Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 101 The department is really good, and the food is even better

Chapter 101 The department is really good, and the food is even better
"So the whole world is so dangerous now? It's a good thing I'm not human."

Cheng Hao, who heard the commander's words, couldn't help but feel a little glad that he is not a human now.

Otherwise, when these ancient trees grow back, it will be bad to trouble him.

"Then no one has traced these ancient trees? Commander."

Sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and continued to ask.

Even if these trees don't come to cause trouble now, they will probably come when they grow back to their original size.

Is there nothing else being done above to track these evolutionary trees?This kind of terrifying evolutionary plant should be strangled in the cradle early, right?

"Of course I tracked them down, but these guys have all gone to the forest. What can you do with them?" the commander asked helplessly.

By the time they found these golden cicadas escaped from their shells and chased them, these guys had already entered the forest.

Can they continue to chase after it?At that time, I don't know how many trees will be attacked.

The most important thing is the situation in the forest, which is not suitable for large troops to fight unless they have almost leveled the forest.

Otherwise, so many ancient trees across the country would have escaped.

If they all send people to go deep, what will they do if they encounter danger?
"Does that mean they are ignored?" Xu Lele asked after hearing this.

"I can't say that they are ignored, I can only say that they are not well managed now." The commander explained:
"After all, the magnetic field in the forest is too strong, which is not suitable for the current information-based combat plan."

"It's obviously not a wise decision to go into a dangerous forest without carrying an electronic device."

Now unless the entire forest is destroyed, the powerful magnetic field is the biggest obstacle for their troops.

"Then what should we do now? Commander." Sister Hong'er asked aloud, very worried about the future situation.

These ancient trees actually have such a powerful escape ability, which is bad news for them.

And this is only what happened within half a year after the light of evolution appeared. If it takes a longer period of time, she really doesn't know what the world will be like by then?
The commander looked at their worried faces and said, "The higher-ups are expanding the number of evolutionaries. In addition, various weapons with high lethality against trees are also being developed in an orderly manner."

"I am ready to fight against the evolutionary plants at any time. It is not difficult for the country to raze the entire forest to the ground when the crisis really comes."

The foundation of the country is very strong, which is absolutely beyond doubt.

If these evolved plants really caused great harm to the country, their only end would be destruction.

And this is what the country will do when the situation becomes irretrievable.

"That's good. It seems that we are thinking too much."

"Yeah, we're so nervous."

Hearing the two people here, they finally remembered that the country still has a super killer.

As soon as that thing comes out, it will be vaporized as soon as it touches it, no matter if it is an evolutionary plant or something else.

"It's okay, I can understand. After all, you are still too young and have too little access to things, so you seem a little unfounded." The commander said with a smile, looking at the yawning man who seemed a little bored Cheng Hao asked: "Aren't you afraid, little fat orange? Why didn't you react at all?"

Xiaopangju should be able to understand their conversation, but why is Xiaopangju so calm and relaxed?
"Aww~ (I'm just a tiger, and I didn't cut down those ancient trees, so even if I look for them at that time, I won't be able to find trouble.)
Cheng Hao replied calmly, as the saying goes, it's none of your business and he doesn't worry about it.

It wasn't him who asked people to deal with these ancient trees, so what did he need to worry about?Isn't this just eating salty radishes and worrying about it?

Besides, he was worried about having a hammer, he was just a little tiger.

Even the current technology of human beings can't solve the troubles.

Can he solve it?The answer is of course no.

So why bother thinking about such troublesome things?With so many people on the planet, someone is bound to fix it.

"Xiaohong, Xiaopangju has been chattering for so long, what are you talking about?"

After hearing this, the commander asked in a daze.

He just asked one sentence, why did it feel like Xiaopangju answered him ten sentences?

"No...it's nothing, Xiaoju is complaining, there's nothing to eat here."

Sister Hong'er who heard it replied in embarrassment, if she repeated what Xiaoju said to the Commander, the Commander would probably be pissed off by Xiaoju.

Xiaoju didn't pay attention to the things that will happen to human beings in the future. He just thought that he was a tiger and had nothing to do with him.

Although the reality is indeed like this, it is a bit inappropriate to talk about this kind of thing here.

"This little glutton, didn't you eat?" The commander said a little dumbfounded after hearing this.

