Chapter 120

"Commander, what should we do with the remaining guy? Should we kill him?"

Xu Lele asked aloud, since that guy should be an undercover agent, he must keep it secret, and this guy listened to their conversation the whole time.

If not removed?I'm afraid it will be a disaster.

"You... do you want to kill me?"

Upon hearing this, the core members of the mutant organization couldn't help but change their expressions.

The hands began to tremble non-stop, and the entire cage was shaking.

I hope that with my own ability, I can loosen the entire cage so that I can get out.

But the reality quickly gave him a slap in the face. With his little ability, he couldn't shake the cage at all.

"It's not the time to kill you yet, but if you want to continue doing things? I can also fulfill your wish." The commander looked at the "cracking" iron cage and said: "Lele put this guy Take it back, it's time for us to go back to the department for some deployment."

If there is no bait for fishing, how can the big fish take the bait?Now in order to get out of the big fish hidden above, this fish can't just be killed like this.

"Okay, Commander." Xu Lele nodded upon hearing this, and carried the iron cage out of the utility room.

"Little Pangju, I'll ask Lele to send your rewards and rewards later, so don't worry." The commander looked at Xu Lele pushing the iron cage, and said to Cheng Hao with a smile.

"Aww~ (I'm not in a hurry, but the reward you sent should be better, don't send me some junk.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

He brought two big gifts to the department, and the department can't just send him away with a few gifts in return.

"Commander, Xiaoju said he knew."

"You can go back to the department first. You haven't been back to the department for so long. Everyone misses you very much." Sister Hong'er said to the commander with a smile on her big round head.

"Okay, then I'll go first. Little Fat Orange."

The commander said with a smile, and walked away.

"Aww~ (sister, why don't you translate my words to him? What I want is a robot.)" Cheng Hao asked aloud after seeing the commander leave.

He felt that what the commander gave him was likely to be a purification potion again, but the problem was that it was useless to him.

What he wanted was a robot, a shape-shifting super robot.

"Xiaoju, you have to know that the department hasn't even made the robot public yet, so how could it be possible to give him to you? Let's be more realistic." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's head and laughed.

Xiaoju's request for robot touch is a bit too high, but if it is replaced with other requirements, maybe the commander can agree.

"Aww~ (Let the department give one or two hundred million, just as our Tiger Park is short of funds now.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

Since he can't drive Gundam, he can only use the mountain of meat to make up for his hurt soul.

"You really dare to think about it, you have to get it from the department." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

The department now has so many people and so much equipment, so there is no need to spend money?
It is definitely impossible for Xiaoju to want 1000 million or [-] million yuan. At most, he will compensate them with [-] million yuan.

As for the others, it is estimated that they will be replaced by evolution potions.

"Aww~ (It's boring and boring if you don't give money or robots.)" Cheng Hao was very disappointed when he heard this, shook his head and walked away.

"Don't be sobbing and sighing, sister will make you a pot of milk, okay?" Sister Hong'er smiled and chased after seeing this.

At night, inside the dormitory.

Xu Lele put down the password box, smiled and said to Cheng Hao: "Little Pangju, you have made a great contribution this time. The commander is very happy, so I decided to reward you with twenty tubes of Evolution Potion No. [-]."

"An evolution potion again? No fun, no fun."

Hearing this, Cheng Hao looked at the open password box, went up to sniff it, and felt the concentration of the power of evolution inside, then shook his head and walked aside.

The power of evolution with such a low concentration is useless to him at all.

It seemed that tonight he had to start his night action again, pouring these evolution potions No. [-] into Sister Hong'er.

"Sister Hong'er, Little Pang Ju doesn't seem very happy. This is Evolution Potion No. [-]." Seeing this, Xu Lele said to Sister Hong'er at the side, a little confused why Pang Ju looked like this?

Obviously, the potion this time is higher than the potion they usually take.

"This little villain wants the mecha that he climbed on us that day."

"But the reward given by the commander was not, so he was very disappointed." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile when she heard the words, and held up a piece of Evolution Potion No. [-] and looked it over carefully.

