Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 106 I thought that Sister Hong'er was invincible in the world, but I didn't expect

Chapter 106 I thought that Sister Hong'er was invincible in the world, but I didn't expect that there was something even more powerful
"Is this the three little bears you mentioned? Are you sure that the one that can kill me with this slap is called a little bear?"

Xiao Wu, who arrived in a truck, got out of the car and looked at the three brown bears sitting on the ground, and couldn't help but jump out of his eyes.

He heard the commander tell him to come and bring the three little bears back to Tiger Tiger Park, he really thought it was three little bears.

In the end, he really believed in the commander's ghost.

"Don't look at them as big, but they are actually three babies."

Xu Lele said with a smile when she heard the words, turned around and touched Xiong Er's head to demonstrate:
"Okay, little Xiongxiong, hurry up and get in the car, we'll take you back to the Tiger Park to eat some meat."

Look at how well-behaved this bear is, no matter how you touch him, he won't resist, unlike Little Pang Ju.

If it weren't for the fact that he was not as cute as the chubby orange?She even wanted to carry out the mission with Little Bear.

"Huhu~(Meat?)" Hearing this, Xiong San's saliva immediately flowed out, he almost couldn't remember when was the last time he ate meat.

"Yes, Rourou." Sister Hong'er nodded with a smile, patted Xiong San and said, "You all go up, there will be meat to eat when you go back."


Xiong Er turned back, then grabbed the truck and climbed up.

Seeing this, Xiong Da Xiong San followed suit and followed suit.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, hurry up and drive, remember to drive slowly, don't shake the three bears down."

Seeing the three brown bears sitting in the carriage, Xu Lele said to Xiao Wu.

"Don't worry, can there be any problems if I drive?" Xiao Wu replied, and went up to drive.

"Lele, let's get in the car."

Sister Hong'er saw this and said, it's getting late now, if the delay continues, the road will be full of snow and it will be difficult to walk.

"Yeah." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this, pulled the car and sat in, and patted Cheng Hao who was snoring on the seat: "Little Fat Orange, are you asleep?"

"Aww~ (I fell asleep at first, but now I was woken up by you again.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao cursed, wondering if there was something wrong with the other party, and when he saw him sleeping, he specially patted him up to ask him such questions.

"It looks like you haven't slept, Little Pangju." Xu Lele said with a smirk, seeming very happy for disturbing Cheng Hao's sleep.

"Aww~ (If you keep looking for trouble, I'm going to bite you.)" Cheng Hao bared his teeth and claws to threaten, if the tiger doesn't show his power, he will treat him as a sick cat, right?Interested in teasing him all the time?
"Okay, Lele. Stop teasing Xiaoju. If you tease him again, he will really get angry."

"Let Xiaoju rest for a while, he's usually asleep at this point." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing the voice from the back seat.

"Okay, Sister Hong'er. I won't tease Xiaopangju anymore." Xu Lele nodded and replied after hearing this, and the cell phone she was carrying rang.

She took out the phone and saw it. The three big characters "Commander" were displayed on it, and she immediately pressed it to connect:
"Hi, Commander, Xiao Wu has arrived, and we are sending the three cubs back to the Tiger Garden."

"Then how long will it take you? Now there are so many wild animal invasions in the entire urban area, and even the police station is surrounded by elk." The commander in the complex looked at the map of Hongtashan City, which showed densely packed Opening after the red dot:
"Now there is no better way to deal with them than Xiaohong goes to talk to these animals and persuade them to leave."

"Uh, is there a wild beast besieging the city so soon?" Xu Lele couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. They only found three bears here, and the whole city was invaded by wild animals over there. ?
And it actually surrounded the police station, isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

Although in the past, I often heard that animals got lost and ran into the police station to eat and drink.

But what the hell is a large group coming this time?

"Yes, the situation is very troublesome now, and people need help everywhere. You don't want to stop tonight."

The commander said, it is not troublesome for these wild animals to appear, the trouble is how to drive them away properly, so as not to let them continue to wander in the urban area and harm the citizens, this is a very troublesome task.

