Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 132 I'm right in front of you, how much do you think I look like before?

Chapter 132 I'm right in front of you, how much do you think I look like before?
"Aww~ (Didn't you find any big guys? That's really bad news.)"

Cheng Hao was a little disappointed when he heard the words. The bigger the guy, the stronger the power of evolution. Now that there is no big guy, it means that his road to becoming stronger will stop again.

"Puff~ (Are you and your sister going to play on the river? I can take you there.)"

The big octopus holding Sister Hong'er's hand didn't care about Cheng Hao's emotions, but asked Sister Hong'er to flatter her, and planned to take Sister Hong'er for a walk on the river.

"Would you like to play by the river?" After hearing this, sister Hong'er looked at the big octopus and said with a smile:

"Really? It won't be too embarrassing for you, right?"

She just met the big octopus, and she was still a little flustered when she took the big octopus to the river.

"Puff~(I'm not embarrassed at all, I'm in the river every day.)"

The big octopus flipped its tentacles to expose its suckers, and invited Sister Hong'er.

His eyes were full of flattery, and he wanted to prove to his sister that he was a harmless and good octopus.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't underestimate the big octopus, he has strong bones and muscles all over his body.)"

After hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately took one step and three steps, and jumped on the head of the big octopus to demonstrate, saying that the big octopus is reliable and will not hurt her.

"Then I'll trouble you, big octopus."

After Sister Hong'er saw it, she sat on the suction cup on the tentacles of the big octopus with peace of mind.

Since Xiaoju has set an example, it seems that the big octopus really won't hurt her.

"Puff~ (No trouble no trouble, I am very happy to be able to take my sister.)"

Feeling the weight on the tentacles, the big octopus swung its tentacles close to its head, put down Hong'er sister, then slowly wriggled away from the river bank and entered the river.

"Aww~ (Slow down the big octopus, let's just hang out on the river.)" Cheng Hao, who sat down with Sister Hong'er in his tail, said. The same can stand on it, so the big octopus should not swim so fast.

"Puff puff puff ~ (Okay, I see.)" Hearing this, the big octopus swam slowly, like a raised island.

"Aww~ (Sister, sit on my back, don't sit on the back of the big octopus, or you will slide down directly later.)" Cheng Hao said while supporting Sister Hong'er's body with his tail, where is the big octopus? It's all good, but her body is too slippery, if she doesn't have his support, Sister Hong'er will rush into the river with one kick.

"Okay, sister understands." Sister Hong'er sat on Cheng Hao's back and looked at the wide river. She felt that the scenery was really good, so she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed the commander's number, ready to talk to him. Make a video call and help the big octopus identify itself.

After all, if it's one thousand to ten thousand, it's better to let the commander see it for himself.

"Happy New Year, Xiaohong! Did you call me to give me New Year's greetings?" The commander, who was sorting out documents in the office, answered the channel with a smile after receiving the video call.

But when looking at the wide river, I can't help but envy them, who are so comfortable that they don't have to be busy.

He almost forgot how long it had been since he sat on a boat and watched the scenery on both sides of the river so comfortably.

"Yes, Happy New Year, Commander." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words.

"I really want to be happy, but there are a lot of things to deal with, so I can't be happy." The commander couldn't help but shook his head when he heard this, looked at Sister Hong'er with her drooping tail and said, "You still have to play when you come out to play." Did you bring out the little chubby orange? This little guy seems to have grown up very fast recently, and his tail is much thicker than before."

He remembered that Pangju's tail was like a small cobra, but now it is as big as a cauliflower snake from the video. It seems that Pangju has grown very fast recently.

"Xiaoju has indeed grown up a bit recently, but he is quite small. Commander, guess what we are on now?" Sister Hong'er asked mysteriously after hearing the words.

"Aren't you on a cruise ship?" Looking at the screen, the scenery on both sides of the strait slowly receded.

The commander said, judging from the sound of running water around and the speed at which the scenery receded, they should be on a cruise ship, right?

"No, Commander." Sister Hong'er shook her head with a smile when she heard the words, and turned her phone to show the Commander the whole picture of their feet: "Here comes the big octopus! Stretch out your tentacles to say hello to the Commander. "

"Puff ~ (Okay, sister.)"