With so many potions, Xiaoju will definitely become stronger after drinking it.

"So it's like this? I said why does this little villain look unhappy." After hearing the explanation, Xu Lele smiled and walked over to Cheng Hao and comforted him: "Don't be so disappointed, little fat orange, although Said that there is no way to get you a battle mecha, but my sister got you a super small mecha."

"Aww~ (Ultra-miniature mecha?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words, super-miniature mecha?What mech is that?
Cheng Hao thought to himself, and began to fantasize about what this small mecha would look like?

Then a few days later, he finally knew what the small mech Xu Lele was talking about?

"How is it? Is the small fat orange mecha fun? You just sit on it and become a mecha little fat orange." Xu Lele looked at the humanoid mecha that was advancing in "Tute", and then looked at the machine The tiger head on the armor said with a smile.

Sure enough, just as she thought, Xiaopangju is very suitable for this job. Look at how well this head matches this mecha?
"Aww~ (I believe you ghost, you are a bad old man, is this a small mecha? This is obviously a baby mecha, right?)" Cheng Hao, who was sitting in the cockpit of the mecha, cursed, who My mecha is only 1.7 meters high, and it is remote controlled.

Where is this asking him to play mecha?It's clear that he should be played by others.

"Lele, where did you get this mecha?" Sister Hong'er, who was playing with the remote control, asked aloud. Although this mecha is a toy, it is much more advanced than the toys on the market.

Just the outer skin of this mecha is a mecha made of pure steel.

Toys on the market can't be so extravagant.

"Professor Wang made this mecha with the leftovers from making the mecha." Xu Lele listened, and explained the origin of this mecha with a smile: "Don't look at this mecha looks so small, it can actually be equipped with weapons and fired .”

"And it can withstand the attack of bullets below six millimeters."

"So powerful? Isn't it a little too extravagant to give Xiaoju a gift?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er looked at the remote control in her hand, and she didn't dare to accept it.

After all, this small mecha has caught up with heavy weapons.

"No, this mecha is just a toy made by Professor Wang. Sister Hong'er, you don't need to be so nervous."

Xu Lele explained with a smile, looked at the director who came in and said hello: "Good morning, director, you old man woke up so early again."

"Yes, because there are a lot of things to deal with today." The director smiled and nodded, looking at Cheng Hao, who was sitting on the mech, who was a little unlovable, and said with a smile: "Xiaoju has become a great warrior in the mecha. Now, let’s sit on the mech and attend the birthday party later.”

"Aww~ (Let's forget it, sitting on this stuff, I feel like I'm going to die soon.)" Cheng Hao said weakly, outrageous is simply outrageous.

Let him go out in this mech, doesn't it make his head bigger?After all, this mech has a wide waist and round shoulders, like a strong man, without a big head, it really doesn't fit well.

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone won't care anyway." The headmaster said with a smile, and explained to Sister Hong'er beside him: "When the bell rings later, Xiaohong, you can come out with Xiaoju. Now let's see how the other breeders are preparing? This is the half-year-old celebration for all the cubs in our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

Since the half-year-old birthday party was held for Xiaoju, the other little tigers must also do it before the time, otherwise these little guys will probably make trouble.

They simply held this birthday party as a birthday party for all the little tigers, anyway, they were not too far away from Xiaoju's voice.

Just taking advantage of this birthday party, they celebrated their birthdays too.

"Okay, director." Sister Hong'er nodded and replied after hearing the words, then walked to the back of the mecha, and pressed the switch: "Xiaoju, come down quickly, we are going to start preparing to wear a birthday dress, bring The crown of the birthday star."

"Aww~ (I can wear a crown, but can I not wear a dress?)" Looking at the plus-size black bowknot suit, Cheng Hao felt that one head was two big.

The size of this suit is probably enough for a 180-jin person to wear, right?Can this step be omitted?