Because even after animals have evolved, the state has not canceled the protection of animals, which means that these animals cannot be harmed, let alone killed.

After they appeared in the city, they could only be politely asked to go out.

It would not be difficult if an anesthesia needle was used in normal times.

But it can't work now, there are too many wild animals coming this time, even if they use all the anesthesia needles, they may not be able to put all these wild animals down.

Therefore, it is necessary for Xiaohong to use her ability to negotiate with these animals to see if they can get them to leave the city on their own initiative.

Otherwise, let these wild animals continue to wander in the city, and tomorrow morning, there will be tens of thousands of scrap iron in the city.

"Well, it seems that these wild animals have caused us a big problem." When he heard that he was going to work all night tonight, he scratched his head with some headaches.

She doesn't like to go to work, and she doesn't like to work overtime, but the current situation seems to be impossible without working overtime.

"Don't be so moaning, I will transfer all the team members to you tonight, and all the departments in Hongtashan City will also cooperate with you." The commander said with a smile, didn't Lele always want to lead the team?Now that he is the team leader for Lele, the other party must be happy, and he is commanding thousands of people.

"Commander, is what you said true? All team members will be mobilized by me, and all departments in the city will also cooperate with me?" Xu Lele's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, if you tell her this If so, then she won't be sleepy.

"Yes, I have already sent you the phone number. After you make that call, all team members and people from various departments will listen to your transfer. Remember that everything is about Xiaohong's safety."

The commander told him that he would hand over the transfer right to Lele, just to ensure that Xiaohong would not have an accident.

In his opinion, Xiaohong is more important than all wild animals.

"Don't worry, Commander, even if you don't tell me, I will do it." Xu Lele replied with a smile.

Great, today she finally has a chance to show her talent, and she will prove to the commander that she is an excellent captain.

"That's good. You should first contact the team members and various departments to learn about the distribution of wild animals in various areas of the city."

"Try to take all the wild animals out of the city tonight." The commander said, taking advantage of the fact that all the citizens are at home, they must be driven out quickly.

Otherwise, the citizens would be completely stupid when they encountered these wild animals during the day.

"Commander, it's easy for you to open your mouth, but it's very troublesome to operate."

"The mountains and forests are occupied by powerful plants. These animals will definitely not want to leave the city and go back unless you find a safe place for them to live in."

After Xu Lele heard this, she didn't dare to agree directly. She knew why these animals came to the city. If they didn't find a suitable place to live for these animals, even if they were driven out, then they would Next will come to the city.

"According to what you mean, do I have to divide a large area for them as their usual living place?"

"Do you know how many wild animals appeared in the city this time?"

Hearing this, the commander suddenly had a headache and said, Lele doesn't know how many wild animals there are this time?Had she known, she would not have said such things.

"I don't know, but what I know is that if they are driven back to the forest, they must be sent to die."

"It's better to deal with them directly in the city, at least it won't make the evolved plants in the forest stronger."

Xu Lele said, listening to the tone of the commander, of course she knew that there would be many wild animals entering the city this time.

But if the commander didn't do this, sister Hong'er wouldn't be able to persuade these animals to leave.

And the wild animals wandering around the city are far more dangerous than the wild animals appearing in the city, right?
"Then what are you going to do? Where do you place them?" The commander said after hearing this. Although he admitted that it was a bit troublesome to do so, he had to say that Lele was right.

That is, we must not let these evolved plants become stronger.

"Commander, I remember that there is a large open space around the Tiger Garden, right? How about placing all the animals there? This way, it will be convenient for Sister Hong'er to communicate with them and observe their situation at any time."

"On the other hand, isn't the higher up planning to build an animal army? I don't think the strength of these animals that can escape from the evolved plants is not too bad, right?" Xu Lele said with a smile after rolling her eyes.

"The idea is a good idea, but these are also different species of animals. I'm afraid there is no way to let them stay in peace." The commander said after thinking for a while, this is an elk, a wild boar, and a spore. If we stay together, won't the sky beating up?

