Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 115 Hot...I'm Burning to Death

Chapter 115 Hot...I'm Burning to Death
"Wow ~ wow"

"Wow ~ wow"

Under the cold night, a jackdaw flapped its wings and flew by, making a sharp cry.

"Huh? It should be late at night, right?"

Cheng Hao in the dormitory suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the jackdaws flying past the window.

So he got up from the nest, and carefully went to the lockbox brought back from the department, and slowly opened the buckle of the lockbox.

The dead of night is quiet, just convenient for him to move.

Fortunately, there is no password for this lockbox, otherwise, it would take a lot of effort for him to open it.

With a "click", the lid of the lockbox flicked up, revealing the three test tubes contained in the box.

"Huh? There are three? It seems that Professor Wang is still a big dog."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao muttered, his tail wriggled like a small snake, and took out the test tube along the groove in the middle of the test tube.

"Huh? Forgiving as always." Looking at the bright green under the moonlight, Cheng Hao stretched out his claws and pierced the cork for the test tube, and slowly pulled it out.


The sound of the cork being detached from the glass test tube sounded, and Cheng Hao walked towards the bed where Hong'er sister was sleeping, carefully climbed onto the bed, pouted his buttocks and controlled his tail carefully, and pointed the test tube at Hong'er. Sister's mouth slowly tilted, pouring the evolution potion into the opponent's mouth little by little.

He didn't drink this stuff during the day, so that he could secretly drink it for Sister Hong'er at night.

After all, this stuff doesn't do much for him.

It's useless if you drink it, it's better for Sister Hong'er to drink it.

Sister Hong'er couldn't directly absorb the power of evolution from the evolutionary plants like him, and still needed the help of potions.

As for why you didn't tell Sister Hong'er to let her drink by herself during the day?He has lived with Sister Hong'er for so long, and he still knows Sister Hong'er very well. It is impossible for Sister Hong'er to accept the evolution potion he gave.

This is the only way to force the other party to accept it.

Fortunately, sister Hong'er has been sleeping better and better since she became an evolutionary, and she doesn't wake up often and is not easily woken up at night.

Otherwise, with this one movement of his, I'm afraid he would have awakened the opponent long ago.



A thin thread of the evolution potion flowed into the gap between the teeth along Miss Hong'er's slightly parted lips, and then slowly entered the mouth along the gap between the teeth.

Cheng Hao's movements were very slow, and he didn't wake up sister Hong'er until a tube of medicine was poured out, and then he carefully got off the bed.

After putting the test tube on the table, Cheng Hao flicked his sore tail.

Since his evolution, his tail has become more flexible, and he can hold things like a human hand, but he can't hold things that are too long or too heavy.

After pouring the evolution potion for sister Hong'er like this for 2 minutes, he felt his tail a little sour.

But this is normal, you must know that many tigers can't do this kind of thing.

As long as he exercises more, he believes that he will definitely have a tail in place of his hands in the future.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao walked to the password box again, took out an evolution potion, and repeated the action just now.

Fill this tube and fill another tube, and today's task is over.

Five minutes later, Cheng Hao climbed down from the bed again, put the test tube containing the evolution potion next to the mat, lay down and continued to sleep.

Otherwise, what if Miss Hong'er wakes up tomorrow morning and finds that all the medicines in the box are empty bottles?I'm afraid he will be quarreled again.

It would be better for Sister Hong'er to create a scene of him waking up in the middle of the night and drinking the potion.

The moonlight outside the window continued to shine on the snow-white earth, and there were thick pieces of crushed ice floating on the cold river surface. The water droplets dripping from the faucet had not dripped for a long time, and condensed into water droplets when it came out of the faucet.

Sister Hong'er, who was lying in the dormitory, felt her body was getting hotter and hotter. She couldn't help but kicked up the thick quilt, and then she felt that she had felt a lot. Go to sleep in your own nest, you are too hot..."

"Aww~ (Sister, what are you talking about? I'm just sleeping in my own nest?)"

Cheng Hao, who was lying on the mat, replied raving.

The dormitory became quiet again...

The next morning, sister Hong'er woke up from her sleep and yawned. Seeing the test tube bottle rolling down on the ground, she couldn't help but shook her head and said with a smile:
"The little villain refuses with his mouth, but his body is quite honest. He took advantage of my sister's sleep at night and got up in the middle of the night to drink secretly."

