Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 114 Turning Imagination into Reality

Chapter 114 Turning Imagination into Reality


"dong dong dong"

From time to time, the sound of electric welding and the hammering of hammers can be heard on the skeleton made of steel bars.

Looking at the welding light that was the same as the sun, sister Hong'er couldn't help covering her eyes and said:
"Lele, what are you welding here? How do you build such a large steel platform?"

What exactly is the scientific research base producing?Why do you need to build such a high platform?
"Sister Hong'er, take a guess. What do you think such a high platform is used for?"

Xu Lele who heard this didn't answer, but asked back with a smile.

"You want me to guess? Then Lele, you have to tell me that what is being built is a weapon?"

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er thought for a while and asked.

The department makes so many things, how does she know what it is making?

You have to give him a direction, at least let her know that what is being manufactured is a weapon?Or transport equipment?

"Yes, and it's a very powerful weapon." Xu Lele nodded and said, looking at the sledgehammer being struck, her eyes full of expectation.

The department's super weapon, it seems that it won't take long to come out.

With this weapon at that time, what evolutionary creature would dare to be arrogant in front of them?
"A very powerful weapon? Is it a sky fortress or a space carrier?"

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said, she saw many aircraft flying around constantly, and now that such a high platform is built, it is likely to be an air base, right?

After all, there are enough weapons on the ground now.

There should be some aerial weapons built.

"Neither of them. Sky fortresses and space carriers are not so flimsy. Sister Hong'er guess again."

Xu Lele smiled and shook his head and said, if the Sky Fortress and the Space Carrier are, they will be much larger than they are now.

The platform with a height of more than 50 meters is a bit small.

"Isn't it a sky fortress or a space carrier? What is that?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but think about it.

"Aww~ (Sister, I know what they are building? They are building Gundam and super giant robots.)"

Cheng Hao, who was at the side, heard the words, and immediately went to Sister Hong'er's side, patted her with his paw and said.

"Little Fat Ju, you quietly approached Sister Hong'er, what are you saying to Sister Hong'er?"

Xu Lele, who was waiting for sister Hong'er's answer, saw it, and approached Cheng Hao to ask.

What is Little Fat Orange whispering to Sister Hong'er?Why don't you come over and talk to her?

"Xiaoju told me that what you guys made is a super robot like Gundam."

After hearing this, Miss Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's head and replied with a smile.

"Hey! How do you know, little fat orange? It's obviously covered with cloth."

Xu Lele was a little surprised when he heard this, the construction platform was covered with cloth, how did Xiaopangju know?
Did Xiaopangju hide some ability and didn't tell them?

"Aww~(It's very simple, where are you looking?)" Cheng Hao pointed to a cement robot statue not far away and said, "Aww~(Since the robot is placed here, it must be related to the robot. weapons, and where there is a height of more than 50 meters, it is not building super robots, what else can it be?)”

Robots are everywhere in this underground base. It is not surprising that they plan to build a super robot with a height of more than 50 meters. What is so hard to guess?

"Xiaoju is so smart, she can analyze so many things from a robot statue."

Sister Hong'er heard this, and patted Cheng Hao's round head in admiration.

Xiaoju is so smart, she immediately observed things that she didn't even notice.

"It turned out that the robot statue placed there showed a flaw?" Xu Lele couldn't help but muttered after hearing the words: "I should have moved this statue away if I knew it was like this. I don't believe that Xiaopangju You can still guess."

"Aww~ (Don't underestimate me, don't you think I don't know what you are building after you move the statue?)" Cheng Hao heard Xu Lele's words, raised his paw and pointed to the statue on the ground not far away. The huge part said: "That thing is the shoulder blade of the robot? Don't think you can hide it from my eyes."

Do you think you can hide it from him without a statue?Are you kidding, he is also a man who has built a Gundam, so he can guess what he is building by looking at these parts, okay?

"What are you talking about, little fat orange? Do you know what part of the robot it is?"

Xu Lele, who was looking in the direction Cheng Hao pointed, kneaded Cheng Hao's round face and said.

She didn't know about that stuff until she asked the robot she built.

how?Little Fat Orange also knows?Stop teasing her.

