Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 121 About Me and My Wronged Fans

Chapter 121 About Me and My Wronged Fans
"Little Fat Orange is so cute, he even rubs his head against my sister."

Xiaoju Fan No. [-] found the chubby tangerine she was holding, and started to rub her up. After that, she immediately let go of her holding hand happily, and began to disassemble it in front of the live broadcast room, Sister Hong'er and others. Opened the gift brought:
"My sister likes the little fat orange the most. This time, my sister didn't come here empty-handed. She even prepared the best gift for the little fat orange."

"Oh? The best gift?" Hearing this, Cheng Hao jumped down from the steps curiously, and went to the side of Xiaojufen No. [-] who had unpacked it, ready to see what gift the other party had prepared for him.

"Guess what gift our big beauty prepared for Little Pang Ju?"

"I see the size of this box. It shouldn't be that big. I guess it might be for food, right? After all, chubby tangerines are the most gluttonous."

Seeing this scene, the water friends in the live broadcast room also started discussing:
"That's right, maybe what is prepared for Little Pangju is luxurious premium tuna slices."

"It's possible. I heard that this beautiful woman lives along the coast. It's very possible to prepare delicious tuna slices for Little Pangju."

"No, no, with such a high status as a beautiful woman, how could it be possible to bring tuna here? This is not in line with her status at all, and it is absolutely impossible to be tuna."

After hearing about this little orange fan No. [-] in the group, the friends who knew something about it shook their heads and said.

The other party ordered such expensive beef for Xiaopangju every time, how could he bring tuna as a gift?This is a little too cheap.

"Then what do you think is in it?" Hearing this, other water friends in the live broadcast room asked that the other party understands so well, so why should the other party tell them what it is?Don't have nothing to do with them.

"I don't know either. This beautiful woman has said that the gifts she gives must be kept secret. But what our beautiful woman presents must not be simple."

The water friend who originally spoke said.

"Cut! I thought you knew something, but you don't know anything, so you're just talking nonsense here."

"That's right, is it interesting to whet our appetite for nothing?"

The other water friends couldn't help cursing after hearing this.

"Okay, everyone, don't argue, the answer will be revealed soon."

After seeing the outer package of the gift being unpacked, Xu Lele said to the noisy live broadcast room.

Hearing the words, the live broadcast room slowly fell silent, staring intently at Xiaojufen No. [-] who took out the gift box from the packaging bag, and while they were watching, took out a side engraved with the word "King" from the gift box A large gold chain for gold cakes.

"My God, with such a big gold cake and such a thick big gold chain, this beautiful woman really has mines at home."

"Yeah, I knew it was impossible for this beautiful woman to bring tuna, but I didn't expect to bring such an expensive gift."

The water friends who saw this scene couldn't help opening their mouths.

What a big gold chain, what a big golden cake, I don't know if they are friends with each other now, is it too late?
"Does Xiaopangju like it? This is the king's necklace that my sister specially made for you."

Seeing Cheng Hao's head approaching, Xiaoju Fen No. [-] immediately put a big gold chain on Cheng Hao, and turned over the big golden cake engraved with the word "King" and placed it on the front.

Then I began to look at it, and when I saw the necklace I chose, which was very suitable for the chubby orange hair, I couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction:

"Well, this necklace is very suitable for you. You look cute and mighty when you wear it, little fat orange."

"Aww~ (Although it feels a bit tacky, but I like it very much.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao felt the weight hanging around his neck, and said happily.

It was the first time in his life that he wore such a heavy gold necklace. What if the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park closed down in the future?This big gold chain should be enough for him to eat for several months.

"555~, I'm so envious of Xiaopangju, the unbelievable tears fell all at once QAQ..."

"Yeah, my life is not as good as that of Xiaopangju. I really failed."

"That's right, people are not as good as tigers."

When the water friends saw it, they couldn't help saying enviously.

Why?Why aren't they the ones with the big gold chains?They also want to feel the weight of money.

"Sister breeder, please help me take a photo with Xiaopangju, I won't take up everyone's time, after all, there are still many sisters waiting."

Just when the book friends were envious, Xiaoju Fan No. [-] handed the phone to Sister Hong'er and said.

"My God! Where can I find a beautiful woman who is rich, well-educated and more considered by others?"

"Yeah, yeah. Miss sister yyds."

The water friends who heard this are boiling again. What does it mean to be a lady who knows the book and is reasonable?This is what we call a lady who knows the book and is reasonable.

