Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 131 Sister, Let Me Take You to Meet a Friend

Chapter 131 Sister, Let Me Take You to Meet a Friend

"Xiaoju, are you planning to give a red envelope to your sister?"

At the entrance of the cafeteria, sister Hong'er, who was helping to wash the vegetables, saw Cheng Hao approaching with a red envelope in her mouth and asked with a smile. She reached out to take the red envelope in Cheng Hao's mouth, but Cheng Hao turned her head and avoided it. .

"Aww~ (This red envelope is not for you, my sister. This is the red envelope given to me by the grandfather of the principal.)" Cheng Hao handed the crocodile leather bag to Sister Hong'er with his tail curled up and said, "Aww~ (This is what I gave to my sister. one's gift.)"

"Huh? A handbag?" Seeing the bag Cheng Hao handed over, Sister Hong'er was stunned and said.

Why is this bag so strange?It looks a bit rotten like a snakeskin bag, but it feels different to the touch.

"Aww~ (Yes, this is a handmade handbag made of crocodile skin.)" Cheng Hao nodded and replied, spit out the red envelope in his mouth, and carefully pulled it away with his claws.

Then he saw the two yuan wrapped in the red envelope, and suddenly his whole body went numb.

No wonder the principal's grandfather told him not to disassemble it outside, but to dismantle it inside the room.

Just give him two steel jumps for feelings?

"Hey! This is the lucky money for the little orange girl. It looks a bit small." After hearing Cheng Hao's explanation, sister Hong'er was looking at the crocodile handbag, and in a blink of an eye she saw two steel jumpers rolling out of the red envelope. After reading it, I couldn't help laughing.

The head of the garden is so bad that he actually took two yuan to tease Xiaoju.

Although it is said that Xiaoju is a tiger and can't buy things even if he has money, but just stuffing two steel jumpers in it is too little, right?At least six must be stuffed.

"Aww~ (This can't be described as less, okay?)" Cheng Hao pawed the steel jumper with his paws and said in a speechless voice: "Aww~ (Just these two steel jumpers are enough to buy? Not enough to buy a bottle of Coke Yes, the principal’s grandpa is too picky.)”

Cans of Coke cost two yuan and five dollars, not to mention bottled Coke.

Give him two steel jumpers, at most enough to buy two packs of spicy sticks.

"Haha, just get used to it. Just get used to it."

Sister Hong'er smiled and patted Cheng Hao's head and said, "Later, sister will give you some extra money for the new year, okay? Then you can go buy soft drinks."

"Aww~ (Then sister, you have to pack a lot more, don't fool me with steel balls like grandpa.)" Cheng Hao said.

Although he is a tiger and cannot go out of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park with money to buy things, there is still no problem in shopping in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Don't worry, sister won't fool you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and tried it with the crocodile backpack.

I found that this bag is quite strong, and it should be good for holding meat.

"Aww~ (That's good, I'm going to buy food.)" Cheng Hao said, and then he rolled up two dollars with his tongue in satisfaction, and walked towards the small shop in the cafeteria.

Two dollars is still money. You can’t buy soda, but you can buy a marinated egg and a ham sausage.

"You little glutton." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but shook her head with a smile when she saw it.

So he put the crocodile backpack aside and continued to wash the radishes.

"Xiaoju's here is a small shop, not a place to eat for free. If you want to buy something, you have to pay."

Uncle Liu, who was in charge of watching the small shop, saw Cheng Hao approaching step by step in front of him as if he was facing an enemy, so he quickly stood up from his chair, opened his hands and blocked Cheng Hao.

As a veteran of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, he knows every tiger in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park very well, especially the round-headed, round-bellied, and silly-looking tiger in front of him.

But among all the tigers, the most greedy one.

Looking at the way he looked at the products in the canteen, he knew that he must have no good intentions.

The snacks and drinks in this small shop are all sold by the director at the expense of him. If the accounts are not correct, he will have to pay for it himself, so this glutton must not be allowed in. .

