Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 126 It's... It's Gundam

Chapter 126 It's... It's Gundam
"Aww~ (I'm not trying to be cute to you, don't be too affectionate.)" Cheng Hao who was lying down said very speechlessly, looked at Sister Hong'er who was carrying the ladder, and hurriedly continued to lie down.

If there is no accident, the young lady breeder will give him a massage next.

I just don’t know if there will be any delicious rewards after the massage is over?
"Make room, you two. I'll put the ladder up and take you up to meet Xiaoju. If you stay below, you won't be able to see anything." Sister Hong'er, who was carrying the ladder, said to the two people standing there.

"Okay, sister breeder."

After hearing this, the two people helped carry the ladder on the roof, and then followed Sister Hong'er to Cheng Hao who was lying down.

When they saw the big tiger skin cake lying on it, the two couldn't help but said:
"Sister breeder, can we touch the little fat orange?"

"Yeah, Little Fat Orange is so cute, won't he bite us?"

What did they come to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain?Besides seeing Chubby Ju, the most important thing is of course his stomach.

After all, there are many places for little tigers, but there are not many places for little tigers who are as cute as Xiaopangju and have such a good personality.

The most important thing is that they read the post bar. Many tourists who have been to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain have said that the little fat orange can be masturbated without hurting people, and it feels very good in the hand. Once you touch it, you will never forget it.

Now that this opportunity to touch is right in front of them, how can they let it go?
"You two wait a moment, I'll ask Xiaoju first if she agrees." Sister Hong'er said, then knelt down and patted Cheng Hao.

"Okay, sister breeder."

When the two of them heard this, they waited eagerly for the good news from Sister Hong'er.

"Xiaoju, have you heard what my sister said to them? Are you in a good mood today? Can you open for business?"

Sister Hong'er asked aloud, kneading Cheng Hao's round belly constantly in her hand.

Xiaoju's hair is getting more and more slick, and her stomach looks "smooth" to the touch.

"Aww~ (Is there any reward for opening today?)" Cheng Hao asked, shaking his paws.

He naturally heard the conversation between the breeder's sister and them.

He just wanted to know what rewards there are for business?After all, he is not a business tiger now.

"Do you still want a reward?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and said, "Isn't it a reward for my sister to massage your big belly? What reward do you want?"

Is there a small orange that is missing something like that in the Tiger Garden?This little villain still needs a reward?

"Aww~ (I want to eat canned lychees.)" Cheng Hao said with his face pinched. He heard that the New Year goes better with canned lychees. He hasn't eaten canned lychees for half a year.

"Do you want to eat canned lychees?" Sister Hong'er immediately became interested when she heard the words: "You little villain is a tiger and not a human being, why do you want to eat everything?"

She didn't remember that she gave Xiaoju canned food, who told Xiaoju about canned food?

"Aww~ (Husheng must be brave enough to try.)" Cheng Hao smacked his lips and said, anyway, after he became a tiger, his stomach felt very good.

He can eat what people can eat, but he can still eat what people can't.

"You little rascal, are you still learning how to speak?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this, "Lie down obediently and come on, my sister will get you canned lychees to eat later, all you need to do now is Open up your belly."

"Ooooh~(Oh, I see.)" Cheng Hao nodded upon hearing this, knowing that Sister Hong'er had almost agreed.

He stretched out his limbs and let them do whatever he wanted.

Anyway, they can't afford to make any splashes.

"Sister breeder, can we chubby tangerines now?"

"Yeah, the little fat orange looks very easy to touch."

After seeing one person and one tiger finished talking, the two people on the side asked with anticipation in their eyes.

"Well, you can touch it."

Sister Hong'er looked at the two of them and said:

"But remember not to hit too hard, especially don't pull Xiaoju's hair, you know?"

"No problem, we will definitely pay attention."

"alright, I got it."

The two people who heard this, nodded again and again.

That's great, I can lick the little fat orange.

"That's fine. I'll teach you how to rub Xiaoju's stomach." Sister Hong'er reached out and rubbed Cheng Hao's belly, demonstrating to the two of them.

After the two met, they began to learn in style.

"Yeah, the technique is not bad. It's really comfortable. If you pay to see me, you have to give me a massage. This is the treatment that the state protects waste."