"No, Xiaoju has to wear it for all little tigers, and you are no exception." Sister Hong'er shook her head and said, then asked Xu Lele to lift Cheng Hao's mech off and put him in a suit.

"Hahaha, Xiaoju, you look so funny now, what if you wear glasses again? What about the big boss." After putting in a lot of effort to put the suit on for Cheng Hao, Xu Lele looked at her masterpiece , said with a smile.

"Aww~ (Don't think I can't hear you scolding me because you beat around the bush. This thing doesn't suit me at all.)"

Cheng Hao looked at the very bloated self in the mirror and was speechless. Everyone said that black made him look thinner, but when he wore this thing on himself, he didn't seem to be thin at all.

"Okay, Xiaoju, don't complain."

Sister Hong'er smiled as she put down the phone that recorded the video and said, "It's getting late now, it's time for us to go to the venue. Everyone is waiting for you to appear."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao said helplessly, who made him a big star in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain now, and thousands of fans came to celebrate his birthday?Just barely show up in this bloated suit.

"Well, Lele, please hug Xiaoju up, don't let him dirty the suit."

Seeing that the suit was stretched like a balloon, Hong'er sister said to Xu Lele.

"Okay." Xu Lele replied, picked up Cheng Hao, weighed it up and said, "Little Pangju, have you gained weight recently? It doesn't look like your weight doesn't exceed 120 catties."

"Xiaoju weighs 130 catties now." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but said when she heard this.

"Is it so heavy? But I don't seem to have grown in size." Xu Lele, who was affirmed by sister Hong'er, said curiously.

Why is Xiaopangju so fat, but his legs are still so short?This should not be guessed, although it is true that Siberian tigers have short legs, they are not so short.

"Xiaoju has grown a lot taller, it's just that he gained weight faster, that's why he doesn't seem to have grown." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile, how could Xiaoju not grow?It's just that when the height is growing, the weight is also growing, so it seems a little inconspicuous.

"So that's how it is. I thought Little Pang Ju wouldn't grow up." Xu Lele suddenly realized.

"Aww~ (My sister doesn't slap someone in the face, and she doesn't expose her shortcomings when she swears.)" Cheng Hao protested aloud when he heard the words, and he didn't take the breeder to expose his shortcomings like this.

What do you mean by getting fat faster?He's just a little hairy, okay?
"Okay, okay, sister, stop talking."

Sister Hong'er smiled and coaxed, and came to the venue.

As soon as they appeared, the cameraman carrying the camera immediately turned the lens on them, and Cheng Hao appeared on the big dim screen next to him in an instant. The waiting tourists saw it and immediately picked it up While blowing the plastic trumpet, he shouted happily:

"Woooo! It's Little Fat Orange."

"He's so cute, woo woo woo~ Happy birthday, little fat orange."

"Little Fat Orange, look here, look here."

"Everyone, calm down a little bit, don't squeeze, don't massage, be careful of injury, be careful of injury."

The team members who stopped on the platform shouted, how is Xiaopangju's popularity so ridiculously high? Didn't it mean that there were only a few thousand people coming, but now the scene is probably tens of thousands, right?
Fortunately, today is the first day of the New Year, and the commander allowed them to come with Mr. Consultant, otherwise, the security guards at the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain would not be busy enough.

"Benhu's popularity is still as high as ever."

Looking at the densely packed crowd that he couldn't see at a glance, Cheng Hao straightened up involuntarily.

What is a big star?He is a big star.

I thought there were only a thousand fans here, but I didn't expect there to be so many.

"Welcome all the tourists to come to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park on the first day of the new year to celebrate the little tigers' birthdays. Now the big star of our tiger park, Xiaoju, is on the stage. , created many records such as the cutest tiger, the most popular tiger and the tiger well known by the general public."

"Now let's send the most heartfelt birthday wishes to the lovely little chubby orange with warm applause." The host in charge of the birthday party said, holding the microphone.

The tourists present clapped their hands happily, shaking their cards with Cheng Hao's image on them and shouting:

"Little Fat Orange is so cute, YYDS."

