Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 127 Well, I'm just talking, are you serious?

Chapter 127 Well, I'm just talking, are you serious?

Before the many robots could react, Director Chen had swelled into a bone giant no smaller than them, and launched an attack on the surrounding mechs.

Facing the bone giant who was close at hand, the mecha immediately supported the electromagnetic shield.

But it was easily shattered by the Bone Giant wielding a white spear.

"Hurry up and set the fire, hurry up."

Seeing this scene, the combat commander couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

After this guy went berserk, he could actually smash the electromagnetic shield?It's just horrific.

He must not be allowed to escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles.


Hearing this, the pilots immediately drove their mechs and launched an attack towards the Bone Giant, but their attack speed was too slow. Nearly, the bullets all hit the companions.

"Damn it! Everyone, don't use the electromagnetic gun, this guy is too fast." Seeing this scene, the combat commander quickly ordered.

The mechas couldn't hit the Bone Giant. If they used a more powerful electromagnetic cannon, they might not be able to shoot down the opponent, but they would destroy their own mechas first.

"Yes, Commander."

Upon hearing this, the mecha pilot quickly put away the electromagnetic gun button that was about to be pressed.

"Just you clumsy guys, do you still want to hit me? It's just a dream." The bone giant sneered as it dexterously shuttled through the hail of bullets, and broke through the surrounding mechs with one shot, cutting them off by the waist.

The seemingly powerful stuff turned out to be nothing more than a pair of paper tigers.

Thinking of this, the Bone Giant couldn't help but waved his sickle, ready to deal with the mech's driver.



But at this moment, the blue electromagnetic light shot directly at his body, knocking him into the air.

"Damn guy, don't treat us as dead people." Seeing the companion's mecha fell down, the other party wanted to kill them all, and all the mechas immediately concentrated fire on the opponent.

"The damn electromagnetic gun is so powerful?"

The Bone Giant fell to the ground, feeling the pain from his body, he couldn't help being surprised.

Rolled on the ground to avoid the electromagnetic gun that continued to fire.

This abominable electromagnetic cannon can actually shatter his bone armor, so he can't stay here any longer. There will be more opportunities for revenge in the future, so there is no need to waste time with them here.

Thinking of this, the bone giant jumped up, like a nimble ape, grabbed the surrounding buildings, and quickly ran towards the forest.

Once he walked to the flat ground or to the city, he would be overtaken sooner or later in his condition. Only in the forest would he have a slight chance of escaping.

"Catch me with all the intact mechas, and I must chase this bastard. After he goes berserk, he will enter a weak stage and he won't be able to go very far."

The combat commander who saw this scene yelled, and then ordered the flight team in the base: "All the aircraft in the base will be dispatched for me to conduct a carpet search. You must not let the tiger go back to the mountain."


After the evolutionist department base in Jing'an City heard about it, a large number of bat aircraft were dispatched.

"Damn it! This damn evolutionist department actually hides so many tricks."

The Bone Giant ran all the way into the forest, looking at the mechs and aircraft behind him, his expression was very ugly.

Their mutant organization thought about breaking into the evolving internal evolutionary, but the evolutionary has the ability to distinguish lies, so that their plan has not yet begun to go bankrupt.

Then they wanted to obtain information about the purifier department through their powers.

But they were told by the superiors that they had no right to know, otherwise, they would not have chosen to expose them at this time if they had known that the Evolutionary Department had produced so many advanced weapons.

But now it was too late no matter how he thought about it, what he had to do was to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once he is caught up, he will definitely be killed on the spot.



Just as he was thinking this way, in the forest ahead, many trees waved their branches and attacked him.

"Get the hell out of here, you bunch of trash."

Director Chen, who was stopped, waved a huge sickle and chopped off a vine, then gradually became smaller and ran towards the depths of the jungle.

"Report to the commander, the target has shrunk in size. He is running towards the depths of Mount Wanfu. Would you like to continue the pursuit?"

After the pilot of the bat flying machine in the sky saw it, he immediately reported it.

"Keep chasing him, don't let him go." The commander in the combat vehicle ordered after hearing this: "The mecha troop fires at me, and the base prepares missiles to bombard me along the route of this bastard."