"If you want to drink, you can drink it during the day. Why do you drink it secretly when you have nothing to do? Is it more delicious to drink it secretly at night?"

The older Xiaoju grows up, the more weird his behavior becomes. I don't know if he learned from cartoons after watching too many cartoons?But there shouldn't be anything bad about the animation.

This is weird, I hope Xiaoju's appearance is only temporary.


Sister Hong'er stretched, then got off the bed and went to clean up the test tubes that had been drunk.

I do not know how it is?She felt that she was a little different today, and she felt indescribably relaxed.

"Xiaoju, my sister is going to feed Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San first, you should sleep in the dormitory obediently and don't run around, you know?" Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao and said before going out after washing.

She is going to the cafeteria to eat now, and by the way, put a basin of steamed buns for Xiong Daxiong Er to eat.

"Aww~(Oh oh, let's go.)"

Cheng Hao, who was woken up, waved his paw weakly and said, then continued to "huhu" and fell asleep. Sister Hong'er walked out of the dormitory door in peace after seeing it.

"Wow~wow~ (The sun is so warm today.)"

"Wow~wow... (Yeah, yeah, wait a minute, let's go to the back of the cafeteria to eat, there are a lot of delicious food there recently.)"

"Wow~Wow~ (Really? Then let's go quickly, or we will be preempted by those fat mice, and we will have nothing to eat.)"

Sister Hong'er was walking by the path planted with green trees, and the voices of crows came from her ears. When she heard them say fat mice, Sister Hong'er couldn't help being stunned, she quickly stopped shouting and was about to flop The crows departed on wings:

"Did the little crows say that there were a few fat mice behind the cafeteria? Could you tell me about it?"

She remembered that the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain had culled mice. Why did mice appear again so soon?

"Wow~Wow~ (Are you talking to us? Human beings.)" The crows who were about to fly away heard this, and lowered their wings that had just been raised, looking at Miss Hong'er who was looking at them .

Although they spoke to each other for the first time, they unexpectedly felt that each other was very close, and subconsciously wanted to get closer to each other.

"Yes, little crows, can you tell me? If you are willing to answer my question, how about I take you to eat the delicious food in the cafeteria?"

Sister Hong'er asked with a smile, and stretched out her hand.

When the crows saw it, they immediately flapped their wings and jumped from the branch to Sister Hong'er's arm.

"Wow~wow~ (It's not impossible to tell you, but we thought we wanted to find a place to live, can you help us?)"


The crows said one after another, they saw the animals in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain eating and drinking, and they were really happy and carefree.

I couldn't help being a little envious of them, but everyone is an animal, why can these animals live so well?
So they hope that the human beings in front of them can provide them with shelter and enjoy the same treatment as other animals in the tiger park.

"Do you want to live in the Tiger Garden? No problem, it's just a small thing." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er stroked the heads of the crows and said with a smile, "I'll get you a few cabins later. As for food, what do you like to eat?"

The crows are willing to live in the tiger garden, which is naturally the best.

Anyway, it doesn't cost much to raise these crows?You can chat with them when you are bored.

"Wow~wow~ (food bugs are fine.)"

"Wow~wow~ (It would be even better if there are steamed buns or bread to eat.)" The crows who heard this replied chirping.

"Okay, I see, let's eat steamed buns now." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Wow~wow~ (OK, ok.)" said the blue-eyed crow, drooling involuntarily.

The fragrant steamed buns sound very delicious, and it really is good to mix with humans.

"Wow~Wow~ (Don't talk about it first, we still have to tell this sister about those fat mice.)" The red-eyed crow said, the companion knows how to eat, don't forget the business.

"Wow~wow~ (Yes, yes, those fat mice are very hateful, they have grown so fat, and they still don't let us eat the rice poured from the back of the cafeteria.)"

"Wow~wow (Yes, yes, sister, you have to clean them up. They are bad guys. We see them often appearing next to the cold storage and want to open the door of the cold storage.)" said the black-eyed crow .

"Wow~ (Yes, they tried to attack us several times.)" The blue-eyed crow immediately followed up.

"Are they still trying to sneak up on you? That's really bad."

Sister Hong'er nodded and said, it seems that these new rats are all evolutionary creatures, and they still want to open the door of the cold storage.