"It's simple, Commander, let the construction team go to the Tiger Park to divide the area first, and then build the isolation fence." Xu Lele said her plan:
"At that time, let the tigers in the Tiger Park patrol around and deter other animals to prevent them from making trouble. During this time, I observed the tigers in the Tiger Park and found that they are all evolutionary animals. Guys, sure keep 'em on their toes."

"You really figured it out." Hearing the words, the commander couldn't help but rubbed his forehead and said, "How many engineering teams will it take? To build such a large fenced area in such a short time?"

"Um, this won't work? Then what are you going to do, Commander?" Xu Lele, who was imagining building Tiger Park into a super zoo, couldn't help asking after hearing this.

Since the director is not going to do what she said, what is the director going to do?Are you still planning to let these wild animals continue to go back to the mountains?Isn't that for evolutionary plants?
"Since there are powerful evolutionary plants appearing in the forest and controlling the entire forest, then find a way to get rid of it. I think this problem can be solved." The commander said while looking at the liaison officers of the Electronic Information Department. : "Where is the Nightingale team now? Have you found the ancient tree that controls the entire forest?"

"Reporting to the commander, the Nightingale team is currently at an altitude of 500 meters. They are not currently affected by the forest's magnetic field. They are now looking for all the trees in the forest that are suspected to be ancient trees."

The staff staring at the screens replied, typing on the keyboard with their fingers, and the screens from the Nightingale team appeared on the large screens on the huge wall.

It has the height of the Nightingale team at this time, their latitude under satellite monitoring, and so on.

"How about the monitoring picture of the high-altitude hot air balloon? Have you found any ancient trees?"

The commander who heard this continued to ask, since they discovered that these forests reflect light and emit strong magnetic fields to disrupt satellite monitoring, they have given up using satellite monitoring.

Switching to low-level solar hot air balloon monitoring is a bit troublesome, but fortunately, the magnetic field of these trees has a certain range. As long as the balloon reaches a certain height, it will not be affected. In addition, a filter for filtering light is added to the balloon. , the monitoring balloon will not be affected by the reflection.

"Report to the commander, the light is too dim now, and there is snow everywhere, the monitoring balloons cannot monitor the ancient trees."

The staff responsible for monitoring the balloon replied that now the entire forest is covered by heavy snow and under the sun, which makes the monitoring picture unclear. Otherwise, they should have noticed these wild animals after they came out.

"It seems that we have to rely on Nightingale to find it." The commander rubbed his chin and said.

"Commander, you asked the Nightingale team to go out to find the ancient tree, wouldn't it be like catching the thief first?" Xu Lele in the car said after hearing that, the commander asked the Nightingale team to find the ancient tree at this time, I'm afraid It's not as simple as just looking for it.

"Who wants to catch it? I just want to send him a few missiles as a gift." The commander said with a smile: "This damn guy won't let us live, so we can only let him live."

"Dare to provoke us humans, it's a little early."

I didn't plan to attack the mountains and forests so early. The survival of human beings is related to the environment.

But now these evolutionary plants are too aggressive, they must be deterred, let them understand that humans are not afraid of them, but just don't want to destroy the environment that has been protected for many years.

After all, destruction is always faster than construction. The mountains and forests that have been freshly protected by so many generations cannot be destroyed like this.

"So it's because of this reason that you, Commander, entrusted me with the affairs of the city?" After Xu Lele heard this, she suddenly understood why the Commander would hand over the command power to her for the first time. To care about bigger things.

"Yes, I believe that things in the city should be easy for you to solve." The commander nodded and said: "After the old tree is dealt with, the trees in the forest will naturally calm down. Then these wild animals can return to the forest to continue their lives.”

"But even if the ancient trees are disposed of, the evolutionary plants in the forest will still hunt and kill wild animals, right? Commander." Xu Lele said after hearing this, although removing the ancient trees can prevent these evolutionary plants from We are united, but sending wild animals in is still sending food to evolved plants?