"I must leave this bastard to me today, and I cannot let him escape."

"Yes, Commander."

When the mechs chasing in the sky heard it, they immediately fired rockets and rockets along the route that the bone figure was running.

The electromagnetic gun even turned into a giant blade, breaking a scorched straight road over the forest.

"Are these guys crazy?"

Looking at the charred trees beside him, Director Chen's face, which had been restored to its original form, couldn't help but change dramatically.

These damned guys deal with him, as for dispatching this mech, do you want to be as desperate as money?

He has fled to such a deep place, why are these guys still refusing to let him go?

Thinking of this, Director Chen looked at a place, his feet accelerated a lot, and a crazy look appeared on his face:

"Damn it! You guys keep chasing if you have the ability, but I want to see who is dead when I see it?"

Since these guys like to chase so much, then he will let them chase after them.

"Report to the commander, this guy is fleeing towards the location of the big maple tree in Jinji Ridge, Wanfu Mountain. Do you still need to pursue him?"

After discovering that the other party was heading towards the entire Wanfu Mountain, where the most dangerous and powerful evolutionary plants were located, the driver immediately reported to the headquarters.

"This guy seems to be in a hurry." The commander in the combat command vehicle heard it and said in a cold voice: "All mecha aircraft are retreating, and the information department uses floating balloons to show me his route. The base's missiles are now Shoot me."

Do you want them to compete with that big maple tree?There are no doors.

He won't give the opponent this chance. Under the powerful firepower, the opponent should not think about getting lucky.

"Yes! Commander."

The mecha troop and aircraft troop who heard this replied, at the same time, within the Evolution Department of Jing'an City, missiles rushed out of the missile wells with huge flames, and headed towards Jinji Ridge of Wanfu Mountain.

"It doesn't look like these guys are not afraid of death, as long as they are afraid of death, if they are afraid of death, they will go back honestly." Director Chen, who was running, couldn't help but feel relieved after seeing the situation in the sky. tone.

Sure enough, in the face of danger, these guys would be cowardly. He thought that these guys would swear to death.

Now that these guys have run away, he can continue to flee in another direction now. Otherwise, if he meets the maple tree king, it may be difficult for him to escape safely in his current situation.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

At this moment, there was a huge breaking wind sound from the sky. He raised his head and saw a big match appearing in the distance, and he almost lost his standing in an instant.

"Low-altitude short-range missiles? Damn these guys actually hit me with this thing, don't they think too much of me?" Why didn't he think that one day he would be bombarded by missiles?This is something he never dreamed of.

"Damn bastards, I will definitely not let you go." After a brief absence, Director Chen gritted his teeth and continued to run towards the big maple tree cursing.

No matter how hard he ran, it was impossible for him to outrun this missile. Only by pulling that evolutionary plant to the end and letting the other party resist for him would he have a chance of survival, otherwise, he would only have a dead end.

"boom boom"

The low-short-range missile exploded directly after falling down at the place where it was set.

The huge explosion and the powerful shock wave directly turned the surrounding trees into powder, and the fiery waves sent Director Chen flying as he was running.

"How's the situation in the information department? Is that guy dead?" After hearing a huge explosion sound from a distance, the commander asked the information department of the base.

"The report to the commander was a little bit worse. The target ran faster than we thought. After the missile fell, he was just on the edge. He was only affected, but not killed."

The staff of the information department watched and reported after the picture from the floating hot air balloon.

"Damn it! This guy can really run, keep firing missiles." Hearing this, the commander couldn't help clenching his fists:
"Even if I shoot up all the missiles, I must deal with this bastard."


The base staff returned and pressed the missile launch button again.

Immediately, missiles flew out one by one.

Since the first time was so short, then they will shoot three times in a row this time, and see where the other party can go?

"Bah bah! Damn bastard."

Director Chen, who fell to the ground, felt the sting from his back, and continued to run for his life while cursing.

He could already see the maple forest in front of him, as long as he entered it, he would be able to escape.



The maple leaves, which were supposed to fall in winter, were hanging on the maple tree intact at this time, and after Director Chen was about to approach, what kind of instructions did these maple leaves seem to receive?It turned into pieces of sharp blades flying at high speed, and flew towards Director Chen.