It seems that we have to find a way to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Otherwise, keeping them will become a disaster sooner or later.

"Wow~ (Yes, fortunately, we are better at playing tricks on these stupid mice.)"

"Wow~Wow (Yeah, otherwise these stupid mice will keep pestering us.)"

The crows said, the words were full of pride.

"Oh? How did you play with these mice? They should be stronger than you?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she heard this.

No matter how powerful these crows are, they can only fly, and they may not necessarily win when they encounter mice.

And they repeatedly emphasized that these mice are fat mice, so these mice are probably very big, how did they play around?

"Wow~ (It's very simple. When we look at this group of stupid mice, these stupid mice will think that they have caught us, and then hold the Chinese cabbage next to them and eat them.)"

The blue-eyed crow said happily that although they were not as agile as the fat mice on the ground, they had other abilities.

"Wow~wow (yes, one time these stupid mice gnawed on stones, and their teeth bleed out.)" Ruby's crow said with a smile.

"So you are so powerful. I underestimated you. When the time comes to catch these mice, I will rely on you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this. No wonder these crows are so proud.

It turns out that all of them have unique skills, and they are all incredible animals.

"Wow~ (Hmm, leave it to us.)"

The crows nodded and said, unless these nasty rats are eradicated, they will not be able to live in peace in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

After all, they always have to sleep, and it is impossible to be on guard against these fat mice all the time.

"Sister Hong'er, are you performing performance art?" Sun Xiaoyi, who was eating in the cafeteria hall, saw the crows standing on top of Sister Hong'er, and said after being slightly stunned for two seconds.

Although it is winter now and the trees are shedding their leaves a lot, Hong'er sister is not a big tree even if she is wearing a green overcoat, but how could there be a crow sitting on Hong'er sister's shoulder?
"Of course not, how could I be so bored?" Sister Hong'er smiled and explained, "I met this group of ravens on the way to the cafeteria, and they told me that there are a few big fat rats behind the cafeteria , going to open the door of the cold storage every day."

"In order to reward them for telling me the news, I decided to let them live in the Tiger Park in the future."

"Really? Then Xiaohong, you have more animals to take care of." The uncle chef who came out with steamed buns said with a smile, and whistled towards the crows.

The crows flapped their wings and flew from Hong'er's shoulder to Uncle Chef's body.

"Little guys, why didn't I see you this morning? So you ran to find Xiaohong." The uncle chef touched the crows and smiled. It seemed that he was quite familiar with these crows.

"Uncle Li, do you know Yaya and the others?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she saw this. This Uncle Li is the chef in the cafeteria, and his favorite activity is usually feeding sparrows and starlings.

"Yeah, these little guys often come to the back kitchen to eat, and they will naturally know each other after seeing each other more times." The uncle chef smiled, reached out and took a steamed bun from the washbasin, breaking it and feeding it to the crows :
"I've seen those big fat mice you mentioned. I've been using mouse traps to catch them recently, but these guys are a bit cunning. They always eat up all the ham sausages I put in them and they just disappear."

What do you hate most about being a chef?Naturally, there are bedbugs, cockroaches and mice, and these mice are bullying the crows he feeds. Naturally, they must be eradicated.

"It's normal, Uncle Li."

"If I'm not wrong? These mice should be evolutionary animals. They are very smart and not so easy to be fooled." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this.

Evolved animals are no different than ordinary animals. They have very high IQs now, and some animals have strange abilities. It takes a lot of effort to catch them.

"Is that so? The world has really changed. Even mice have evolved, but this old man has not evolved."

The uncle chef who heard this couldn't help sighing.

After announcing the incident of the Light of Evolution, he became a little excited, thinking that he would also become a so-called evolutionary.

But I didn't expect to check myself for a long time, and found that I didn't have the characteristics of the so-called evolutionary at all.

I can't help being a little disappointed, but even if I don't become an evolutionary, I have to live my life as usual, can't I say that I give up on myself?

Now that I heard that even a mouse that steals food can evolve, how can I not feel sour in my heart?

"Don't worry, Uncle Li. Just take your time, there are many people in this world who haven't become evolutionaries."

"Also, evolution is the general trend. One day you will become an evolutionary too."

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er comforted her, she understood this feeling.

But she believes that the evolution of the whole people will happen sooner or later. It is just that some advanced ones evolve and some later ones evolve. Just like animals and plants, there are many animals and plants that have not evolved.

