Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 107 Difficulty Finding...

Chapter 107 Difficulty Finding...

"I'm going, why are there so many elk? Are they playing elk siege?"

"Then who knows? What I'm more curious about is whether Santa Claus will run out to look for his elk after he finds it's missing? Does he need to pull his sleigh by himself?"

At the gate of the police station in Hongtashan City, the team members who came out of the armored vehicles couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw the densely packed elk entering the station.

Although they had made preparations before they came, they realized that they had underestimated the number of elks after they arrived.

The police station couldn't fit the elks, and some of them stood on the roof of the cars.

They just want to ask if these elk have cold feet on the roof of the car?There is snow all over the roof.

"Stop chatting, it's time to work." Hearing what the teammates teased, the companion said speechlessly:
"Follow the previously planned actions, take out the animal hormone pheromones, and lure them out."

"Okay, there is no problem."

After the other team members listened, they took out a can of shells filled with blue liquid from the armored vehicle, stuffed them into the barrel and aimed them at the sky, and just as the team members carrying the barrel were about to press the button to launch At that time, the voices of my companions came from my ears:
"Wait a minute, don't launch it yet, wait until we get inside the armored vehicle, and then shoot, don't wait for these pheromones to float down with the snowflakes."

"Yeah, our two-legged guys can't outrun these four-legged guys, not to mention the large number of these guys."

If these hormonal pheromones are contaminated on them and smelled by these elk, it will be troublesome.

Even if they were hiding in the armored vehicle, these elks would hit the armored vehicle hard and pull them out.

They didn't want to come over to rescue everyone in the police station, and set themselves up.

When the team members carrying the gun barrel heard this, the image of being chased by elks appeared in their minds, and suddenly they were shocked and grabbed the car door they were about to close:
"If you say so, I still dare not stand here and fire shells. I have to get half of my body into the car."

"Then hurry up and get in." The team member in the armored vehicle pulled the opponent in after hearing it.

The team members who were carrying the gun barrel pulled the trigger with confidence, and the shells rose into the sky with a "touch". The team members who saw this scene quickly closed the armored vehicle door.


After the cannonball ascended to the sky and drew a beautiful arc in the sky, it exploded and scattered blue raindrops. After the cannonball exploded, a wind with a hormonal smell blew into the city police station.

After the elk that occupied the police station smelled it, they turned their heads and looked at the road at the same time.

"It works, these guys are attracted to the hormone pheromones."

"Yes, I hope they come out soon."

After seeing this scene, the team members in the armored vehicle spoke.

But the next scene surprised them a bit. After the elks just turned their heads, they remained silent and continued to stay in the yard of the city police station.

The team members who were happy just now were stunned when they saw this scene:

"What's going on? Why don't these elks come out? Did we take it wrong? The pheromone just emitted a message disruptor?"

"I don't know. It stands to reason that we got it right. The blue ones are hormone pheromones, and the yellow ones are information disruptors."

"Could it be that the weather is too cold, freezing the smell of the pheromone, so they didn't smell it? Or let's launch another one. Don't hit it so high this time, but hit it at a lower place." The herd of elk, Bumblebee came up with an idea.

Since one pheromone shell didn't work, let's try the second one. He didn't believe that the second one would go down, and the elk hadn't responded yet.

"Okay!" Hearing this, the black bee stuffed another pheromone shell into the barrel and fired it into the sky.

This time he did exactly what Bumblebee said, and didn't hit that high, causing the shell to explode on the second floor.

"Will the elk come out now?" Zigbee asked as she looked at the blue mist rising outside.

"I don't know, I still have to look." Bumblebee said.

Under their watchful eyes, the elk herd didn't even have the intention to turn their heads this time, and they were still crowded inside the police station motionless.

This time, everyone in the first and second teams was dumbfounded.

"Pheromone is useless to them. Do these guys already have such a high IQ?" The black bee couldn't believe it. These elks didn't fall for this kind of trick. It seems that their IQ is not low.

"Yeah, the situation is not very good. I can't lure them out with soft methods, and now I'm in trouble." The bumblebee nodded and said, but they couldn't be lured out with pheromone, so they don't know what to do.

"It seems that we need support, or we need other people to find a way." Zigbee said, then took out the communicator and pressed the dial: "Brown Bear Brown Bear, this is the first and second team of Wasp."