This made Director Chen, who had finally shown a gleam of joy on his face, feel his heart sink again. This big maple tree seemed to know what he wanted to do?Send these maple trees to block his progress, trying to stop him outside the maple forest.

But how could he stop there, his life just started now.

"ding ding"

"ding ding"

Facing the maple leaves that looked like raindrops, Director Chen rushed in without the slightest hesitation.

The sharp blades struck him, leaving white marks, but they couldn't stop him from moving forward.

"Yes, it will work."

"These low-level evolutionary plants can't stop me, as long as I go inside, I don't believe there are so many missiles stored in the evolutionary department."

Feeling that these maple leaves would not cause much harm to him, the light in Commander Chen's eyes grew stronger.

He didn't notice at all that in the maple forest he was advancing, the huge maple tree seemed to be dead and motionless.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

After the three missiles in the sky reached above the maple forest, they fell directly towards the ground.

"It's almost there, it's almost there soon, I can survive, I can." Looking at the big maple tree that was close at hand, he felt the hovering breath of death.

Director Chen exhausted all his strength and finally rushed to the side of Dafengsu. He believed that the big maple tree would support the protective cover to protect the entire maple forest.

But as the missile got closer and closer, his complexion began to turn ugly, because the huge protective shield he imagined did not appear, and the thick wind tree seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

"How is this possible? What's going on?" Director Chen punched the big maple tree, but found that his hand went straight in, and his eyes widened in an instant:

"empty ... empty"

When he finished speaking, the huge explosion and blazing flames swept the entire maple forest into it.

"Report to the commander, the entire maple forest has been destroyed, and the target is also in it. Is it necessary to launch the fifth missile?" After the hot air balloon floating in the air monitored this scene, the staff in the base immediately asked The commander reported.

"Launch two more missiles, we must make sure that the bastard and the evolutionary plants in the maple forest are all dead." The commander who heard this didn't even think about it.

Although they human beings are not afraid of these evolved plants now, it is better to eradicate them completely, leaving no trace of possibility.


After the staff in the base heard it, they pressed the missile launch button again.

With a loud bang, the two missiles flew towards Wanfu Mountain again.

"Xiao Wang, how is the situation? Have you guys dealt with it?" Just as the commander of Jing'an City ended the call, an old voice came from the cell phone on the other side.

"The report is old, it's done."

"All the mutants in the eighth district have been dealt with, and now it's time for the finale and autopsy." The commander immediately straightened up and reported after hearing this.

"Very well, you can settle it here."

"Then this operation has successfully concluded, and your next task is to completely eradicate the mutant organization and crush the conspiracy of foreign forces."

Cheng Lao on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Yes, Cheng Lao."

"I will definitely not let you down." Commander Hui reported.

"En." Cheng Lao on the other end of the phone nodded and hung up.



The maple forest in Jinji Ridge of Wanfu Mountain had become a ruin. The evolutionists in protective suits inspected one side and confirmed that there was no sign of life here before walking away.

And after they were all gone, the black land full of charcoal suddenly moved, a snow-white hand penetrated the ground, and then the whole body crawled out of the scorched earth.

It was Director Chen who the team members who left were looking for, but at this time, Director Chen's eyes were dull, and his eyes looked very dull. In the flesh and blood under the snow-white bone armor, there were black tentacles like meridians. Also wriggling.

The red maple leaves in the ears twisted like clockwork.

"This... This is the human body? It is really convenient to move, but you have hit my head with this idea, and this is your end."

After Director Chen stuffed the maple leaves into his ears, he made a hoarse sound, and the tiny tree roots slowly shrank into his body like hairs, which involved the activities of every part like a normal person.

"Let me take a look at the human society, what is it like?" Director Chen put away all the roots, and staggered towards the distance.

From the brain of this human corpse, he learned a lot about human beings, including the anti-human organization established by the other party.

This sounds very interesting, let him complete what the other party has not finished.

Let these humans kill each other, and then they will rule the planet again.


"Aww~ (Ah..., is it night again? The time flies so fast.)"

