Chapter 102

The sound of biting melons echoed in the training ground. On the grass under the swaying lights, a chubby little tiger was holding a big watermelon in its two paws, biting one bite at a time. Looking at the distance, the newcomers who are training.

The newcomers who are training are not so leisurely, their faces covered with hands are covered with sweat.

"Be serious and don't get distracted. If you can't even do this, then don't learn any fighting."

Xu Lele, who was walking in the team, kicked the newcomer who was half on the ground and said, "Hold on, I can't bear this bit of hardship? Then if you encounter evolutionary plants in the future, you won't even have to run."

"But I really can't hold on anymore, instructor." The rookie who was being carried said aggrievedly, he is not made of iron, let him do plank for 5 minutes, how could he hold on?

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on. When you meet an evolutionary plant, will it show affection to you?" Xu Lele said in a cold voice, "Do you know if you sweat more now and bleed less? Hold on to me and don't let up."

"Yes, Instructor."

The rookies with trembling arms replied that they thought they were just learning how to fight from the instructors, but they didn't expect them to do plank support when they came up.

It's simply too outrageous, and this is just the beginning, and they don't know what cruel training is waiting for them.

"Is the little fat orange delicious? Is the watermelon sweet?"

After reprimanding the newcomers, Xu Lele looked at the time, then came to Cheng Hao who was lying on his stomach and asked.

"Aww~ (It's very sweet, would you like a bite?)" Cheng Hao replied, pushing the watermelon forward with his paws.

He's not a stingy tiger either, so if there's something delicious, of course I want to share it with everyone.

Of course, I don't know whether the other party is willing to share with him or not.

"Don't push the watermelon to me, I don't want to eat watermelon. The weather is so cold, only you, a glutton, can eat it." Looking at the watermelon that was gnawed, Xu Lele was very moved, but Pangju was willing to be with her Sharing watermelon, but I really can't get it down.

"Aww~ (Okay, I can only eat it by myself. I have already thought about sharing the watermelon with you. You don't want to eat it yourself.)" Cheng Hao pawed at the watermelon when he heard this. The watermelon came back and continued to chew.

Eating watermelon in winter saves ice, and it tastes really good.

It's just that these new players performed a little hip-pull, he thought he could see some big scene, but this is it?

"Lele's time is up, you should get them up." Chen Min on the side reminded that these are the new players who have not received any training, so Lele should not do too much.

"Okay, I know."

Xu Lele nodded and said to the newcomers, "It's time, let's all take a rest now."

"It's... great, I'm almost exhausted."

"Yeah, I feel like my upper body is not mine anymore, why do I have to do this to learn fighting?"

"Yeah, I'm really tired."

Only then did the newcomers relax after hearing this, and lay down on the ground one by one, like salted fish that were about to be sunburned to death.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

While they were muttering, a truck slowly approached them.

"Coyote, the sandbag you want is here." Qinglang poked his head out of the truck cab and said.

"Understood, thank you." Xu Lele said with a smile when she heard the words, and waved to the newcomers lying on the ground:
"Now all the team members who have rested come over to get sandbags, we are going to start the second session of sandbags."

"Ah? Aren't we practicing fighting? Why are we sandbags again?"

"Yeah? And shouldn't we be given gloves for fighting this thing? The fists that go down with bare hands will be swollen."

The newlyweds, who were panting heavily, expressed their doubts one after another after hearing this.

They should have entered the evolutionist department, not some fighting academy.

They can understand physical training, but now is not the era of cold weapons. As for learning this?

The country has aircraft and cannons, so it’s okay if you don’t go to them to get a knife. As for fighting with evolutionary plants with your fists?
"Do you still want to have gloves to protect your hands? Don't be kidding, let you play sandbags to make your fists hard."

"You must know that the roots and trunks of plants are much harder than sandbags. If you can't even pass this test, you will break your bones when you punch the trunk."

"The most important thing is that there will always be a day when the bullets will run out, and there will be a day when the weapons will be useless. And your fists and bodies will never be discarded."

Xu Lele looked at the crowd and said, do these guys think there are gloves for them to wear on the battlefield?Don't be wishful thinking, it's good if you don't get pumped to death when you meet an evolved plant.