The big octopus, now swimming slowly, heard it and raised its huge tentacles.

"Okay... what a big octopus, where did you tame it?" Seeing the big octopus that looks like a small island in the picture, the commander couldn't help asking in surprise.

It was the first time he saw such a big octopus, but Xiaohong brought him a surprise.

"It's in the big river behind our Tiger Park." Sister Hong'er held up her mobile phone and said, "Commander, can you register the big octopus with the department, so that the team members won't accidentally injure him."

"Of course there is no problem. You can wait for me there first. I will take someone there right away to help him measure and record."

After the commander heard it, he spoke.

It would be great for such a big octopus to be their helper. In addition, how this big octopus came to the inland river is also something he really wants to find out.

He needs to know whether individual sea creatures have entered the inland river?Or an inland river where a lot of marine life runs into.

If a large amount of marine life enters the inland river, this is not good news for the people on both sides of the river.

"Okay, Commander." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile, and when she heard the sound of the phone hanging up from the other end of the phone, she couldn't help but smiled and said to the big octopus:

"Big Octopus, you will soon have an official identity, and then you don't have to hide it in your heart."

"Puff puff~ (Mmm, thank you sister.)"

Hearing this, the big octopus replied with a smile, spitting bubbles happily, and continued walking in the river with Sister Hong'er.



Not long after, three mechas flew over the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"This is the department's mecha, where are they going?" Looking at the passing mecha, Xu Lele looked curiously and saw the mecha stopped in the direction of the river behind the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, and immediately walked Steps rushed towards the place where the mech fell.

What happened behind the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?Actually want the mecha to come over.



After the three mechas landed on the river bank, the hatch of the cockpit opened automatically, revealing the commander and the team members who came this time.

"Commander, you came so fast." Waiting on the shore, sister Hong'er saw her, and immediately came up to her with a smile.

"Of course. After all, the animals you tamed this time are not small." The commander looked at the rushing river and said, "Where did the big octopus go? Is he still shy when he sees us coming?"

What about the big octopus he saw in the phone video, why is such a big one gone now?Is there still social fear?
"He heard that the big octopus will go ashore for measurement, so he prepared to drink more water in the river so that he can come up, so as not to be dehydrated after staying on land for too long." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile after hearing this.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought he was shy." The commander said with a smile after hearing this, and looked at the two people behind him: "You two, take out all the tools you need for measurement."

"Yes." The team member who heard this nodded, and then took out the carrying case and set up the equipment, ready to wait for the big octopus to come out.

I heard that the octopus to be measured this time is very big, but I don't know how big it is?


Just as they were thinking this way, the surface of the water exploded suddenly, and a huge octopus moved out of the water and came ashore.

"Okay... so big."

Although they were mentally prepared before coming, the legs of the two team members trembled suddenly when they saw the huge octopus tens of meters high in front of them.

This is just the height of this big octopus, without measuring the distance from his tentacles to his head.

It is conceivable how big this big octopus is?
"Big octopus, this is the commander of the department. Your identity needs to be confirmed by the commander. Hurry up and say hello to the commander." After seeing the big octopus landed, Sister Hong'er introduced him with a smile.

"Puff~ (How are you, Commander.)" The big octopus that said that said hello while spitting bubbles and holding up its big tentacles.

"Commander, the big octopus is greeting you." Sister Hong'er smiled and translated with the commander.

"Hello! Big octopus." The commander smiled and said, "You are welcome to register at the department. As long as you can be honest and honest in accordance with the department's regulations, the department will arrange an ID card for you to live here. , and keep you safe."

"Of course, while the department provides you with convenience, when your help is needed, I also hope that you can help the department deal with some things."

The big octopus is so big and lives in the river. Once there are reasonable troubles to solve in the future, the other party will need to take action.

I hope this big octopus can help when the time comes.

"Puff~ (Is it dangerous to obey the department's command?)" Hearing this, the big octopus asked a little cautiously.