Under the night, the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain was silent. Cheng Hao, who was lying down, woke up from his dream, yawned, jumped over the fence and ran towards the river.

His purpose today is very simple, continue to look for evolved animals or plants, and absorb the power of evolution in the opponent's body.

Of course, it would be over if he could meet another fat crocodile, but obviously this was impossible.

"Why is there only one crocodile here? Doesn't the guy who released the crocodile feel that this crocodile is too lonely, and he should add another wife?" After circling the bank where the fat crocodile was caught yesterday, Cheng Hao found that there was not even a hair on the riverside.

Of course, it may also be that there were root hairs in this area, but since this fat crocodile lived here, all other animals have been driven away.

And after the fat crocodile did this, it was hard for him.

He searched for a long time but couldn't find any living things on the shore. There would be some in the icy river water. He saw the alligator gar flopping about in it, gnawing on something with its sharp fangs.
But he didn't dare to go down rashly. After all, the opponent is a fish, and the water is his territory. After going down, what might happen?
Therefore, Cheng Hao chose to start with willows and poplars on the river bank.

After the trees sensed the crisis, they immediately waved their roots and attacked Cheng Hao.

But under Cheng Hao's sharp claws, the waves couldn't be turned up at all, and the last one or two were sucked clean, unable to hang down the branches, and the thick trunk looked like it was about to die.

"I just absorbed the evolutionary power of your body superficially, and I didn't intend to uproot you. As for being so hostile to me?"

"Haven't you heard of blood donation? I'm drawing blood for you now." Cheng Hao, who stopped talking from the last tree, muttered to himself.

He looked around again, to see if there was anything else to eat?

But looking around, he found that there was really nothing to eat, only a group of alligator gars were staring at him.

These alligator gars looked very big, at least taller than Cheng Hao when he stood up. At this time, they were gathering together and looking down, staring at Cheng Hao on the bank, waiting for him to come into the water.

As large carnivorous fish, they have already wiped out all other fish in the surrounding waters, which has also caused them to be a little hungry and have to fight among themselves.

But when they saw food approaching on the shore, they immediately stopped fighting and waited for each other to come down.

As long as the opponent comes, they will attack in groups and eat the opponent directly.

But after they waited for a long time, they found that the prey on the bank neither came down nor walked sideways, but just bit the damn trees on the bank.

They didn't even come here to drink water, which made them anxious in an instant.

They are very hungry now, very hungry, so hungry that even the companions around them would take a bite from time to time, and of course they would be bitten by the companions.

Cheng Hao, who was stared at a little speechlessly, couldn't help but rolled his eyes at these guys staring at him, and suddenly remembered the introduction of these things in his mind. Alligator gar is a very ferocious carnivorous fish.

Then when he scolded them on the shore, would these guys stomp their feet in anger and come straight up to chase him?It seems like a good idea when you think about it, but realistically?No fish should be so stupid, right?
If you don't try to do it, who knows if it will be successful?There's nothing else to eat around here.

At this point, Cheng Hao said provocatively while pulling his throat:

"Aww~ (What are you big stupid fish looking at? If you have the ability to come up and bite me, what is the ability to stay in the water?)"

"Aww~ (Big stupid fish, come up quickly, do you really want to bite me? Look at the meat on my stomach, isn't it very fat? Come up quickly.)"


As soon as his words fell, the alligator gars jumped out of the water and rushed towards him like a sharp sword.

This damned food dared to provoke them, it was really disgusting.

They weren't the kind of fish that couldn't do anything once they landed. It was the biggest mistake he made for the other party to be so close to the river bank.

"No way, are there still such stupid fish these days?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't believe it. He just tried to provoke him, but these alligator gars really rushed towards him.

These guys are too irritable, right?Is it this kind of violent temper?Then he is welcome.

Looking at the fat and big crocodile gar, Cheng Hao slapped his face, ending the crocodile gar's flying journey ahead of schedule.


The alligator gar fell to the ground and made a dull sound.

From the sound alone, Cheng Hao could tell how fat the alligator gar he photographed was?
But this is not the time to check on the alligator gar, because the alligator gars that are approaching elbows are already flying towards him with their mouths open.