"Little Fat Orange must be happy, Auntie will always love you."

"Little fat orange, little fat orange."

"Little fat orange, little fat orange."

The sound on the scene was uniform, and the atmosphere was completely mobilized.

The host was very satisfied when he saw this, it was the first time he hosted a birthday celebration for Tiger, but I have to say that mobilizing the atmosphere was much easier than hosting a birthday party for others.

"Very good! Very loud applause. It seems that everyone likes Xiaopangju very much, so let's ask Xiaopangju to say a few words this time." Seeing that the time was almost up, the host handed the microphone to the hugged Cheng Hao's mouth.

The neat voices at the scene slowly stopped, and their eyes were fixed on the big screen

"Aww~ (Happy New Year everyone, I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best!)" Looking at the microphone Cheng Hao handed over to him, he said after thinking for two seconds.

"Oh my God! Little Fat Ju is so cute even when he speaks, and he has a bit of a clip tone."

"Yes, yes, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that there is such a cute little tiger in the world."

The tourists who heard Cheng Hao's cry cheered again.

"Everyone, don't be so excited. Don't you all want to know what Little Pang Ju said? Now let's ask Little Pang Ju's nanny, Miss Hong'er, to translate for you."

"I'm afraid everyone doesn't know that Miss Hong'er is an evolutionary, and her ability is to understand the words of animals."

Seeing this, the host continued to speak.

"What? Is Miss Breeder actually an evolutionary? No wonder what she said to Xiaopangju during the live broadcast is sometimes weird."

"That's right, that's right, Miss Breeder, quickly translate, what did Little Pang Ju say?"

Upon hearing this, the tourists present became excited again.

I want to know what the little fat orange said?

"Miss Hong'er, is it convenient for me to show off my abilities?" The host asked with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem." Sister Hong'er, who had been notified by the principal long ago, nodded with a smile and said, "What Xiaoju said just now was to wish everyone a happy new year and good health."

"Really? Pangju is so nice! Happy New Year, Pangju!"

"Woo~ Happy New Year, Little Pangju."

The tourists yelled happily, holding the trumpet inside and making a "woo-woo" sound.

"Why are there so many people here? Let's make room, okay?"

A reporter from Hongtashan City TV Station held the microphone and said to the fatter tourists that today is the first day of the New Year in the Year of the Tiger, so of course they are here to find some news materials.

And what news material is the best?Of course it was broadcasting tigers, and now the only place where tigers still exist is Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

It's no surprise that she came here early in the morning, but when she arrived at the scene, she realized that her early morning didn't seem to be early.

The entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park was full of chatter, people pushing and crowding, and there was not even a place for her to step down.

Although this year is the first day of the Year of the Tiger, everyone wants to come to the Tiger Park to enjoy some blessings, but so many people are a bit too much.

"We all came to see Xiaopangju. If we couldn't squeeze in by ourselves, who would let you in? Where can we stay cool?"

"That's right, you count that garlic? Be honest and stay at the back and don't jump in line."

The tourists who heard this said angrily, they didn't plan to give way to the other party at all, they couldn't see the little fat orange and could only watch it on the big screen, and they made way for others, didn't they feel full?
"A bunch of guys who don't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic." The reporter who had a bad nose muttered, and had no choice but to walk out resentfully.

"I can't squeeze in, there are too many people here, it's very difficult for us to shoot news." The cameraman said when he saw the other party coming out, and they wanted to go in with this crowd, it was like going to the blue sky.

"It's definitely possible to shoot. Let's change the news to shoot. You don't have to run in." The reporter who heard this said, looked at the surging crowd and said, stretching out his hand to signal the cameraman to turn on the camera.

After the cameraman saw it, he immediately turned on the camera and started shooting.

"Today we came to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain. Guess what we are doing here?" The reporter said while stretching out his hand to show the surging crowd behind him: "Next, let's interview the tourists at the scene, Let's see what they are doing at the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain on the first day of the Year of the Tiger, shall we?"

