Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 134 Who is it?who is it?It's our big singer Xiaopangju

Chapter 134 Who is it?who is it?It's our big singer Xiaopangju
"Welcome everyone to come to Shenyue to take you to watch the gossip. Today we will talk about something different. How different is it? We will not talk about foreign or domestic news today. Today we will do interviews."

"Who are you interviewing? And why are you interviewing? Then you all have to listen to my babbling." Facing the camera, the reporter who changed his clothes said with a smile: "Men, please look, who is this? Dang clang clang!"

Hearing this, the cameraman immediately stretched the camera back, zoomed in from the reporter, and zoomed in to the entire window sill.

"Hi everyone! I'm Sister Hong'er. This is Xiaoju." Facing the camera, Sister Hong'er greeted with a smile.

By the way, he patted Cheng Hao who was yawning beside him, and Cheng Hao raised his paw boredly.

The delicious food promised by the head of the garden has not been fulfilled, so he was dragged here to work as a coolie.

"That's right. The person we are going to interview this time is Xiaopangju, a big internet celebrity in Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain. As for why Xiaopangju looks like this, we will tell you later, and now let's enter this Let’s talk about the topic of this interview.” After looking away from the camera, the reporter said to Sister Hong’er with a smile: “Miss Hong’er, everyone knows that Xiao Pang Ju was raised by you, so there must be many things about Xiao Pang Ju. , you are very clear, right?"

Interview, interview, what to talk about?
Of course, it is necessary to start the interview from the deeds of the interviewee from childhood to adulthood, and then start talking from his impressive deeds one by one.

The netizens on the whole network only know that Pangju is cute, but they don't know all kinds of things about Pangju from childhood to adulthood.

What they need to do is to dig out all the things about the little fat orange, and show it to everyone in front of everyone.

"I can't say I know all of them, but 90.00% of them are quite clear." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big round head and said with a smile.

"Then Miss Hong'er, can you briefly tell us about the birth of Little Pangju? After all, everyone knows that Little Pangju has a round head and the roundest body shape among all tiger cubs, but they don't know that he was born just now. What does it look like?"

The reporter asked with a smile. He searched the Internet for some questions that netizens most wanted to ask. Among them, the most frequently asked question was Xiaopangju's big head, is it so round from birth?Or is it the one who was fed by the love of the young lady breeder?
"What happened to Xiaoju's birth?" Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's head and said with a smile, "Xiaoju was born on August [-]st last year. His head was so round when he was born, and his weight was the same as other tiger cubs. Pretty much the same."

"But the only difference is that Xiaoju doesn't cry very much, unlike other little tigers who love to call."

"At first we thought there was something wrong with Xiaoju? We patted his butt a few times before he started crying."

Speaking of when Xiaoju was just born, sister Hong'er couldn't help but smile.

Who would have thought that the little guy who weighed only a catty a few months ago would grow so big now?And it has also become the pillar of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park, a big internet celebrity loved by netizens.

"It can be seen that Miss Hong'er really loves Xiaopangju very much. No wonder Xiaopangju is the strongest among all the tiger cubs." The reporter continued laughing and said: "We I saw a lot of netizens saying that when Xiaopangju was a cub, he often bullied other cubs, so I wonder if this is true?"

"Well, although Xiaoju is a big internet celebrity and is loved by many people, he really liked to bully his younger brothers and sisters when he was a child, and sometimes he often robbed them of their meat." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard the words, no Thinking of the black history they picked up again.

"It turned out to be true. We thought it was just a rumor." The reporter opened his mouth in surprise and said, showing an expression that did not expect "you are like this".

"Rumours are out of the question. Xiaoju was still young at that time, so it was normal for him to grab food from other tigers. He seems to have changed his bad habit now when he grows up." Sister Hong'er laughed when she heard the words. Touching Cheng Hao's head, he said, "It seems that Xiaoju is sharing food with everyone recently."

Xiaoju was ignorant when she was a child. It is normal for her to snatch food from other cubs. Now that she is sensible, she will share food with everyone.

"Aww~ (Don't keep telling me about my black history, can we talk about something worth showing off?)" Sitting Cheng Hao said very speechlessly, this interview is to show his history to everyone look?

"Like this? But I heard that the little tigers in the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain reject Xiaopangju. Every time Xiaopangju appears, he is alone and does not have playmates like other little tigers. May I ask if it is true?" Really?" The reporter continued to ask, this is also one of the most discussed discussions they found on the Internet, everyone agreed that the little fat orange bullied the other little tigers, so now the little tigers don't talk to him I've played it.

But is this what Hu Yuan wanted them to see during the live broadcast?Or is it like this in daily life, he thinks no one has more right to speak than the breeder lady.

"Xiaoju doesn't usually have any playmates, it's true." Sister Hong'er smiled and nodded and said, "The other little tigers hate him and are afraid of him, and they dare not play with him. After all, Xiaoju is the biggest among them, bullying them shouldn't be too easy."

"If there is no playmate, won't Xiaopangju be lonely?" After hearing this, the reporter asked aloud: "After all, no matter whether you are a child or a tiger, you must have certain playmates when you are young, right?"

"I have to ask Xiaoju about that." Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's head with a smile and said, "Xiaoju, do you usually feel lonely when you play with a tiger?"