"I hope so." The chef uncle heard the words and sighed.

"Aww~ (Uncle, I'm here.)"

"Aww~ (Is my egg ready?)"

At this moment, Cheng Hao walked in with small steps.

After being woken up by sister Hong'er, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what, so he simply got up and prepared to have breakfast.

The first place I came to was the cafeteria. After all, there are so many delicious things here.

But when he came in and saw Miss Hong'er, he couldn't help being stunned and said:
"Aww~ (Sister, didn't you go to feed Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San? Why are you playing with crows here?)"

He remembered that sister Hong'er had been out of the dormitory for a while, why was she still in the cafeteria?
"Wow~ (It's a little fat orange, it's a little fat orange.)"

"Wow~ (Yes, that's him, he's really fat.)"

Before Miss Hong'er could speak, the crows spoke first.

"Aww~ (Do you little crows know me?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help squinting his eyes at the crow and said, "Aww~ (How did you get off the uncle? Let me show you Fun stuff.)”

A group of little crows dare to say that he is fat, he is a little fat, but can they say that?

He didn't eat their big rice, how dare the little crow laugh at him?

"Wow~ (We are not so stupid, you must want to clean us up.)"

"Wow~Wow (that is, the other little tigers have said that you are the worst tiger in the tiger park.)"

The crows said that they didn't plan to go down at all.

If they really go down, it is estimated that they will cool off soon.

This little chubby orange is known as a big villain in the tiger garden, punching the little tiger and biting the roots of old trees.

Not to mention them, even the group of mice would be so frightened that they would tuck their tails away when they saw them.

"Aww~(It's good to know, you'd better put your tails between your legs and be a bird, don't let me catch the opportunity, otherwise you will feel better.)"

Cheng Hao threatened with his bloody mouth open, a group of little crows "wow" all day long, it's really too noisy.

"Wow~ (You dare to touch us and try, do you know who we are messing with now?)"

"Wow~ wow (that's it.)"

After the crow heard Cheng Hao's threat, it flapped its wings and jumped from Uncle Chef to Sister Hong'er, looking at Cheng Hao with burning eyes.

They have a place to back them now, and before they want to move them, they'd better think clearly.

"Xiaoju, these little crows are my sister's new friends, don't you know that you can attack them? You have to tell the other little tigers not to attack them."

Sister Hong'er squatted down, stroked Cheng Hao's head and instructed.

If Xiaoju wanted to attack the Yayas, the Yayas might be doomed.

So you have to make an agreement with Xiaoju and hear Xiaoju agree with your own ears.

"Aww~ (I can only promise not to kill them, but other tigers want to clean them up, I can't control it.)"

Cheng Hao, whose head was being patted, replied, a group of crows dared to say that he was fat, and for the sake of sister Hong'er, he would have liked to not let them leave this beautiful world right away, and wanted him to say hello to other tigers?There are no doors.

"Don't be so stingy, Xiaoju, you are the most handsome, smartest and most prestigious tiger."

"Only if you open your mouth, other cubs will not dare to disturb the crows." Sister Hong'er coaxed, the big tigers in the tiger garden have their own territory, but the cubs don't.

Yaya wants to wander carefree in the Tiger Park, so Xiaoju and the other little tigers have to talk about it.

Otherwise, other cubs would probably regard the Yayas as prey.

"Aww~ (It's impossible, I don't know how to speak for them, they're just asking for luck.)" Cheng Hao said with his head up, and ran towards the chef.

He is not a fool, how could he help these crows out?Especially when these crows still dare to call him fat, he can't wait for other little tigers to clean them up.

"You little bastards have to take it easy in the future. Xiaoju said that she won't hurt you, but the other little tigers can't say for sure."

Seeing that Cheng Hao ran towards Uncle Li without agreeing, Sister Hong'er sighed and said to the crows.

The crows are all right, what is Xiaojupang doing?There is no little orange covering them in the tiger garden, they usually have to pay attention to themselves.

Little tigers are not all friendly, especially to other animals.

"Wow~ (Sister, don't worry, we are amazing, we don't need the protection of Xiaopangju.)" said the blue-eyed crow.

"Wow~wow (that's it.)" The black-eyed crow nodded, not worrying much about it.

The other little tigers said that this little fat orange was the worst, and they were not as bad as him.