"Aww~ (I know I have to pay for things, but it doesn't mean I don't have money.)"

Seeing Uncle Liu's appearance, Cheng Hao was a little speechless, opened his mouth and put the two steel balls wrapped in his tongue on the ground, and looked up at Uncle Liu who was blocking the way.

Does he look like a free-eating tiger?And still eat free food from an old man.

As a tiger, he should show some face, okay?
"Hey! Do you have money, you little rascal? Tell me earlier." After seeing the steel jumpers on the ground, Uncle Liu was surprised, then reached out to pick up the two steel jumpers, wiped his saliva on his sleeve, Pointing to the shelf, he said, "The one on the bottom shelf is one yuan worth of snacks, and the second one on the Internet is two yuan. If you pick the bottom one, you can get two. If you pick the second one, you can only get the first one."

Then I don't know where the little guy Xiaoju got his money from?But it doesn't seem to have much to do with him, he's just responsible for collecting money, as long as the customer doesn't come empty-handed.

As for the origin of the money?It has nothing to do with him.

"Aww~ (I see, don't worry. I won't take too much.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and walked into the small shop with strides.

When Uncle Liu saw it, he followed immediately, lest the little tiger in front of him would fish in troubled waters and loot the small shop with food and goods.

"Corn-flavored sausage? That's right, you are the one I was looking for." Cheng Hao lowered his head and searched at the bottom of the shelf, and soon found one of his targets this time, and quickly rolled up the ham sausage with his tail stand up.

"Xiaoju, you have already taken one yuan, and there is still one yuan to take." Uncle Liu said after seeing it, lest Cheng Hao take more.

"Aww~ (Got it, got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and continued to look for the braised eggs with his head down.

Soon after seeing a piece of black marinated egg, he bit the corner of the marinated egg package.

After Uncle Liu saw it, he patted Cheng Hao's ass and said, "You gave two dollars, and now you're taking two dollars and leaving. Now we've settled the money and the goods, you little scoundrel should leave It's over."

He was really afraid that this little rascal would not leave after taking two yuan, and Lai wanted to keep taking it here.

"Aww~ (Understood, I will come back later when I receive the red envelope from the breeder's sister.)"

"Aww~ (I have to be a tiger, are you afraid of being like this?)" Cheng Hao, who was driven away, turned around muttering, and walked towards the outside of the small shop.

If he didn't steal or rob and paid for it, did the other party have to be so afraid?

Looking at how many tigers there are in the whole world, who is so honest?
"You little rascal, as soon as you have money, you go to buy food. Is this the food you picked?" Sister Hong'er, who was pouring water, couldn't help laughing when she saw the sausage and marinated eggs brought by Cheng Hao asked.

"Aww~ (Yes, sister. I invite you to eat half a piece of ham sausage and half a piece of marinated egg.)" Cheng Hao, who walked in small steps, nodded his head and handed the rolled ham sausage to Sister Hong'er in front of.

How about it?Is he okay?

There is only one ham sausage and one marinated egg, and I didn't forget to share it with the breeder sister.

Where can the breeder sister find such a good tiger like him?

"Oh? You little villain is quite intentional, and you actually plan to share the food with your sister."

Hearing this, Miss Hong'er couldn't help but smiled and said, stretched out her hand to take the sausage that Cheng Hao handed over, tore it open, broke off a small piece and stuffed it into her mouth, then gave him the rest and said, "Okay, My sister has finished eating her own, and the rest will belong to you, a little villain. You can eat."

"Aww~ (OK.)" Cheng Hao opened his mouth when he heard this, and started to eat the ham sausage.

Well, the corn-flavored ham sausage is delicious.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Sister Hong'er asked, rubbing Cheng Hao's nose with a smile after seeing it.

"Aww~(Yeah, the taste is really good.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and replied, "Aww~(Sister, help me take apart the marinated eggs too.)"