Cheng Hao, who was being massaged, felt comfortable doing whatever they wanted, and it felt really great to be taken care of.

"Everyone, take a look where I am now? It's not wrong, it's in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain."

"Guess what I'm doing now, everyone? (Proud), I'm not doing anything? I'm just masturbating the chubby tangerine." After masturbating for a while, the two girls began to take pictures in each other. Show off on the big platform.

As the saying goes, wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.

They are now licking the little fat orange, of course they have to show it off.

Otherwise, how could they be worthy of the two of them coming to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain?
"Aww~ (You two give me a massage and press it well, don't be lazy, okay?)"

Cheng Hao, who squinted his eyes and was enjoying himself, found that after the two of them took a selfie and posted it on social media, he couldn't help but patted their arms with his paw, urging them to work quickly.

To be a person and do things, you must concentrate on it, will it be cured?How can you not do the things in your hands and run to post selfies?

Is it possible for everyone to massage a handsome national first-class protected animal?They don't know how to cherish the truth in front of them.

"Hahaha, I don't want to tell you too much, Xiaopangju is so clingy and is urging me to lick him again."

The girl who was patted on the arm smiled and took another photo of Cheng Hao picking her up, then put away the phone and started using both hands.

Little Fat Orange is so cute, let's see if she doesn't rub his belly bald today.

"Well, it's nice to have someone to help."

Sister Hong'er, who didn't need to do it herself, saw this scene, and couldn't help but put on a faint smile.

The tourists licked Xiaoju contentedly, and someone scratched Xiaoju's stomach and massaged him, and she could sit down and relax.

This is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone. If so many tourists come to help Xiaojuju's belly every day, then she won't have to do it herself all year round.



Just when Miss Hong'er was thinking this way, she suddenly heard a voice from the mobile phone: "Huh? Who is this looking for me?"

Sister Hong'er turned on the phone while muttering, and when she saw the messages flying by on the phone, her eyes were so blinded.

Little orange fan [-]: @猪师姐姐, we saw someone posting pictures of them playing with Xiaopangju on the Internet, is it true?

Little orange fan [-]: Yes, yes, @猪师姐姐 You haven’t broadcasted live for several days, should you let us meet Xiaopangju?

Xiaoju Fan Sanliuer: That's right, the breeder should hurry up and broadcast live, isn't it agreed to live broadcast 24 days a month?Why is there less and less time for live broadcast now?

"Everyone, don't worry, I will broadcast live for you right away, I will broadcast live for you right away." Sister Hong'er replied while typing.

She said why there were so many news all of a sudden, it turned out that everyone saw the photos sent by the two beauties?
Xiaojufan [-]: Hmm, sister breeder, hurry up and start the live broadcast.

Little Orange Powder Three Five Four Three: That's right, hurry up.

After the people in the group saw it, they urged and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll start it now." Sister Hong'er replied, and started the live broadcast.

In an instant, a large number of people poured in.

When he saw Cheng Hao lying on the ground, he immediately started to speak:

"Let me see, let me see, I find that today's chubby orange is even cuter."

"Yes, yes, it looks round and round like a big orange ball."

"That's right, I'm really worried that the little fat tangerine will be burnt, so quickly turn over the big sesame ball."

"Wait a minute, everyone, didn't you notice that the surrounding environment has changed? It has become so quiet. There are only two young ladies who are licking chubby oranges. As for the tourists next to them, there are no tourists." The sharp-eyed water friend soon discovered Seeing that the surroundings are different, he immediately typed and said.

"Yes, yes! Has Xiaopangju moved to a new house? I said why the photos on the Internet are different from what I know. It turns out that Xiaopangju has changed residence?"

"Yes, Xiaopangju's new home looks very big. I have seen cat litter boxes full of sand pits."

They said why the photos posted on the Internet were a little strange, they all thought the background was fake, it turned out that the little fat orange had changed to a new home.

"555~, Xiaopangju lives really well, a toilet is bigger than my room."

"Yes, yes. Xiaopangju's new home is really luxurious."

Some people were paying attention to the new home, and some were paying attention to the litter box. When they saw the huge litter box, they cried out enviously.