"The plan failed. The elk were not attracted by the hormone pheromone."

"The brown bear received it, the brown bear received it."

"Please report the reason, Hornets No. [-] and No. [-]."

About to arrive in the armored vehicle unit on the commercial street in the city, the brown bear's face changed slightly after hearing this.

It turns out that Pepsi Brark's hormone pheromone will fail now?What the hell happened?

"Reporting to the brown bears, the IQ of the elk herd is too high, and they cannot be deceived by simple hormone pheromones. They already have the ability to distinguish between true and false." Zigbee reported.

The original elk herd distinguished the opposite sex by smell, but now the elk herd not only can see by smell, but also use their brains to distinguish paper elk from real elk.

So even if they took out simulated elk toys and sprayed them with real elk scents, they probably wouldn't be able to fool these elks.

"Like this?" The brown bear's expression turned ugly when he heard this: "The brown bear received it, the brown bear received it. The first and second teams of the Wasp stood by and waited for instructions."

"Received by the first and second teams of the Wasp."

The Zigbee of the armored vehicle replied, and the communicator heard a hang-up sound.

"Okay, let's wait here now, if the brown bear thinks of a way or the commander thinks of a way, he will notify us." Zigbee put down the communicator and said, looking at everyone.

"Well, that's the only way now, everyone just wait."

After the members of Wasp's No. [-] and No. [-] teams heard it, they waited quietly.

"Brown bear, I'm on my way now, I'm about to cross the bridge, what's the matter?" On the other side of the little red car, Xu Lele asked through the phone number.

"The commander's situation has changed a little bit. The elk that appeared at the Social Security Bureau ignored the hormone pheromone. I'm afraid the breeder will have to go there in person." The brown bear on the other end of the phone said.

These herds of elk are imported and bred from abroad. Their scientific value and diversity to native species are huge. Other wild animals can shoot, but these herds of elk cannot.

If she wanted to disperse these herds of elk from the police station, it would be impossible for Sister Hong'er not to go there.

"Is it like this?" After hearing this, Xu Lele glanced out of the car window briefly and said, "I see, we'll go there now, you guys first control the commercial street in the city."

Originally, they wanted to divide the troops into two groups so that the trapped police force from the city police station would come out to help, and they were here to disperse the herd of wild boars.

But if this happens now, he can only change his plan and go to the city police station first.

"Yes, Commander." The brown bear replied after hearing this, and hung up the phone.

"Lele, are we not going to the commercial street in the city, are we going to the city police station?" Sister Hong'er, who was driving, asked. Lele's mobile phone was put on the outside, so she heard the conversation.

"Yes, Sister Hong'er." Xu Lele nodded and said, "Now we don't have enough manpower, we have to solve the troubles at the city police station first, and release the manpower over there."

"Ok, I see."

"Let's go to the city police station first." Sister Hong'er said, then turned the steering wheel and turned the car to the city police station.

"Commander, can you hear me, old man? I have big news to report to you now." At the gate of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, Xiao Wu, looking at the back of the head of the park riding a tiger and riding Juechen, called the commander. phone.

"Hurry up if you have anything to say, I'm busy right now." Said the commander, who glanced at the countdown to the missile launch on the screen.

"Report to the commander, Mr. Park Master took the tiger group to the urban area to support." Xiao Wu didn't dare to play charades after hearing this, and directly said what he wanted to report.

"What? The head of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain took a herd of tigers to support the urban area? What's the situation? You brat won't come and play with me, will you?" The commander, who was watching the countdown of the missile, heard this. Then, I couldn't help but froze.

How powerful is the head of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?I took the tigers to the urban area to support them. Those tigers couldn't even command Xiaohong. Can the director of the park do so?

"That's true, Commander. If you don't believe it? You can find out by calling the surveillance cameras in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park to the urban area." Xiao Wu replied, he was full and had nothing to do, so he teased the Commander with such things what?If the commander doesn't believe that he will investigate and monitor himself, he will definitely be shocked.

"Baihu called me the monitoring on the road from Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park to the urban area." The commander gave the order without any fuss.

"Yes, Commander."

Hearing this, the white fox tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and soon a picture of the road section from Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park to the urban area appeared on a large screen. Among these pictures, there was a section that was particularly different. On the snowy road, a group of tigers were running wildly. When they were running, a figure could be vaguely seen on the leading tiger.