"Okay, my sister will help you open it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words, and took out the egg from the marinated egg: "Although these things are delicious, they are all made of food additives, so you can't eat them often Oh, you little rascal."

"Aww~ (I want to eat it often, but I have to have money.)" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, and he still eats these things often. How can he have so much money?The breeder sister thinks highly of him too.

"Hahaha, that's true." Hearing this, Miss Hong'er couldn't help laughing and tore open the packaging bag of marinated eggs: "You little villain, remember that all the things in the small shop are from Huyuan. , you can’t run out at night to steal food, you know? Otherwise, Uncle Liu will beat you up if he finds out.”

Although Xiaoju has no money to buy food, he can steal it.

She was worried that Xiaoju was addicted to eating, so she came to the cafeteria shop in the middle of the night to steal snacks.

So put some eye drops on Xiaoju first, and warn him.

"Aww~ (I'm not so bored.)" Cheng Hao, who was eating marinated eggs, said, looking around and muttering in his heart: "There are so many cameras, am I stupid to come and steal them? Isn't this Isn't it nice to offend people? Besides, snacks are enough to satisfy your cravings, and they can also be eaten as a staple food."

"That's fine, I believe my sister's Xiaoju is the most obedient." After hearing this, sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "Xiaoju, you don't have anything to do now, then help my sister bite down the water pipe. My sister is going to wash the radish now."

"Aww~ (Oh, no problem.)" Cheng Hao nodded upon hearing this, and bit the water pipe to act as a support.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Look what I saw? Our cute little chubby orange actually helped out sensiblely."

Cheng Hao bit the water pipe and helped to pull the radish with his paws. A familiar voice came from his ears. He looked around and saw Xu Lele and Sun Xiaoyi walking over.

"Lele and Xiaoyi, why are you back?" Sister Hong'er who was washing the radishes asked with a smile and greeting.

"Of course I came to see Xiaopangju." Xu Lele approached with a smile, looked around Cheng Hao and said:

"Hey! Little Fat Orange, have you grown up? Why do you feel that you are so taller than before?"

"Yes, Xiaoju seems to have grown up a lot." Sun Xiaoyi, who came back with Xiaohua, looked at it and nodded her head.

The size of the small orange is too obvious, it can be seen at a glance.

"So you also found out that Xiaoju has grown up? Then it looks like I didn't notice it." Sister Hong'er who heard what the two said said with a smile, looked at the two and said, "How long will you stay in the Tiger Garden?" How about going back?"

Lele needs to teach the newcomers that they should not stay too long in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and Xiaoyi's ability is also scarce, so the commander can't let it go either.

"I have to go back before eight o'clock." Xu Lele rubbed Cheng Haolong's back and said, "After celebrating the New Year here, I have to go back and celebrate the New Year in the department."

"All the team members will stay in the department during Chinese New Year this year."

"Uh, why is this? Didn't it mean that the higher-ups of the mutant organization were annihilated? Why is the whole department still in a state of tension?"

Sister Hong'er, who was picking up radishes, asked suspiciously, since the high-level members of the mutant organization have been dealt with, shouldn't the departments be able to relax?Why do you still feel nervous?

"Although the nail buried by the mutant organization has been pulled out, they have obtained contact with foreign forces. Foreign forces are supporting them. They have recently intercepted many genetic evolution agents at the border."

Xu Lele scratched Cheng Hao's chin and explained: "In addition, the evolutionary plants and some animals are not living in peace, and the staff of the department are dispatched almost every day."

"Either this house was invaded by big cockroaches, or that house was invaded by mutated rats, or someone's bonsai wanted to strangle the owner."

"Anyway, there are a lot of things to do, and I can't finish my work."

"So it's like this?" Sister Hong'er nodded her head when she heard the words and said, "That's really troublesome, but it's a pity that I can't help you much."