Then, he walked up to a person of the same age and said, "Hi handsome guy, I'm a reporter from Hongtashan TV Station. May I ask what activities are held in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden when you come to Hongtashan so early in the morning?"

"What are you talking about?" The boy who was holding up his mobile phone to take pictures of the big screen saw the camera pointed at him, and then put on a breezy smile and said, "Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park is currently preparing for the baby born half a year ago. Xiaohu is preparing for a half-year-old celebration, and I am a loyal fan of Xiaopangju, so I came to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

"It turns out that the reason why the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park is so lively this time is because the cubs are half a year old." The reporter who figured out why the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park was so lively nodded, and then continued: "I don't know how handsome you are!" What are your expectations for the future, and what are your plans for the new year?"

"I don't have any plans, I just hope it will be better than last year." The boy thought for a while and said with a smile. When he saw the little fat orange performing backflips for everyone on the big screen, he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Little fat orange is really amazing!" So cute, woohoo~"

"It seems that everyone is still as enthusiastic about the Internet celebrity Xiaopangju." The reporter who saw this scene said with a smile: "Let's interview other tourists and see what expectations they have for the New Year. ?”

As he spoke, he and the cameraman walked to the side to interview other tourists.

"Little Fat Orange is really amazing. Although he looks chubby, he didn't expect to do backflips so neatly." The host saw Cheng Hao, who had repeated several backflips without panting, smiled at the stage The tourists below said: "Next, let Xiaopangju have a rest. Besides Xiaopangju, there are other little tigers in the Tiger Garden. Give them a round of applause."

"555~, little tiger, little tiger."

The audience who heard this applauded again.

Although Chubby Orange is very cute, the other little tigers are also very distinctive.

Especially this year is the Year of the Tiger, the more cubs the better.

"Aww~ (Sister, when are you going to eat cake?)" Cheng Hao asked aloud, having given up the home court. The birthday celebration doesn't need to be so troublesome.

In fact, he came for the birthday party just for the birthday cake.

After eating the birthday cake, the birthday celebration didn't hold much appeal for him.

"Hurry up, wait, wait, wait."

Sister Hong'er, who watched the other little tigers show off their talents, said with a smile, half a year has passed before she knew it.

The other cubs have grown so big that they can perform their talents now.

"Aww~ (Okay, then when eating cake. Sister, call me again.)" Cheng Hao said with a yawn.

Being called up so early this morning made him a little sleepy.

Now that the other cubs are coming up to show their talents, it's just right for him to take a nap.

"Okay, Xiaoju, go to bed first, my sister will help you look at the cake, and you won't lose your share." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, her eyes fixed on Xiaohua who performed tree climbing on stage.

The tourists in the audience were also watching. They looked at Xiao Hua on the stage and said excitedly:

"It's Xiaohua, it's Xiaohua, Xiaopangju's wife is on stage."

"I saw it, the little flower is really beautiful."

"That's right, I really hope that Little Fat Orange will grow up soon and give birth to a bunch of cuties."

Such a cute and good gene of Xiaopangju must be preserved forever. It is best to find more wives.

"Miss Assistant, Miss Assistant."

The fans in the audience looked at Xu Lele, who was holding a mobile phone to live broadcast the birthday celebration, and shouted.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Hearing someone calling him, Xu Lele immediately came over and asked.

"Then... when will the activity of interacting with Xiaopangju start? Assistant sister, you are talking about the birthday party. Can we give Xiaopangju a hug?" Seeing Xu Lele walking over holding the phone, The fans asked timidly.

From time to time, I looked at the tiger skin icing balls lying on the red carpet.

They are all Pangju's support group. When discussing preparations for Pangju's birthday party in the group, the assistant sister said that they would hug Pangju.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of tourists now, if I show them? Then you will have to queue up very late, and when there are fewer people later, I will let you hug Xiaopangju as much as you want "Xu Lele explained with a smile: "You stand here for a while, when you can hold Xiaopangju? I will send a message in the group."