"It seems that everyone has noticed Xiaoju's new home, so let me introduce it to you here." Seeing some water friends who didn't know the news of Xiaoju's move, Miss Hong'er began to tell everyone Introduced:
"Xiaoju now weighs more than 100 kilograms, and it is not suitable for business in a log cabin, so we arranged for Xiaoju to live here in the new home of our Tiger Park, which is the deepest part of our Tiger Park."

"The environment here is beautiful and very quiet. The most important thing is that the venue is as big as a football field, which is very suitable for Xiaoju to do activities here."

"If you come to Tiger Garden to see Xiaoju, and you don't want to go so far, you can go to the security room at the entrance and talk to the big security guard, then I will drive a sightseeing car to pick you up."

"555~, is Xiaopangju's new home so big? I'm so impressed."

"Yeah, people are not as good as tigers, people are not as good as tigers."

I heard tears of envy from the water friends here. The football field has a large range of activities?This is simply outrageous.

They have never owned such a large private venue in their life.

"You don't need to compare yourself with Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she saw this, "Xiaoju is a little tiger. She doesn't have the complicated thoughts of humans like us, so there are many things she can't enjoy."

"Seeing that we can drive out for fun, watch movies and go to the beach, Xiaoju can't."

Xiaoju is a tiger, and they are human beings, why are you still eating Xiaoju's jealousy when you are fine?

"But Xiaoju doesn't need to work, and doesn't need to buy a house."

"That's right, Xiaoju doesn't even need to give a bride price to assign a wife."

"That's right, and Xiaopangju includes food, lodging, and free medical care."

The water friends who heard this, cried and typed.

They also want to live a life like Xiaoju's, eating and sleeping every day, and the breeder's sister helps to massage and take care of her.

How can there be a little fat orange like them? 555~
"Uh, everyone, don't think so and be optimistic." After seeing the speeches of the water friends, Hong'er quickly changed the subject and said, "Everyone, let's take a look at Xiaoju, Xiaoju, this little idiot, gave himself away again today. I'm full, do you see how his round belly looks like?"

"555~, Xiaopangju is having a great time. Not only is he so full, but there is also a young lady who massages and rubs his stomach."

"Yeah, I want to have this treatment too."

"That's right, chubby orange is so happy." Following the live broadcast, they saw Cheng Hao enjoying a massage from a beautiful woman, and the water friends immediately clenched their fists enviously.

I just want Xiaopangju to get out of the way and let them lie on the ground.

"Aww~ (Sister, my stomach is round, but I'm not stupid.)" Cheng Hao, who was lying on the ground, heard what Sister Hong'er said, and immediately defended himself.

"If you're not stupid, how could you eat so much meat in one go?" Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and cursed with a smile, while checking her opened mouth, she said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: "Let's take a look at how big Xiaoju's mouth is? And see if the teeth are very sharp?"

"Everyone must pay attention, when you meet a tiger, don't move his mouth and pull his tongue like me."

"555~, the breeder sister really thinks highly of us, how dare we touch tigers like this in the wild?"

"Yeah, we are the ones who let the breeder sister down too much, we are the ones who are too useless."

"Yes, we also want to imitate, but we can't find anyone to imitate."

The breeder lady is so considerate, she actually reminded them not to imitate such dangerous actions at this time.

But the problem is that if they want to imitate, they must have a tiger.

"Hahaha, then you don't have to worry about this." After seeing the answers from the water friends, Hong'er smiled awkwardly: "Have you seen Xiaoju's teeth? These are canine teeth, very sharp It is like a vise, if it is bitten, the possibility of breaking free is very small."

"And Xiaoju's big claws, even though Xiaoju is still a cub now, his claws are bigger than my palm."

"Wow! Little Fat Ju is actually Pink Claw Claw, I just found out."

"That's right, that's right, Xiaopangju's little meat pad is actually made of pink claws, it's simply too cute."

"That's right, and the most powerful thing is the pattern of the chubby orange, and some places are actually loving."

Looking at the pink meat pad on the screen, the water friends immediately boiled.