From this point of view, it is normal for the department to be so busy, but it is a pity that her ability is not of much use.

"Sister Hong'er, don't say that. Your ability is not used to deal with these small things, but to deal with big crises." Xu Lele said with a smile, and continued to dig deep into Cheng Hao's stomach.

It's been a long time since I touched Xiaopangju's belly, I really miss her.

Although it is said that Xiaohua's belly can be touched in the department, but the feeling of Xiaohua's belly is very different from that of Xiaopangju's. It is completely different.

"Aww~ (I said you're almost fine, don't keep harassing me, don't you see that I'm doing business right now?)" Cheng Hao, who was being rubbed on his stomach, patted Xu Lele's restless hand with his tail and said.

He is helping to hold the water pipe now, this guy is still working hard, isn't he?
"Little fat orange, what are you doing like this? We haven't seen my sister for a long time to make out with you, why did you hit her hand when you came up?" said Xu Lele, who was slapped away by the tail, and continued to walk on Cheng Hao's stomach superior.

"Xiaoju told you not to touch it, he is helping me now." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, reaching out her hand to turn off the faucet: "Okay, Xiaoju, you can put down the faucet that is dangling from your mouth, I will The radishes have been washed."

"Aww~ (Okay.)" Cheng Hao nodded when he heard this, and spit out the water pipe.

Tail patted Xu Lele's hand away, and jumped aside.

"You little villain, do you still dare to resist now? See if I don't catch you." Xu Lele, who felt empty in his hand, looked at Cheng Hao, who jumped aside, and said. Resisting her loving touch, if it takes a while, wouldn't she just be forgotten?
No, you have to give Xiaopangju a good beating.

The kitten is disobedient and dares to resist. Most of the time, it will be better after patting less and more.

"Aww~ (I'm not who I used to be anymore, let me come here.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao raised his paw and said.

As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, he is no longer the weak little tiger he used to be.

Before the other party speaks to him, he has to weigh his strength before saying so.

"You little villain, are you declaring war on me? I haven't seen you for a few days, you little villain, have you forgotten how powerful I am?" Seeing Cheng Hao standing up with his paws up, Xu Lele immediately rolled up his sleeves angrily.

This little villain hadn't seen her for a while, and he actually wanted to declare war on her. It seemed that she had to use force to make Xiaopangju submit.

"Lele, you'd better be careful, Xiaoju is no better than before."

"He's really good now. It's no problem to pick up something weighing three thousand catties. It's even less stressful to clean up the crocodile." Sister Hong'er, who pushed the radish into the kitchen and came out of the kitchen, reminded her aloud.

"Really? It turns out that Xiaopangju, you have become so powerful recently, no wonder you have the courage to challenge me." After hearing this, Xu Lele suddenly realized: "But you think that with this little ability, you can be in my hands If you set off some waves? It would be a big mistake."

"Aww~ (Stop talking nonsense, I'll let you see how good I am today.)" Cheng Hao said with his legs straightened out, and the other party should stop talking to him, and hurry up if they want to compare their strength.

If you don't compare your strength?Just get out of here immediately.

"You little scoundrel, how dare you still be impatient? Let me teach you to remember." After hearing Cheng Hao's warning voice, Xu Lele immediately put his hands on Cheng Hao's paws and said, "Little Scoundrel, are you ready? If I’m ready, I’m going to start. If you lose in the strength contest later? Don’t run to Sister Hong’er’s feet and cry.”

"Aww~ (It's impossible for me to lose today, you don't know how good I am now.)" Cheng Hao shook his body as a warm-up.

Here today, he will defeat the opponent in strength in an upright manner, and let the opponent know how powerful he is.

"Are you two ready? You can start the game when I count to three."

Sister Hong'er didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and she came up and raised three fingers and said.

Xiaoju is a tiger, and Lele is a power evolver.

To be honest, she is indeed a little curious now. Is Lele so strong?Or is Xiaoju stronger now?
"All right."