Just because the gift I gave is the most expensive, I won't always occupy Xiaopangju.

Instead, he will consider other people and give up his position after giving the gift.

"No problem." Sister Hong'er, who took the other party's phone, replied with a smile. It has to be said that the other party's gentle and elegant temperament is indeed difficult for ordinary families to cultivate.

And what the other party did can be regarded as a good start for this fan meeting.

She believes that the fans who are walking around in the Tiger Park must also be paying attention to the progress of the fan meeting, and when they see this scene, they will use each other as an example.

"Little Fat Orange, let's take a photo together."

"After the group photo is over, my sister has to go back, I can't stay here any longer, my sister still has a lot of things to deal with." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] squatted on the ground, putting her arms around Cheng Hao's big round head and smiling Said.

"Aww~ (I see.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and replied, then showed his teeth and put on a humane smile. This scene immediately amused the water friends in the live broadcast room:
"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. Little Fat Orange looks so funny."

"Yeah, look at him, he's so stupid, like the stupid son of a landlord's family."

"That's right, that's the first time I've seen a tiger like this."

"Xiaoju, don't laugh like this. It's good to be a little more normal. If you look like this, sister can't take pictures of you." Sister Hong'er, who was about to shout "one, two, three eggplants", couldn't help laughing and cursing when she saw it. .

"It's okay, sister breeder."

"Little Pang Ju looks even cuter this way, I'll hug the little fat man in a different position." Seeing this, Xiao Ju Fan No. [-] said aloud, Xiao Pang Ju looks so fun.

Then she wouldn't be able to lean on Xiaopangju's side and hold Xiaopangju in her arms, and get his head on top of Xiaopangju's.

"Since you like beauties, then Xiaoju, you can continue to maintain this posture. Everyone, get ready, I'm going to start shooting now." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this: "One, two, three. "


The little orange fan who was holding Cheng Hao shouted, and this scene was frozen in the picture.

"Okay, beauty."

"The photo has been taken. Would you like to take another one? Or take a new photo?"

Looking at the girl who was holding Xiaoju in the phone and smiling very happily, Miss Hong'er asked Xiaoju Fan No. [-].

"No need, I believe the breeder's sister." The little orange fan No. [-] who heard this said with a smile, rubbing her face against Cheng Hao's round face and said: "Sister Xiaopangju is leaving, wait until you are free later." I'll see you again, remember to eat more, don't starve yourself thin."

"Aww~ (I got it, miss, goodbye.)"

Cheng Hao nodded his head when he heard the words and replied, Xiaojufen No.[-] stood up from Cheng Hao's side, walked to Sister Hong'er and took the phone.

"Would the beauty not stay longer? Why did she leave so soon?" Sister Hong'er, who handed the phone to the other party, asked aloud. It hasn't been a few hours since the other party arrived, right?Why are you leaving in such a hurry?

"There are still things in the company, I can't delay for too long." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] who heard this said with a smile, took out a check from her pocket and handed it to Sister Hong'er: "This is what I gave to Xiaoju Fan." The money that Ju usually buys snacks, sister breeder, please help Xiaoju keep it."

"Uh, you don't need so much money, do you?" Sister Hong'er, who took the check, looked at the seven-digit number on the check and said in a daze.

Is it worth so much money to buy snacks for Xiaoju?Xiaoju is living a very good life now, I don't know how to spend all of it for so much money.

"It's okay, sister breeder, you usually just buy more pots for Xiaopangju to drink." Xiaojufan No. [-] said with a smile, waved at Cheng Hao and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao quickly chased after him with small steps.

This is a super rich lady, she must give it away in person.

"Little Fat Orange, are you here to see me off in person?" Except for Little Orange Fan No. [-] in the utility room, who heard the movement behind him, he couldn't help but stop and asked.

"Aww~ (Yes, miss, goodbye, remember to come and play often when you have time.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and waved his thick paw.

"Well, fat orange, you are so kind."

Seeing this, Xiaoju Fan No. [-] said with a smile, knelt down and rubbed Cheng Hao's big round head affectionately, then got up and said, "Okay, sister is leaving."

"Don't give it away anymore, or my sister will be reluctant to leave."

How can little fat orange be so cute?Isn't this tempting her to stay?

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao replied, Xiaojufan No. [-] left, but the way the other party looked back three times at a step still proved his reluctance.