"The love pattern on Xiaoju's body is not obvious." After seeing their speech, Miss Hong'er hugged Cheng Hao's big head with a smile and said, "Everyone, look at Xiaoju's nose, Xiaoju's nose is the real one." Oh love."

There are patterns on Xiaoju's back that look like hearts, but it looks like it is stretched apart, and Xiaoju's nose is the real heart.

"Really! Little Pang Ju is a loving kitten." After the camera got close, everyone found that Cheng Hao's nose was really a loving heart, not a triangle like an ordinary tiger:
"That's right, that's right. I've never seen a tiger with such a neat nose and a heart. Little Fat Orange must be a cutie that fell from the sky, so there is such a beautiful little heart."

"Yeah, Xiaopangju is so cute, he must want to kiss me."

"Aww~ (Sister, don't press my nose, okay?)" Cheng Hao, who was resting on Sister Hong'er's leg, asked. Although his nose is in the shape of a heart, can the breeder sister not pinch her nose?

"Who told you that you, a little villain, have to pinch your nose to see the love?" Sister Hong'er let go of her hands and said with a smile, she came to his belly again, and traced the pattern on his belly with her fingers. Draw: "Let's take a look at Xiaoju's big belly, and see if it looks like a big orange here?"

"Really, is this the origin of Xiaopangju's name? Isn't it because he squatted there like an orange?" The water friend who saw this scene found that the pattern on Xiaopangju's belly really looked like a big orange :

"Yeah! I always thought that the name of Xiaopangju was because he squatted there like an orange, plus the color of his hair. Didn't expect it to have such a meaning?"

"That's right, but the small oranges at the beginning have now grown into big grapefruits."

"That's right, you can see that the orange peel is wrinkled, and it looks like it hasn't been waxed well, so hurry up and send it here for me to wax it."

"I think the hair may not have been properly cared for. I own a pet shop, so I sent it here for a wash. Look, the color of this cat must be fading. (Dog head)"

"Instructor Lele, are you watching the live broadcast?" The female thief who came over asked curiously. After a period of time to recuperate, she has recovered a lot.

It was much earlier than the expected time to go to the ground. Of course, I still need to use crutches now.

"Yes, but if you knew what I was looking at, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so happy." Xu Lele nodded after hearing this.

"Eh? Why am I not happy?" The female thief who came over to chat asked suspiciously when she heard this.

"Because I'm watching this." Xu Lele held up her mobile phone and showed the other party the live broadcast she was watching.

The female thief's face immediately paled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her whole body was trembling: "Little...Little Fat Orange."

Although the little tiger on the phone screen was cuter, gentler and fatter than the one she remembered, she still recognized him at a glance.

She still can't forget how terrifying this little tiger is?She couldn't hit the little tiger with an iron rod, but was slapped by the tiger's paw and almost went to heaven.

That time was definitely the closest she was to death. These days, in her sleep, she would be frightened awake by the giant claw in her dream.

"I told you that you'd better not watch it. You don't want to hear this, are you scared?" Seeing this, Xu Lele quickly put away her mobile phone, supported her and said, "I said you are really serious. It's okay to hit Xiaopang with an iron rod. What is Ju doing? He just wanted to hurt you at that time, he didn't mean to kill you."

"If you had stood obediently, he wouldn't have beaten you like this."

Look at the other party's appearance, I'm afraid that Xiaopangju will be her nightmare in this life.

But this can't be blamed on Xiaopangju, it didn't matter if she didn't see her husband being cleaned up by Xiaopangju?That is to say, a few ribs were broken, and now this is all it takes?

"I didn't want to hit him either, but he was biting my husband at the time, so I hit him as soon as I was in a hurry." The female thief who was being supported panicked, who knew whether the little tiger wanted to eat her husband or just wanted to subdue it. That's all?She couldn't see that black light and blind.

Although later my husband confirmed to him that the little tiger just bit him lightly, and had no intention of eating him to subdue him.

But the sticks fell, and she was beaten, so what else is there to say?
"So, in the future, you'd better calm down and don't be so impulsive." Xu Lele said, and walked towards the ward with the help of the other party. Seeing the other party like this, I'm afraid I won't be in the mood to take a walk in the future.

It's better to go back to the ward and have a good sleep, maybe it will be better after a sleep.