He is still very weak now, but he can't do much. The department won't let him do dangerous things then, right?
"Commander, the big octopus asked if your department will arrange dangerous things for him?" Sister Hong'er smiled and said to the commander after hearing this.

"Of course not, the department will definitely arrange things that you can handle, and it won't be in vain to ask you to help." Hearing this, the commander said with a smile, took out a tube of evolution potion from his pocket, pulled it out Opened the plug and handed it to the big octopus: "This is the evolution medicine developed by us humans, you can try it. When you need help in the future, you will use this as a reward."

Octopus is a very smart animal, especially such a big octopus, its IQ must not be much lower than that of humans.

They took out the evolution potion and gave it to each other. He believed that this big octopus would definitely not be able to resist it.

In other words, all evolutionary creatures cannot resist the temptation of evolution potions.

After all, after taking the evolution potion, you can really feel the changes in your body, and it doesn't need to accumulate over time like exercising to show up.

"Puff~(What is this? I feel so comfortable in my body.)" After taking the evolution potion and drinking it in one gulp, both eyes of the big octopus shone.

This warm feeling was so comfortable, he felt as if he had become a little stronger, although not much stronger.

But this feeling is real. It is unexpected that human beings still have so many good things. No wonder the tiger told him not to provoke human beings easily.

"This is the evolution potion developed by our department." Sister Hong'er heard this, touched the tentacles of the big octopus with a smile and said, "If I need your help in the future? We will give you this as a reward."

"How is it? Big octopus, do you think this reward is good?"

"Puff~ (Very good, you can come to me for anything I can help in the future, but if it's too dangerous, don't come to me.)" The big octopus nodded his head and said.

With such a good thing as a reward, as long as the task is not too dangerous, he is willing to help every day.

"That's fine. If there is something to do in the future, I will notify you." Seeing that the big octopus was satisfied with the reward, Sister Hong'er smiled and translated the words of the big octopus to the commander.

"Very good, now I need your help from the big octopus." After listening to the translation, the commander looked at the big octopus and said, "Can you tell me how you came to such a deep inland river, big octopus? It’s thousands of kilometers away from the ocean.”

"In addition, can you tell me about the current situation of the ocean in detail?"

Although the big octopus is said to be an evolutionary animal, it is too outrageous to be able to run from such a far ocean.

Now he urgently needs to know that the big octopus swam all the way here?Or do some lakes in the interior have secret passages connecting to the ocean?
"Puff~ (Are there any rewards for answering this question?)" the big octopus asked with eyes squirming after hearing this.

Since there is something that needs his help, shouldn't he be paid as well?

"Commander, is the big octopus asking you a favor?" Sister Hong'er translated to the commander after hearing this.

Sure enough, octopuses are not just smart.

"Of course it is." Hearing this, the commander immediately understood what the big octopus in front of him meant.Then he took out another evolution potion No. [-] from his pocket, handed it to the big octopus and reminded: "This is the reward for this questioning, you just drank a tube, don't ask me for more, this is terrible It’s more than paid for this time.”

What if you have to give a tube of Evolution Potion No. [-] to ask a question?Even if their department has mines, they can't afford to pay like this.

"Puff~(Okay, okay.)" The big octopus that stuffed the evolution potion No. [-] into its mouth nodded its head.Then he began to answer the commander's question.

"What a big octopus, is that the commander and sister Hong'er? What are they talking about with the big octopus?"

Xu Lele, who ran over the fence of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, saw it, and trotted over: "Sister Hong'er, why is there such a big octopus here? Is this also your raise? Then he can really grow up." of."

What a big octopus, look at that tentacle that can easily blow the mecha away.

"No, the big octopus came from the ocean to the inland river, and I didn't raise it." Sister Hong'er smiled and said, "Lele, why are you here?"

"I saw the department's mecha flying over, so I ran over to see what's going on?" Xu Lele said, walked up to the big octopus and greeted him familiarly, holding his tentacles: "Hello, big octopus Ah! My name is Xu Lele, you can call me Sister Lele."

"Puff~ (Sister Lele?)" Hearing this, the big octopus couldn't help casting a puzzled look at Cheng Hao, as if asking who this familiar female human was?
"Aww~ (You don't need to pay attention to her, she's just a familiar guy. If you ignore her, she won't pester you anymore.)" Cheng Hao, who was watching, said.