"Okay, now Xiaojufan No. [-] can come over." Xu Lele, who was holding a mobile phone, sent a message in the group, notifying No. [-] Xiaojufan to come over.

"Miss, shall we go now?" The strong men in black suits bent over respectfully and asked after seeing Xiaojufen No. [-] approaching.

"Well, let's go."

"It's really rewarding to come here this time." Xiaoju Fan No. [-] nodded upon hearing this, and stretched out her hand, still reminiscing about the feeling of holding Xiaopangju just now.


The bodyguards who heard this replied, they opened a path around Xiaojufen No. [-], and walked towards the opposite gate of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"Let's go, which noble lady is this? She's so grand, she brought so many bodyguards here."

"Yeah, it's just outrageous."

The tourists who were strolling around the Tiger Garden couldn't help being surprised when they saw it.

The arms of the bodyguards on the other side are thicker than their thighs, and their thighs are bigger than their buttocks.

Come to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park to watch tigers. As for making such a big show?
"Is this sister Xiaojufan No. [-]?" The girl who was wandering in the flames saw it, and Xiaojufan No. [-], who was surrounded by security guards in the center, was stunned.

"What's wrong with the beauty? Do you know her?" The boy who was following him asked curiously.

I couldn't help but feel that it was such a big show, and I don't know which rich daughter it is?
"Yes, she is the number one little orange fan in our group."

The girl nodded when she heard the words, and she said that the person who brought out the big gold cake and big gold chain, how could it be simple?Sure enough, there are bodyguards around.

"Really?" Hearing this, the boy looked at the bodyguards in the distance and said, "I didn't expect that there are so many girls in the fans of Xiaopangju."

"Then you are thinking wrong, there are not only girls but also many boys who are fans of Chubby Orange." The girl pointed to the boys who were not far away with gifts in their arms and said: "They should also be our little ones. Among the orange fans, I just don’t know what number they are?”

"Huh? Do you want me to ask?" the boy asked after hearing the words.

"No, let's continue shopping."

"Sister Xiaojufan No. [-] left just now, I'm afraid it will take a long time before it's our turn."

The girl said, what is the use of asking?Can I touch the chubby orange in advance if I ask?That's impossible.

"Okay." The boy who heard this said happily, looked around and found that his friend hadn't come, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, the other party must not come so early.

He felt that the hope of getting out of the single was right in front of him, and the premise was that there would be no more big light bulbs popping out.

"Little Fat Orange, 555~."

"Happy birthday to cute little chubby orange, I brought you a set of auspicious thoughts, you will definitely look cute and domineering after wearing it."

In the utility room, Xiaoju No. [-] hugged Xiaopangju first, and then began to unwrap her presents.

As the gifts were unwrapped, a set of red and yellow lion dance suits appeared in everyone's eyes.

Immediately, the eyes of the water friends in the live broadcast room lit up:

"Is this a small lion dance suit? Hahaha~ I don't know what Xiaopangju would look like in it?"

"Don't even think about it, it must be very cute. Now our little chubby orange is super cute after wearing this suit."

After the fans sitting in the utility room saw it, they quickly got up from their seats:
"Do you need us to help dress Xiaopangju?"

"Yeah, let's help together."

If it must be troublesome for the other party to dress Xiaopangju alone, let them help together.

They couldn't wait to see what Chubby Ju would look like in a lion dance suit?

"Yeah, everyone, let's help together. This is a headgear, that is a shawl, and shoes and paw pads." Xiaojufen No. [-] said with a smile, and everyone arranged for Cheng Hao together.

"Aww~ (You really don't intend to ask my opinion, do you want to ask if I agree?)" Cheng Hao, wearing a lion dance headgear, was a little speechless. Has he played yet?

Is there something wrong with this?Can he apply to cancel the meeting?

"Wow! Our little chubby orange has turned into a little lion."

"Yeah, this lion dance suit is really suitable."

When the fans who had finished dressing Cheng Hao saw it, they took it out to take pictures while smiling.

Sure enough, the cute and lovely creatures will become even more cute and cute after wearing cute and cute suits.

"Come here, Xiaoju! Move a few times and don't sit still. You are a little lion now, let's move it for everyone." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after seeing it.

Lion dance, lion dance, if you don't move?How to dance?

"Yes, yes, little fat orange, move quickly, shall we help you make a soundtrack?"