"Enlarge this picture for me." The commander immediately shouted after seeing this scene, and the white fox clicked on the picture to project this picture on the huge screen.

When this picture is enlarged on the entire wall, it looks even more shocking.

Seeing this scene, Baihu and the others couldn't help opening their mouths in astonishment:
"Is this the tiger out of the cage? Why are so many tigers out?"

"No, it's not that they ran out. They are obviously moving in an orderly manner. It is the Tiger King who is leading them."

"Look, there is a figure on the leading tiger."

"Mr. Director is really hiding something. I didn't expect to have such a great ability. With his help, it will be easier." The commander looked at the figure on Touhu's back and said, "Connect me to the temporary Combat teams and all combat personnel."

"Okay, Commander."

After hearing this, the red fox replied, and contacted all the personnel who were fighting.

"Mr. Commander, what's the matter?" After discovering the connected signal, the directors of the team asked.

The fighters in the entire urban area, after hearing the voice from the headset, also pricked up their ears, listening to what the other party was about to say.

This is a higher-ranking officer than their bureau chiefs. I don't know what the officers will say?

"Listen up, all departments. Don't panic about what I'm going to say next." The commander held the microphone and said:
"There is a group of tigers on the way to support. The leader of the tiger is sitting on his own. If you see it, don't shoot and don't be afraid."

"They're going to drive the wild animals out, you just need to do your job."

The head of the park is now bringing so many tigers into the community, if they don't make it clear to the various departments and personnel, it will be bad for them to shoot at the tigers.

"The tiger will support us. Will the tiger have our people on its back?"

Everyone who heard this couldn't help being stunned, and a question arose in their minds at the same time, who is this big guy who is so powerful and can drive the tigers?
"I've finished what I want to say, did you hear?" the commander asked aloud.

"Yes, sir." Everyone replied in unison when they heard the words, and the commander was shocked immediately, and the whole person jumped up.

"Damn it, this group of brats knew it when they knew it. Why did they say the same thing when they had nothing to do? It almost deafened my ears." The commander covered his ears and yelled.

"Is there a group of tigers coming to support us? Could it be the breeder who brought the group of tigers?" After the commander's words fell, the members of the Wasp team couldn't help muttering:

"Maybe, but the picture of the tiger group is scary when you think about it. I'm afraid these wild animals will be scared to pee when they see it?"

"Of course, you are called the king of beasts for nothing?"

Even if these elk evolved again, they didn't believe that they could still beat the tiger, the king of beasts, not to mention that it was a herd of tigers who were dispatched this time. Thinking about the scene, they felt their blood boil.

With tigers to help drive them away, these elks have to go if they don't want to go now, right?

And just when they were thinking this way, the little red car in the distance appeared in their line of sight with snowflakes all over the sky.

"Our commander and the breeder are here." Seeing this scene, the members of Wasp's first and second teams immediately got out of the armored vehicle.

It's just that when they saw the little red car, the back was empty, and they couldn't help being stunned:

"Isn't it said that there are tigers? I don't seem to have seen tigers."

"Yes, yes, what's going on here? Could it be that the commander gave false news?"

"It's possible that the tiger group is behind. Let's wait a little longer and find out. Now it's not the time for a big mission, so let's be more serious."

"Oh, I see."

Everyone who heard this nodded and walked up.

"How is the situation now? No one was injured, right? How many pheromone shells did you fire?" Xu Lele asked the crowd after getting off the car.

"Report to the commander, the herd of elk is still blocking the police station. No one was injured. We fired two pheromone shells." Bumblebee replied.

"Okay, I know."

"I'll go in with the breeder, you guys retreat to the side first." Xu Lele said after hearing this.

"Yes." Hearing this, the first and second teams of Wasp walked to the side with strides.

After Xu Lele saw it, she said to Sister Hong'er who came over:
"Sister Hong'er is watching you now."

"Okay." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing that, then walked towards the herd of elk with strides.

The herd of elk in the yard of the police station all turned their heads when they heard the sound.

"There is another person coming, everyone, look quickly, there is a little tiger behind her, I don't know what this person is going to do?"

The people who were waiting anxiously in the police station immediately spoke up when they saw it.

"Little elks, why are you all gathered here? Can you leave here? Your stay here has already affected the normal operation of the police station." Sister Hong'er walked into the herd of elks and said with a smile.