As long as you develop a strong body and turn your body into the most powerful weapon, you will not panic when you encounter any difficulties.

"But now is the era of hot weapons, instructor."

"Yeah, besides, no matter how people exercise, how can it be compared with weapons?"

"That's right, even animals can't withstand the attack of weapons, right?"

Although they feel that what the other party said makes sense, they still feel that there is something wrong with the other party's thinking.

In this day and age, how can anyone exercise so hard?The pay and rewards are really out of proportion, okay?If you have this time?Is it bad to learn more about how to use weapons?

"You guys are still a little too naive, you don't even know how dangerous the world is right now?" Xu Lele couldn't help but shook her head when she heard what the newcomers said, then looked at Cheng Hao who was lying down and said, "Don't lie down, little fat orange, Come out and show them your strength."

These guys imagine the evolutionary creature is too weak, they don't understand how powerful the evolutionary creature is.

Then let Xiaopangju perform and let them open their eyes.

"Does Pangju want to show his hands? What will Pangju do? Maomao boxing?"

"Yeah, Little Fat Orange is just a little tiger, how powerful can it be?"

"That's right, the little fat orange looks so cute, I guess it's the same as my big golden retriever."

The newcomers who heard this said, looking at Cheng Hao, who looked very harmless to humans and animals while eating melons.

What can such a cute little tiger do?If the opponent is allowed to grow for a few more months, they may be a little scared, but with the opponent's current size, as long as they work hard, they can still fight.

"Aww~ (Why do you still want me to make a move? I'm just a gourd, okay?)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao got up muttering, although he didn't know why he ate the melon, but these guys dared to look down on him, they had to let them know how powerful he was.

But what should be used for surgery?After looking around, he found that there was really nothing here that could show his strength.

"Little Fat Ju is looking around, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, maybe it's warming up. After all, it's normal for Xiaopangju to be a little sore after lying down for so long."

"That's right, Little Fat Orange is just so big, how much can he do?"

The newcomers who saw this scene muttered.

"Little Pangju's ability is much stronger than what you guys think." Xu Lele couldn't help sneering when he heard the newcomers talking about it. These guys really don't know how powerful Xiaopangju is.

Even if they are all added up, there may not be a tiger that can beat Xiaopangju.

"Well, there's nothing to show how good I am, so I'll make you feel wronged, little car."

After looking around the empty training ground, Cheng Hao aimed at the big truck in front of him.

Big Truck: Don't come here! !
"Little Fat Orange, what do you want to do when you come to me? Don't you think too hard?"

"This truck is made of iron. Don't try to be serious about it." Qinglang on the truck saw Cheng Hao walking towards him, panicked and shouted quickly.

It doesn't matter if there is an accident with his truck, he can still repair it, but what if there is an accident with Xiaopangju?He didn't even know how to tell the commander.

Will the commander believe that Chubby Ju attacked the truck first?
"That's right, little fat orange, you're just a mortal body, you can't beat a truck."

"That's right, little fat orange. We believe that you are very powerful, so come back soon."

Everyone who saw this scene shouted, Little Fat Ju doesn't need to do this just to prove how good he is, does he?
Are they convinced?Little Fat Orange, don't hurt yourself.

"It's just a small truck. I can make him cry with a random paw." Cheng Hao, who heard everyone's voice, didn't care.

Suddenly, sparks flickered on the carriage, and there was a scalp-numbing scratching sound.

The eyelids of everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but jump:

"Little Fat Orange really attacked the carriage, is his pink and tender little claw okay?"

"Probably not. I haven't seen Xiaopangju jumping in pain. In theory, it's okay."

"Why is Xiaopangju so reckless? If he gets hurt like this, I will be sad."


While they were talking, there was a heavy noise from the truck compartment. Under the gaze of everyone, the cargo rail at the back half of the truck fell down directly, and the claw mark at the break was so conspicuous.


Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths in shock.

Can anyone tell them what the hell is going on?Why is Xiaopangju so powerful? Is it serious that he cut off the iron bars of the truck easily?
"Little Pangju did a good job, and my sister knows you are the best." Xu Lele smiled satisfied after seeing it: "Even a tiger as small as Xiaopangju can easily cut through steel. You should understand the current situation." How dangerous is the world?"