"Aww~ (I'm fine too.)"

Hearing this, one person and one tiger nodded their heads and said, and sister Hong'er started counting: "One, two, three starts!"


When Xu Lele heard the word "three" fall, as soon as he exerted his legs, all the strength in his body poured towards his arms.

Since Sister Hong'er said that Pang Ju's strength has grown a lot recently, she has to pay attention, the strength of a tiger is not small, especially that Pang Ju is not an ordinary evolved tiger.

She had to use [-]% of her full strength to deal with it.

"Aww~ (Get down for me.)"

Cheng Hao roared, his body stretched straight.

There was a "click" sound under his feet on the concrete floor, and all his strength was concentrated on his forelegs.

"You little villain's strength has indeed increased a lot recently. No wonder you dare to challenge me, but you think you can defeat me like this, but you are completely wrong."

After feeling the strength coming from the opposite side, Xu Lele couldn't help being startled, muttering that the little fat orange who drank the evolution potion was different, his strength was almost catching up with her, but the little fat orange thought he could beat her like this It's too early.

"Aww~ (Don't think that this is my full strength, if standing like this makes me unable to exert my full strength? You have been defeated by me long ago.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao cursed. He now His body structure is still not suitable for this kind of strength competition, otherwise the opponent would have been defeated by him long ago.

"Xiaoju's strength has grown a lot recently, and she is able to support Sister Lele to this extent." Sun Xiaoyi, a melon-eating audience who saw this scene, was a little surprised. Sister Lele is a power evolutionist.

In the department, a two-ton truck can be easily lifted by Sister Lele.

But I didn't expect that after I came back, I couldn't push Xiaoju away.

"Yes, Xiaoju has become a lot stronger recently." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words, watching the person and the tiger step back a few steps as you push me, and I push you back a few steps.

"Hey! Are you playing house? Or are you dancing?" I came to see how the New Year's Eve dinner was being prepared, and asked curiously after seeing this scene.

Xiaoju is dancing with Lele?It seems that there is a rhythm to jumping one by one. You advance and you retreat, and I advance and you retreat. Don't remind him of his youth.

"Director, they are not dancing, Xiaoju and sister Lele are competing for strength." Sun Xiaoyi explained with a smile.

"Oh? Compare your strength? This is really interesting." After hearing this, the director immediately sat down on the steps beside the lawn, looking lively.

"Pangju, you little villain, you can't compete with your sister in terms of strength. Hurry up and admit defeat, or you will get hurt." Xu Lele, who pushed Cheng Hao back step by step, said.

Does this little villain actually have so much strength?It was so outrageous that he was almost pushed away by this little villain.

But fortunately, she held her breath and pushed Xiaopangju back.

"Aww~! (I haven't lost yet, don't want me to admit defeat, you're about to lose your hold, I know it.)" Cheng Hao tried his best not to be outdone, the other party's strength was almost at the end of it, right?This is the disadvantage of being human.

Comparing strength and explosiveness with him, it is impossible for the opponent to have an advantage.


Xu Lele, who was pushing Cheng Hao back slowly, suddenly felt the strength on the other side strengthened, and his whole face instantly became ugly.

Because she didn't have the strength to push Xiaopangju over.

"Aww~ (I said 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the little tiger.)"

Cheng Hao, who felt that the opponent was weak in succession, said happily, ready to completely defeat the opponent in one go.

"Okay, you two don't play anymore. If you continue to compare, the cement will be cracked by the two of you." At this moment, the director stood up, walked to the middle of a man and a tiger, and broke apart. said with their paws and hands.

"Aww~ (Grandpa Director, you are so strong.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help being startled when he realized that his paws had been easily broken off by the Grandpa Director.

It turns out that the boss has been by my side all the time, isn't the garden principal grandpa too powerful?