"Yes, but in turn, wild animals will destroy these evolutionary plants. Having them counter these evolutionary plants will make human cities much safer. In addition, experts are cultivating bugs against these evolutionary plants. Once it succeeds, these evolved plants will not be able to make waves."

The commander explained that although the evolved plants would prey on wild animals, wild animals would also destroy the evolved plants.

Otherwise, if we really follow what Lele said and find a place to house these wild animals, even the mine at home can't afford it.

"Okay, I understand." Xu Lele nodded and said: "I will contact various departments now and ask them to fully cooperate with our work."

Now that the commander has made arrangements, she will follow the commander's instructions and drive all the wild animals back into the forest.

"Well, let's go." The commander nodded and hung up the phone.

"Report to the commander, the missiles have been loaded and are ready to be launched at any time." The staff who watched the missile wells filled with missiles ready to launch reported.

"okay, I get it."

"Help me connect to the Nightingale team, I want to ask about their situation now." The commander ordered.

"Yes, I am contacting the Nighthawk team. After the contact, please give instructions to the commander." As the staff disappeared, the picture gradually appeared above the forest.

"Report Commander, this is Nighthawk Squad, we are proceeding according to the planned route, and no trace of the ancient tree has been found yet."

Above the snow-covered forest, bats spraying flames were flying in the air, and below these bats were team members wearing flight suits and helmets.

They carefully scanned every corner of the ground, looking for the distinctive tree in the forest. The evolutionary plant that can control the entire forest and command all the trees is definitely a giant tree in the sky.

"Continue to search, remember to keep a distance from the ground, and don't get too close to the ground." The commander glanced at the pictures they took and said, if there is no such heavy snow, it should be easier to find.

Although this snow crushed many evolutionary plants to death, it also brought them a lot of trouble.

For example, making it difficult for them to search for ancient trees and observe the forest is the biggest change.

"Yes, Commander."

After hearing the words, the Nightingale team replied, controlling the bat flying wings and continuing to search for traces of the ancient tree.

"Lele, what happened in the urban area?" Sister Hong'er, who was driving, saw Xu Lele hang up the phone and asked aloud.

She didn't hear clearly what happened while driving, but from Lele's words, she could tell that the community should be in big trouble now.

"Our city is almost surrounded by wild animals. The most outrageous thing is that the elk broke through the police station, and the policemen who are blocked now can't get out." Xu Lele said with a smile: "So the commander will lead the team this time." I have given the task to me, let me be in charge of this matter, and you will be my deputy this time, Sister Hong'er."

"Aww~ (Sister, don't listen to her bragging, I've heard it all. The commander means to let her cooperate with you with all her strength.)" Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao, who was next to him, immediately stood up and pointed out the other party's lies. It is to ask the other party to do their best to ensure the safety of the breeder lady.

In other words, the other party is only a bodyguard at best, and the young lady breeder is the backbone of this operation.

"What are you talking about, Xiaopangju? You have the ability to speak human words." Although she couldn't understand what Xiaopangju was saying, she felt that Xiaopangju's sudden interruption at this time must be not a good thing.

"Aww~ (you can speak tiger language if you have the ability, why do you let me speak human language if you don't have the ability?)" Cheng Hao cursed when he heard this. Do you speak human language?Be careful that he scares her to death by speaking human words.

"Little Fat Orange, I understand now, you must be scolding me, see if I don't pinch your big round face." She couldn't understand other words, but she still understood the scolding sound made by Xiao Fat Orange Understand.

"Aww~ (Woman, I advise you to be kind.)" Cheng Hao said, waving the cat fist. The other party had better have a good eye, and his kitty is definitely not kind.

"Okay, Lele, don't play with Xiaoju anymore, let's take a rest first, there must be a lot of things to deal with later, right?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing the movement behind her.

"It's not that there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with in a while, but there are many things that need to be dealt with right now. I have to figure out how many people are available in the entire urban area?" Xu Lele said, took out the phone and dialed the commander phone number given.

"Is this Commander Xu? Our armed police, the police station, the hospital, the neighborhood committee, the traffic control office, and the city government have all joined the meeting and are waiting for your order."