"Are you still unwilling to say it? If you are unwilling to cooperate like this, we may have to give you some gadgets." In the prison in the underground base, the body with a human head looks like a spider Chen Min, who was also a monster, said coldly.

This group of mutants are really stubborn. They will not live comfortably after becoming a group of monsters, and they still want to die.

"If you want to inquire about the organization's intelligence from me, I advise you to not be too whimsical."

"Tsk tsk tsk, one day our organization will kill all of you evolutionaries."

The white spider monster hanging upside down from the ceiling let out a sharp voice.

"Sister Chen is so unwilling to cooperate, why don't you let her suffer first?" The team members on the side said after seeing it.

"Well, let's activate the medium frequency sound wave and give this guy a good time." Chen Min nodded when she heard this, she didn't believe that this guy could have such a hard mouth.

"Okay!" The team members who got the permission immediately pressed the switch happily, and the windows and doors in the cell were instantly locked, and then a thing like a satellite pot appeared.

Then, there were sharp screams from the entire cell.

"I'm going to kill you..."

"I'm going to kill you..."

Sitting in the closed cell, the white spider yelled and patted her head frantically, as if this would make her feel better.

"How's the situation? Is this guy willing to confess?" the commander walked in and asked.

"Report to the commander, this guy has a very hard mouth, and he just refuses to provide a detailed plan for this time." Chen Min said after hearing this: "I have to use sound waves to attack him. I hope this guy can be soft."

These mutants sneaked into Hongtashan City and launched an attack on the evolutionists, and they also placed explosives on vehicles everywhere. Their purpose is definitely more than that simple. If you want to know more clearly, you must torture them to find out more details. please report.

But this big spider just refused to explain, which is really a headache, and I don't know what drug the mutant organization gave them?

"If you really can't get it out through interrogation, then let's get rid of her. There is no need to waste time." The commander who heard this said with a stern look in his eyes: "We have almost figured out which guys above are related to the mutant organization. Yes, they will be eradicated tonight, no matter what the mutant organization wants to do? As long as they are eradicated, everything will be over."

Since you don't want to cooperate?Then she doesn't need to cooperate. Anyway, after the guys above are slaughtered, the entire mutant organization will enter a leaderless state, and these guys won't be able to make any waves.

"You found the person hidden by the mutant organization so quickly?" Chen Min was a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect the department to act so quickly.

"It wasn't so fast in the first place, but the guy above was a little too anxious. Hearing that we caught him, we started to have a relationship, and then followed him up to grab him, and several guys came out." Commander Wen Yan said with a smile, when he reported to the higher authorities, he reported that there were hypnotists in their department, and there were evolutionaries who could tell the truth.

Otherwise, the guy hiding above wouldn't be in such a hurry.

"So these guys came to us just to kill that guy?" Chen Min asked after hearing this.

Although I don't know the above situation, judging from the recent unrest on their side, it seems that the evolutionary organization will not stop until they invade their department.

"Yes, the more they jump, the more anxious they are. Let's just watch with peace of mind." The commander said with a smile, stretched out his hand to adjust the sound wave to the maximum frequency, and walked away slowly.


As the footsteps got farther and farther away, crazier screams came from the confined cell.

And as the screams became louder and louder, when they reached the peak, they suddenly became quiet like a kite with a broken string.

"Sister Chen, this guy has exploded." The team member said through the surveillance and saw the wreckage inside.

"I see, let's get rid of her." Chen Min nodded and said, and then walked away.


"Hi Bureau Chen! I was sent by the higher authorities to inquire about the recent accident in the chemical plant. I wonder if you have time to come with me, Bureau Chen?"

In the office in the eighth district, the staff members wearing the clothes of the Bureau of Investigation asked Director Chen who was drinking tea.

"Of course I'm free. After all, it's what every staff member should do to cooperate with the Investigation Bureau." Hearing this, Chen Ju put down his teacup and said with a smile, and walked towards him.

"Thank you so much." Several people replied happily after hearing the words, unconsciously touching the rings on their hands.

But just when they were about to meet each other, Director Chen's body in front of them suddenly swelled up and turned into a monster wrapped in a skeleton. The white bone spurs directly penetrated his clothes, and also pierced the head-on face. The staff who came.