Naturally, she will not go back on what she promised. The fans who come from all over the world have all tipped them during the live broadcast.

It can't be said to let them go for nothing, naturally they have to give some sweets.

And holding Xiaopangju at close range is prepared for the fans.

"Yeah." After hearing this, the fans nodded in reassurance, hugged the gift in their arms and waited.

This is the little cape she prepared for Xiaopangju's birthday, and she will put it on Xiaopangju during the event later.

"Don't sleep, Xiaoju, I'm about to eat cake."

After watching the beef cake being pushed up, Miss Hong'er patted Cheng Hao who was sleeping next to him in the dark and said.


Hearing this, Cheng Hao's drooping ears rose up with a "whoosh", and then the whole tiger opened his eyes.

And this scene was captured by the cameraman very accurately. After all, it was outrageous to be able to fall asleep in such a noisy environment.

"Hahaha, Xiaopangju is still the same, as soon as he hears food, he immediately turns on the phone."

"Yeah, he's so fat and cute."

Seeing the picture on the big screen, the tourists couldn't help laughing.

"Wipe your saliva obediently, you wouldn't have finished eating the cake in your dream, right?"

Sister Hong'er smiled and wiped the drool from Cheng Hao's mouth with a rag and said.

"Aww~ (No, no.)" Cheng Hao, who was a little confused after waking up, looked around and shook his head and said, his eyes were fixed on the big beef cake pushed over.

Such a delicious big cake, with shattered eggs mixed in, it looks like it was specially prepared for him.

"It's fine if you don't have one. Then just stay here obediently. My sister will help you get the cake now. The celebration will be over after eating the cake." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (hmm)" Cheng Hao nodded, then sat on the ground and waited for Sister Hong'er to come over with the cake.

"Have Xiaopangju woke up? Hurry up and say hello to the water friends in the live broadcast room, everyone is betting how long you will sleep before you wake up?" Xu Lele smiled and approached.

Hearing this, Cheng Hao raised his paw and said hello:

"Aww~ (Hi everyone! I am your handsome Lord Tiger. I didn't sleep, I just took a nap. As for the saliva on my mouth, you can ignore it.)"

"Haha, did you see it? Little Fat Orange is greeting everyone and sending New Year's blessings." After seeing it, Xu Lele smiled and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Really? We don't study much, so please don't lie to us, Miss Assistant."

"Yeah, Xiaopangju's voice is completely different from the one just now. It doesn't sound like sending us New Year's greetings."

"That's right, the voice of Xiaopangju greeting everyone just now is not like this."

The water friends in the live broadcast room expressed different opinions one after another after hearing this.

Although they couldn't understand the tiger's words, they still heard what Xiaopangju said to everyone just now, which was completely different from what he said now.

"Little Fat Ju just woke up, so it's normal that the voice is a little different now, can I, an animal inspector, still lie to you?" Seeing the water friends in the live broadcast room, Xu Lele actually questioned her words, and immediately came out soundtrack.

She is the number one fan of chubby tangerines, can she still lie to them?

"That's true, everyone, don't be suspicious. Xiaopangju is paying New Year's greetings to us."

"That's right, everything the assistant says is right."

After hearing this, the water friends nodded one after another after thinking for a few seconds.

"Xiaoju, your big cake is here, do you want to make a wish first?" Sister Hong'er who came over with an iron basin asked with a smile.

"Aww~! (Forget it, this trick of deceiving children is useless to me, I still want to eat cakes more.)" Cheng Hao continued, opening his mouth and burying it in the iron basin to eat up.

After the sharp-eyed cameraman saw it, he immediately turned the camera and took a snapshot.

The host even put the microphone next to the iron basin, and a vivid picture appeared on the big screen for a while.

The tourists who saw this scene laughed even happier:

"It's terrible, our little fat orange is about to swallow the pot."

"That's right. Other little tigers chew their meat slowly, but Little Pang Ju sucks meat."

"Too many bamboo shoots, all the bamboo shoots of the giant panda have been taken away."