"Oh ~ oh ~ (The place we live is occupied by a lot of scary trees, we need help.)"

"Oh~ (Didn't human beings say that it was difficult to find the police uncle, but we came here, and the police uncle didn't help us.)"

The elk group who heard this said, they encountered a group of very bad trees, and now they are in urgent need of help.

"Did you come here for help?"

"Then you can't block the police station and destroy the wall of the police station. You bet on the gate of the police station. How can the police uncle help you?"

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er couldn't help being stunned and said, this herd of elk is so strange, they even know that it is difficult to find the police uncle.

I really don't know if everyone in the police station should cry or laugh when they hear it.
"Oh~~(We may be too anxious, but they ignore us.)"

"Oh~oh (you have to tell him about this for us and let them help us.)"

The elk group continued, they have been here for a long time, but the police uncle just didn't come out to help them, and they didn't know why?
"Okay, okay, I'll help you tell the police uncles about this, but you have to get out of the yard first, otherwise, I can't tell them."

Sister Hong'er was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Oh~ (Then let's all come out.)"

After hearing this, the elk group said, and came out of the yard one after another.

"Successful, she succeeded. What method did she use to make these elk leave? This is really amazing."

"Yeah, it's unimaginable that the elk herd just left like this."

Seeing this scene, everyone in the police station couldn't help but exclaim.

Immediately opened the tightly closed door, ready to welcome Sister Hong'er and others walking towards this side.

"The breeder is amazing, and the elks will leave automatically as soon as they come out."

"Yeah, as expected of the person called the breeder code name of our department."

The first and second teams of the Wasp were also a little shocked.

No wonder their code names are bees or wolves or something like that, but Miss Hong'er's code name is breeder, now I know why?

"I'm really grateful to both of you for risking such a big risk to help me. I really don't know how to thank you two?"

"Yes, yes, thank you both very much."

The police officers who opened the door were very grateful, and their eyes were full of happiness after the disaster.

"Everyone is welcome, this is what we should do." Sister Hong'er waved her hand indifferently, looked at the police officers and said:
"In addition, the elk herd didn't have any malicious intentions. The reason why they came to the police station was because they needed help from the police station."

"Ah? What do these elk herds need our help with?"

"Yeah, we can't even drive them away, so how can we help?"

The police officers who heard this couldn't help being stunned.

Although they know that the world has indeed become a little different, you told them that the reason why the moose herd blocked their police station was to ask for their help. Isn't this kind of thing too outrageous?

"The elk herd said that their territory was occupied by a group of very bad plants, and they need the help of the police uncle to drive those bad plants away." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the astonished crowd.

"What? Which evolutionary plants should we chase? Don't be kidding, we can't beat them at all."

"This kind of thing should go to the army, right? How can we have a solution?"

When the police officers heard that the elk were looking for them, since it was for this kind of thing, they were shocked and paled.

They can catch thieves and criminals, but if they are allowed to do this kind of thing, wouldn't they be pushed onto the fire?Where can they do this kind of work?

"It's not wrong to say that, but you should go to the elks and talk about it, otherwise they might not leave so easily." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, the elks don't care what's going on with them , The elk only know that it is difficult to find the police uncle.

"Then...then what should we tell the elk?"

"Yeah, yeah, if it wasn't dealt with properly, wouldn't these elk come here again?"

The police officers asked with a bitter face, the problem is very troublesome now, they will definitely not be able to defeat those evolved plants if they go, and the elk will not go away if they don't go.

"You can tell them not to be afraid that the leaders of those evolved plants will be removed soon, and the forest will return to its former peace. Just let them prepare to go back." Xu Lele said, expressing that they have gained more knowledge today.

"Is it okay to say it like this? Will these elk believe it?"

"Yeah, what if they go back and find that the situation has not changed, and come back to block us?" After hearing this, the police officers asked with [-]% confidence and [-]% doubt.

"Don't worry, you can just tell them that. We have identified the culprit in the mountains. If there is no accident, the missile should be launched soon." Xu Lele looked at the sky and said, and saw a bright light across the sky. bright light.


The people who heard this could not help but say in astonishment, and at the same time, they also noticed the bright light appearing in the sky.

I didn't expect that what happened this time would be so big that it would take missiles to settle it.