"That's the shoulder blade, isn't it? Lele." Sister Hong'er asked with a smile upon hearing this.

"Hey! Sister Hong'er, do you still know this thing?"

Xu Lele, who was waiting for Cheng Hao's answer, couldn't help being stunned when she heard it. Sister Hong'er still knows the parts of the robot?
"I don't know him, but Xiaoju does." Sister Hong'er smiled and patted Cheng Hao's head and said, "He's much stronger than you think."

Xiaoju is so awesome, it makes her feel radiant.

"Really? I underestimated you, a little villain."

"You little rascal, you actually know this kind of thing?" Xu Lele said in surprise, very curious about what Sister Hong'er showed Xiaopangju during the time she was not in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain?Little Fat Orange actually knows so many things.

"Aww~ (Of course.)"

Cheng Hao raised his head and said, and ran towards the huge robot under construction with small steps.

He has seen robots on TV, but he has never seen a Gundam super robot like the one on TV. He has to take a good look at what this thing looks like?

"Xiaoju, run slowly, it's very dangerous there."

When Sister Hong'er saw it, she yelled and followed quickly.

"An important place for military industry, idlers...no! Idle tiger."

The security robot standing next to the super robot saw Cheng Hao approaching, stretched out its mechanical arm, and flashed a big "stop" word:
"This is not where you should be, stop now."

"Aww~ (I'm just here to have a look, and I don't know what to do? And I'm also a member of the department, so I'm not a idle tiger, okay?)" Cheng Hao, who was stopped, argued hard.

He just came here to see what this Gundam looks like. Why did the robot stop him?Can you come to the underground base without seeing him?It means that he is not a idle tiger.

"Xiaoju, come back quickly, that's not a place you can go, it's not good if the parts on it fall and hit you." Sister Hong'er who was chasing up saw Cheng Hao being stopped by the robot, and hurriedly Open your mouth and say.

It seems that casual approaching is not allowed here, so they should stay away.

"Come back soon, little fat orange, the super robot cannot be approached before it is built."

"If you want to see super robots, you little villain, my sister will take you to see the smaller one?" Xu Lele said with a smile when she saw it, walked up to Cheng Hao and hugged him.

Seeing this, the security robot withdrew its mechanical arm, and Fang Fang's head continued to sway left and right to protect the safety of the construction site.

"Huh? And a smaller super robot?" Cheng Hao couldn't help pricking up his ears after being picked up. It seems that the department has built a lot of robots. Are they planning to use these robots as trump cards?But what energy is used to power such a large robot?This made him a little curious.

It's impossible for these robots to be equipped with diesel engines, right?It is estimated that the oil will almost burn out when I reach the destination.

In addition to such a big robot, how much fuel do they need to get them out of the department?So these robots are definitely not using gasoline.

If this is the case, the only thing they can use is nuclear energy, just like nuclear submarines.

"Lele, is the department planning to build a robot army?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously as she followed Xu Lele.

A robot one size smaller than the behemoth?It must be bigger than ordinary robots, right? The department builds so many robots, is it to build a robot army?
"Yes, the department is planning to build exoskeleton mobile units and mech units." Xu Lele said as he brought Sister Hong'er into the huge warehouse.

The warehouses here are very large, and each warehouse is covered with a rolling door, which looks like a parking lot.

But such an area is much larger than the place where the car is parked.

Xu Lele, who was holding Cheng Hao, walked to a rolling door, took off her ID card and inserted it into the groove of the door, and the whole door frame of the rolling door began to light up with green rings, and then the closed rolling door slowly opened As he climbed up, the scene inside the rolling door gradually appeared in front of Cheng Hao.

"Is this the Pinball Policeman?" Seeing the robot gradually sinking into its true colors, Cheng Hao couldn't help being stunned. This eight-meter-tall robot really resembled the armor of the Pinball Policeman he had seen in his previous life, especially The circular cannon on the robot's chest is exactly the same as the armor of the Pinball Cop.

"So handsome..."

Seeing the robot in front of her, sister Hong'er couldn't help but said.

I don't know if this robot is powerful or not, but it looks really handsome.