After the call was made, a voice came from the other side soon.

"Yes, it's me. May I ask how many people are available in the city?"

After hearing this, Xu Lele asked.

His face couldn't help becoming serious. The whole city is so big, it is not an easy task to drive out all the wild animals. You must first know how many people are available.

"Because of the urgency of the incident and the heavy snowfall today, only 700 people can be deployed now."

The personnel statistician of the temporary combat team on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Is it only [-]? It's not enough. Call all the public officials who are resting at home to gather at their residences to prepare to obey the transfer order. In addition, all the retired soldiers in the urban area will be recruited to help."

"Notify each neighborhood committee to prepare to block all narrow alleys with vehicles, leaving only the main road."

"The armed police are responsible for arranging weapons for the recruited veterans, and they are allowed to shoot in the event of wild animal raids."

"The traffic control department pays attention to the situation of each road section and reports at any time. The information command department takes over the monitoring and reporting of each community to record the most densely populated areas of wild animals. We first deal with these places where animals are densely populated, and then slowly look for those wild animals that are alone."

"In addition, notify all hospitals and health centers in the entire urban area, and send ambulances and emergency doctors to follow."

"Do this for now, if there is anything to add in the operation? I will inform you again."

The entire city of Hongtashan is tens of kilometers away, so what are these 700 people enough for?Chasing rabbits is not enough, is it?Not to mention, now all the wild animals in the urban area have to be driven out.

Manpower must be increased immediately, and road closures and deployment operations must be carried out.

"Yes, Commander."

Everyone in the phone group of the temporary combat team nodded after hearing this, and began to follow Xu Lele's words.

Only the chief of the city police station still did not act at this time, he said with some embarrassment: "Commander, I have encountered a little trouble here, the police officers are blocked by elk in the police station, there is no way to come out to help, you see Can't we think of a way to evacuate the elk in the police station?"

Speaking of these elks, their heads are getting bigger. These elks were imported from abroad and bred locally, but now they all appear in their police stations.

They wanted to chase them away, but they didn't dare to fight. They could only hope that the evolutionary department would get them away.

"No problem, I understand. Please tell the police officers not to panic. We will send people to disperse them soon." Xu Lele nodded after hearing this, then hung up the phone and dialed the department's internal number.

"Commander, we are entering the community now, please give instructions." Brown Bear Hui, who was typing on the keyboard in the armored vehicle, reported, his eyes scanning the red dots that appeared on the screen.

"The city police station was blocked by a herd of elk and couldn't dispatch the police. You used pheromones to lure those elk to the main road." Xu Lele said.

"Yes, Commander." The brown bear nodded when he heard the words, and then picked up the walkie-talkie: "Hu Feng's first and second teams went to the city police station to lure the elk herd away. Remember to use hormone pheromones and don't shoot."

"Hu Feng's No. [-] and No. [-] teams have received it, and they are leaving immediately."

Among the hundreds of armored vehicles advancing into the urban area, four armored vehicles left the team and went to the city police station.

"The brown bear is now reporting the distribution of wild animals in the whole community." Xu Lele continued to ask after hearing what the brown bear said.

"Yes, Commander." The brown bear looked at the map and replied, and then began to report the situation.

"The wild boars on the commercial street in the city must be dealt with as soon as possible. There are too many of them. You should allocate half of them to block the surrounding roads. Don't let them leave. We will go there immediately."

"In addition, let all the team members disperse to the place where the wild animals are scattered. Once these wild animals appear to hurt people, they are allowed to shoot."

After listening to the brown bear's report, Xu Lele said.

Thousands of wild boars were running wildly over there. It was scary just thinking about the scene. We had to get rid of the wild boars here first.

"Yes, we will do it right now." The brown bear replied after hearing this, and immediately arranged for people to do it.

"Lele, aren't we going back to Tiger Garden?" Sister Hong'er said when she heard it.

"There's no way to go back now, Miss Hong'er." Xu Lele put down the phone and said:

"There are too many wild animals, we must deal with them quickly. As for Xiong Da and the others, I will ask Xiao Wu to send them back to the Tiger Park first."