"It's a missile, everyone be careful."

"Don't stand on the way it flies, or the strong air current will sweep us over."

Above the snow-capped forest, the Nightingale team saw an object approaching from a distance that made a loud sound of breaking wind and shouted.

If this thing explodes around them, the banquet will really have to be held immediately.


After so many team members heard this sentence, they stopped the direction of the missile and quickly controlled the flying wings to fly to the side.



In the snow-covered mountain forest, the huge pine tree seemed to have sensed something, and the whole tree began to tremble. As it trembled, the pine cones on the surrounding pine forests began to slowly open. The towers aimed at the sky one by one.

When these pine cones swelled to a certain extent, they "swish" and rushed towards the sky.

When the missile was about to approach, the pine cones that were densely packed like raindrops exploded in the air, causing the trajectory of the flying missile to deviate slightly.

But this did not change the fall of the missile after all. As the missile fell into the snow-covered pine forest, the whole earth trembled.

"It's so powerful. Is this the power of the missile? Sure enough, under the powerful firepower, there is nothing that cannot be suppressed."

"Yes, it's outrageous."

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help being stunned, and at this moment, a scene that made them even more unbelievable appeared, and they saw another missile flying over from a distance.

"This is the second one?" The members of the Nightingale team were all dumbfounded, so there is a second one?This is not right.

"Report to the commander that the third low-altitude short-range missile has been loaded and is ready to be launched at any time."

Inside the base, Baihuhui reported.


The commander who heard this said without thinking.

"Yes!" As the commander's words fell, there was a huge "bang" sound from the missile silo, and a missile rushed into the sky with a howling tail flame.

"Commander, do you still need to load the fourth missile?" Baihu asked after seeing the missile lift off.

"No need for now, I don't believe that the damn pine tree has room to run after the three missiles go down." The commander who looked at the flight trajectory of the missile on the screen said coldly:

"This time I want to let the evolved plants in the forest understand who is the master of the world now? I don't care if he is a dragon or a tiger, he has to lie on his stomach, otherwise this will be their fate."

The mere purifying plants can move, and they forget what they are. They dare to provoke the firepower of human beings. Do they think that all the technological development of human beings for so many years is fake?
When this missile goes down, it contains the crystallization of human wisdom for thousands of years, so I ask you if you can catch it?

"Why are there more? Don't we need money for the missiles?"

"I don't know, I have to ask the commander to find out. Maybe there are too many missiles accumulated, and I'm afraid they will expire."

Watching the third missile fly over, the Nightingale team said that all their team members were dumbfounded.

Was the department so rich?They didn't know it all the time, did the missile hit as hard as it didn't need money?

"The Nightingale team put on their gas masks and went to see if the big pine tree in the pine forest is still alive?"

"Remember to watch at high altitude, don't go down, the fuel used by the missile is highly poisonous." Just when they were dumbfounded, the voice of the commander came from the headset.

"Yes, Commander."

After hearing this, the Nightingale team replied, and flew towards the direction where the missile fell.

"Three... missiles?"

The police officers who noticed the movement in the sky were completely dumbfounded at this time, did they actually launch three missiles?

Well, that evolutionary plant probably won't even have scum left.

"Yes, can you go and talk to the elk herd now?" Xu Lele asked with a smile. She didn't believe that the big pine tree in the forest was still safe and sound after the three missiles from the department went down.

"Of course you can, of course you can." The police officer who came back to his senses wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked towards the herd of elk:

"Hello elk group, we already know why you came to the police station. For those bad plants that have invaded your homes, the police station has already dealt with their leaders, and you can go back now."

"Oh~~ (Really? Don't lie to us.)"

"Oh oh~ (Yeah yeah.)"

After hearing this, the elk group looked at the police officers in front of them with some doubts.

Which bad plants are very powerful opponents, did they get rid of those plants so quickly?

"Um, what are they talking about?" The police officer who heard the moose's call asked his companion beside him.

"I don't know either, and I can't understand what they are saying?" The companion on the side spread his hands and opened his mouth after hearing this.

"Of course it's true, how could they lie to you?" At this moment, Sister Hong'er stepped forward and said to the elks: "Didn't you just see the bright light in the sky? That is our attack on the leaders of those bad plants, so you can go back now, and if you encounter any troubles, you can still come to the police uncle."