"Yeah yeah, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom boom~"

The fans said with a smile, clapped their hands and started the soundtrack.

Immediately, cheerful laughter came from the whole utility room, and Cheng Hao cooperated with their performance helplessly upon seeing this.

Just move it, for the sake of the fact that they usually give him a little treat, let's make them happy on the first day of the new year.

"Wow, little fat orange is so cute and awesome."

"Yeah, I've never seen a lion dance more suitable than Chubby Ju."

"That's right, that's right, little fat orange is up."

The water friends who saw this scene shouted happily, Xiaopangju is so cute in this lion dance suit, it is simply a living lion dance.

"Aww~ (It's almost enough, stop clapping your hands, this excessive exercise will consume my accumulated energy.)" After bouncing on the spot for a few times, Cheng Hao sat down.

This was a fan meeting and not a talent show, so he jumped up and down a few times in cooperation with them, so let them accept it as soon as they see it.

"Little Fat Orange, don't stop and keep moving, aren't you a good dancer? Keep dancing."

"Yes, yes, you look beautiful in this dress, let's do a few more jumps."

After seeing Xiaopangju sitting down, the fans urged and said.

"Everyone, don't urge Xiaoju, Xiaoju is tired from jumping and needs to slow down." Sister Hong'er said when she saw this, Xiaoju didn't want to move, it would be counterproductive if everyone urged him like this.

"Huh? Is Little Fatty Tired after jumping around for a while? It's such a pity."

"Yeah, I thought Little Fat Ju could dance for a while longer."

The fans who heard this said with some pity, but they didn't press any more.

"Aww~ (Hurry up and take a photo, I have to take off this damn clothes after the photo, it's so uncomfortable to wear this thing.)"

Cheng Hao, who was listening to everyone's discussion, muttered, stretched out his paws and urged the fan in front of him to take a photo quickly, and left in a hurry after taking the photo.

He has a fur coat himself, so he doesn't need the clothes given by the other party.

"Little Pangju, do you like my performance?" The fan who was photographed said flatteredly. At that time, she didn't expect that Xiaopangju would take the initiative to say hello to her.

"Yes, beauty, hurry up and take a photo with Xiaoju." Sister Honger couldn't help but have a black line on her forehead when she heard this, but she still smiled and said, "After the photo is taken, we will take this The clothes were taken off, and Xiaoju said that he liked the clothes very much and didn't want to get them dirty, and asked me to save them for him later."

"Really? Xiaopangju, you like my gift so much, so next time I'll give you a big one, okay?" The fans who heard this said ecstatically. Unexpectedly, Xiaopangju actually I like it so much, I have to keep it well, and I am reluctant to wear it now.

In fact, Xiaopangju doesn't need to do this, she will give Xiaopangju another set in the future.

"Aww~ (Sister, can you please don't just translate what I said? I never said that I like this gift very much.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He knew that sister Hong'er was taking care of the other party's face, but don't say that.

The other party has gained face now, so he will have to suffer. Wearing such constricting clothes is very inconvenient, okay?
"Haha, beauty, hurry up and take a photo with Xiaoju."

"Xiaoju is urging me to quickly take off the clothes for him and pack them up. Put them next to his nest and keep them safe for him." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing this.

"Yeah." The fans nodded upon hearing this, and happily took a photo with Cheng Hao in a lion dance suit.

After doing all this, she happily sat on a chair beside her and watched Xiaopangju take a group photo with other fans?
"Phew! It's finally the end of this playing game, I hope the next fan will not be so childish." After taking off the lion dance suit, Cheng Hao couldn't help but wait for the next fan with a sigh of relief.

"Wow! Little Pangju, you are so cute, husband, come here quickly, take a look at Little Pangju, he is so cute."

Xiaojufen No. [-] is a young couple. The wife walked into the utility room, and when she saw Cheng Hao, she immediately exclaimed.

"Yeah, I saw it. Be careful, don't be so excited, Xiaopangju won't run away." The young man on the side nodded when he heard the words, and helped his wife helplessly.

How old are you?Are you still so careless?

"Husband, hurry up and take out our presents and put them on for Xiaopangju. Xiaopangju is going to be in a hurry." The girl holding her husband's hand said, and hugged Cheng Hao's round head: "Little Pangju Happy birthday, you are so cute."

"Aww~ (Thank you, and congratulations on becoming a mother.)" Cheng Hao, who was being hugged, replied, stretching out his paws to carefully support him.