"Puff puff~(Oh, I see.)"

After the big octopus heard it, it nodded its head in understanding, stretched out its tentacles and gently touched sister Hong'er's arm: "Puff~ (Sister, do you have any questions, Commander? If not, I have to go into the river Go swim a few laps, or you'll be frozen over.)"

There is too much water on his body, and if he is exposed to the air all the time, he will freeze easily, so he has to move his jaw a bit.

Now he has only adapted to fresh water and has not yet adapted to life on land.

"It should be gone, big octopus, go down to the river first." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and the big octopus wriggled and crawled down the bank into the river.

"Sister Hong'er, why did the big octopus go down?" Xu Lele, who was about to chat with the big octopus, asked after seeing it.

"The shore is too dry, so it's not suitable for him to stay for a long time. So he has to go back into the river." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile, watched the big octopus slowly sinking into the river, and touched Cheng Hao big head said:

"Xiaoju, we are going back to Tiger Park."

"It's late now, and dinner is about to start."

"Aww~ (I see, let's go now.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said when he heard this, patted his tail on the back and asked Hong'er sister to sit up quickly, so that he could take her back to the Siberian Tiger Forest in Hongta Mountain garden.

Otherwise, the two of them won't be able to make it, the New Year's Eve dinner tonight.

"Okay, sister, sit up first. Don't leave first, I still have to ask the commander to go to the Tiger Park together?" Sister Hong'er sat on Cheng Hao's back and asked the commander.

"I won't go. The department still has a lot of things to deal with. Lele, remember that you have to come back before eight o'clock." The commander refused with a smile when he heard the words, and urged Xu Lele.

"Don't worry, Commander. I will definitely be back before eight o'clock." Xu Lele replied after hearing this.

"That's fine. Farewell, little fat orange." The commander nodded and waved to Cheng Hao.

Then he entered the cab of the mecha and manipulated the mecha to soar into the sky.

"Aww~ (Sister, can we go now?)" Cheng Hao asked aloud when he saw it.

"It's alright." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and Cheng Hao, who was under him, took a step forward and rushed out with a "whoosh".

"Ah? Xiaopangju, don't run so fast, I haven't moved yet." Seeing the black shadow rushing out, Xu Lele shouted, and quickly chased after him.

It's really unscientific that this abominable little chubby orange can run so fast, one day she will be able to run as fast as chubby chubby.

"Where did you go crazy, you little villain? Why are you coming back now? If you play for a while, you won't have your meal."

In the canteen decorated with lights, the principal saw Cheng Hao coming back with Hong'er on his back, knocked on his head and said, "Go and sit down, dinner is about to start."

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, and then he came to the dining table and sat down, waiting for the time to come, and the director could start cooking after he spoke.

"ding ding"

"ding ding"

As the five o'clock bell rang, the director stood up and said to the breeders, security guards and staff present: "Let's celebrate the new year and do a better job in the new year. Come down for dinner."

"Aww~ (yeah)"

The little tigers who heard this shouted happily, and buried their heads in the iron basin to eat.

"Happy New Year!"

At the dining table, the breeders, security guards, and uncles and aunts happily clinked glasses.

"Aww~ (Boss, humans seem to be very happy, what's going on?)" the bald-tailed wolf looked outside, then looked at their food today and asked, he felt that the food today was more than usual More is better.

I don't know why these humans have prepared so many delicious food for them today?

"Aww~ (Never mind him, eat whatever you have.)" The wolf got up from the ground, shaking the fat on his body, and said.

Living here is good, and he has been fattened up.

I hope this snow can last a little longer, he doesn't want to go back to the forest so early.

"Aww~ (Big Brother, Sister and the others seem to be having fun. Shall we go over and join in the fun?)"

Xiong Er climbed up the big log in the pen, and asked after hearing the laughter from Chang'an in the cafeteria.

"Hoo hoo hoo~ (Don't disturb my sister, we will go to play with her later, there are too many people I don't know there now.)" Xiong Da said after hearing this, and he knew a lot from the voice there Woolen cloth.