"Oh~ (Okay, let's go then.)" The elk herd nodded and left one after another.

"They don't need to come to us for everything, they can also go to other departments."

"Yes, that's right. For example, the fire department has specialized in such things as rescue."

The police officers who heard this couldn't help but said, if the elk herd ran over as soon as something happened, then their police station might become a camp for elk in the future.

"Since the elks are willing to come, it means that they trust the police station. Don't panic, these elks are not bad." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, looking at the elks going away, she said to Xu Lele: "Lele, We should go now."

Finished dealing with things here.It's time for them to deal with the owner group as well.

"En." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this, and waved to Cheng Hao, who was behind Sister Hong'er with half of his head exposed: "Little Fat Orange, let's go."

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao nodded when he saw this number, and looked at the direction where the elk left.

What a fat elk, it's a pity he's already full.

"Okay, let's pack up, everyone, and prepare to call the police."

After watching the little red car and the two armored vehicles leave, the captain of the police station said.

"Yes." All the police officers replied and ran towards the police car.

"Brown bear, the elk in the police station have been dispersed, how is the situation on your side now?"

In the car, Xu Lele called Brown Bear and asked.

"It's not good. There are too many wild boars here. It's a bit difficult to drive them away." The brown bear replied inside the armored vehicle hit by the wild boars.

These herds of wild boars are really too powerful. I originally wanted to use armored vehicles to force them to leave, but I didn't expect that these wild boars would not retreat but advance and hit their armored vehicles directly?
"Like this? Hold on, we'll be there soon." Xu Lele listened to the phone, and a voice from the other end said.

"Okay." The brown bear nodded when he heard the words, and shouted to the team members in the driver's seat: "Increase the horsepower and fly these wild boars back to me. They must not be allowed to move forward."

"Yes." The driver replied after hearing this, and stepped on the accelerator heavily, and the armored vehicle spewed out a huge black wave, hitting the herds of wild boars.

"My God, did the entire pine forest look like this when these three missiles came down?"

"Yeah, it looks like this big pine tree is dead." The Nightingale team who came to the pine forest said, looking at the ground that was emitting white smoke.

Look at the mess in this place, and the huge deep pit. Even if the big pine tree would be able to shed its shell, they don't believe that this thing can carry three missiles in a row.

"Commander, it looks like the big pine tree has been smashed to pieces. Do you need to launch the fourth missile?"

Baihu and others in the base looked at the big screen and asked about the situation of the pine forest.

"There's no need to launch the fourth missile. Let the Nightingale team come back." The commander said after looking at the big pine tree where the huge crater was blown out by the missile.

"Yes!" The team members replied, and quickly left the pine forest and flew towards the direction of the department.

"These wild boars are so powerful, they actually pushed back the armored vehicles."

"Yeah, why don't these people open fire? It's useless to block these wild boars like this?"

"That's right, these wild boars are thick-skinned and irritable. There is no need to disperse them like this."

On the high-rise buildings on both sides of the commercial street, the residents couldn't help but said as they watched the scene of the wild boar hitting them and the armored vehicles retreating steadily.

These wild boars can't understand human words, why are they so polite to them?They took out their machine guns to sweep them directly, and they didn't believe that these wild boars were still alive.

What's the use of hitting these wild boars with armored vehicles?These wild boars blocked the road in groups, and they would not be afraid of them at all.

"Has the situation here gotten so serious?" Xu Lele, who got off the little red car, saw the wild boar rushing up and kicked it. After turning a few times in the air, it landed.

"Aww~ (stop for me)"

At the same time, Cheng Hao who ran out of the car was also clawing. Seeing that the wild boar was about to hit the car, Cheng Hao jumped in front of the wild boar and slapped it down.

"dong dong"

The wild boar that was photographed looked like a gourd, rolling on the ground several times before stopping.

"What a powerful little tiger, one slap can actually send such a big wild boar flying."

"Yeah, if he was bigger, the wild boar would probably be disembowelled by his slap." The community worker hiding at the entrance of the alley couldn't help but said after seeing it.

"Aww~ (Stop everything, my sister has something to say~)"

After cleaning up the wild boars that rushed up, Cheng Hao climbed onto the street lamp by the roadside in twos and twos, screaming to the sky.