Things are prioritized, and now their most important thing is that the animals in the torso city leave.

"Like this? Then tell Xiao Wu to stop the car first. I'll tell Xiong Da Xiong Er and the others so they don't get anxious if they don't see me later." After thinking about it, Hong'er sister said.

"Yes." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this, and after dialing Xiao Wu's phone, the truck in front of her stopped.

After Sister Hong'er saw it, she stopped the car and came to the front of the carriage: "Xiong Daxiong Er and Xiong San, you follow Xiao Wu and go back first, you know? I have some things to deal with now, and I will go back when I finish. "


Xiong San, who was wondering why the car stopped, asked cautiously after hearing this, if this sister didn't take them there, would there be any meat for them to eat after they passed by?
"Don't worry, you will have meat to eat when you go, and you won't be missing." Sister Hong'er smiled and patted Xiong San's head and said, she is another little glutton, it seems that it won't be long , There is a pig in the tiger park.

"Aww~ (Really? That's really great.)" Xiong Er said happily when he heard that, and rubbed his head under Sister Hong'er's hand.

"Woohoo~ (Do you need our help?)"

Compared with Xiong San and Xiong Er, he cared more about meat, while the steady Xiong Da cared about what Sister Hong'er was going to do.

"Aww~ (Yes, yes. We can help.)" Xiong Er and Xiong San nodded their heads when they heard this. Although they are a little hungry now, they can still fight.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we don't need it now, we can solve it ourselves, if you really want to help me? Just go back to the Tiger Garden and eat meat obediently." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, touching Touch the heads of three brown bears.

"Aww~ (Yeah, we'll be obedient.)" Xiong San and Xiong Er immediately nodded their heads when they heard this.

"That's good, Xiao Wu, you can take them back to the Tiger Garden." Sister Hong'er smiled and said to Xiao Wu who got off the car.

"Yes, Sister Hong'er." Xiao Wu nodded upon hearing this, then returned to the car, and drove the truck to the Tiger Park.

"Okay, we should go downtown now."

After watching the truck leave, Sister Hong'er said with a smile, lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the car headed towards the city.



And above the snow-covered sky, pine cones soared into the sky, turned into small cannonballs, and flew past the flying wings of bats in the air.

"This is?" The flying team members turned pale with fright, and hurriedly increased the flying altitude, and reported to the base at the same time:

"Base base, this is the Nightingale team."

"We were attacked, we were attacked."

"Nightingale team, please report the situation!"

The liaison officer who heard the report in the base quickly asked.

At the same time, start to lock and report the position, height and surrounding situation of the team members.

"The reporting base was just a pine cone, and it flew over from me, and I was hit by it just [-] centimeters away."

The team members who raised the flight altitude reported, looking around for traces of ancient trees.

The tree that can hit him like this on the ground is definitely the strongest evolved plant in this forest.

"Okay, we understand. Let's notify the commander. Please be careful of the attack below." After listening to the liaison officer, he immediately reported the situation to the commander, and the commander who received the news issued an order: "All the Nightingale team retreat now. , evacuate from the current position."

"The missile has been loaded and is about to launch now, so don't be affected by it."

The current height of the Nightingale team is above 500 meters, and at this height, there are pine towers that can reach them.

There is nothing wrong with that, the strongest evolutionary plant in the mountain forest is right below them.


The Nightingale team who received the order raised their altitude one after another and prepared to turn around and return, but at this moment, the sound of "whoosh" was heard again, and there were countless small black spots flying towards the sky in the dense trees.

"Report to the base, report to the base, we can see where the tree is."

Team members wearing dynamic capture glasses report.

This time they finally saw the direction from which the pine cones were flying. No wonder they didn't find the tree just now. It turned out that the tree was located in a low-lying area, visually it was the same as the surrounding high trees .

"The base received it, and we saw it."

The liaison officers looked at the picture on the screen and said, with the help of the cameras worn by the team members, they also saw clearly, the huge pine tree.