This made Cheng Hao feel like a pie in the sky, and he often heard this sentence before.

Now I can be regarded as seeing what is called pie in the sky?With one paw on the left and the other on the right, he slapped the Alligator Gar on the head and sent them to rest.

He can guarantee that his hand speed is very fast, and none of the alligator gars he has treated has said that his treatment service is not good.

But such a good treatment service also has some problems.

For example, these patients are now piled up into a hill, and he intends to use his body to repay his wonderful hands, but he can't hold them, which has become a bit difficult.

"Huh? What should we do? We can't leave these guys here, right? This is a thousand catties of fish, so we can't just waste it like this."

Looking at the fat and strong alligator gar, Cheng Hao started to walk slowly, thinking about how to bring them back?

"There is."

When he looked at a willow tree on the bank, a plan instantly appeared in Cheng Hao's mind.

So, the poor willow tree suffered another seedling, and his fist-thick trunk became the rope that Cheng Hao used to connect the alligator gars in series.

This willow tree feels the empty head, and still can't figure out why it is so unlucky?Is it because his trunk is the straightest?

"Is it almost done now? We can take them all back, and the fish won't fall, it's perfect." After picking up the thick wooden stick, Cheng Hao looked at the alligator gar that was pierced by the wooden stick through the gills. I am satisfied. With this suitable wooden stick, there is no need to worry about losing that fish. Everyone can go back to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain with him.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao happily walked towards the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain with small steps.

"Ah~, it's been two hours now, and Xiaoju doesn't seem to be back yet, should we report to the captain?" The security guard in the monitoring room yawned and looked at the monitor and said, Xiaoju jumped out two hours ago I left the Tiger Park, but I haven't come back yet.

Could something have happened outside?Should they report this matter?
"Wait a little longer, Xiaoju can even catch such a big crocodile, maybe it's just a little delay on the road." Another security guard said after hearing this, put down the thermos.

Could Xiaoju be an ordinary tiger?I haven't come back yet, maybe I'm playing outside and plan to spend more time.

How could something go wrong?One must know that even a crocodile that big is no match for Xiaoju.

"That's true, let's wait and see." The security guard who heard this thought for a while, and felt that it made sense.

He didn't bother to alert the captain, after all, it's not too early.

It's okay to alert the captain to get up, what if there is an oolong?Not good.

Just when the two of them were yawning and a little drowsy.

Slowly appeared on the monitor screen, a tiger holding a stick full of fish in its mouth.

"Where did Xiaoju get so many fish?" The security guard who glanced at this scene immediately became energetic.

"I don't know, and he jumped up with such a thick wooden stick, how did he manage to bite?" Compared to where Xiaoju got so many fish, what he wanted to know was the mouth Is it made of iron?Of the dozen or so fish connected in series, each one seems to be no smaller than Xiaoju's, right?

How on earth did he pick up so many fish and leave?This is too outrageous, right?

"Little Tiger, I'm so happy today. I went out for a short stroll and brought back a bunch of big fish." How surprised were the security guards in the security room?Cheng Hao is not quite sure.

At this time, he was happily climbing the fence and humming a song, jumped over in one step and three steps, and returned to his roof steadily, and began to enjoy the delicious food.

This fresh fish is delicious, the meat is very firm, and these guys are fat enough, so they don't taste too bad. He thinks it's best to eat now.

I just don’t know that the breeder’s sister is still sleeping now?If he remembers correctly?The breeder's sister still has dried salted fish hanging in the room, right?
What's so delicious about that small, shriveled dried salted fish?He had to give the keeper sister some delicious alligator gar.

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao started again after eating a few mouthfuls, jumped out of the house and walked towards the dormitory.

There are too many fish, and it is not safe to keep them in his own home. What if he goes out hunting at night and his home is stolen?It's better to let the breeder's sister help him keep it.

"Uh, Xiaoju doesn't sleep with so many fish, where does he want to go?"

After seeing this scene, the security guard in the monitoring room couldn't help but said in a daze.

Xiaoju's physical strength is too good, right?With so many fish in his mouth, he can easily walk so far by jumping such a high fence.