"That's a lot of strength." Xu Lele, who was pulled away, was also shocked. It is clear that the head of the garden is not a power-type evolutionary, but it is too outrageous to have such a terrifying power. This is the earliest evolutionary. Strength?
"The principal is too powerful. The winner of this power contest is Mr. Principal." After seeing it, Sun Xiaoyi immediately ran over happily and announced.

"Aww~ (Grandpa is really awesome.)" Xiao Hua circled happily around the headmaster, she knew that the headmaster's grandfather was the most powerful, and easily defeated the big villain.

"Aww~ (It's not fair, I'm going to win soon.)" Cheng Hao who was pulled away looked at the director and said, if there were no accidents in that game, he should have won, and he was the final victory But it was interrupted by the principal's grandfather.

"But grandpa sees that it's your disadvantage." The director smiled and pinched Cheng Hao's big round face and said: "And you little villain cracked grandpa's concrete floor, how do you think you will pay for it? "

"Aww~ (I don't know anything, don't ask me anything.)" Cheng Hao looked at the cracked concrete floor and left his words, then ran away with his tail between his legs.

For fear of being left by the principal to carry out Hude education.

"This little rascal can run fast enough." Seeing Cheng Hao who disappeared in the blink of an eye, the director shook his head and said, turning around to look at Xu Lele.

"Mr. Consultant, I will restore the concrete floor to its original state, don't worry." Xu Lele, who was looking at the other party, said quickly.

She did not expect that she would be at a disadvantage in this strength competition. If Mr. Consultant hadn't come and interrupted the competition, she would be ashamed.

"It's okay, I'll let other people deal with the matter of the concrete floor later." Hearing this, the director waved his hand with a smile and said, "The commander said that I entrusted you with something. I wonder if you brought it here?"

I heard that the higher ups sent a lot of good things to the senior management of these departments, and the commander specially asked Lele to bring him a copy, but I don't know what it is?
"Bring here." Hearing this, Sun Xiaoyi on the side quickly took out the gift box that the Commander asked them to bring from his backpack.

"Principal, talk to Lele and the others first, I'll go and see the little villain Xiaoju first." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene.

"Well, go and have a look." The principal said with a smile, and sister Hong'er drove away in a sightseeing car.

"Aww~ (It's so dangerous, I was almost left behind for Hude's education. Fortunately, I ran fast.)" Hude looked around, and Cheng Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was chasing him. .

"Xiaoju, wait for sister, you bad guy, you don't even want your sister, so you just run away?" At this moment, the sightseeing bus appeared behind, and in order to prevent Cheng Hao from running away as soon as they met, Honger sister hurriedly shouted.

"Aww~ (Sister, you don't hide the principal's grandfather in the car, right?)" After hearing the voice, Cheng Hao turned around, but he didn't dare to stop, and asked vigilantly.

"Of course not, you're a bad bastard who's about to become a frightened bird." Sister Hong'er said angrily, "Hurry up and stop, where are you going, you little bastard?"

"Aww~ (I'm going to visit my friend I met recently, sister, do you want to go with me? If you can't find me in the future, you can ask him, he will tell you where I went .)" I haven't seen the big octopus for two days, and Cheng Hao doesn't know what happened to the big octopus?

So he planned to take a look at the other party now. There should be no one who is celebrating the new year by the river. He is not worried, the big octopus will be seen by others.

And even if you saw it, if you brought the breeder sister over there, wouldn't you have the identity of the big octopus?The origin of the big octopus raised in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain is innocent.

The most important thing is that the breeder's sister's ability can get close to this big octopus. What if he goes out hunting one day and comes back late?This big octopus can still tell the breeder sister, lest the breeder sister stamp her feet anxiously.

"Oh? Have you met friends outside?" Hong'er asked curiously after hearing this, what if Xiaoju met friends in the park?She should have known about it a long time ago, but since Xiaoju said to take her to see it, then his friend must be outside the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, right?