The staff members who were robbed and penetrated by the bone chief looked at the scene in front of them, and their eyes were full of disbelief. As the director of the eighth district, did the other party take the genetic evolution potion and become a mutant?

"No...it's not good, the information is wrong, Director Chen is a mutant." The evolutionaries guarding the door hurriedly said to the walkie-talkie.

There was a huge "bang" and the impact like a truck, and they flew out immediately.

When they were about to hit the wall, a voice flashed quickly, stretched out his hand to grab the two of them and put them on the ground, looking coldly at the huge bone figure walking in front of him and said:
"Director Chen, as the chief of the eighth district, you dare to collude with foreign forces. You should understand what will happen to this?"

"Of course I know what the end of this is. I don't need you, a little guy with no hair to teach me." With a pair of horns on his head and sharp bone spurs all over his body, he said with a sneer, as if he came from hell. : "The higher-ups sent a little guy like you to catch me. Isn't that a bit too contemptuous of me? You don't think I only have this kind of means?"

As he spoke, the bone spear turned into his left hand lightly tapped the ground, and the windows of the entire Eighth District exploded, and white humanoid monsters smashed the walls and appeared around them.

Seeing this scene, the figure couldn't help but said with an ugly expression:
"Are you the staff of the eighth district? Why are you collaborating with him? You should know that genetic evolution medicine will only turn you into monsters."

Did this guy turn everyone in District [-] into mutants?He is so damned.

"It's not terrible to become a monster. What's terrible is that we don't have power. We've already lived this kind of mediocre life." The humanoid monster like an white sheep said with a sneer: "Your evolutionary department will come to us if you call us!" It's just because we are ordinary people, but now?"

"That's right, our Eighth District won't tolerate guys like you riding on our heads."

The rest of the monsters sneered and said, in this era, they are either completely crazy, or they can only be overwhelmed by the waves of the era.

It's the worst of times, but it's also the best of times.

"You are wrong. All our departments are originally on the same level. There is no such thing as who is superior to whom." The figure who heard this shook his head, grabbed the two people beside him, and spoke to the headset next to his mouth. Said: "Report to the headquarters, everyone in the eighth district has become a mutant."

"And they don't plan to catch them without a fight and apply for execution."

"Received by the headquarters! Execution is allowed! Flash, retreat as soon as possible!"

Inside the combat vehicle with the electronic "tick" sound shining, the grizzled combat commander spoke.

"Yes! Flash received." Flash nodded in the eighth district, looked at the mutants gathered around and couldn't help but shook his head.

This group of people were originally normal people, but in order to pursue powerful power and satisfy their own distorted selfish desires, they became like this. It's really pitiful.

"Everyone, take a look at what nonsense our high-ranking evolutionary is talking about? Execute us? He doesn't seem to have figured out what's going on now?"

"Yeah, should we pick him up and have a look, what nonsense is he talking about?"

"Don't... don't, don't, our evolutionary lord is very strong, be careful when he sneezes later and scares you to death."

"That's right, you'll definitely pee your pants in fright, heh~ hahaha."

The mutator who heard this suddenly burst out laughing. The evolutionist wouldn't think they were the same as before, would he?
They are not weaker than each other in terms of strength or ability now, and they are far superior to each other.

"Okay, shut up." Chief Chen, who turned into a monster with a bone spear in his hand, said, "It's time to send him on his way, but the higher authorities sent him to arrest me, they must have known our identities , since it’s like this, there’s no need to play this scene again, it’s time to move this side.”

"That's right, my fate is up to me. Why are their evolutionaries superior, but we have no power at all? It's not fair. It's time to release the hypocritical country."

"That's right, the emperor takes turns to do it, and this year he will come to my house."

The mutants who heard this said excitedly.

"These guys are completely hopeless." Seeing this, Flash couldn't help but shook his head and said, his figure gradually turned into a phantom.

"Not good, this guy's ability is teleportation."

The mutant with a bunch of eyes on his body shouted immediately after seeing it.

In his line of sight, the figure of the other party moved five or six meters at once, and appeared outside the window in the blink of an eye.