They were talking about the future situation, but Xiaopangju, a glutton, was concerned about food.

Sure enough, it is too fantastical for a tiger to empathize with the severity of the future situation.

"Little Fat Orange was educated by the director for two hours, plus the four or five hours between returning to the infirmary and coming with us, it seems that he really didn't eat."

Xu Lele snapped her fingers, after some calculation, she said.

"Okay, then go to the kitchen and get some meat for Xiaopangju."

"Otherwise, if he treats the rabbit as food, it will be bad." The commander said, no matter how high the IQ of Xiaopangju is, it is based on the fact that he is not hungry.

If Xiaopangju was so hungry, maybe it would arouse the tiger's nature and run after his German rabbit.

"Okay, Commander."

"I'm going to get some meat for Xiaopangju." Xu Lele said with a smile, then got up and left.

"Okay, Xiaohong, just stay here and watch Xiaopangju, I'll call for someone to come and take you to train." After seeing Xu Lele leave, the commander said to Sister Hong'er: "Remember, don't let Little Fat Ju hurt my bunny, although that silly dog ​​is a bit stupid, but I took care of it and grew up."

"Yes, Commander."

"I will definitely look after Xiaoju and let him stay here honestly." Sister Hong'er replied, and the commander left the office in peace.

"Aww~ (Sister, is there any water here? Pour me some water to drink, I'm a little thirsty now.)"

Seeing that the office was closed, Cheng Hao immediately relaxed and lay down on all fours, shaking his paws and shouting at Miss Hong'er.

"This little villain really doesn't regard himself as an outsider at all."

Sister Hong'er said angrily when she saw it, got up and walked to the water dispenser, and picked up a disposable cup to fill it with water.

"Aww~ (Am I still human? We haven't seen anyone with so much hair.)"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao rubbed his head against the sofa and said.

Humans need faces but tigers don't. Besides, he is not an outsider, because he is not human at all.

"Alright, let's drink some water."

Sister Hong'er, who brought the water, heard this, tapped Cheng Hao on the head and said, "Your little villain has really grown up now, my sister just said one sentence, and you little villain will have to refute ten sentences. "

Xiaoju has really grown up, and now she can even bicker.

"Aww~ (Not really, sister, you can't wrong the tiger.)" Cheng Hao said while holding the water cup in his paws, scooping water with his tongue.

The young lady breeder can't wrong him so much, he just answered normally, and didn't refute at all.

"My sister is too lazy to wrong you, a bad guy, but you, a bad guy, remember not to wreak havoc and hurt people everywhere like those evolved plants, you know?" Sister Hong'er reminded, she didn't expect Xiaoju to help humans To deal with evolved plants, as long as Xiaoju doesn't run to harm humans and wreak havoc everywhere.

"Aww~(As long as they don't mess with me, I promise I won't attack first.)"

Cheng Hao, who was scooping up water to drink, replied, he is not a fool, how could he be beaten and still endure it?
All he can guarantee is not to do anything if the other party doesn't provoke him. What if the other party provokes him?I'm sorry, but next year's day will be the death day of the other party.

"That's fine. We Xiaoju don't cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble." Sister Hong'er smiled with satisfaction, and patted Cheng Hao's big head.

Xiaoju is so obedient, she will definitely not provoke other people first, if there is a fight, the other party must start first.

"Huh? Little Pangju's biggest problem right now isn't he's hungry?" Xu Lele, who ran in with a basin of meat, said with a smile, "Hurry up, little Pangju, come over and eat meat, this is something that the cafeteria aunts are not willing to cut Good meat."

See how beautiful the texture of this piece of meat is?Just like the texture of marble.

If it wasn't for the aunt in the cafeteria who heard that it was for the little tiger to eat, she would not be willing to take out this piece of beef.

"Is the beef eaten by the department so good now?" Sister Hong'er, who was touching Cheng Hao's head, looked in the iron basin and said in amazement at the snow-patterned beef.

Is the food in the department so good?There is even this level of beef.

"Of course, we keep our heads in our trouser belts when we do things. Isn't it natural to eat better?" Xu Lele said with a smile, and stretched out her hand to hug Cheng Hao from the sofa: "You little rascal Didn’t you say you’re hungry? Come down and eat beef.”

"If it wasn't for the auntie in the cafeteria who likes small animals? She wouldn't be willing to take out such beautiful beef."