They are embarrassed in the past now, or wait until later to find their sister.


Xiong Er nodded when he heard the words, then slowly climbed down from the big tree trunk, grabbed the corn and began to gnaw.



Under the festive atmosphere, Daxue was even more frightened.

It didn't take long to cover it with a thick layer, but it couldn't resist people's happiness for the New Year. The sound of "cracking" firecrackers filled the whole world, and it continued to ring until the next morning.

"Xiaoju, what time did you go to bed last night? Why don't you come to pay your sister a New Year's greeting?"

In the early morning, Cheng Hao was still asleep, and felt his face was pinched and shaking from side to side. When he opened his eyes, he found that it was Sister Hong'er who was pinching his face.

"Aww~ (Didn't I pay New Year's greetings during the day? Why do I still have to pay New Year's greetings.)" Cheng Hao, who was yawning, asked in confusion.

"You little rascal, today is the New Year's greetings, but tonight, there are red envelopes." Sister Hong'er knocked Cheng Hao's big round head angrily and said, "You little rascal, why did you even forget this thing?" Come on, even Xiong Daxiong and Erxiong San knew that they came to pay New Year's greetings to my sister, but you, a bad guy, didn't know."

She had been waiting for a long time last night, but only Xiong Da and the others came to pay her New Year's greetings.

As for Xiaoju?By the time she was asleep, she hadn't heard a knock on the door.

"Aww~ (It's okay, it's okay. It's not too late to celebrate the New Year now.)" Xiaoju yawned, crawled up from the toilet, and stood with sleepy eyes raising her paws towards Sister Hong'er: "Aww~( Happy New Year, sister.)”

"Happy, happy." Sister Hong'er laughed and cursed when she saw this, took out a red envelope from her bosom and handed it to Cheng Hao.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao opened his mouth and bit the red envelope, then lay down again.

"You little villain, you don't plan to get up for dinner, why are you still sleeping?" Sister Hong'er asked while pinching Cheng Hao's round face.

"Aww~ (Shouldn't people who celebrate Chinese New Year sleep late? Elder sister. Besides, if there are no tourists today, why do you wake up when you have nothing to do?)" Cheng Hao replied. It's so dark, why is my sister pulling him up?
"Of course I'm watching your documentaries and your variety shows." Sister Hong'er scratched Cheng Hao's nose with her finger and said, "Have you forgotten that today is the day your documentary is broadcast?"

"Aww~ (I haven't forgotten, I'm just not very interested, that is, the title is about me, and the rest has nothing to do with me.)" Cheng Hao yawned, turning his body around to reveal his big belly Let sister Hong'er rely on her.

Sister Hong'er saw it and sat on the ground with her back leaning against Cheng Hao's big belly, pinched twice from time to time and said, "Then variety shows? Most of the variety shows filmed are about you, don't you want to watch it?"

"Aww~ (It's not interesting, sleeping is the most comfortable.)" Cheng Hao shook his head and said, isn't it embarrassing to watch the documentaries and variety shows he made by himself?Anyway, he felt very embarrassed.

So, he decided to hibernate for a while during this time.

When the weather gets a little warmer, come out and move around.

"Okay, okay, then you bad bastard, go to bed slowly." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's big belly helplessly when she heard the words, then got up and said, "Bowls of milk, beef and eggs, my sister will put them all for you." It's outside, you little villain, remember to eat on time."

Xiaoju doesn't want to get up, she can't stay here forever, she has to deliver food to Xiong Daxiong Er, and to the wolves, but there is no way to lie here and hibernate like Xiaoju.

"Aww~ (Yes, I will. Goodbye, sister.)" Cheng Hao replied, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"You little slob, hey!" Sister Hong'er sighed when she saw this, and left with strides.


Rhythmic snoring came again from inside the house.


"Aww~ (It's been so comfortable to sleep during this time, I don't know if it's spring now?)" Inside the red brick house, an orange caterpillar wriggled out of its head, and its eyes scanned Around, when seeing that the snow has dissipated.

The whole tiger couldn't help stretching and got up from the ground. It was really comfortable to stay in the den for more than ten days.