I heard that it is easy to miscarry in the first few months of pregnancy, the other party has to be careful, otherwise if something happens here, he can't afford it.

"Husband, husband, look at Xiaopangju hugging me." The girl who was supported by Cheng Hao's paw said happily, Xiaopangju is so gentle, it is like the warm sunshine like his hair.

"Well, I saw it." The boy who finished unwrapping the gift nodded with a smile, and took out the orange rabbit headband they had prepared.

"No way, you have prepared such a rare gift for me again, can you change it to a more creative one?" Looking at the rabbit headband that the other party took out, Cheng Hao couldn't help but have one big head and two big ones.

Why are his fans like this? , the last one was fifty suits, this time there is a rabbit headband, what will the next one be?
"My God! It's orange bunny ears."

"Yeah, yeah, headbands with rabbit ears in this color are very rare. It seems that they really put their heart into choosing gifts for Xiaopangju."

"That's right, hurry up and put it on for Xiaopangju, I really want to see Xiaopangju wearing a headband."

When the water friends in the live broadcast room saw it, they were immediately curious about how Chubby Orange would look like with two more orange rabbit ears on his head.

The fans at the scene even gathered around, intending to personally observe the Orange Rabbit who was about to appear on the stage.

"Don't move, little fat orange, let me put this on for you obediently, okay?" The girl who took over the headband asked with a smile.

"Aww~ (If I say no, can I do it?)" Cheng Hao said helplessly after hearing this.

He is the fierce tiger, the king of beasts, and the most terrifying predator in the forest. Can the other party save him some face?

"Since you don't object, little fat orange, then I'll put it on for you." Seeing the little fat orange in front of her, she just yelled a few times, but didn't stop her from going on.

The girl couldn't help but said happily, and put the headband on Cheng Hao's head.

Immediately, Cheng Hao had two more long ears erected.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaim:

"My God! Little Fat Orange is even cuter. Look, that round head with two straight ears looks like a rabbit?"

"Nonsense, have you ever seen such a cute rabbit? Our little chubby orange is much cuter than a rabbit."

"I really want to hug Xiaopangju's ears, but it's a pity that they are all fake."

"Yes, yes. What a pity."

As the fans said, they couldn't help themselves and wanted to take a closer look at Chubby Orange's appearance.

And at this moment, sister Hong'er came over and stopped them:
"Everyone, don't lean over, just stand over there, don't bump into this beauty, she is now a pregnant woman."

"Oh, it turns out that this sister is going to be a mother, so we won't get close."

"Yeah, let's step back a little bit."

The fans who were about to gather just now stopped when they heard this. The other party is a pregnant woman. It would be bad if they came up and bumped into each other.

"Sister breeder, did you read it wrong? I'm not pregnant." The girl who was looking at Cheng Hao with a smile said out loud.

Did the breeder sister make a mistake?How can she be sure she is pregnant?
"Yeah, sister breeder, are you making a mistake?" The boy on the side also asked, he is going to be a father?How could he not know?
"It's impossible to be wrong. Even if I'm wrong, Xiaoju can't be wrong." Sister Hong'er smiled and said: "Tigers are different from us. Their perception is very keen. Since Xiaoju I said you are going to be a mother, so it must be true, he must have sensed something? I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination after you return from Tiger Park this time."

Xiaoju is an evolutionary animal. Since she said that the other party is going to be a mother, it must be groundless.

"Okay, okay, let's check it immediately when we get back." The boy was a little excited when he heard the words. If it was true, then he would be a father soon.

"Well, there are a lot of tourists in Tiger Park today."

"You all must remember to be careful. The first few months of pregnancy are the most dangerous time, so you must be careful." Sister Hong'er continued.

"Yes, yes." The boy nodded his head again and again, and his words were already a little incoherent.

"Aww~ (Sister, you have to remind him to go back and earn money, I'm afraid he will be a little stressed then.)" Cheng Hao listened to their conversation, stretched out his paw and patted Sister Hong'er and said.

"Oh? Why?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she heard the words, and flicked the rabbit ears on Cheng Hao's head along the way.

"Aww~ (because this sister is pregnant with twins.)" Cheng Hao explained, he could sense the fans touching his head in front of him, and there were two very weak lives on his body.

"My God, Xiaopangju is so powerful, it's like an animal color Doppler ultrasound. He even knows other people's words."