"If you meet Xiaopangju, do you think you can win? Are the weapons in your hands useful?"

"But even if we learn to fight, no matter how hard we train our bodies, we can't compare to steel." The newcomers who heard this said in a whisper:

"That's right, Little Fat Ju can cut even steel, so is it useful for us to train our bodies so strong?"

"Yeah, isn't it the end?"

"At least it will allow you to persevere for a while longer, so you won't die so soon." Chen Min looked at the newcomers and said, "The reason why many people sacrifice is because they can't persevere, but if they persevere for a second longer, Then the situation would be very different.”

"Although learning to fight and doing physical training won't make your body stronger than steel, it will at least make you die a little slower, and this will keep you alive."

"Yes, do you still have questions?" Xu Lele looked at the newcomers and asked.

"No... no problem."

The newcomers looked at each other and said, after seeing how powerful a tiger as small as Xiaopangju is, what problems do they have now?The world is not as big as your own life.

In order to save his life, what does the other party say?

"Since there is no problem, then hurry up and carry the sandbag on your back." Xu Lele said.


Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and came to the side of the truck with sandbags. While dragging the sandbags down, they looked at the claw marks on the iron railing of the truck for a while.

Unexpectedly, the cute-looking little chubby orange is so scary. The world has really changed.

"Punch fast and hard without worrying about getting hurt. Think of the sandbag in front of you as an enemy, and hit him with your hardest strength." Xu Lele said after watching the newcomers drag the sandbag back to its position.

"But if you fight like this, it will hurt, right? Instructor."

"Yes, instructor. Our hands are made of meat, not steel."

The newcomers who heard this whispered.

It's fine if you don't use gloves for them, but let them fight with all their strength now?Their fists are not made of iron, do you really think they won't hurt?

"Don't worry, the department has the best medical team. As long as you don't die in training, you can practice to death." Xu Lele said with a smile, stretching out his fist to hit the sandbag in front of him.


As Xu Lele's fist fell, the entire sandbag was deformed, and this was not over yet, under the gaze of everyone, Xu Lele's fist went straight through the sandbag.

In an instant, countless sands flew in all directions.

"Aww~ (Don't make it up, I'm still eating melons.)" Seeing the movement, Cheng Hao immediately waved his big paw, and slapped the sand flying.

If the watermelon is all covered with sand, how can he eat it?

"It's amazing, the instructor's punch actually blows up the sandbags."

"Yeah, too strong."

The newcomers exclaimed, and Xu Lele's voice came from next to their ears: "I don't wear gloves and I don't have one more hand than you. I can do this step. What else can you do? Come on and practice for me!" .”

"Okay, instructor."

The newcomers who heard this replied, they waved their fists and hit the sandbags. As their fists fell, the fighting spirit that had just been aroused was instantly weakened:
"Ahhh! It hurts so much, I feel like my fist is going to break."

"It can't be done, it can't be done, if I continue to fight, I feel that I will be abolished first."

This sandbag is easy for others to beat. Once they get started, they finally understand what is ideal and reality.

"Why are you so useless? Everyone is so tall, can you hit the sandbag twice?"

Seeing this, Xu Lele was very speechless and said, how could they teach them fighting skills when they looked so weak that they couldn't even hit a sandbag?
If you want to fight, you have to get beaten first, okay?But with their physique, I'm afraid they can't even be beaten.

"The instructor is not useless by us, but it's really hard to fight with bare hands in sandbags."

"That's right, the instructor doesn't mean that everyone, like you, is born with supernatural powers and is alive as an overlord."

The newcomers who heard this murmured, everyone is human, but the other party is too outrageous.

"You mean I'm a Lianjiazi, and you just learned it, right?" Xu Lele looked at the frightened and wronged faces of the newcomers, and shouted to Cheng Hao, who was eating a melon, "Little Fatty Come here and show everyone, Ju, you are only less than six months old, and you have never punched a sandbag before."

"Let everyone take a look at what a real novice should be like?"

"Aww~(I said I was just eating a watermelon next to me, why do you even ask me to do such a trivial thing? If I knew it would be so troublesome to eat your watermelon, I would not eat it.)" Cheng Hao cursed, Standing up from the ground.