Every day, the breeder sister will give him food and drink, and he can gain weight just by lying down.

Thanks to Miss Sister's blessing, he feels that he has become much stronger again, and of course his appetite has also increased a lot.

"Well, it seems that spring has arrived, and these branches have sprouted new buds."

Cheng Hao walked up to the sprouting tree and sniffed it, then happily jumped towards the iron gate.

Spring is here and it's time to get a little more active.

By the way, did you see any changes to the menu?For example, add some dishes and so on.

"Xiaoju, you little rascal, are you finally willing?" Sister Hong'er, who was driving the sightseeing car to deliver food to the animals, said as the sightseeing car stopped slowly after seeing Cheng Hao who was running.

"Aww~ (Isn't the ice and snow melting? So my hibernation is over.)"

Cheng Hao came up to Sister Hong'er to say hello, lowered his head, and started to bite a piece of meat from the bucket on the car.

"The tiger is still hibernating, and only you can do it." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said: "You bad guy hasn't gone out for more than half a month, take a look Your big round face is round again, come and show my sister, have you grown up again?"

Xiaoju ran over just now, and she saw that Xiaoju seemed to have grown up a lot.

Now that Xiaoju got closer, she found that this little villain had really changed a lot after not going out for half a month.

The most obvious change is that the original silly face is now a little longer, not as silly as before, and the whole tiger finally looks a little smart.

"Aww~ (I've grown a little taller, but I'm still a little tiger.)"

Cheng Hao replied, rolling the egg with his tongue, emphasizing his identity.

In case the breeder's sister thinks that he has grown up, she won't give him preferential treatment.

"Are you a little villain who weighs as little as a tiger now? You're almost an adult." Sister Hong'er weighed Xiaoju's paw and said angrily. Just one big paw weighed so much. It was really not in vain to lie there for more than half a month, at least I gained thirty or forty catties.

"Aww~ (I don't, I'm not. Sister, don't talk nonsense.)" Cheng Hao retorted, he was still a little tiger who needed care.

I also need the sister of the breeder to send more meat and pots of milk every day.

"Sister is not talking nonsense." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao, pulled the paw of the car and said: "You little villain, go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself, sister still has to work, I don't have time to chat with you here gone."

"Oh~ (Oh, is there anything I can do for you?)" Cheng Hao asked, retracting his claws, scanning the meat on the car with his eyes.

"Of course I have. As long as you don't stare at my sister and give meat to other animals, that's the biggest favor I can do to my sister. My sister doesn't want to run several times." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said: "Go to the cafeteria and eat obediently by yourself. Don't stare at the food in sister's car. You little villain, go and eat by yourself if you can come out."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Cheng Hao replied, and ran towards the cafeteria with small steps.

"Hey! Isn't this Xiaoju? I haven't seen you for so long, you seem to have grown up a lot."

"Yes, Xiaoju is obviously out of childishness now."

"Yes, it's starting to look like a big tiger."

The uncles and aunts who were cleaning the house on the road immediately recognized Cheng Hao who hadn't come out for more than half a month.

"Aww~ (How are you, uncles and aunts!)" Cheng Hao walked over after hearing their words, but was soon chased away by the uncles and aunts.

And the reason is very simple. When he ran over, he washed away the pile of leaves that the uncle and aunt had swept away, so that the uncle and aunt had to sweep them again to collect them.

"Aww~ (It's really hard to be a tiger these days. I just want to say hello to them. How did it become like this?)" Cheng Hao, who ran a distance, expressed that he was wronged. I just wanted to pay New Year's greetings to my uncle and aunt, and then see if I could get a red envelope from them to buy something to eat in the small shop, but I was ruthlessly driven away.

555~, this world is really too hostile to tigers.

Just when Cheng Hao was a little depressed, a female voice came from beside her ears. She couldn't help but look at the furry tiger in front of her eyes, but after thinking about the purpose of her visit, she quickly shook her head and dispelled the thoughts in her heart road:

"Hey! This little one. No, this sub-adult big cutie, do you know where the little fat orange is? He looks a bit like you, but he shouldn't be as big as you."