"How is it? Little Fat Orange. Does this robot look good? Isn't it very domineering?" After Xu Lele felt that Cheng Hao in his arms was not moving, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "This is just a humanoid robot from the department. , besides these humanoid robots, there are other robots in our department."

"Ah? How many robots has the department built?" Sister Hong'er, who was looking at the robots, asked in a daze after hearing this.

Haven't we just produced humanoid robots?What other robots were produced then?

"Some scorpion robots, ant robots, spider robots, and tiger robots." Xu Lele said with a smile, put Cheng Hao on the ground, and went to open other rolling doors.

Cheng Hao, who fell to the ground, immediately took small steps to the side of the robot that looked like the pinball police armor, and began to look up and down.

"This thing can't be copied from the battle armor, right? The cockpit is inside the head, and the rest of it looks like a dime."

"But what is this thing? Could it be turned into a car?"

After looking at the robot for a while, Cheng Hao found that the robot's body had too many wheels, which was definitely not a design problem. The only explanation was that it could be transformed into other shapes.

Good guy, he just called good guy.

Could it be that the blueprint was designed and manufactured? It seems that the ability to evolve this part is beyond his imagination.



Just as he was thinking this way, the sound of joints twisting up and down came from beside him.

"How is it? Sister Hong'er, does it feel fun to sit on it?" Xu Lele asked with a smile while driving the scorpion robot, although the scorpion robot moved a little slower.

But walking is still very stable, especially the ability to carry people is also a must, and it can take six players at a time.

Coupled with the electromagnetic gun at the tail, that is a child with one shot.

"Um, fun is fun, but Lele, let's move around here, are these robots really okay?" Sister Hong'er, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, asked.

"Of course there is no problem. These robots are here for people to drive." Xu Lele said with a smile, tapping the screen to adjust the chassis height of the scorpion robot.

"Can it drive? Then I'll give it a try." Cheng Hao, who heard the two chatting, jumped into the cab of the robot and sat in it.

"Huh! Is there even a case introduction in it? It seems quite considerate." After entering the cab, Cheng Hao was worried that he would not be able to drive, but he was worried that after seeing the buttons on it, he felt like yes.

He stretched out his paw and pressed the switch, and the whole cab was lit up in an instant, and Cheng Hao became excited immediately:

"This robot is awesome, but I don't know how the driving experience is?"

But just as he was about to stretch out his claws to drive the robot, a red light suddenly lit up in the entire cab, and a mechanical sound came:

"Warning! Warning!"

"Unidentified creatures have been detected entering the cockpit, please drive them out immediately. Pets are not allowed in this cockpit."

"Warning warning, please do not bring pets into the driver's cab."

"Aww~ (What do you mean I'm a pet? I'm not a pet. Other people can enter the cab. Why can't I? You're discriminatory. I want to stop you from animal protection.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but Cursing, he was preparing to be a Gundam pilot.

In the end, you told him that he couldn't enter the cab because he was a tiger?How can you discriminate against him like this?Although he is a tiger, he also has the heart to be a driver, okay?

"Little Fat Orange, furry animals are not allowed in these battle robots." Just as Cheng Hao was cursing, Xu Lele appeared at the door of the cab and said.

Little Fat Ju ran into the cab, probably because he wanted to be a driver, but it was a pity that furry pets were not allowed in the cab.

"Aww~ (This is discrimination, this is discrimination. I have a heart to defend the country, but this robot rejected me.)"

"Aww~(It lost an excellent pilot, and even lost the chance to become a famous mech.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately pointed to the cab and complained to Xu Lele. He also wanted to defend the country and joined the department, but why couldn't he be allowed to drive the mecha?

"Okay, okay, Xiaoju, don't be angry. My sister will take you to sit on the scorpion robot next to you to play."

Sister Hong'er smiled and comforted her, seeing how the child has been wronged?

"That's right, little fat orange."

"Let's make other robots, other robots are much more fun than this one." Xu Lele said with a smile, grabbed Cheng Hao's armpit and carried him out.

"How is it? Our mecha is not bad, right? Lele."

Just after they got down from the robot, a strange male voice came.

"Very good, Professor Wang, how did you come here?" Xu Lele asked with a smile when he heard the voice.