Isn't it enough for these people to practice well according to what the other party said?Nothing to complain about?

Didn't the other party say that the department has the best medical team?As long as they don't lose their breath, they can definitely be rescued.

It's worth letting this little tiger come every time, he just wants to be a melon tiger by the side leisurely.

Why does this kind of thing involve him?

"How can there be such a powerful rookie as Xiaopangju? He is a tiger but not a human being. How can we possibly compare with him?"

"That's right, and look at the paw that Little Pang Ju just made, is this something a tiger less than six months old can do?"

"That's right, I can already think of the picture of the poor sandbag about to be torn apart by the paw of the little fat orange."

Seeing Cheng Hao stand up, the newcomers whispered, it's true that Xiaopangju is a newcomer, but he is not human at all, can they compare with each other?
With a single paw from Little Fat Orange, they could completely leave this beautiful world.

Of course, a slap seems to be okay, anyway, they have no way to compare.

"Don't talk too much, watch carefully. Let you train, you will find excuses here and there."

"Now let the little fat orange who lived more than 20 years less than you, you are still holding the little fat orange, can't you be a little self-motivated?" Xu Lele scolded angrily, and the newcomers who heard this said He lowered his head with a flushed face.

"Okay, everyone raise their heads. Don't look at the ground, there is nothing to see on the ground." Seeing this, Chen Min said, "Little Fat Orange is about to make a move, so you have to look more clearly."

If you are afraid of pain or injury, why do you train?
Why don't you go home and find your mother early, Xiao Pangju and a little tiger are not afraid of hard work, they have lived so long that they can't even endure this kind of hardship?
"Yes, Instructor."

After the newcomers who lowered their heads heard it, they raised their heads again and looked at Cheng Hao who had walked in front of the sandbag.

"There are people here, and there are people here. It won't work if you hit them, so it seems that you can only shoot this way."

After looking at it for a few times, Cheng Hao chose a direction where there was no one on the opposite side and turned sideways.

After I became a tiger, I was not used to it. If it is not good to shoot things, I shoot forward, but it is very smooth to shoot left and right.

"Little Pangju can start now, don't worry about hitting someone, I'll help you take care of it." Seeing Cheng Hao adjusting his position and making gestures, Xu Lele said with a smile.

Little Fat Ju doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, how far can he fly the sandbag with just his little strength?
"Aww~ (I get it, I get it, don't rush me any more, I'll do it right away.)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, slapped the sandbag with his paw.

There was a loud "pop", and under everyone's gaze, the sandbag lifted off the ground and took off into the sky, drawing a beautiful parabola, and landed seven or eight meters away.

Immediately, the scene quietened down instantly, the newcomer opened his mouth so wide that he could put down an apple.

"I'll go, is Xiaopangju so powerful? Such a heavy sandbag can fly so far with one punch?"

"Little Fat Ju doesn't use fists, he uses cats and cats' powerful claws."

"Yeah, Xiaopangju's paws can't make a fist."

After the shock, the newcomers no longer wanted to compare with Xiaopangju.

They don't deserve it!They really don't deserve it.

"Little Pangju is awesome, my sister already knows that Xiaopangju is the best."

Xu Lele trotted over happily and said, Little Pangju is really strong.

She could actually fly the sandbag so far, which was beyond her expectation.

"Aww~ (You don't need to say thank you, just don't make me work anymore, I'm just a melon tiger.)"

Cheng Hao muttered, then walked towards the unfinished watermelon.

He is just a little tiger who likes to eat melons, he is not interested in other things.

"Don't just look at Xiaopangju, just train honestly."

"Otherwise, don't you feel ashamed to say that such a big person can't even compare with a small tiger?"

After watching Cheng Hao lie down and continue eating melons, Xu Lele looked at the newcomers and said.

"Yes, Instructor."

Although the newcomers really wanted to say that their own people were not as good as Xiaopangju, they kept their mouths shut after thinking about it.

After all, it's not a good thing for people to look down on you in the department.

Then, there was a dull voice in the training ground.

"These guys..."

Seeing the newcomers gently stroking the sandbags, Xu Lele was speechless.

But I don't want to continue to take care of them anymore. Anyway, there is only one life, and they don't cherish it themselves, so what can others say?