"If I'm not mistaken, Xiaoju should be going to the dormitory now, right?" Another security guard said after looking at the long shadow cast by the lights.

"Then...then he is really free." Hearing this, the security guard was speechless. Xiaoju's new home is not too close to the dormitory. Xiaoju doesn't sleep at night, it's so leisurely.

"He wasn't in a hurry, he presumably ran to Miss Hong'er to show off." Another security guard said, he had heard from the director that tigers like to show off just like humans.

Now that Xiaoju has caught so many fish, she probably couldn't sleep because she was so happy, so she went to the dormitory to find someone to show off.

"So it's like this? Then I understand."

Hearing this, the security guard nodded suddenly and said, isn't this just like a fisherman?When I caught a big fish, I hugged it with my hands even if I didn’t drive the car, and I didn’t even enter the house three times, so I wandered all the way until the evening.

"dong dong dong"

"dong dong dong"

"Aww~ (Sister, are you there? Sister, are you awake? Sister, are you hungry?)"

The dormitory building with orange lights was supposed to be the quietest at this time, but it was broken by the crisp knock on the door and the loud tiger sound.

Suddenly, everyone in the dormitory was woken up:
"Who is arguing here? Is the pumpkin you?"

"Aww~ (I'm sleeping here, sister, don't wrong me.)"

"It's not you? Who is that?" The sleepy-eyed breeder got up and opened the door to see who it was.After all, everyone has raised a lot of tigers, and now there may be a tiger, missing one of them, and suddenly knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

And there are quite a few breeders who have the same idea as her, so the girls' dormitory building that was originally dark was lit up with lights.

"Xiaoju, you bad bastard, knock on the sisters in the middle of the night. If you have nothing important to do, let's see how my sister will deal with you?" Sister Hong'er, who was awakened by the noise, rubbed her sleepy eyes and opened the door.

He saw Cheng Hao squatting on the ground, his tail wagging like a snake.

"Aww~ (good morning sister!)" Cheng Hao, who saw Hong'er woke up, raised his paw to greet her, and greeted Hong'er's fist on his forehead.

"You little rascal, you have to check what time it is if you want to see my sister? You woke up everyone at such a late night." Hearing the footsteps coming from around, Hong'er sister said angrily.

How is the morning?Is it still early in the morning?
"Aww~ (It's okay, although they were woken up by me, they will be very happy soon.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently after being knocked on the head. Although he woke everyone up, he would Gifts for everyone.

"Really? So what's your plan, you little villain?" Hearing this, Sister Hong'er asked out loud. She felt that something was different today. After being hit on the head by her, she stopped pretending to be in pain.

"Aww... (Dangdang! Sister, take a look, what delicious food did I bring you?)" Cheng Hao stepped back from the door and pointed to the alligator gar on the ground.

Did the breeder sister see it?These are all the fish he caught, all of them are still fresh, and eating them now is guaranteed to taste delicious.

"This... did you catch all of this?"

Seeing the rows of big fish on the ground, sister Hong'er couldn't help asking in surprise.

Where did Xiaoju catch so many big fish?And Xiaoju actually knows how to string them together with tree trunks.

"Aww~ (Of course, I remember sister, you seem to like dried fish very much, so I specially sent it here to make salted fish for you.)" Cheng Hao proudly raised his head and chest, his tail almost turned up Heaven has gone.

Why doesn't the breeder sister hurry up and praise him?He always likes to hear others praise him.

"Xiaoju is awesome, you actually know that my sister likes to eat dried salted fish." Sister Hong'er felt warm when she heard this, and said while hugging Cheng Hao's big round head.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoju actually remembered this kind of thing in her heart, and specially went to catch a big fish for her.

"Aww~ (Of course, I remember it all.)" Cheng Hao said, nodding his head.

"Uh, is there any fish in our dormitory building? Why are there so many alligator gars here?"

"Yeah, these alligator gars are so big, almost three meters in length."

"Look here, these fish were caught by people, and they were all strung together with willow trees."

"Yeah, who is so good? How can you catch so many alligator gars at once? These fish are not easy to mess with, they can even attack people."