"Of course it's because of this little tiger. Didn't you say to help me find a powerful tiger last time? Help record the movements of the tiger robot."

Said Professor Wang, who wears glasses and has gray hair, sitting on the aircraft that looks like a massage chair.

Tiger robots are different from other animal robots, they are specially made for fighting, so naturally they also need to learn advanced fighting skills, but it is useless to rely on videos alone, you have to capture movements from tigers.

"Oh, there is indeed such a thing." Xu Lele nodded and said, "Where is the place where the tiger's movements were recorded? Professor."

"It's right here, come with me." Professor Wang said with a smile, and the rolling door on the side opened, and then a group of mechanical elk dragged a sled and came to Xu Lele and the others?
"Huh? Is the department still looking for this kind of robot? Could it be made for fun?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Cheng Hao couldn't help being stunned.

With all due respect, this thing in front of me doesn't mean it's useless, it's really useless at all.

There are better alternative tools than him in the snow, but it is not easy to use on land.

It's nothing to make this thing, besides setting off the atmosphere, he can't think of what else to do?

"Let's go, little elk." Just as Cheng Hao was muttering in his heart, Xu Lele had already carried him into the sled team and said to the elk.



Hearing this, the mechanical elk immediately got up, pulled the sled and chased after the massage chair aircraft in front of it.

After a while, it stopped on a floating platform.

"Here is it?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw that there were no rope locks and wires around, but it was able to support such a large platform.

Is the department's technology already so powerful?It can actually make objects float out of thin air.

"This is the magnetic lifting platform. We are going to the laboratory now." Professor Wang, who was sitting on the massage chair aircraft, explained with a smile.

"Where is the laboratory?" Sister Hong'er was stunned when she heard this. She didn't see that there was a building above, so she must go deeper into the ground, right?

Just when she was thinking this way, Professor Wang's voice came from her ear:
"The laboratory is still down there."

"Well, it's really below." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er couldn't help dripping sweat from her brow, and felt the platform under her feet drop.

She just wanted to know how deep the department dug the ground, why did they dig such a large place?

"Aww~ (This place is so deep, if the platform is broken, you can only climb up with your hands?)"

Cheng Hao looked around and muttered, the place where the laboratory was built is really deep enough, is this designed to withstand nuclear bomb bombing?But if it is built so deep, isn't it afraid that the platform will be broken?
If the thing is paralyzed here, how will the people in the laboratory go up?
This made him a little curious, and he couldn't help looking at the flying chair that Professor Wang was sitting on.

"What's the matter? Little Tiger, do you want to sit in this chair?" Professor Wang asked with a smile after noticing Cheng Hao's gaze.

"No need, professor." Sister Hong'er heard the words and explained:
"Xiaoju doesn't want to be a chair to sit on. He's just wondering how to get up if the platform breaks down?"

"It's very simple, just fix it, or use a spare platform." Professor Wang replied with a smile, looking at Cheng Hao with a look of interest: "This little tiger is a few months old now. Huh? It looks like a tiger with a tiger head and a tiger brain is a little different from the tigers I have seen before."

He didn't look at the little tiger carefully just now, but now that the little tiger looked over, he suddenly realized that he had never seen this kind of tiger.

how to say?The other cubs look pretty much the same, but the one in front of me is actually a bit special, and its naive temperament is simply too strong.

He could say that he had never seen this kind of little tiger in his life, and this time it was an eye-opener.

"Little Pang Ju? Xiao Pang Ju is more than five months now, and it will be six months soon." Xu Lele replied with a smile, hugging Cheng Hao and showing off: "Professor, do you think that Xiao Pang Ju is special?" How cute? I think so too."

"There are only two kinds of tigers in the world, one is the common tiger and the other is the chubby orange."

"I have seen many tigers when they were young, but none were cuter than Xiaoju."

"That's true. Little Fat Orange has a very unique temperament."

Professor Wang nodded when he heard this. As far as this temperament is concerned, there is really no second one in the tiger world.

However, there is a tiger of this size for more than five months, but I have never seen it.

It seems that this little tiger has grown up to be amazing, but I don't know how his hunting ability is?Can you surprise him?