There are so many little tigers on stage cooking, but they just caught the picture of the chubby orange cooking. I have to say that the cameraman lacks virtue, and the host holding the microphone is even worse.

After Cheng Hao finished the beef cake in a few mouthfuls, the host quickly put the microphone back and said to the tourists below:

"Thank you for participating in the little tiger's birthday party. The birthday party has ended successfully here. Now, please leave in an orderly manner."

"Huh? The birthday party is over? Isn't it not long?"

"Yeah, let the little tiger wait a little longer."

"Yes, yes, don't be so fast."

The happy tourists were stunned when they heard this, and then they spoke.

Why is the birthday party so short?Extend it a little longer.

They didn't even enjoy watching the little tiger, so it's over?
"I'm sorry to let everyone have a good time! But the birthday celebration is really over here. If you still want to see tigers? You can come to the tiger park to watch them. Besides tigers, there are wolves in our tiger park. Brown bears, and all kinds of animals."

"Besides, this year is the first day of the Year of the Tiger. The tickets for the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain are all half priced. If you come as a family, you can buy as a group with only [-]% off."

The tourists who saw the scene did not see enough, the director held a microphone and said to everyone with a smile.

You don't need a ticket to participate in the cubs' birthday party, but if you want to enter the breeding area?Then you have to buy tickets, otherwise they won't be able to pass through those gates.

And he believes that the tourists who come to the Tiger Park in such an early morning must come for the tigers, and they will all be willing to pay a few dollars to come in and see.

"[-]% off? It's so cheap."

"Yeah, is there anyone who forms a family with me, let's go buy tickets together?" The tourists at the scene, who were still unsatisfied, immediately became excited when they heard this, and began to find family members on the spot:
"Yes, yes. Miss sister, do you have a boyfriend? If not, how about we form a family and buy tickets first?"

"That's right, it's not easy to make money these days, let's save some if we can."

"Everyone, don't worry. When you show your ID cards in the live broadcast room, you will be able to enter the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park for free. You don't need to buy tickets."

The principal was speaking here, and Xu Lele was also typing in the group, asking fans not to buy tickets yet.

Fans like them who boarded the boat in the small fan car in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden in the live broadcast room can enter Wuyuan for free as long as they rely on their ID cards, without paying a penny.

"I'm very sorry, I don't need to buy a ticket to enter the Tiger Park." After seeing the news in the group, the fan who was accosted smiled and said to the boy in front of him: "I am the VIP of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, just light up You can get in with your identity."

"Ah?" The boy who came to strike up a conversation couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds when he heard this, and then hurriedly caught up and said, "Then... do you want me to help you get a gift? I think you seem tired from carrying things. "

"No need, my gift is for Xiaopangju." The girl said with a smile, and continued to walk towards the gate of the breeding area.

"Then...then can we get to know each other?" The boy who heard here caught up and asked again.

"It depends on what Xiaopangju wants. If Xiaopangju agrees? I will be willing to think about it." The girl smiled, and went in with a gift.

"I...I will definitely let Xiaopangju agree." The boy's heart was beating "thumping" when he heard this, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and called his friend: "Don't sleep, get out of here quickly Come to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, remember to bring me ten catties of beef, you must get the best kind, you know? Your brother and I will be entrusted with all the important things in my life."

"Ah? Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park? What are you doing there? And why do you want so much beef? Are you going to fall in love with a tiger?" The boy on the other end of the phone, who was wrapped up like a twist roll, heard this. asked some puzzled.

It is true to lie under the blanket in the new year. Why go to the tiger park to watch the tigers do nothing?The other party really believes that seeing tigers in the new year will bring good luck?
"Nonsense, of course I came to see the girl, and don't forget to tell you the beef, I feel like I'm in love, but I still need a key." Seeing the girl turning back with the gift, the boy emphasized .

"Uh, so this ten catties of beef is your key?" the boy lying under the blanket asked weakly when he heard this.

"Yes, I have a chance only if I use this ten catties of beef to pry open Xiaopangju's mouth and make him promise my sister to give me my contact information."