Immediately, the glass of all the surrounding buildings vibrated, and the marching herd of wild boars also stopped. The genes passed down from generation to generation in the blood made them unable to bear it after hearing the roar of the tiger. scared up.

"Old... tiger."

After the residents heard this, they couldn't help but shiver, and subconsciously moved away from the window.

"Little Fat Orange is so powerful, he will definitely become a fierce tiger king when he grows up."

"Yeah, it's amazing that such a small animal can frighten so many wild boars."

The team members of the armored vehicle couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the wild boar stop.

With such momentum at such a young age, Little Pang Ju will be great in the future.

"Well done! Xiaoju."

Seeing this scene, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but praised, and came to the front of the armored vehicle: "Little wild boars, stop running around, okay? It's not okay to do this, can you go back to where you were before? "

"Hmph~ (Impossible, there is not much food on the mountain, and it is too dangerous. You tell us to go back now, just let us go to death.)"

"Hmph~ (Yeah, you better get out of the way, or we're going to charge over.)"

"Hmph~ (That's right, no one can block our way forward.)"

The wild boars who heard this saw Hong'er sister subconsciously let go of their guard, but when they heard the other party let them leave, their eyes immediately showed a fierce look.

"You can't do this. The city is not your territory. If you do this, humans won't agree." Sister Hong'er persuaded a little anxiously. If these wild boars don't leave, then go on. What they will face next will definitely be modern human weapons.

"Hmph~ (Who cares if they agree or not, no one can stop where we are going.)"

"Hmph~ (That is, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise we won't be polite.)"

The wild boars said, their paws began to dig up the ground, as if they were about to charge at any time.

"Sister Hong'er, did the negotiation break down?" Xu Lele, who stepped forward, asked aloud upon seeing this.

"Yes, they refused to leave." Hong'er sister said with an ugly face.

"Aww~ (You big stupid pigs, get out of here quickly, otherwise, I will be rude.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao jumped onto the armored vehicle a few steps and let out a deep roar.

These big wild boars are so ungrateful, they dare not to roll if they are told to roll.

"Hmph~ (Only one tiger? Don't be afraid, just tear him apart.)"

Seeing the appearance of Cheng Hao, the wild boar shouted, and the wild boars behind them became restless and charged towards the armored vehicle again.

"Sister Hong'er, be careful." Seeing this, Xu Lele said, stepping forward to block in front of Sister Hong Hong, punching the nose of the rushing wild boar.

"Aww~ (I don't know how to lift.)" Cheng Hao jumped off the armored vehicle, and rushed up to meet the oncoming wild boar. When a paw landed on the wild boar's face, deep bone wounds appeared on the wild boar's face.

Suddenly, the wild boar let out a piercing scream.

"Not good! The negotiation broke down. All the team members are loaded and ready to cover the commander and the breeder to leave." The brown bear who reacted hastily shouted.



But at this moment, there was a deafening roar of tigers, and black shadows ran from behind the armored vehicle. In the blink of an eye, they stepped on the roof of the armored vehicle and fell into the herd of wild boars, colliding violently with the wild boars.

The residents in the residential building only heard a shrill scream, and the smell of blood began to permeate the entire street.

"Doudou, Douduo, and Ah Fu." Sister Hong'er looked at the three tigers that landed on the roof of the car and slapped the wild boar flying with their paws, and immediately called out their names.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't be afraid, we're here.)" Doudou jumped off the car and rubbed Sister Hong'er's hand.

"Doudou, you guys are so good. I don't need to protect me right now. Hurry up and help Xiaoju." Touching Doudou's head, Sister Hong'er looked at Cheng Hao who was riding on the back of a big wild boar and said to them. .

"Aww~ (This is our past.)" Ah Fu immediately jumped into the wild boar pen when he heard this.

"Xiao Wang, hurry up and help Xiao Ju, Xiao Ju is your child." The headmaster who was sitting on Xiao Wang's back and arrived late saw this scene, and quickly patted Xiao Wang under him and said.

"Aww~ (What? Boss, do you have a son? I'm going to save him now.)"

When the three tigers following him heard this, they immediately moved out.

"Aww~ (Did I smash it again?)" Xiao Wang hurriedly followed, did he smash it?By the way, which wife's son is he with?

not good!Too many wives have forgotten.

Forget it, let's talk about saving my son first.

(End of this chapter)

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