The platform that had sunk for a long time finally came to the bottom, and there was a sound. This sound also brought Professor Wang back from his thoughts. He looked at Cheng Hao and said, "Let's go, little tiger. Let me see your It's up to you."

"If you behave well, I have a gift for you."

"Aww~ (What gift? Are you planning to give me a robot?)" Cheng Hao, who jumped out of Xu Lele's arms, asked aloud after hearing the words.

The other party is a research robot, so it's not too much to give him a robot as a gift.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao couldn't help being a little excited, and followed up with strides.

"Slow down, Xiaoju, don't worry."

Sister Hong'er who was walking behind shouted, and followed into the laboratory.



After walking behind Professor Wang for a few seconds, a vast and boundless universe suddenly appeared in front of him, surrounded by huge stars, and one of the big red planets rushed straight towards Cheng Hao .

"What the hell?" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao jumped up lightly and easily avoided the impact of the planet.

Although I don't know if these are projections or props?But there is certainly nothing wrong with avoiding the past.

"The little tiger jumps really high." After seeing it, Professor Wang who was walking in front couldn't help but smiled and said, "This is the projection of the laboratory, not the real thing, so there is no need for such a big reaction."

"Aww~ (Who knew there was such a thing here?)"

Cheng Hao muttered, and continued to follow.

Soon there was a blue light in front of him. Under this light, there were all kinds of things that he couldn't understand but thought it was amazing.

"Okay, little tiger. We've arrived, now it's your turn to perform."

While Cheng Hao was looking around, the wall opened slowly, revealing a black passage.

"Let's go in, little tiger. The inside is the motion collection room." Professor Wang said with a smile.

"oh oh."

Hearing this, Cheng Hao stepped forward and walked into the passage. After entering, a wild boar running towards him appeared in front of him.

"Is this another projection?" After seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was stunned, and planned to ignore it, but when he felt the wind brought by the wild boar, he jumped up quickly.

Good guy, this wild boar is not a phantom.

But it's not a real wild boar, it should be a prop or something.

After avoiding the wild boar's sneak attack, Cheng Hao fell back to the ground steadily, and he probably had a guess about the laboratory's thoughts.

The other party wanted to collect data on how he avoided the attack and how he fought back after being attacked?

"Professor, is this wild boar real? It won't hurt Xiaoju, right?"

In the laboratory, Sister Hong'er looked at the picture of the collection room displayed on the big screen, and asked with some concern.

Didn't you just come here to collect data?Why are there wild boars in there?Is it a mechanical boar?Department-produced weapons?

"Don't worry, sister Hong'er. Nothing will happen. The wild boar is a fake. It is used by the laboratory to simulate how a tiger will react when it encounters an emergency?"

Before Professor Wang could speak, Xu Lele who was on the side spoke first.

How could she put Xiaopangju in danger?Of course the wild boar is fake.

"Is it fake? That's good." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Since it was used for a test, it shouldn't be too dangerous.

She was worried that the department used wild boar robots for combat.

"Tiger robot memory input begins." Professor Wang watched Cheng Hao land on the screen, and then pressed the memory implant switch.

Convert Cheng Hao's movement captured indoors into data and send it to the tiger robot below the laboratory.

"You messed with me first, the little mechanical boar, so don't blame me for skinning and deboning you." Seeing that the mechanical boar turned around and wanted to rush over again, Cheng Hao couldn't help shaking his paw, The sharp nails popped out.

This Professor Wang wants to collect his data, right?So just collect whatever you want, but can it be done?It depends on whether the robot he made will work or not.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

With an indomitable momentum, the mechanical wild boar rushed towards Cheng Hao, and when it was about to hit him in the blink of an eye, Cheng Hao raised his paw and slapped it.


A dull sound resounded in the capture laboratory, and the wild boar robot stopped, and then orange-red flames began to "squeak" from his body, and then the wild boar robot's red eyes dimmed.

"You still want to hit me with your ability? Get out of here." Smelling the smell of burnt wires in the air, Cheng Hao slapped his paw to the right, and the wild boar robot flew out of him.

"Um, professor. Finished the motion capture?" Xu Lele, who saw this scene in the laboratory, asked aloud. This mechanical wild boar seemed a little brittle, and it was scrapped after being slapped by Xiaopangju.