"Aww~ (Yes, sister, you will never know who my friend is? I guarantee you will be shocked.)" Cheng Hao said proudly. He is sure that after the breeder sister sees the big octopus, she will probably Will jump up in fright.

"You little villain, you underestimate my sister too much. Is my sister so timid?" After hearing this, Hong'er sister said angrily, "Take me to see what kind of animal your little villain's friend is. , I don't believe that my sister is such a big person, and she will be shocked by your friends."

She wasn't even afraid of tigers and brown bears, but she wanted to see what kind of friends this little villain Xiaoju had made?
"Aww~ (Sister, come home with me, I'll take you from home to meet him by the river.)" Cheng Hao said, and ran towards his house with small steps.

"Okay, my sister wants to see what kind of medicine is in your gourd, you little brat?" Sister Hong'er replied, and drove the car to chase after it.

"Aww~ (Sister, come up, I'll take you out. The place we're going is a bit far away, and it will take a while for you to run.)" After returning home, Cheng Hao pointed his tail at his back and said, here It's quite far from the river.

As for the breeder's sister, who has small arms and legs, it is a bit difficult to step over the fence, let alone walk with him for so long.

"Okay, sister's little orange has really grown up."

"Now I will take the initiative to carry my sister." Hearing this, sister Hong'er smiled and said, lying on Cheng Hao's back.

I felt the whole person soaring into the air, directly passed through the six-meter-high fence, and appeared outside the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

"Aww~ (Sister, hurry up, I'm going to start speeding up.)" said Cheng Hao, who jumped out of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and the short leg stepped out of the afterimage and ran towards the river bank.

"Okay." Sister Hong'er lowered her head when she heard the words and replied.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, she is already very experienced in lying on Xiaoju's back, and knows how to find balance on Xiaoju's back, so as not to let herself fall.

"Xiaoju brought Miss Hong'er out of the Tiger Garden, should we inform the head of the garden?" Looking at the black shadow running away on the screen, Xiao Zhang asked aloud to his companion.

"No need, Xiaoju and Miss Hong'er are not children anymore. Nothing will happen." Said some drowsy companions at the side, and ignored them.

With Miss Hong'er watching over Xiaoju, what could happen?

If something happens, the guy who meets Xiaoju will have something happen.

"Is this where your friend lives?"

After running for a while, Cheng Hao gradually stopped.

When they came to the place separated from the big octopus, they let Hong'er sister down.

After Sister Hong'er got off Cheng Hao's back, she looked around and found that apart from the rushing river, there seemed to be no other animals around.

"Aww~ (Yes, my friend lives here, sister, stand back a little bit, don't be too far forward.)" Cheng Hao said, then walked to the bank of the river, and shouted towards the bank : "Aww~(I'm here, come out quickly.)"

"Huh? Does Xiaoju's friend live in the water? Is it a finless porpoise?" Sister Hong'er was muttering to herself when she saw this scene, and the entire water surface exploded with a "bang".

Then a huge octopus more than 40 meters high emerged from the water, shaking its thick tentacles, stirring the entire river, like a fried frying pan.

"How could there be such a big octopus? Not good! Xiaoju, let's go quickly." Sister Hong'er said with a pale face when she saw this scene.

Immediately ran towards Cheng Hao on the bank of the river, ready to drag him to run quickly.

Such a big octopus is not something the two of them can deal with, they will be crushed to death as soon as the tentacles come down.

"Puff~ (Tiger, why did you come here? Where have you been these two days?)" The big octopus that didn't come up did not continue to approach, but still looked at Cheng Hao and asked.

"Aww~ (I'm tired of cleaning up that big water snake. I've been sleeping for the past two days. What about you? Have you eaten that big water snake?)" Cheng Hao stood on the river bank, scanning the other's big tentacles. , found that the big water snake had disappeared, and it seemed that it had been completely swallowed by the other party.