I hope they will encounter danger at that time, and don't regret their behavior of waiting for others to be lazy.

"The little fat orange's claws don't hurt, do they? Is there any discomfort?" Chen Min asked with great concern after approaching Cheng Hao.

Little Fat Orange slapped the heavy sandbag away with one paw, the paw must be a bit uncomfortable.

I don't know if it hurt the paw?

"Aww~ (No, no, thank you for your concern.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao shook his head and looked back, isn't it just a sandbag?Can it still hurt him?

Even living evolutionary plants can't hurt him, it's just a sandbag, and of course it's even more impossible.

"No? That's good." Chen Min said with a smile after hearing this: "Hurry up and eat the little fat orange. After eating, I will take you to the department for a stroll, okay? You have been in the department for so long, and you haven't seen it yet." Have you visited the department?"

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I just want to see where the melon and fruit base in the department is?)"

Cheng Hao nodded his head and turned back. The other party could take him for a walk in the department, of course it would be great.

Just take a look at where are the resources in the department?In order not to get lost in the department in the future.

"Well, Xiaopangju is so good." Chen Min said with a smile when she saw this, although she said she couldn't understand Xiaopangju's words, but fortunately Xiaopangju would nod, which would not make her blind.

After a while, Cheng Hao got up from the ground after eating the big watermelon, and took a look at the newcomers who were still punching sandbags all over their faces.

It is miserable to enter the department and have to undergo such painful training.

Fortunately, he came with the breeder lady and didn't need to train.

"Little Pangju, are you going to play with Sister Chen? Are you sure you don't want to stay here with me?"

Seeing Cheng Hao getting up, Xu Lele immediately ran over and stared closely at Cheng Hao's round face.

Sister Chen has a higher position than her and is older than her. She dare not tell Xiaopangju not to follow her in person.

It can only be done in this way, and I hope Xiaopangju can stay.

"Aww~ (Please, I've been here with you for a long time, okay?)"

Looking at the other side's eager eyes, Cheng Hao felt very helpless.

He has been eating melons for so long, and he has repaid the other party's love for the melons.

The other party can't use this matter to keep pressing him down and not let him leave.

He also wanted to see what else was delicious in the department.

"Lele, don't show such a pitiful look. Xiaopangju just went out with me for a stroll, and it's not like you won't come back. Is it necessary for you to follow Xiaopangju every day?" Chen Min saw Zhuang said aloud: "And if Xiaopangju is by your side, you won't be able to teach them to train properly, so I think it would be better to take Xiaopangju away."

"Mr. Chen, you are pushing us into the pit of fire."

The faces of the newcomers on the side suddenly changed when they heard this. They knew very well how clingy their Instructor Xu was.

Now they have become a drag, and when the instructor Chen leaves, won't they have to be punished to death?

"Well, Sister Chen, remember to take Xiaopangju for a stroll around the department and then come back. Don't run too far." Xu Lele said after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I won't be able to walk very far with Xiaopangju, you don't need to worry about such things." Chen Min smiled, and then led Cheng Hao towards the road?

"Little Fat Ju, remember to come back, don't forget to promise Miss Hong'er." Xu Lele shouted loudly.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I'll go and see where all the delicious things are hidden in the department and I'll come back.)" Cheng Hao, who took small steps, disappeared into Xu Lele's sight with Chen Min.

"Instructor Xu, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes, Instructor Xu, I feel a little unwell, can I ask for leave?"

After the newcomers saw this scene, they weakly raised their hands and asked.

They could see that Instructor Xu was very upset for not being able to keep Xiaopangju. If they didn't run away quickly, their life would be even worse later on.

"You can go to the toilet, but you have to come back to me within 3 minutes."

"Those who ask for leave are not approved. When you came in, you all had a physical examination and there was nothing wrong with your body."

Hearing this, Xu Lele's face was gloomy, and she looked at the newcomers present and said, "Continue training now and don't be lazy. If you let me know who is lazy, then don't blame me for being rude later."

"Ah? Instructor Xu can't do this, we haven't offended you, you can't cheat us like this."

"Yeah, even if you did that, Little Pang Ju still left."