"Aww~ (It's the same as my hobby, I also like small animals, especially rabbits and chickens.)" Cheng Hao said.

"You little villain, do you like small animals? You like to eat them, right?" Sister Hong'er scolded with a smile when she heard that. Xiaoju, a little villain, really thinks that his liking and the canteen aunt's liking mean the same thing?

"Aww~ (Anyway, these small animals are not going to die in the end, why can't they die for something worthwhile, for example let me eat them?)"

Cheng Hao replied while eating the beef.

"You little rascal, you're greedy, you're still looking for a reason?" Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao on the head angrily: "Eat when you eat, don't talk, you know?"

"Aww~ (Got it)"

Cheng Hao replied, and started to dry the beef.

If he had known that the food in the department was so much better than that in the Tiger Garden, he should have pretended to be sick earlier, and came to the department to eat and drink. There is no business or work here. How good is it to be a street guy?

The most important thing is that there is no Hude education class given by the principal's grandfather, so you can play happily.

"Lele, has Xiaopangju finished eating the beef? If you finish eating the beef, you have to train newcomers."

Just when Cheng Hao was thinking this way, Chen Min walked in.

"A newcomer to the department?" Xu Lele, who was looking at Cheng Hao gnawing on the beef with his chin resting on his chin, said in surprise.

"Yes, and there are quite a few people." Chen Min replied with a smile, and walked up to Cheng Hao and squatted down: "Little Fat Orange, long time no see, you seem to have become even cuter."

"Aww~ (Didn't we meet just a few days ago? What is long time no see?)"

Cheng Hao, who was gnawing on the meat, muttered, the other party's long time no see, but it was really short.

"Hong'er, Xiaopangju is saying hello to me?" Chen Min, who heard the voice, asked sister Hong'er with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaoju, he said good evening." Sister Hong'er said without blushing. Way to find other people to verify.

"Little Pangju is so good, do you want to go to the training ground with us later?" Chen Min asked with a smile after hearing this. If they all went to the training ground, Xiaopangju must be very lonely.

How about going to the training ground with them to play.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I just don't have anything to watch your training, it would be even better if there is watermelon to eat.)"

Cheng Hao nodded his head after listening.

Anyway, if you don't want him to train, you can do whatever you want, he is very happy to be a melon tiger.

"It's winter, Xiaoju."

"The department doesn't have watermelon for you, a glutton, so obediently finish eating the meat and go to training with your sister."

Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao on the head and said.

This little glutton has a lot of requests for delicious food and lazy cooking, and now he still wants to eat watermelon in the winter.

"Little Fat Orange, do you want to eat watermelon? As long as you please me, I will bring you watermelon, okay?"

Xu Lele smiled and said, Xiaopangju still likes to eat melons?It's so interesting, she always thought that chubby orange only likes meat and milk.

"Um, are there really watermelons in the department now?" Sister Hong'er at the side was stunned and asked.

In a place like them, if you want to eat fresh watermelon, you have to ship it from the south, right?Why is the department so arrogant?

"Yes, in order to deal with emergencies in the future, there are more than ten acres of vegetable fields and melon and fruit gardens in our department's base." Before Xu Lele could explain, Chen Min on the side said: "Hurry up, little fat orange!" Eat, my sister will get you watermelon after eating, okay?"

"Aww~ (Okay, okay)"

Cheng Hao replied happily, not thinking that there are not only watermelons in the department, but also fresh watermelons.

It was so good that he decided to stay in the department for a while.

As long as the department doesn't personally drive him away, he will stay here with a stern face.

"Little Pang Ju is eating meat inside. You can see him when you go in, Minister." Cheng Hao was thinking, when the commander's voice came from outside.

"Uh, Lele."

"Is there a minister in our department?"

Sister Hong'er, who also heard the voice, couldn't help being stunned, and then asked Xu Lele who was at the side, is there any minister in their department?She always thought that the commander was the highest officer in the entire department.

"Yes, otherwise, why is our evolutionary department called a department? There must be a minister, but the minister is in charge of the infrastructure, weapons and ammunition of the entire department."

"The commander is responsible for managing the training and operations of our team members."

Xu Lele replied that it's normal for Sister Hong'er not to know about this kind of thing.