"Yeah, Chubby Orange is really great."

The water friends who heard this and the fans at the scene all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Sister Breeder, what is Little Pang Ju talking about now?" The girl who saw Cheng Hao talking with Sister Hong'er asked curiously. If she read correctly, Little Pang Ju and Sister Breeder should talk about her again Bar.

"Xiaoju said that you are pregnant with twins, let your husband earn some money." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile.

"Twin... twins? Can Xiaopangju even see this?"

"My God! Doesn't Xiaopang Jukao consider opening a consulting room in Tiger Garden?"

Before the couple could be surprised, the fans watching were almost shocked.

"Yeah, chubby orange is so powerful, even the twins can see it." The water friends in the live broadcast room were shocked again.

"Really?" Hearing this, the couple's voices trembled.

"Well, that's what Xiaoju said."

"So after a few months, I'm afraid you two will be busy." Sister Hong'er smiled and nodded.

"My wife, sit down quickly, don't get hurt."

Hearing this, the boy quickly helped his wife.

"555~, it's too miserable, it's so miserable, I just came to see Xiaopangju, I didn't expect to be hit so badly on the first day of the new year."

"Yes, yes, someone else is going to be a father soon, and I haven't even held a girl's hand before."

The water friends who saw this scene immediately burst into tears, so loud that it almost came out of the phone.

"Don't worry, I'm not so fragile." The girl hugged Xiaoju's head and shouted, "Husband, hurry up, we're going to take pictures with Xiaopangju."

"Yeah, I'm coming right over."

Hearing this, the boy ran over quickly, stood on the other side of Cheng Hao and squatted down, hugging Cheng Haolong's raised back.

"Sister breeder, please help us take a group photo." The girl smiled and said to sister Hong'er, she was so happy today, not only saw the cute little chubby orange, but also got the news that she was going to be a mother.

"Okay." Sister Hong'er smiled and nodded and said, "One, two, three."


The young couple replied with a smile, showing a happy smile, and fixed the most beautiful picture of this moment here.

"Hurry up, don't be so slow with your hands and feet, seal this side for me, and the same thing here."

Ah Guang's urging voice came from inside the black box, today is Xiaopangju's birthday party, they should be quicker in their hands and feet, okay?

He is also going to give Xiaopangju a big surprise, a big transformation into a living person.

"I said, Ah Guang, are you sure you want to meet Xiaopangju like this? You are as smart as Xiaopangju, and you can smell it when you smell it." The manager looked at Aguang who asked them to cover the box, very Said speechlessly.

How old are you still playing such little tricks?And what Ah Guang wants to see is a tiger, not a human being, and Chubby Ju doesn't rely on his eyes to recognize a human being.

"That's why I asked you to spray more perfume, so that Little Pangju won't recognize me. Then I will jump out of the box and give Little Pangju a big surprise." A Guang said inside the box, Looking at the bodyguard who was posting the gap above, he said:
"By the way, you don't need to seal it so strong, or I'm worried that I won't be able to jump out later."

"Then don't post it at all, or I'm worried that you will suffocate to death inside." The bodyguard who heard this stopped what he was doing and said.

Their boss's brain circuit is not an ordinary novelty, packing himself into a gift to meet Xiaopangju, this kind of coquettish operation can only be done by the other party.

"No, no, you only need to seal half of it. I'll be fine. Tie the bow for me, okay? Don't make it too loose." Ah Guang instructed, then took out his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast room, At this rate, it will soon be his turn, and they have to hurry up.

Xiaopangju must not have thought that he would come to see him today, right?Maybe when I see him, I will be happy to go around in circles.

"Okay okay, we got it."

The bodyguards holding boxes sealed with transparent glue replied, and continued to work.

Soon a large box wrapped with an orange ribbon appeared on the truck.

"It's done, Ah Guang. Shall we enter the Tiger Park now? Or should we wait?" asked the bodyguards pushing the trolley.

"Go in now, I can't wait to see Xiaopangju." Ah Guang, who was sitting cross-legged in the cardboard box, said.

"Okay, we got it."

The bodyguards who heard this replied, they pushed the trolley out of the truck compartment and walked towards the utility room in Tiger Garden.

"Well, little fat orange, you are so cute in this red cape."

In the utility room, the girl who took a photo said happily.

The chubby orange riding a red cloak is so cute, and with the big gold chain on his chest, he looks like the legendary Nanshan King.

