to let Hua Ye show his knife to me, what do you want to do?"

Carl looked at Morgana with gentle eyes.

Carl: "Hua Ye came to Earth after chasing the angels. I just gave him the black hole engine."

Morgana: "The earth is my home, no matter what you want to do, if it endangers the earth, I will definitely do my best."

Carl: "Don't be naive, Liang Bing, you are the most gifted scholar in time and space I have ever seen, cooperate with me, the void is about to descend on the earth."

Morgana: "What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of Ye Yang!"

Carl smiled faintly: "Hehe~Ye Yang, of course I'm not afraid, to be honest, it's too late to like him."

Morgana scolded a dead pervert.

Immediately his complexion changed.

Seems to have realized something.

Immediately turned around and left into the wormhole.

Earth, Jerusalem.

With Thornton's departure.

Ye Yang directly became the actual controller of the independent kingdom of Jerusalem.

But he has no intention of dealing with various complicated government affairs.

Just shake hands and let Xue Yi deal with these things.

But the price is that you have to play poker with Shae once a day.

at this time.

In an office somewhere in the palace.

Xue Yi, who was dressed up, was immersed in a pile of manuscripts. In the report, the people who talked about her were almost drowned out.


The air in the office was turbulent.

Morgana, wearing the Demon Queen's costume, suddenly walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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