"The Nightingale team continues to retreat. The missile will be launched in 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, you should run as far as possible." The commander said into the microphone, and let the team members at the base lock onto the big pine tree. Location.

Originally, if the big pine tree had been shrunk, they really wouldn't have been able to find it, but now that it dared to move, the time for its death was approaching.

"Yes." The Nightingale team replied and quickly left the pine forest.



And after they left, the huge pine tree continued to launch the pine cone, and it seemed that it would not stop until they were knocked down.

"Is the head of the garden here? I followed Sister Hong'er's order and brought the three cubs here." After the truck arrived at the Tiger Garden, Xiao Wu said to the security guard at the gate.

"Brother, are you sure these are three little bears?" The security guard at the gate looked at the three black figures in the truck compartment, and couldn't help asking black lines.

Just such a huge blind bear, he can be sent flying with a single slap, what a hammer for the little bear.

"Of course they are. Don't think they are a bit big. In fact, they are three babies." Xiao Wu nodded and said.


After his words fell, there was a deafening roar of tigers in the whole tiger park.

"What's the matter? Is there a riot in Huyuan?" Xiao Wu couldn't help being startled when he heard it.

"I don't know, what happened to Brother Li Huyuan?" The security guard who was talking with Xiao Wu shouted into the security hall.

"So...all the tigers have come out."

The security guard called Brother Li looked at the tigers in the iron net on the monitoring screen at this moment, and said in a trembling voice.

"What? Did the tigers jump out? Hurry up and inform the director of what happened." The security guard who heard this just felt a thunder in his head.

The tigers have all run out, so how can he explain to the director?Apart from the director, how many people can comfort all the tigers?
"Then...well, shouldn't we find a place to hide first?" Xiao Wu, who also heard this, said with a little weakness in his legs.

He still knows how many tigers there are in the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Now that they have all escaped, they are all going to die.

"There is no need to notify, the tigers jumped out only after hearing what the director said." The security guard said as he looked at the director who climbed up the back of the Tiger King at the gate of Shanyang District.


Hearing this, the security guard was stunned.

The director summoned all the tigers, what is he trying to do?

"Good boy, good boy, I knew you were the most obedient, and I'll take you out tonight to have fun, okay?" At the gate of the free-range area, the head of the garden was wearing an army green camouflage jacket with a big knife on his back and a little girl in his arms. Wang's head smiled.

"Aww~ (OK)"

The tigers roared excitedly. After staying in the tiger park for so long, they finally wanted to go out to play.

"Well, children, remember not to run around, and all follow the team closely."

"Our purpose this time is to drive all the wild animals out of the urban area, not for hunting, so everyone should focus on their own safety." The director, who was sitting on Tiger King's back, shouted and waved his hand Said: "Let's go!!"

"Aww~(Chong Chong)"

"Aww~(Chong Chong)"

As the director finished speaking, all the tigers ran up and rushed towards the gate.

For a while, the roar of the tiger was endless, making the whole tiger park tremble.

"My God, who the hell is Mr. Director?"

"Yeah, to be able to command so many tigers."

"Yes, yes."

After seeing this scene, everyone in the program group said that my friends and I were shocked.

"Where are you going, Director?" At the entrance of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, the security guard looked at the head of the park who led many tigers, and asked nervously.

Although he said he had seen the tigers in the tiger park, and the tigers in the tiger park knew him, but this was the first time he had such a close encounter?


The three brown bears in the truck were so frightened that they all lay down in the car, trembling all over, not daring to move.

"There are a lot of wild animals in the urban area running in, and the call from above is for veterans to help."

"Let's talk about something when I come back."

The principal said concisely, patted Xiao Wang on the back, and the Tiger King under him rushed towards the door.

Seeing this, many tigers followed quickly, and within a few seconds, they all left the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"It's amazing, what kind of person was our headmaster?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but wondered as he looked at the direction of the tigers going away. He thought that Sister Hong'er would be very powerful if she tamed three wild brown bears casually.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Director of the garden was even more powerful, and he directly led the tiger group to the urban area to help.

(End of this chapter)

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