Coupled with the way the other party lured them down just now, they can be sure that this is true.

They are in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, and the only thing they need to be careful about is Xiaopangju.

"Aww~ (Uncle, my breakfast?)"

Cheng Hao, who walked up to Uncle Chef, straightened up, took a bite of a steamed bun, and asked Uncle Chef.

These bears had a really good breakfast, not only steamed buns, tomatoes, fried noodles, whole chicken, but also yogurt.

No wonder these guys have gained so much weight during this time, and they are unwilling to move while lying in the nest.

"My wife brought out the eggs for Xiaoju."

Seeing this, the uncle chef shouted to the kitchen, stretched out his hand to touch Cheng Hao's round head and smiled:

"Is the little orange steamed bun delicious?"

"Aww~ (The taste is very good, but I came here for the eggs.)"

Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard this, and then he seemed to realize what happened?Suddenly raised his head and sniffed.

"What's the matter? Xiaoju." The uncle chef who was confused by Cheng Hao's action asked:
"Why are you sniffing my hand? What's wrong with my hand?"

"Aww~ (Uncle, your hand is injured.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw to hug the kitchen uncle's hand, turned it over to the wounded position and said.

"Oh, so you little glutton found out that I was injured? I thought you were smelling something. It was accidentally scratched while chopping vegetables." The uncle stroked Cheng Hao's big round head and smiled. .

"Aww~ (Really? Uncle, you are so careless, you are all evolutionary, and you can even chop vegetables to get your hands.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, and stuck out his nails to poke the steamed buns in the washbasin and continued to chew.

"Xiaoju, what did you just say?"

Sister Hong'er, who came over to take away the steamed buns, asked aloud, if she heard correctly just now, Xiaoju seemed to say that Uncle is an evolutionary, right?

"Aww~ (What did I say? It doesn't seem like it?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao replied with a dazed expression.

He doesn't seem to be swearing, why does the lady breeder want him to repeat it?Is there something wrong with his words?
"My sister heard you say that uncle is an evolutionary, are you serious?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and said.

"Aww~ (Really, why would I lie to my sister about this kind of thing?)" Cheng Hao, who had just stretched out his nails and was about to eat steamed buns, replied, only to find that Sister Hong'er had already picked up the basin, and couldn't help feeling resentful The paws were lowered.

These big brown bears are living really well, and sister Hong'er is required to deliver the meals in person.

"I'm an evolutionary? Xiaoju, you can't read it wrong, right?" The kitchen uncle at the side couldn't help but said after hearing the words.

He didn't feel any changes in himself, was Xiaoju serious?

He can neither control fire nor water, and he can't use a kitchen knife as fast as lightning.Where does it look like an evolutionary?
He saw that all the evolutionaries on the Internet are very powerful, with many strange abilities.

Among them, what he envied the most was controlling the kitchen knife to cut things with his eyes closed.

If he had this kind of ability, he would no longer have to cut things by himself, which would greatly improve his cooking efficiency.

"Aww~ (My eyes may be wrong, but my nose can't smell it wrong. Uncle, your wound contains the smell of the power of evolution, which cannot be fooled.)"

Cheng Hao replied slowly, the eyes can sometimes deceive people, but the nose can't.

He is not an ordinary tiger. Is the other party an evolutionary?He only needs to smell the other party's blood to know.

You must know that the blood of an evolutionary is different from that of ordinary people. It contains a small amount of evolutionary power, but no matter how little it is, as long as he smells it, he can still smell it.

He can use the food warehouse he put at Sister Hong'er's place as a guarantee, the uncle in front of him must belong to an evolutionary.

But judging from the current situation, this uncle doesn't seem to know that he is.

"Uncle, Xiaoju said you are an evolutionary."

"Then you must be, Xiaoju can detect an evolutionary person just by smelling it."

After Hong'er heard this, she smiled and said to the uncle.

Xiaoju actually said that, it must be true.

After all, Xiaoju can smell the evolution potion through the box, and it is not difficult to identify the evolutionary by smelling the power of evolution through the blood.

"But if I'm an evolutionary, why don't I feel that I have any special abilities?"

The kitchen uncle said doubtfully, he stretched out his hand and found nothing wrong.

"Perhaps uncle, your ability is so special that it doesn't show up under normal circumstances, right?" Sister Hong'er said after hearing it.