The breeders who heard the voice gathered here couldn't help being stunned after looking at the alligator gar on the ground.

It's not that they haven't seen such a big fish before, but it's too outrageous for such a big fish to appear in the dormitory.

"Aww~ (What a big fish, it smells delicious.)"

"Aww~(Yes, they are so fat.)"

After the cubs who were following the breeders came up, they couldn't help crying.

But none of the tactful ones surrounded them. They could smell the bully's scent on these fish, and they knew who caught these fish?

"Aww~ (Sister, do you want fish? Do you want it? I'll help them cut it up now.)"

After seeing people coming over one after another, Cheng Hao patted Sister Hong'er and said.

"Okay, my sister will ask everyone."

"Xiaoju has really grown up, and now she will share food with everyone." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's round head after hearing this, then got up and asked the gathered crowd: "Does anyone want fish?" These fish were caught by Xiaoju from the river."

"Are all these fish caught by Xiaoju?" Everyone who heard this couldn't help being surprised: "My God! What is Xiaoju so capable now? Yesterday he caught crocodiles, and today he caught so many alligator gars .”

"That's right, Xiaoju is about to become the most powerful tiger in our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

"That's right, Hongdou, you have to learn from Xiaoju, sister and sister also hope that when you reach Xiaoju's age, you can catch a big fish and come back."

"That's right, pumpkin, you have to work hard to know? Xiaoju is a tiger just like you, you can't be compared to Xiaoju."

"Aww~(When I grow up this big, I will definitely catch fish bigger than him.)"

"Aww~ (Yes, yes, we will work hard.)"

The little tigers who heard this nodded their heads and replied.

The other party is just older and bigger than them, and when they are as strong as the other party, they will definitely be able to catch so many fish.



While they were talking, Cheng Hao had already clawed his way out of a fish for 18 yuan.

"Okay... so amazing, Xiaoju's claws are sharper than knives."

"That's right, such a big fish was actually divided into pieces by his claws."

The breeders who saw this scene couldn't help saying in amazement, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Aww~ (This bully has become powerful again.)" Seeing this, the little tigers scrambled and hid behind their respective keepers.

Although their claws are sharp, they can't easily unload these fish.

"Pumpkin, don't be afraid, Xiaoju won't bully you, hurry up and get some fish to eat." Seeing the little tigers hiding behind the breeder, Hong'er grabbed a piece of fish and shouted at Pumpkin.

This little tiger is the second fattest after Xiaoju, especially when squatting down like a big pumpkin.

"Aww~ (I...I don't dare to ask for it, he will beat me up.)" Hearing this, the squishy pumpkin looked at Cheng Hao, who was sitting on the ground like a fat gourd, with a little fear in his eyes.

The opponent is really too powerful, and they have been suppressing them since childhood.

They dare not snatch this bully's stuff at all.

"Don't worry, I have my sister here. If he doesn't dare to do it, my sister knows you want to eat it." Hong'er said with a smile, and waved to the other little tigers:

"Come here too, don't hide."

"Xiaoju said, these are all for you to eat."

"Really?" the little tigers, who were crying loudly, asked aloud when they heard this.

"Of course it's true, can my sister still lie to you?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (Sister, can I go there?)" Hearing the cubs here, they pulled their keeper and asked.

It is their heaven to take care of their nanny in their hearts.

"Go, go, Hong'er already said so."

"You don't have to be afraid. If Xiaoju dares to attack you, my sister will beat him up for you."

"Yeah, let's all go, there's nothing to do."

Although the breeders who were being pulled could not understand what the cubs were saying?But they could still feel what they wanted to do, so they said out loud.

After the breeders opened their mouths, the cubs suddenly gained confidence, and one by one ran to catch the fish.

"Aww~ (so boring~)"

Cheng Hao, who picked up this scene, yawned. This group of little brothers are so grown up. It's really not independent to ask the breeders for their opinions when doing something.Where is he so self-reliant?

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoju? Grandpa is in the boys' dormitory, and he heard you, a little villain, screaming here. How could you come here in the middle of the night and disturb everyone's sleep?"

At this moment, before the director arrived, the voice came from downstairs first.

He was woken up by Xiaoju when he was asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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