Because ministers generally seldom come out to take care of things, and all they come into contact with are commanders, who give orders.

"It turned out to be like this." Sister Hong'er suddenly realized after hearing this, no wonder she didn't know there was a minister in the department.

It turns out that the minister and the commander are in charge of different fields, which is no wonder.

"This is the little chubby orange? It looks really cute, exactly as advertised on TV." While they were talking, a middle-aged woman appeared at the door.

The other party was wearing a formal suit with a white scarf around his neck. He was looking at Cheng Hao whose butt was facing the door, his eyes were full of little stars.

"Yes." The commander said with a smile, and waved to sister Hong'er: "Xiao Hong, this is the head of our department, you haven't seen him for several times, come over and say hello to the head .”

"Okay, Commander." Sister Hong'er immediately walked over after hearing the words, but when she was about to speak, she stared at the white scarf around the other party's neck, and suddenly froze.

If she read it correctly, the white scarf seemed to have moved a little bit just now.

"What's the matter, Xiaohong, is there something wrong with me? You seem a little surprised." Seeing Miss Hong'er's sudden movement, the minister asked aloud.

"Minister, is this scarf of yours alive?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud upon hearing the words.

"This is not some kind of scarf, this is my pet little white mink." Hearing this, the minister said with a smile, reached out and patted the white scarf around his neck, and the white mink with a pointed mouth and small ears raised his head .

"Zhizhi (Is the meal ready? Where is the meal?)"

The white marten who was awakened poked his head and looked around, his eyes bigger than mung beans were full of doubts.

Didn't you say dinner is ready?Where is the meal?It didn't see rice at all.

"Hi, little white sable! We haven't served dinner yet." Sister Hong'er greeted her with a smile when she heard the words. She was another glutton like Xiaoju, and when she woke up, she asked if dinner was ready.

"Zhizhi (Is there no food? Well, then I'll continue to sleep, don't bother me if you have nothing to do.)" Hearing this, the white mink buried his head in the minister's collar.

"Okay, okay." Sister Hong'er smiled back, and Bai Diao lay down again.

"What did Xiaobai tell you? Xiaohong." The minister asked curiously. She knew that there was an evolutionary in the department who could understand animals, but she didn't expect that the other party would start talking to Xiaobai as soon as they met.

"This white mink is called Xiaobai? It said it needs to rest for a while, if it's not for eating, it's best not to disturb it." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile after hearing this.

"Really? This little slacker is really lazy." The minister said angrily after hearing this, looked at Cheng Hao who was still cooking and said, "This little tiger is really well taken care of, with thick and big paws, hairy Long and bright."

"How do you usually take care of his hair?"

Why does this little tiger look better than her white mink?The light shone on the hair, almost reflecting the light.

"It's just to put lard on his paws, so that he doesn't get cold."

"As for the hair, I didn't take care of it too much. The main reason is that Xiaoju is in good health." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile. Xiaoju has experienced body wash and body care since she was born until now when she was taking a bath a few days ago. It's just hair conditioner, and it turned out to be washed directly with water.

There is no such thing as maintenance of hair.

"Really? The tiger is indeed the king of beasts and needs no grooming, and its hair is so good."

After hearing this, the minister couldn't help saying enviously.

"Aww~ (Sister, it's time for us to go to the training ground for training, and don't forget the watermelon.)"

Cheng Hao, who licked the foam from his flesh, turned around and said to Sister Hong'er.

The main meal has been eaten, and it is time for the fruit after the meal.

He thought that the watermelon would definitely want to be eaten by him. After all, there are so many people who eat melons, but there is only one tiger who eats melons.

This watermelon can enjoy such an honor, and it is a well-deserved death.

"You little villain still has meat in your throat, so you just want to eat watermelon?" Sister Hong'er emphasized when she saw Cheng Hao walking over, patted him on the head angrily and said, "Go a few steps first Let’s talk about it after digesting the meat, or you won’t vomit when you’re full later.”

"Aww~ (No, my digestion speed is very fast, sister, you have to trust me.)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, he will easily get sleepy after eating, so the young lady breeder will not take him for a walk , he felt that he might be going to sleep here.

"Little Fat Orange's face is so round, I've never seen a tiger with such a round face."

"Is he born like this, or did he eat like this?"