The newcomers who heard this couldn't help but complained.

Instructor Xu didn't take it out on them like this, they obviously didn't do anything.

"Stop arguing any more. If you continue arguing, you will double your training volume tonight."

Xu Lele glanced at the newcomers coldly and said, the newcomers who were complaining suddenly trembled in fright, and quickly shut their chattering mouths.

"Have Xiaopangju seen there? That's the department's cafeteria."

In front of the canteen of the department, Chen Min pointed to the huge building and said.

"Aww~ (I can smell it, only the cafeteria can smell so fragrant.)" Cheng Hao looked through the glass window, saw the food being cooked, and couldn't help swallowing.

There are a lot of delicious food here, but it's a pity that I can't taste it in person.

"Okay, little fat orange, don't drool secretly, this is not for you to eat, this is where we eat." When Chen Min saw it, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Sister will take you to the department's fruit and vegetable base Let's take a look, and pick some delicious fruit for you by the way, okay?"

"Aww~ (Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao licked his lips and said, his eyes were turned away from the cafeteria at once, he eats sooner rather than later.

The other party should take him there quickly, he also wants to get to know the fruit and vegetable base of the department.

"Okay, let's go."

"Look at how impatient you little villain is." Chen Min said with a smile, it was the first time she had seen this fruit-loving tiger.

It can only be said that the little fat orange is really special.



Not far from the cafeteria, there was the sound of sheep bleating in front of him. Cheng Hao followed the sound and found that there were sheep in a cement factory building.

Good guy, it's outrageous to use such a big house to raise sheep.

He originally thought that the smell of sheep came from the cafeteria, but it turned out that it came from here.

"Little Fat Orange is a sheep raised in the department. You can't grab it randomly, or let the commander find out, but he will be very angry, and maybe he will slap your little ass at that time." Seeing Cheng Hao After arriving in the department, Chen Min immediately spoke up after the sheep couldn't look away.

The little villain Xiaopangju doesn't want to catch the sheep raised in the department, does he?If the commander finds out about this, he will give Xiaopangju a good beating.

These sheep are not just for food, the department also uses these sheep to study how long it takes for ordinary animals to become evolutionary creatures after being exposed to light?

In addition, the department is also studying how to curb animal evolution.

After all, there are too many evolved animals, which is not a good thing.

This means that it is not so easy for human beings to eat meat. No one wants to go back to the ancient times when eating meat required fighting with animals.

"Aww~ (I'm too lazy to skin the sheep, don't worry, I won't do anything to these guys.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, and continued to walk forward.

He also wanted to eat a few more meals in the department. How could he lose the opportunity to eat a lot of sheep just to eat sheep?
Isn't this picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon?Only a fool would do such a thing.

Moreover, it is very troublesome to kill the sheep, and you have to peel the sheep's skin and remove the internal organs.

Is that as comfortable as someone delivering cut meat to your mouth?

"It seems that Chubby Ju still knows what to touch and what not to touch." After seeing Cheng Hao leave, Chen Min smiled inwardly.

It would be best if Xiaopangju could be controlled, otherwise what if he really attacked these sheep?She too will be unlucky.

"What does this taste like?"

Cheng Hao, who followed Chen Min to the fruit and vegetable base with small steps, suddenly stopped and looked around. He smelled a very fragrant smell.

After the smell entered his nostrils, his blood trembled.

And this feeling, he only felt it when the power of evolution entered his body.

There is nothing wrong with it, this smell is emitted by the power of evolution, let him see where the source of this smell is?
Cheng Hao scanned his surroundings, and soon settled on a white building not far away.

"Little Pangju, why did you stop suddenly? Don't you want to eat delicious fruit with your sister?" Chen Min, who was walking in front, asked aloud after realizing that Cheng Hao behind him hadn't followed.

"Aww~ (Where is that place? Young lady.)" Cheng Hao, who heard Chen Min's words, raised his paw and pointed to the white house not far away, hoping that the other party could understand what he meant.

After all, this is in the department. It would be bad if he broke into the No. [-] place of Evolution Potion, otherwise he would easily cause trouble to the young lady breeder, so he had to ask in advance where exactly is that place?