"Yes, Chubby Orange is so cute."

The boy at the side also followed suit and said, thanks to Xiaopangju, he has successfully met the girl, and it really is good to come to the Tiger Garden for a while.

"Thank you, sister breeder, I want to watch Xiaopangju here for a while before leaving, I wonder if it's okay?" The girl asked sister Hong'er with a smile after getting up.

It's still very early now, and she wants to see more of Mr. Fatty and wants to go back so early.

"Of course there is no problem. There are still many places over there." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and the sound of the trolley "cracking" came from her ear, and she couldn't help but look outside.

They saw a familiar figure slowly appearing pushing the trolley, and in their sight, the gift box on the trolley was particularly conspicuous.

"Isn't this the cat-sucking maniac's manager and bodyguards? Why did they come here with such a big gift box? Didn't the cat-sucking maniac come here?"

"Yeah, that's really weird. That crazy cat sucker loves cats like his life. It's really strange that he didn't come today."

Fans and water friends who watched the live broadcast recognized their identities immediately, and looked at the gift box that needed to be pushed by a trolley with curiosity. What will be your gift?
"What is this smell?" Just when everyone was curious, Cheng Hao sniffed the smell in the air, then walked to the front of the cart.

"Happy birthday, little fat orange, we have a gift for you."

After the bodyguards and the manager saw each other, they greeted him with a smile.

But when he caught sight of the golden cake on Cheng Hao's neck that quickly blinded them, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Call me a good guy, are there so many women these days?The birthday present for Xiaopangju turned out to be a piece of gold cake.

Throwing this thing can kill people, right?
"Brother Li and all the elder brothers, how are you?" Sister Hong'er came up and greeted everyone, "Isn't Mr. Ah Guang here?"

"Him? Miss Hong'er, you'll find out later."

"Yeah, the answer to the mystery will be revealed later."

The bodyguard and manager who heard this said helplessly spreading their hands.

"Aww~ (Sister, he's in here.)" Cheng Hao heard this, patted Sister Hong'er's hand, pointed at the box with his paw and said.


After Hong'er heard this, she couldn't help but froze.

This Mr. A Guang's way of appearing every time is really surprising. Did he choose such a strange way of appearing this time?
"Is this action of Xiaopangju saying that the crazy cat sucker is in the box?"

"It shouldn't be too bad. Little Fat Ju can tell that other people are pregnant. Do you think you can hide it from him by hiding in the box?"

"Yes, but this cat-sucking maniac is really creative."

After seeing Cheng Hao's actions, everyone quickly understood what he meant.

I have to say that this cat-sucking madman has a brain.Something is not normal with them.

"Little fat orange, happy birthday."

At this moment, Ah Guang, who was sitting cross-legged in the box, felt that the time was almost up, so he shouted.

He was about to jump out of the box, but when he moved, his head hit the tied bow, and he immediately lost his center of gravity and rolled off the cart, and the gift box was instantly deformed.

This directly caused Ah Guang in the box to get stuck in it, and the wrapping paper outside the box wrapped him tightly, like a layer of cocoon, making him unable to move at all.

"Help... help."

Feeling very uncomfortable, A Guang immediately sought foreign aid.

"I said can't you wait until we unwrap the bow from the packaging before jumping out?"

"That's right, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

The agent and the bodyguard covered their faces and said, if the other party was not so important, they would all want to turn around and leave.

How could they have such an artist and boss?
"Phew! I finally came back to life. Next time, I must loosen the bow a little more." A Guang who was rescued said with a big mouthful of fresh air.

This time he made a mistake, but it won't be like this next time. He has learned his lesson and will be very careful next time.

"Do you want to do it again? Are you really not afraid of throwing yourself to death?" The manager said speechlessly. Just this one time almost killed him. He actually thought of doing it again. It wouldn't be his head. Did it break?
"That's right! Next time you ask us to help you tie it up, we don't dare to help. If something happens to you, we will be finished." The bodyguards followed suit.

At first, I thought it was just a trivial matter, but now looking at the other party's appearance, what if there is a second time?I'm afraid they are all going to sit in the game.

"Don't worry, it's fine. Am I fine?" Ah Guang patted the ashes on his clothes and said.

"You're fine. If something happens, we have something to do."

"That's right, can you save people some trouble?" The bodyguards scolded, obviously paying attention to the other party, why didn't the other party follow the plan?
(End of this chapter)

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