"What? Leave them here for me, and don't let them run away." Hearing this, Director Chen said with an ugly face. If these guys run away, they won't have time to evacuate here and carry out the next plan up.

"Yes, Chief."

The mutants replied excitedly when they heard this.

Finally, it is time to show their appearance and show their strength. It is time to let these evolutionaries know how powerful they are.



But when they smashed through the wall and rushed out, they were all dumbfounded. They saw one after another giant robots more than ten meters high appearing around the eighth district, slowly descending from the sky, splashing up with huge waves. of soot.

After these robots landed on the ground, there was a sound of ammunition being filled from the barrel weapons on their bodies, and a blue light shone in the huge muzzle of the chest.

"This...is this Gundam?" Seeing the huge robot pointing all its guns at them, the mutants immediately felt tremendous pressure.

They have surpassed ordinary people.Possess the top senses in this world.

Although these robots haven't fired yet, they all know that their people have been targeted. As for the arc of Nana, if there is no accident?I am afraid it is the legendary super electromagnetic gun.

"Damn it! Does the evolutionary department actually have weapons of this level? They actually hide their secrets so deeply?"

After feeling that every cell in his body was warning him, Director Chen's pale face became even paler.

He didn't expect that this kind of thing that only existed in animation and movies could be actually developed by the country.

"Don't...don't fire, we surrender, we surrender."

"Yes, yes, we have only become mutants for a short time, and we have never done anything bad. It was the director who tricked us into joining."

"That's right, we don't even dare to kill a chicken. How could we have the guts to fight against the country?"

After understanding the situation of their own people, the mutants immediately spoke out.

They are not willing to become mutants to be cannon fodder for others, they want to be the master of others.

But just as their words fell, scarlet blood became scattered all over the sky.

Director Chen harvested the scythe in his left hand, behind this group of spineless guys, there was a palpitating chill on his face and he said: "Guys who have done more than failed, are you deaf? Didn't hear everything they said just now. execution?"

"Do you group of idiots think they will accept our surrender? I tell you not to wishful thinking."

"In their eyes, we are monsters and aliens, and all that awaits us is endless captivity."

"There is still a way to survive if you fight with me, otherwise you will only have a way to die."

"But...but the opposite is Gundam."

The mutants who were shocked by this scene no longer dared to surrender, otherwise they would be the first to usher in the scythe of their chief.

"What is Gundam afraid of? Are you ordinary people?" Director Chen said coldly, "Don't be afraid, these things are just a pile of broken copper and iron, wait for me to kill them."

"Don't you forget what the philosophy of our mutant organization is? In order to build a better world, have you forgotten?"

"No... I haven't forgotten." The mutants who heard this shook their heads and said, how could they have forgotten their beliefs?
They relied on this belief to survive the mutation, and they did not completely become irrational monsters.

"That's good, rush over with me." Director Chen shouted, and turned into a white light and rushed towards the robot.

When many mutants saw it, they immediately followed.


With an order, the robot spewed out surging blue electromagnetic light, which hit the mutants covered in bone armor, like swatting mosquitoes, and quickly shattered their skeletons It turned into a cloud of black smoke.


The mutants who were hit hard screamed and turned into fly ash.

"Damn the Evolution Department and the hateful Bureau of Investigation, I remember you, you must not let me out alive, or I will kill you."

Chief Chen, holding his subordinates as shields to resist, cursed, aimed at the space between the mechs and rushed over.


But what he didn't expect was that when he rushed over, there were blue ripples in the air, and an invisible wall directly bounced him back.

"This is?" Chief Chen, who fell heavily to the ground, showed a horrified look on his face. What kind of technology is this?It was able to bounce him back.

But he didn't have time to think, because his subordinates were already wounded, and it was his turn soon.

"Damn bastards, you forced me to use this trick." Seeing this humorous Director Chen gritted his teeth, and his whole body began to swell.

As someone who has been in contact with foreign countries for a long time, it is impossible for him to become a mutant just now, so he still has a terrifying killer move.

"Not good! Quickly set fire to kill him, he is going to run away."

In the command room connected to the mech monitoring, the combat commander shouted.

This guy can actually go berserk, which is something only experienced mutants can do.

(End of this chapter)

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