"Another piece of news for you, there are a lot of girls in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain this time. I don't know if it's because of Xiaopangju's birthday. I've already seen thousands of beauties." The boy continued to add road.

"What? Thousands of beauties? Good brother, wait for me, I'll bring beef to find you now." Hearing this, the sleepy-eyed boy immediately jumped up from the bed, and then began to wash.

Thousands of beauties?He is obedient.Why is Little Fat Orange so attractive?
"After everyone enters the breeding area, take a stroll around first, and then I will shout in the group."

"Fans who have called the number can come to the utility room of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and take a group photo with Xiaopangju. Remember to keep it secret, don't come here in a swarm, you know?"

"Otherwise, if too many tourists are rejected at that time, everyone will have to wait until next week to hold Xiaopangju."

"Got it, got it. We'll do it"

After the fans in the group saw it, they repeatedly expressed their understanding.

Now that there are so many people in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, what if there is no help from the assistant sister?It is very rare for them to hug Xiaopangju.

"Very good, now Xiaoju Fan No. [-] can come over, everyone has watched the live broadcast for so long, you should know where the utility room in Tiger Garden is?"


Wearing a pink dress and a fluffy tiger hat, the No. [-] fan of Xiaojufan rushed to the utility room with a present in his arms.

"Aww~ (We didn't go to the spacious place, why did we come here?)" Cheng Hao, who was carried into the utility room, asked doubtfully, although the utility room was tidied up quite clean.

But compared to the cabin where he often stays, the side is still much worse.

"Because we are going to receive a lot of fans who came here to celebrate you, and each of them brought their own well-prepared gifts." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile when she heard this.

"Aww~ (Oh? So this place was regarded as a fan meeting?)"

Cheng Hao immediately became interested when he heard this.

I have been hearing from the breeder that there are many fans who came to see him this time, but he doesn't know exactly how many.

Now that we hold a fan meeting, it seems that we can know how many fans have come.

"Yes, Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er nodded with a smile and said, seeing Xiaoju Fan No. [-] appearing in her field of vision, she immediately went up to meet her:
"Excuse me, is it Xiaojufen No. [-]?"

"Yes, it's me. The breeder sister."

The girl who came with the gift nodded when she heard this, and when she turned on her phone, her little orange pink card and her title in the group were displayed.

"Very good! Come in quickly." After confirming that the other party's identity was correct, Hong'er immediately let the other party enter the utility room.

"Xiaoju Fan's offline fan meeting is officially starting now, and now Xiaoju Fan No. [-] is appearing. She is one of the first water friends who entered our live broadcast room."

"This time I heard about Xiaoju's half-year-old birthday, and immediately flew over from the [-]-kilometer coast."

Holding the mobile phone, Xu Lele was broadcasting the live broadcast to the water friends in the live broadcast room, and at the same time introduced them to Xiaoju Fan No. [-].

"Happy birthday, little fat orange, my sister likes you the most."

After Xiaojufen No. [-] came in, she saw Cheng Hao sitting on the platform at first sight, walked up with a smile, stretched out her hands to hug Cheng Hao's big head, and kept rubbing:
"It's really soft, and it's still solid. The tiger fur is so soft, it's not as hard as it says on the Internet."

"Um, are you all so familiar?" Cheng Hao, who was rubbed with his big head in his arms, expressed a little bewildered. Isn't the other party afraid of biting him?Why did you come up and hug him so familiarly?

"Xiaoju, this is the young lady who often orders fresh beef for you in the live broadcast room." Seeing this, Hong'er sister explained with a smile: "In addition, the eggs you eat every morning are also called by the young lady. Specially sent to someone."

"Aww~ (So it's the feeder's sister? Sister, you should have said it earlier.)" Hearing that it was the feeder who often ordered take-out for him, Cheng Hao immediately rubbed his head affectionately against her.

This young lady is a walking treasury, so don't neglect her.

Otherwise, if the other party has a bad impression of him, they may not order takeaway for him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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