The minister looked at Cheng Hao's face in surprise and said that she had seen many animals in her life, but she had never seen a face that could be rounded like this.

Then look at the two small ears, the big snub nose, and a pair of peas eyes, it's so naive and cute.

"Xiaoju was born like this, but she was still relatively small at that time, and her head couldn't be seen so round." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's round head and replied.

"Really? Then can I touch the little chubby orange?" The minister asked aloud. This little tiger is round and chubby, and it feels very good at first glance. I wonder if I can touch it?
"Personally, I don't recommend the minister to touch Xiaoju. No matter how you say it, Xiaoju is a tiger, and it's the first time I've met you. I'm not very familiar with you yet."

"If you touch it directly with your hands? It's easy to be hurt by Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er explained aloud.

Although the other party is a minister, Xiaoju doesn't care who you are?
Therefore, it is best not to touch Xiaoju.

"It's like this, it's really a pity, you can only look at it but not touch it."

After hearing this, the minister sighed and said.

"It's normal. Small animals only get close to people they know." The commander on the side smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, go to the training first. The minister and I still have something to discuss."

"Okay, Commander."

Upon hearing this, Chen Min and the others nodded, and walked away.

They knew what the commander and the minister wanted to talk about, and ordinary team members like them could not hear them.

"Sister Hong'er, go to the training ground with Little Pang Ju and Sister Chen first, and I'll help Little Pang Ju get a watermelon first, so that he won't be bored running around in the training ground." After leaving the complex, Xu Lele Said to Miss Hong'er.

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Xu Lele." Sister Hong'er thanked her with a smile.

"It's okay, it's just a little thing." Xu Lele replied, and then ran away.

"Is that where the melon and fruit base of the department is? Then I remember it." Looking at the direction Xu Lele left, Cheng Hao's eyes seemed to want to penetrate a car parked next to him and take a look at the melon How big is the fruit base?
"Okay, little glutton, don't look over there anymore, Lele will bring watermelon back for you to eat, now we should go to the training ground." Sister Hong'er followed Chen Min for a few steps, and found Cheng After Hao didn't move, he came back with a smile and patted him and said.

"Aww~ (oh oh)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded and followed Sister Hong'er to the training ground.

"One two one, one two one."

"Attention, rest, stand at attention, rest."

On the wide training ground, there was a sonorous and powerful voice, and the team members wearing hats looked at the hundreds of people in front of them and said, "Rest now for 5 minutes, and an instructor will come over to teach you melee combat. Take advantage of this opportunity Let's learn."

"Aren't we all evolutionaries, instructor? We also use hot weapons, why do we still have to learn close combat?"

"Yeah, follow me with the gun in hand. Isn't fighting only needed when you don't have a gun?"

The newcomers who heard this asked curiously, they joined the evolutionary department because they wanted to be able to shoot. Let alone the fact that they didn't touch the gun, the point is that the training for physical fitness is too big.

"What do you know? The gun may not be useful after it arrives, but close combat is sure to be useful in this life." The team members looked at the newcomer and said, and then looked at the approaching figure in the distance and said:
"Okay, I won't tell you any more, your combat instructor will be here soon, remember to talk less and listen more carefully."

"Don't look down on her just because she is a girl. If she asks you to demonstrate, remember not to listen to her, or you will bear the consequences."

"Huh? Is it possible that our instructor will beat me to death?"

"Yeah? We don't seem to be heinous criminals."

The newcomers who heard this were stunned and said that the close combat instructor they were about to face next seemed a little scary, and even the instructor who led them to the physical training seemed terrified.

"It will definitely not kill you, but if you are really going to be hit, just think about how you will spend the few months in the hospital?" went over there.

When the newcomers saw this scene, they immediately looked at each other, their eyes filled with uneasiness.

"Xiao Wu, how's the situation?"

"Is the physical training for newcomers going well?"

Chen Min saw Xiao Wu coming over and asked.

"Report to Sister Chen, there are some stumbling blocks at present, and some players can't keep up with the intensity of training." Xiao Wu replied truthfully, and reported the current situation.

"They turned out to be ordinary people who didn't join the army, let alone receive special training. It's normal that they can't keep up."

"Just take your time and don't be so anxious. The higher-ups didn't expect them to participate in the battle immediately. They were just preparing for the future." Chen Min nodded after hearing this and said, "Don't worry about them now, Lele will take over of."

