Chapter 98 Shocked Hexi himself!
"Shae? How about you, Shae?"

Liang Bing turned around to check, but didn't see Xue Yi.

It's really strange, I clearly located myself based on the energy signal on Xue Yi's body.

What about people?

"Queen, I'm here."


Shae's voice came from across a desk full of paper folders.

I saw Shae standing up from her seat.

The pile of folders was as high as her chest.

Liang Bing could only see her head sticking out.

"This is you? Where is Ye Yang and Hexi?"

Liang Bing looked curiously at why Xue Yi appeared in a pile of documents, and looked to the left and right sides of the room to find Ye Yang.

But unfortunately, it wasn't there, only Shae was here.

"Ye Yang took Hexi to play around this newly established country, and I am here to help him handle government affairs and maintain the basic operation of this country."

Xue Yi walked to Liang Bing's side and reported.

"Damn, he's really good at calling people."

Liang Bing complained with his hands on his hips.

"Queen, you came back suddenly, did something happen?" Xue Yi asked.

"Yes." Liang Bingyu said earnestly:
"The angel Yan who was hunted down by Hua Ye came to the earth with a group of young angels. The Heavenly Court of Lieyang Civilization has also opened near the solar system. The earth is about to be in chaos. Only Ye Yang can help us save the earth."

"I see, Queen, how is the test of Ye Yang's semen given to you last time? Can you decipher Ye Yang's powerful secret?"

Shae nodded with the same serious expression.

Then spread out in the void with one hand.

From the micro-wormhole storage space, three test glass tubes were taken out, and the tops were all plugged with rubber stoppers.

About one-third of the end is filled with white turbid liquid.

"I collected these in the past few days. I helped him with government affairs, and he promised me to play poker with me every day. Do you think these are enough?" Xue Yi asked.

Hearing this, Liang Bing's eyes swept over the three test tubes.

Shaking his head with disappointment in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and patted Xue Yi's shoulder, and said with a little distress:

"It's no longer necessary to collect. The samples you gave me before, through testing and testing, the genetic matching can't be successful at all, and the genetic lock is nothing special at all. His strength, with the devil's current technological level, can't be analyzed yet. "


Shae was slightly taken aback.

Then I have done useless work in the past few days, hey.
"You stay here first, I'll go find Ye Yang."

Liang Bing walked slowly towards the door.

Shae followed immediately and said:
"Queen, let me go with you too."

Anyway, Ye Yang's genes can't be detected by their current methods. If I stay here to deal with the complicated affairs of this small country, I will be wronged.

Afterwards, the two left the Xinggong Building, through Liang Bing's insightful eyes.

The two quickly locked Ye Yang's location, and flew all the way to a church on the outskirts of Jerusalem, which was only surrounded by cliffs and the sea.

This church is a famous scenic spot in the area.

The scenery is superb.

Behind the podium where the pastor stands is the peerless beauty of blue sky and white clouds, sea and cliffs intertwined.


Ye Yang and He Xi sat on the long wooden seats.

He Xi's silver-haired head was nestled on one of Ye Yang's shoulders, and the two of them seemed like lovers, chatting and admiring the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky in front of them.

at the same time.

In a cloud of white clouds in the sky.

Angel Yan, Angel Zhixin, and Angel Chase sat among them.

Watching Ye Yang and He Xi's every move through the clouds.

"Didn't the teacher say! Her avatar has exhausted its energy and dissipated on its own?! This???"

At this moment, Zhi Xin was in a daze.

A pair of eyes fixed on the familiar figure nestling on Ye Yang's shoulder.

The teacher's avatar was actually mixed with Ye Yang.

And it seems that there is a love affair!

"There may be a situation that even Tianji King cannot predict. It is best to contact Tianji King to find out the situation and see what she has to say."

Ah Zhui on the side suggested.

"I'm here to contact Hexi, but don't worry, since Queen Keisha, who has escaped into the void and knows everything about the known universe, hasn't mentioned this matter, I don't think it will have a big impact."

Angel Yan said.


She closed her eyes.

In her conscious body, she entered the dark plane of communication in her mind.

This is a gray space similar to the deep space of the universe, and it is also the dark plane space unique to her as the supreme commander of the angels.

Here, she can communicate with all known angels and let their consciousness come in to communicate.

Its technology is similar to the Ares Palace that devours the starry sky, but it surpasses the technology of the Ares Palace by N times.


In the gray communication space.

Hexi, the real body wearing silver armor and carrying a dark royal robe, appeared from it.

He looked at him face to face.

"Contact me suddenly? Did Hua Ye come up with some new weapon?" Hexi asked.

She has been sitting in the depths of Melo's heaven.

He also knows the whereabouts and conditions of Angel Yan and the others.

Yan replied seriously and asked:
"No, we have already arrived on Earth, and Queen Kaisa suggested that we use Ye Yang's power to kill Hua Ye,

At the same time, Hua Ye still has [-] days to reach the earth.
During these fifteen days,
We must gain Ye Yang's trust and favor,

But suddenly I found out,
One of the avatars you sent to Earth back then had a relationship with Ye Yang. Is this your secret son? "

He Xi's conscious body frowned suddenly upon hearing the words.

He was obviously stunned by Yan's news.

But Hexi who calmed down thought for a moment, and said:
"At that time, the avatar was fighting with Morgana, and the energy was about to run out. I was afraid that Morgana would use this to invade the database, so I cut off all permissions to the avatar in advance. Could it be that during that gap, Morgana used some kind of black technology , charged up my avatar, and then placed it next to Ye Yang?"


Yan didn't know what to say.

At most, I would scold Morgana for being shameless in my heart.


Yan asked again:

"If you link to the clone again, can you get all the information about her being with Ye Yang during this time?"

"I'll try, but if the avatar is really controlled by Morgana, maybe the link port has already been modified."

Hexi finished speaking.

Immediately began to operate in front of Yan.

In her conscious body, an operating light curtain appeared in front of her.

It appears to be manually trying to link the clone.

at the same time.

in the church.

The avatar Hexi who was leaning on Ye Yang's shoulder smiled sweetly.

After this time together.

Hexi found that he had fallen in love with Ye Yang with all his heart, and told all his secrets.

Among them is the fact that he is the avatar of Tianji Wang Hexi.

As well as the purpose of coming to Earth, and the identity of Liang Bing and Xue Yi.

Originally, she didn't intend to tell Ye Yang about these things.

But Naihe loves Ye Yang too much.

After all, Ye Yang exudes the terrifying charm of sweet fruits all the time.

So Hak-hee ends up at a poker game.

He said everything right next to Ye Yang's pillow.

Fortunately, Ye Yang didn't blame her either.

Nor did she resent her as an alien.

Because in Ye Yang's opinion.

What he hates are those aliens who often come to disturb his peaceful life.


He Xi frowned, and turned his head away from Ye Yang's shoulder.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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