Evolvers don't know that they are Evolvers, and they don't show special abilities. This kind of situation is also recorded in the department.

Generally, this kind of ability is either too common, or it can only be used under certain conditions.

The most typical example is an evolutionary's "square inch" ability, no matter what you throw at him within the radius of his elbow, he can quickly catch it.

But this is only limited to the radius of the elbow and when someone throws something at him, his ability will only trigger.

In the case of Uncle Chef, it must be similar to this ability.

"Does that mean my ability is useless?"

Hearing this, the kitchen uncle became even more depressed.

Hearing that his ability is very useless, he might as well not have it.

At least I can give myself a thought, fantasizing about what powerful abilities I have after I become an evolutionary?

"You can't put it this way, all abilities have their uses, and this is only the initial stage of evolution, no one knows what these abilities will become in the end?" Sister Hong'er comforted.

Abilities are not specific, and are often created to adapt to the surrounding environment.

There is no need for the uncle to be so depressed. Maybe his ability is very powerful, but he just didn't find it.

"I hope so." The uncle said with a sigh, reached out and took the steamed egg, peeled it off and handed it to Cheng Hao:

"Eat, Xiaoju."

"That's your favorite egg. Remember that after you become stronger, don't forget that uncle knows? Uncle, I am useless now."

"Aww~ (Don't worry, uncle has me here, no one dares to touch you.)" Cheng Hao replied with his mouth open, and the uncle threw the peeled egg into his mouth.

But in the next second, something unexpected happened.

I saw Cheng Hao, who was happily opening his mouth to pick up the egg one second, trembled all over the next second, spat out the egg in one gulp, and kept licking his tongue:

"Aw... Aw (Hot...I'm scalded to death, uncle, you should let the eggs cool before you eat them.)"

Dude, the hot eggs almost blistered his tongue.

Fortunately, he hadn't bitten it down yet. Sure enough, the temperature contained in the egg would teach him to be a tiger in an instant.

"Xiaoju, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

The uncle chef was startled when he saw this, and asked with concern.

"Xiaoju was scalded by the egg, Uncle Li."

Sister Hong'er at the side explained aloud that animals are very sensitive to temperature, especially high temperature.

Judging by Xiaoju's appearance, I'm afraid she was severely scalded.

Otherwise, as long as he could bear it, he would not be able to spit out the eggs that reached his mouth.

"The eggs are very hot? No, they are warm."

Originally thought that he was feeding too fast and choked Xiaoju, the uncle was stunned.

He saw that the egg was like a cannonball, and flew out with a "whoosh", and he thought it had choked Xiaoju.

It turned out that Xiaoju was scalded, which shouldn't be right, the eggs are warm to the touch.

"Aww~ (I'm almost scalded to death, what else can I do? I'm not as rough-skinned as you, uncle, and I'm not afraid of being scalded.)"

Cheng Hao exhaled and said, the cook has accumulated a pair of ruthless iron hands over the years, but he doesn't have them. His tongue can't bear such a high temperature.

"Uncle Li, are you sure the eggs are not hot at all?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud after hearing this.

Since Xiaoju said that Uncle Li was an evolutionary, but Uncle Li didn't realize it himself, and judging from the current situation, then if nothing unexpected happened to Uncle Li's abilities, he probably wasn't afraid of high temperatures.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I'll peel another egg for you to see. I guarantee that I didn't intentionally give Xiaoju something so hot." Uncle Li said, reaching out and grabbing another egg, ready to prove to them that he didn't do it on purpose. of.

He peeled it all by himself, if it was hot?How could he feed Xiaoju?

"Uncle Li, you have misunderstood what Sister Hong'er means. What Sister Hong'er means is that your ability to evolve is not afraid of being hot?" Sun Xiaoyi, who was watching the excitement, said. What's the matter? Why doesn't Uncle Li understand?

"Is my ability not afraid of being burned?" Uncle Li was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, Uncle Li. If you think about it, you can directly handle such a hot egg. This is obviously a problem." Sun Xiaoyi nodded, reached out to touch the steamed egg, and immediately withdrew her hand when it was so hot .

She can feel the pain as hell just by touching it, and Uncle Li can also peel the shell directly. This is obviously not just because of the rough skin and thick flesh, okay?