"No, but his slap has been recorded." Hearing this, Professor Wang shook his head and said, "It seems that I have underestimated Xiaoju a little, and I have to send more powerful robots to play. "

After speaking, he pressed the button.

"dong dong"

In the dimly lit capture room, the sound of animals trampling on the floor could be heard.

"Huh? The wild boar was cleaned up just now. What kind of robot will it be this time?" Cheng Hao looked curiously at the direction of the voice, and soon the answer was revealed. This time it was a robot. Bison robot.

But this bison does not have huge horns, only a huge body.

"A cow without horns? That's really interesting."

"If this robot is also destroyed by me, then the bear will come next?" Looking at the bison robot rushing towards him, Cheng Hao murmured in his heart, and rushed forward with strides.

This bison robot is much bigger than the wild boar just now. It's time to take the initiative to attack. After all, the sooner the data is collected, the earlier it can leave.

"As expected of the king of beasts, even if the difference in body size is so huge, he dares to rush directly there?" Professor Wang in the laboratory said in admiration after seeing it.

It is really rare that a tiger raised artificially can still have such wildness. I just don't know if this little tiger is reckless or brave?


Just when Professor Wang was thinking this way, the result of the motion capture of the situation in the room had already appeared. The buffalo was overturned by Cheng Hao and dragged forward. teeth.

In the end, I can only accept the ending of the lights going out.

"Good job! Little Fat Orange."

"Sister knows that you are the best." Xu Lele couldn't help shouting happily after seeing it, look at how clean and neat Xiaopangju's movements are?There is no disadvantage at all because of the large difference in size from the bison.

Instead, relying on his small size and nimbleness, he avoided the impact of the bison, came to the side of the bison and bit the neck of the bison to seal the victory of the battle.

"It was indeed a very good battle." Professor Wang couldn't help but said after hearing this.

No wonder Lele recommended this little tiger to him. I have to say that this little tiger is really capable.

"Professor, do you still need to collect Xiaoju's fighting movements?" Looking at the fallen mechanical bison on the screen, Sister Hong'er asked out loud while delighted.

"No, the collection is almost done."

Professor Wang said with a smile after watching the overlapping of the tiger robot on the computer and the figure of Cheng Hao in the motion acquisition room.

With the data of the little tiger, the tiger robot was completely born.

Now the tiger robot is just a cub, but after he transfers the tiger hunting skills from many documentaries to the tiger robot, it will grow into a ferocious king of beasts.

"Aww~ (Is the battle over? So what is my reward?)"

Cheng Hao, who came out of the motion capture room, walked towards Professor Wang with small steps.

He also doesn't want the super robot over 50 meters, just give him a ten-meter robot is enough?

After all, he is not a greedy tiger, an eight-meter robot is enough for him to control.

"Don't be in a hurry, Xiaoju. The professor will give you a reward after he said that he will give you a reward. We can just wait for it with peace of mind."

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er comforted her, and checked whether Cheng Hao was injured.

"Okay, I know."

"I'll reward you, little tiger, right now, do you think I'll renege on my debt?" Professor Wang said with a smile as he watched the transmission progress bar complete, reached out and patted the cabinet beside him, and a thin password box popped up. out.

"This is?" Seeing this scene, Xu Lele couldn't help shrinking his pupils. He didn't expect that Professor Wang would actually take this out as a reward for Xiaopangju.

"Here, little tiger. This is the promised reward for you."

Professor Wang, who took out the box, walked up to Cheng Hao and handed the box to him.

"Aww~ (How can you give me this thing? I don't need it either.)"

Seeing the reward that Professor Wang brought out, Cheng Hao was speechless.

This reward is completely different from what he imagined, okay?Although the evolution potion is indeed very good and very sincere, but it is for other people, he doesn't need it at all.

Is the power of evolution produced in the base also called evolution medicine?Don't even give it to dogs.

If he had enough time to drink this, he could find a larger evolutionary tree to absorb the evolutionary power, which would be stronger than this potion.

"What's the matter, little tiger, this reward doesn't suit your liking, why does he look unhappy?"

Seeing Cheng Hao's drooping face, Professor Wang couldn't help being stunned.