"Aww~ (Sister, are you kidding me with this? I'm just chubby orange, why don't you know me after a year?)" Cheng Hao who was asked was in a daze, he was outside When someone asks you where you are, but the other person doesn't know you yet, they ask you if it's outrageous or not?

He hasn't changed that much, has he?It's only been less than a month.

Did his fame just fade away and people start to forget him?

"Cute, don't you know where Little Pang Ju is? It shouldn't be right. He belongs to a tiger in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain just like you." Seeing Cheng Hao staring blankly, the woman in a red padded jacket Can't help muttering.

How could the tigers in the same tiger garden not know each other?
Take a look at this cute figure who looks exactly like Xiaopangju, maybe he is Xiaopangju's older brother, how could he not know where Xiaopangju is?
"Aww~ (The guy you're looking for is there, go find it slowly and see if you can find it.)" Seeing that the other party hadn't recognized him yet, Cheng Hao was speechless.

He raised his paw and pointed in a random direction, letting the other party find it slowly.

He didn't even recognize him, yet he still dared to come to see him. Uncle could bear it, but aunt couldn't bear it.

"It turns out that the little fat orange is in that direction, I know. It's so cute." After seeing the direction Cheng Hao pointed to, the woman said happily: "I'll meet the little fat orange first, and then I'll come to play with you. So cute .”

There are so many lovely tigers in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

Originally, she was here for the cute little chubby orange, but she didn't expect to meet a cute pink nose on the way. In terms of appearance and cuteness, it can be said that the other party is even more chubby. Bo Zhong.

It's a pity that she wanted to see Xiaopangju first, so she could only neglect him first.

"Aww~ (Go, go, go and find your chubby orange, I'll see if you can find it then?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this, even though he hadn't started the live broadcast for a month, But his fans are too outrageous.

She couldn't even recognize him in front of him.

"Bye, you're so cute." The woman smiled and waved her hand, then turned her head three times a step, and took photos in the pointed direction.

"Aww~ (I'm convinced, I'm so unrecognizable now?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw this, and the good mood of the day was ruined by the other party.

He could only speed up his pace and walk towards the cafeteria, venting his dissatisfaction.

"Hi! Xiaoju, you are finally willing to come out today. Let the uncle take a good look at it. You have grown a lot." The chef uncle said with a smile when he saw Cheng Hao coming, and came with beef and eggs. Cheng Hao came in front of him.

By the way, I took a look in front of me, what has changed in this little slacker who has stayed at home for more than half a month?
"Aww~ (There is no change, isn't it just that his face has grown a bit?)" Cheng Hao, who was eating eggs, muttered, he couldn't figure it out, even the uncle in the cafeteria recognized him after half a month Come out, why didn't that guy recognize him just now?

Has he changed so much now?Obviously his current image is similar to the original one.

"What are you talking about, you little glutton? Uncle can't understand, but seeing how big you are, your appetite must have increased a lot, right? Uncle, let's add some food for you now." The uncle chef said with a smile, then Went to get the beef.

"Aww~ (Uncle, you are such a good person.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help squatting down happily.

Sure enough, everyone in Tiger Garden is the best.

"Miss the breeder, do you know where Little Pang Ju's pen is? I haven't seen him after searching for a long time."

The woman in the red leather jacket looked here and there but couldn't see it, and the Internet celebrity Xiaopangju from the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain suddenly felt guilty.

After seeing Miss Hong'er who was stuffing the meat into the barn, she immediately leaned over and asked.

"Didn't you see Xiaoju on the way here, beauty? He just walked towards the cafeteria. The way you came is the way he must go." Sister Hong'er stuffed the meat into the feeding port Hearing this, he turned around and said to the woman who was asking in front of him.

"No, I saw a sub-adult tiger on the way here. He is quite cute, but I didn't see the little fat orange." The woman shook her head and said, her eyes fixed on the phone. photos on .

Look at this big face plate, and how cute is this cute expression?It's just a silly "what are you looking at" emoji.

"Um, this beauty. I wonder if there is a possibility? The sub-adult tiger you saw on the road is Xiaoju?" Sister Hong'er was stunned for two seconds, then said weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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