"Yes, Uncle Li, that's what I mean. If you have time, would you like to go with me to the department to make a record, and test your ability by the way?"

Sister Hong'er asked with a smile, although Uncle Li's ability is a bit outrageous, but among the abilities of blooming flowers, it's not very conspicuous.

"If possible, it would be great."

Uncle Li, who pondered for two seconds, nodded and said, although his awakening ability is a bit outrageous, but fortunately it is not a very useless ability, at least he doesn't have to worry about being burned when cooking.

"Well, Uncle Li, don't peel the eggs now, let Xiaoyi do it, otherwise you will scald Xiaoju later, and Xiaoju will really scold you."

Sister Hong'er said, since Uncle Li's ability is not afraid of being scalded, asking him to peel the eggs would be a dangerous job.

Things that are not hot in his hands are different in other people's hands.

"Okay." Uncle Li nodded after listening, and said to Cheng Hao apologetically: "I'm so sorry, Xiaoju, uncle didn't know that his ability would be like this, otherwise he wouldn't have peeled eggs for you. "

"Ooooh~ (Forget it, uncle, you didn't do it on purpose, and I don't bother to argue with you, but next time, please don't peel the eggs for me.)"

Cheng Hao, who was slowly coming back with his tongue out, said that the tongue is one of the softest and warmest organs, and since he has become a tiger, he has basically never eaten any hot food since then, so he was scalded all of a sudden.

Sure enough, except for the breeder lady, no one else should be too trusting, otherwise this matter will be a lesson for the past.

"Xiaoju, hurry up and help my sister smell if she is an evolutionary?" Seeing that Cheng Hao finally had nothing to do, Sun Xiaoyi came up and asked.

She also wanted to become an evolutionary like Sister Hong'er, so it would be convenient for her to communicate with Xiao Hua.

But she hasn't changed much recently. I don't know if she didn't notice it like Uncle Li?

"Aww~ (Don't smell it, you are not an evolutionary at all.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao glanced at Sun Xiaoyi and said, since they live so close, what if the other party is an evolutionary?He has already discovered it, so there is no need to smell it, okay?

"Sister Hong'er, what did Xiao Ju say?" Hearing Cheng Hao's voice, Sun Xiaoyi asked Sister Hong'er curiously.

"Xiaoju said she's not an evolutionary." Sister Hong'er said dumbfounded when she heard the words.

In fact, not only Xiaoju knew that Xiaoyi was not an evolutionary, but even she guessed that Xiaoyi was not.

After all, Xiaoyi has a straight temper and a personality that can't hide secrets. If she has any special abilities, she has already told her about them.

And after so long, she didn't find any difference in Xiaoyi.

The only explanation is that the other party is not an evolutionary or an ordinary person.

"Ah? No."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaoyi was a little disappointed and said, "When can I become an evolutionary?"

"Aww~ (Probably in a dream.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

If you haven't become an evolutionary yet, you probably won't be able to become one in the future. The other party should wash up and sleep early, and stop wishful thinking.

"Xiaoju, do you still eat eggs?" Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao on the head angrily and said after hearing this.

In other words, Xiaoyi couldn't understand what he said, otherwise she would definitely fight him.

The older Xiaoju grew up, the more poisonous his mouth became.

"Ow~ (Of course I ate it, I came here to eat eggs.)" Cheng Hao said.

If he doesn't eat eggs, what is he doing in the cafeteria?boring?

"It's good to know how to eat, my sister is going to feed Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San and the others now."

"You're here to let Xiaoyi peel the eggs, you know? My sister will be back later." Sister Hong'er said, and put the steamed buns, pumpkins and other food on the cart.

"Aww~ (I'll see you later, sister.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, watching Sister Hong'er push the cart away.

"Okay, little rascal, sit down obediently."

"Otherwise, I won't peel the eggs for you to eat."

After pulling the iron basin filled with cold water, Sun Xiaoyi patted Cheng Hao and said.

Xiaoju, the little villain, has food and moves around. You must know that she has never peeled so many eggs for Xiaohua to eat.

"Aww~ (Oh, remember to let it cool before serving it to me.)" Cheng Hao said, staring at Sun Xiaoyi who was peeling the eggs.

This time he learned how to be smart, he didn't just open his mouth and wait for the other party to feed him, otherwise it would be the same as before, he would really have no place to cry

(End of this chapter)

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