"Little Fat Orange, do you want to ask where it is?" Seeing Cheng Hao's action, Chen Min said with a smile: "That is the department's warehouse, where the torsos of many evolved plants are stored. For example, this time, The torsos of the ancient trees we destroyed in Hongtashan City are placed there."

"What's the matter? Can you smell it all, you little rascal?"

She had seen the little chubby orange biting the root of an ancient tree with her own eyes, but she never thought that the little chubby orange could smell the smell from such a far away place.

"Aww~ (It turns out that the remnants of those ancient trees that were blown up were released. I said, why is the power of evolution floating out so strong? Obviously the purification potion produced by the department is so overwhelmed.)"

After listening to Chen Min's explanation, Cheng Hao nodded his head. Since it is not the place where the evolution potion is produced, there should be no big problem for him to go and have a look.

After all, this fragrance is really too strong, and if he smells it a few more times, he will almost feel warm.

"You little villain, do you hold grudges like this? There is no one who sneaked up on your ancient tree last time." Chen Min said with a smile when he saw this, Xiaopangju really holds grudges enough, last time I gave it all the roots of the ancient tree After biting off so much, he still wants to trouble the ancient tree.

Sure enough, felines hold grudges.

"Hmm! The scent here is even stronger."

"The department is really stupid. They waste such a good resource here. If they let people come over to absorb it, their strength will definitely increase a lot."

When he came to the side of the warehouse, the scent almost made Cheng Hao's whole body float.

The strong taste of evolutionary power made him a little bit overwhelmed.

The department put such a treasure mountain here and didn't know how to use it. It's so stupid to watch these evolutionary forces evaporate.

Obviously, the trunks of these ancient trees can be used to extract evolution potions. The smell of evolution power emitted by these ancient trees is so strong. If they can be extracted to make potions, it will definitely be infinitely better than the potions they developed themselves. times.

Since these guys don't know how to use it, then don't blame him.

Cheng Hao opened his mouth wide like a hamster, chewing the air and inhaling the fragrance into his stomach.

There is no reason to return empty-handed when you come to Baoshan. Naturally, you have to suck it desperately.

"Little Pangju, haven't you eaten watermelon just now? What are you eating now? Northwest wind?" Chen Min, who came with her, couldn't help being stunned when she saw this scene. She didn't understand that Pangju ran away. What are you doing here with your mouth open like a big hamster?
He just ate meat not long ago, okay?

"It's hard to explain this kind of thing to you. Even if I explain it to you, you won't understand what I'm saying." Cheng Hao, who was inhaling the fragrance, muttered in his heart, and didn't intend to pay any attention to the other party at all.

It's normal for the other party to be a human being to smell this fragrance, but it's strange that the other party didn't feel anything unusual.

Didn't they feel the power of evolution in the body that these trees have volatilized?
He obviously felt it when he just arrived, why didn't these guys respond?

"Hong'er, how is your learning how to use firearms now?" Seeing that Cheng Hao ignored her, Chen Min was still like a big hamster, sucking in air desperately, so he could only call sister Hong'er.

"It's okay, I've already learned most of it, what's the matter, is there something for Sister Chen?" Sister Hong'er in the shooting range asked curiously, why did Sister Chen suddenly call him?Did something happen to Xiaoju?

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask if you, little fat orange, have a habit of drinking northwest wind?" Chen Min asked weakly. Just drinking the northwest wind.

"Uh, judging from how I've been taking care of Xiaoju for so long, Xiaoju probably doesn't have this habit." Sister Hong'er was stunned after hearing this, and replied.

"Then it might be available from today. I'll send you the video of Xiaopangju drinking the Northwest Wind. Come and see what's going on with Xiaopangju?" Chen Min said while shooting.

"Okay, Miss Chen."

"I'm going to look for you right now, where are you now?" Sister Hong'er asked.

"We are now near the warehouse where the remains of the ancient tree are placed. If you tell Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu will bring you here."

Chen Min said after pressing send.

Hong'er has to come here quickly, she doesn't want to take Xiaopangju out for a walk, and slip out of things.

"Okay, I'll come over now."

Sister Hong'er replied, and immediately went to find Xiaoju.

How could Xiaoju suddenly drink the northwest wind like a hamster?This is really strange.

(End of this chapter)

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