"Puff~ (Yes, I haven't seen you over the past two days, so I'll eat him first.)" The big octopus nodded and replied, looking curiously at Sister Hong'er behind Cheng Hao Zhise: "Puff ~ (Did you bring this human? It feels so close.)"

Although it was the first time to meet each other, but for some reason, the big octopus felt that the other party was very safe and made him feel very comfortable.

"Aww~(This is my sister, I'll bring him here to meet you, and I'll find a way to get you an ID card here, so that you won't be in trouble if you are discovered by humans while you live here. )" Cheng Hao led Sister Hong'er by the tail and walked forward.

"Puff~(So it's your sister, Tiger, no wonder she looks so powerful.)" After the big octopus heard it, Tiger slowly approached the shore.

"Xiaoju, is this your friend?" Listening to the conversation between the tiger and the octopus, Miss Hong'er felt a little confused. She didn't know how the two of them became friends?

No matter where you look at it, this is an outrageous thing.

"Aww~ (Yes, this is my friend, the big octopus. We don't know each other.)" Cheng Hao walked up to the big octopus and said, stretching out his paws to pat the big octopus.

"Puff puff ~ (yes, we have experienced life and death crises together, and defeated powerful enemies.)" The big octopus heard the words and echoed, holding up its big tentacles and claws.

"Okay, although it's a little outrageous, but my sister can accept it." Seeing this very unharmonious scene, Hong'er sister couldn't help covering her face and said.

She doesn't know what words to use to describe her mood now?Anyway, as long as Xiaoju is happy.

"Aww~ (Sister, please help the big octopus to report to the department, just say that you are helping to take care of the big octopus now, a good octopus will not harm humans.)" Cheng Hao said while the iron was hot.

"Puff~ (Yes, yes, I'm a good octopus. Sister, please help me.)" The big octopus echoed after hearing the words. If his sister helps to come forward, then he won't have to hide during the day. Not to mention being afraid of being discovered by humans.

"It's fine for me to come forward and report for you, but are you really not going to harm humans?" Sister Hong'er asked after hearing this, staring at the big octopus.

If they could have such a big octopus to help them, then they would indeed have an extra big helper, and this place is not far from their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

Once something happens, the big octopus can rush over to help immediately.

But the question is is this big octopus really not in danger?

"Puff~ (I promise that as long as humans don't attack me, I won't attack them.)" The big octopus being stared at wanted to say yes, but couldn't.

When I changed a sentence, I was finally able to speak calmly in the future.

"That's fine, as long as you are a good octopus that keeps its own place, my sister is willing to come forward and guarantee it for you." After seeing the sincerity in the eyes of the big octopus, Sister Hong'er nodded in satisfaction.

She saw sincerity in the eyes of the big octopus, and believed that the big octopus must be telling the truth.

"Puff~ (Great, thank you sister.)" The big octopus said happily when he heard this, and immediately approached his big head to imitate Cheng Hao and prepared to rub on Sister Hong'er.

"Stop, stop! Don't be like Xiaoju, you can't stand calling me big sister." Seeing the big octopus approaching, sister Hong'er hurriedly stopped her.

If she was going to be rubbed, the clothes would be ruined.

"Puff~ (Okay then.)" The blocked big octopus felt a little lost, and he also wanted to get close to his sister.

But my sister really wanted to not get close to him.

"Don't act like this, big octopus." Sister Hong'er saw this, touched his big tentacles with a smile and said, "Come on, shaking hands is the same."

"Puff puff~ (Mmm, sister.)" The big octopus being touched by its big tentacles happily spit bubbles.

"Aww~ (Big Octopus, you have been looking for me in such a hurry these two days, did you find any big guy here?)" Cheng Hao asked after seeing Sister Hong'er agreeing to stand up for the Big Octopus.

"Puff~(No, after I threw the head of that big water snake into the water, no one dared to come over.)" The big octopus heard the words and said, "Puff~(I'm just worried that something will happen to you, so Just asking.)”

(End of this chapter)

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