"What you need to do is to take Hong'er to familiarize yourself with firearms. It's enough to make Hong'er familiar with shooting guns."

"Okay, Sister Chen." Xiao Wu nodded upon hearing this, looked at Cheng Hao who was following Sister Hong'er, and said hello: "Little Fat Orange has been gone for a few days, you seem to have grown up a lot, Are you going to the shooting range with us? There are gunshots all over there, won't you be afraid?"

"Aww~ (Who are you looking down on? Can mere gunshots scare me?)" Cheng Hao said angrily when he heard the words, isn't it just gunshots?He just took it as setting off a bigger firecracker.

"Hong'er, you'd better let Xiaopangju follow me here, otherwise I'm worried that he will be frightened when he passes by."

"And there are too many people shooting at the shooting range. Xiaopangju's ears couldn't bear it in the past."

Chen Min looked at Cheng Hao who was calling out, and said to Sister Hong'er.

For Xiaopangju's safety, she thought it would be better for Xiaopangju to stay with them.

"Is that so?" After thinking for a while, Miss Hong'er squatted down and touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "Xiaoju, sister is going over there to familiarize herself with guns, can you follow sister Chen here?"

"It's too noisy over there, it's not good for your ears. And my sister is just going there for a while, and she will be back soon, so there won't be any delay."

"Aww~ (Okay, sister, remember to come back early.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this, the breeder, don't have too much fun over there, and forget to come and pick him up.

"Yeah, my sister promised you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and stretched out a hand: "Come on! Xiaoju stretched out her claws and promised her sister to stay here obediently and not run around, okay? This is us promise."

"Oh, oh, oh~ (I get it, I get it.)" Cheng Hao stretched out his paws and replied, and Sister Hong'er was relieved to go to the shooting range with Xiao Wu.

"Okay, little fat orange, let's go over there, and let you see how the team members in the department train?"

After watching sister Hong'er leave, Chen Min said to Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (Isn't that how you train? How else do you train?)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, isn't the training in various places just like running with weights?Can the department come up with any new tricks?

"Did you say our close combat instructor is a tiger?"

"Are you kidding me? How could our close combat instructor be a tiger? Although tigers are really good at fighting, they are not tigers. Why should we learn from tigers?"

"Then the question is, the melee combat instructor that Instructor Wu is talking about, it can't be Instructor Chen, right? If that's the case, he should just say Instructor Chen, right?"

"That's right, so I don't think our instructor for close combat should be Mr. Chen, but our Mr. Chen is followed by a tiger, and there is no one else."

"If you say our fighting instructor is not a tiger, who is it?"

"Yes, and it looks like it's still a pre-adult tiger, which is very outrageous."

The newcomers who were waiting, looked at the distance, one person and one tiger who were getting closer and closer, and they couldn't help discussing.

Everyone felt that the fighting coach he was waiting for was actually a tiger, which was a bit too outrageous.

Although it is too outrageous to know that there is such a thing as an evolutionary.

"Aww~ (What good things are these guys thinking? Do you still want me to teach them the skills of close combat? I didn't collect the money, so I won't pay it.)" Hearing the outrageous words of the team members, Cheng Hao expressed that he Even a tiger thinks it is outrageous.

How did they think he was their close instructor?Although it is said that after he turned into a tiger, the tiger's hunting skills were indeed deep in his memory.

But the problem is that the department didn't send him any money, so it's impossible for him to teach.

"Stop thinking about it, Xiaopangju is not your instructor for melee combat. Your instructor will take melons now and will come later."

Chen Min who walked in looked at the people discussing and said.

"I just said how could our fighting coach be a tiger? It turns out that our real coach went to get melons."

"Yeah, I was really scared to death. I thought we had to learn from tigers and use all fours to fight on the ground."

"Yeah, it's just horrific."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Empress Rui looked at Cheng Hao who was standing behind Chen Min, and the expression on his face became weird:

"Wait a minute, this little tiger seems familiar. It has a round face, small ears, a snub nose, and those peasy eyes."

"I remembered, this is the hottest Internet celebrity recently, the fat orange. There are thousands of tigers in the world, but only the temperament of the fat orange is unique, and there is no mistake."