What he has inside is what the team members in the base dream of. Why doesn't this little tiger look happy?
"No, no, Xiaopangju is very happy. Professor, you don't need to think about this gift, Xiaopangju likes it very much."

Xu Lele on the side heard the words, and immediately took the password box given by the professor and said.

Little fat orange, this little idiot, has nothing but meat all day long, do you know what's in it?Unexpectedly not happy, you must know that even if they work hard, they may not be able to get it.

"It's fine if you like it, it's fine if you like it."

Professor Wang smiled and said:

"Then we'll see you later, little fat orange."

"Now I have to import data to the Tiger robot and conduct field experiments. I won't send you Lele out."

"Okay, Professor."

Hearing this, Xu Lele nodded, then hugged the somewhat disappointed Haohe and took sister Hong'er to leave.

Little Fat Orange has made a lot of money, how dare he not be happy?What if it gets out?I don't know how many people will be jealous?

"What's in this box, Lele?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously after leaving the laboratory. Seeing Lele so happy, it seemed that the professor gave something not simple.

"Aww~ (It's the evolution potion, sister.)"

Before Xu Lele could speak, Cheng Hao spoke first.

"Evolution potion?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the words and said, "Professor Wang is really generous. Just help him collect a few movements, and give him an evolution potion?"

How precious are evolution potions?She finally realized it in the department during this period of time, but it's too extravagant for the professor to use the evolution potion as a reward as soon as he makes a move, right?
"Of course, our Professor Wang is the treasure of our department."

"If there is any good thing, the old man should use it first. What is in this box? If I guessed correctly, it should be the latest evolution potion No. [-]."

Speaking of this, Li Xu Lele was a little envious: "Little fat orange is blessed, this No. [-] potion is not comparable to the previous two versions."

As the scientist who created the super robot, one can imagine how high the other party's status in the department is?In the whole department, the other party is put first in everything. For example, the ordinary team members of the evolution potion only have one bottle a month, but Professor Wang can receive unlimited.

Xiaopangju has made a big deal now, since even she has never drank the No. [-] potion.

"Really? That would be great."

Sister Hong'er said happily when she heard that, Xiaoju is so powerful at such a young age, if she can drink some evolution potion, she will definitely be even more powerful.

Maybe it can surpass the King Tiger of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain to become the most powerful tiger.

"Come on! Little Fat Orange opened his mouth and drank the evolution potion, right? Don't keep such good things, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Xu Lele said, ready to open the password box.

"Aww~ (I won't drink it, I'll drink it slowly when I get back.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao stretched out his paws to stop it and said, "Just this thing?"What he drank didn't work, it might as well be drunk by the breeder's sister.

At least, it works.

"Xiaoju must be obedient, the evolution potion is very precious, and it cannot be kept for too long."

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er persuaded her.

Xiaoju doesn't take the evolution potion too seriously, how can such a good thing be kept by her side all the time?What if it is lost or stolen?
"Aww~ (I have the right to dispose of my things. Sister.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, did you drink this evolution potion right here?Isn't that a waste?The evolution potion must be used where it should be used.

"Okay then, but you have to drink it before tomorrow." Hearing this, Miss Hong'er didn't expect Xiaoju to be disobedient, so she couldn't help being a little angry, and just wanted to reprimand her.

But after thinking about it, it's normal for Xiaoju to be so big and a little bit tempered, so he changed his sentence.

"Aww~ (No problem.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard the words and replied, will he be able to drink this potion tomorrow?

It won't take that long, it can be done tonight.

"That's fine, let's go. Lele."

"This little rascal doesn't want to drink now, let's give him a drink when he wants to drink." After getting Cheng Hao's consent, Miss Hong'er said.

"Alright, but Miss Hong'er, you have to watch Xiaopangju drink it yourself. This thing is very precious. We don't know when we will be able to drink such a good potion."

Xu Lele, who had her hands held down, told them that they couldn't even drink the potion, so Sister Hong'er should look at the chubby oranges.

"Well, I'll watch him. Don't worry, Lele." Sister Hong'er replied, and then Xu Lele put on the lockbox again and returned in the direction she came from.

(End of this chapter)

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