"Yes, yes, I remembered it too. He is Xiaopangju, but why did Xiaopangju appear in the department?"

"That's right, and he's still following Chief Instructor Chen."

After everyone recognized Cheng Hao, new doubts arose in their hearts.

"Because the breeder who takes care of the chubby orange is also a member of the department, you don't have to worry about these things, just stand upright first." Chen Min said after listening.

"The breeder who came to take care of the little fat orange is an evolutionary. I said why the young lady of the breeder communicated with the little fat orange without any obstacles. If this is the case, this will explain it."

"That's right, that lady breeder's ability must be to communicate with animals?"

"That's right, it's definitely like this. When I watched the live broadcast, I had such a guess."

After the newcomer heard it, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

They said why Xiaopangju's live broadcast room is so different. It turns out that the breeder is an evolutionary.

"Little Fat Orange, I brought you delicious watermelon, do you miss me?"

Just when the newcomers were thinking this way, the familiar voice came again.

"This voice seems to be the assistant lady who was squeezed out by Xiaopangju, right?"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. It seems that our fighting instructor is the assistant lady."

"That's over, the assistant is famous for her natural supernatural powers. Now I understand why the military instructor asked us to be careful?" After hearing this, the newcomer's expression turned ugly.

After all, there has always been a legend circulating in Xiaopangju's live broadcast room, that is, the assistant lady can pull up weeping willows upside down.

If they get punched by the assistant's sister, the whole village can have a feast tomorrow.

"Aww~ (What a big watermelon? Could this watermelon also be an evolutionary plant?)" Looking at the big watermelon that Xu Lele carried, Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Good guy!Such a big watermelon?I'm afraid it weighs more than 30 kilograms, isn't this watermelon also an evolutionary plant?

If so?Please make sure there are more evolutionary plants like this, he really loves such a big watermelon.

"Dangdang! How about the little fat orange? Is this watermelon big? Have you ever seen this watermelon in your life?" Seeing Cheng Hao's eyes were a little dazed, Xu Lele shook the watermelon and said, "Do you want to eat a big watermelon? What? Nod if you want to, and rub your head against my hand if you really want to."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and waited for Cheng Hao to rub his head against it.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Even if you don't give me to eat, you teach these guys to fight, can't you still bring watermelon?"

When Cheng Hao heard this, he immediately showed contempt in his eyes.

It's just a melon, I just want him to lower his posture like this, the other party is afraid that he is trying to fart.

As long as the other party dared to put down the watermelon, he would always have a way to run away with the melon.

"What's the matter, little fat orange, don't you like to eat watermelon? Why don't you want to eat it now? As long as you rub my sister's hand obediently, my sister will break the melon for you." Xu Lele didn't seem to notice Cheng Hao With contemptuous eyes, he still swayed the watermelon and said.

"Lele, leave this watermelon to me. I will help Xiaopangju open the melon. What you need to do now is to teach newcomers to train."

Chen Min at the side said after seeing it, Lele still has free time to play with Xiaopangju here?Didn't you see a large group of newcomers preparing for training?

"Uh, teach this group of guys?" Xu Lele, who was swaying and liking, was stunned, and Chen Min took the watermelon in his hand.

"Hello, Instructor Xu! We have been watching the live broadcast of Xiaopangju."

"Yes, yes! Speaking of which, we still know you, Instructor Xu, so you have to be gentle."

"That's right, otherwise we won't be able to watch the live broadcast while lying in the ward."

Seeing Xu Lele looking at them, everyone hurriedly greeted them.

"Are you the water friends in the live broadcast room?" Xu Lele couldn't help clenching her fists when she heard this. She remembered that when she was played by Xiaopangju, someone was watching her jokes. Maybe this was one of them. group of guys.

"No... no, no."

Seeing Xu Lele's posture, everyone shook their heads and said.

The assistant lady turned her face too fast, didn't she say in the live broadcast room, everyone pays attention to Xiaopangju, and we will be a family in the future?

"No? That would be even better. In order to save you from getting hurt in the future, I will use ten percent of my strength to train you." Xu Lele said with a smile, her eyes glistening with scarlet light.

These guys want to say no now?It's too late.

She will train these guys well so that they don't make mistakes in the future.


When everyone heard the words, they immediately started crying and shouting for their mothers, and they didn't use such a routine to trick them.

(End of this chapter)

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