"Of course not. I'm the king of beasts. The king is destined to be lonely. Why play with those naive little guys?" Cheng Hao said, shaking his paws. Playing with those little tigers is like letting a How boring it is for grown men to play with babbling children.How boring is it?It's too late for him to dislike these guys, so how could he feel lonely?

"Xiaoju said he won't be lonely." Sister Hong'er smiled and said to the reporter: "Xiaoju is usually very clingy to me, basically wherever I go? Wherever he goes. So I can be regarded as his playmate .”

"So loneliness doesn't exist for Xiaoju."

"It turns out that Miss Hong'er was with me, so it's no wonder Xiaopangju isn't lonely." The reporter said with a smile, flipping over the card in his hand and continuing: "Netizens on the Internet are very curious about Xiaopangju's body shape. Fat orange can be said to be different every day. I don’t know if the little fat orange is a special existence in the Siberian tiger? Especially now, everyone hasn’t seen the little fat orange for a month, but the little fat orange has grown into another tiger. It looks like it."

Speaking of Xiaopangju's weight?He is also very curious.According to his understanding, an ordinary Siberian tiger only weighs [-] to [-] catties even after a year.

And the little fat orange is less than eight months old, and it weighs an astonishing 180 catties.This is equivalent to the weight of a one-and-a-half-year-old tiger.

"There is no doubt that Xiaoju is a Siberian tiger, but Xiaoju is an evolutionary animal, so the size may grow faster."

"As for Xiaoju's current appearance, it's normal. Let me do some popular science for everyone." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, stood up from her seat, walked behind Cheng Hao, pointed to the pattern on his body and said: "It's useless for everyone to recognize a tiger based on its appearance. Many tigers look alike. Even a tiger with such a distinctive appearance as Xiaoju will become different as he grows older."

"So at this time, how do we recognize them? It depends on the patterns on their eyes and the patterns on their bodies."

"The pattern on the tiger's body is like the fingerprints on our human hands, it is their identity."

"It turned out to be like this. I wonder if you have learned it?" The reporter smiled at the camera and said, "You can take the photos of Xiaopangju before and compare them with his current appearance, and you can see Is it Xiaopangju who appeared here?"

"That's right, everyone can compare Xiaoju's previous photos with the current one, and find out what's different?" Sister Hong'er nodded and returned to her place.

"Thank you, Ms. Hong'er, for answering the questions that everyone is most concerned about. Now I have a question that I want to ask more about myself. I wonder if Ms. Hong'er can help me answer it?" The reporter looked at the paper in his hand. The card has been flipped to the bottom, and he asked with a smile.

They didn't find many questions temporarily, and now they can only ask themselves.

"Of course there is no problem, please tell me." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile.

"Miss Hong'er, do you have any plans for Pangju to develop into the entertainment industry? Because according to what we know, Pangju has filmed documentaries and variety shows."

"So far, only movies and TV series have not been involved. I don't know if Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park will let Xiaopangju film TV series in the future?"

The reporter asked with a smile, and the camera focused on Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao.

"I don't think we should be able to answer this question. After all, there is a market to supply." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, "Of course we are very happy if someone comes to ask Xiaoju to make a movie or a TV series." Yes, but whether you accept it in the end depends on the script.”

"After all, it is impossible for us to let Xiaoju appear in some spoof or famous movie or TV show."

"That is to say, in the future, we will be able to see Xiaopangju on the big screen, right?" the reporter asked with a smile after hearing this.

"Well, probably." Sister Hong'er thought for a while and said.

"Which one can I interrupt and ask a few questions?" Seeing that the conversation was over, the cameraman on the side asked.

Now that their conversation is over, if it doesn't happen again, the interview will be over, and he just has a question to pick up now.

"Of course there is no problem. If there is any problem, it's okay to say." Sister Hong'er smiled and nodded, looking towards the cameraman.

"Hi everyone, I've finished my question now. I have invited our videographer to come out. He has some questions to ask. Let's give him the time." Seeing the cameraman speak, the reporter smiled After saying that, he got up from his position and walked behind the camera, taking over the position of the cameraman.

"Hi everyone! I am the cameraman who took you to gossip with Shenyue. Like everyone else, I like Xiaopang very much, and I have a lot of questions I want to ask Miss Hong'er." The cameraman sitting on the seat said with a smile, facing After bowing deeply at the camera, he smiled and said to Miss Hong'er: "Miss Hong'er, I heard that chubby orange has a very high IQ, I wonder if this is true?"

"Yes, Xiaoju's IQ is indeed very high." Sister Hong'er nodded with a smile, touched Cheng Hao's head and said, "If you don't believe me, I can ask Xiaoju to perform for everyone on the spot of."

"Really? Thank you so much, Ms. Hong'er. I don't know if Xiaopangju will show off her talent? What do I need to prepare?"

The camera operator who heard this asked, but he didn't expect Sister Hong'er to agree so straightforwardly.

"You don't need anything, you just need to prepare a basin for Xiaoju." Sister Hong'er smiled and took out a basin and handed it to Cheng Hao, saying, "It's your turn for Xiaoju to perform, let's talk about it casually." Ah, whatever is fine, you don’t need to play too much trouble.”

She remembered that Xiaoju would slap the accompaniment with her paws, and now it's time for Xiaoju to perform.

"Aww~ (Sister, you will really find me something to do.)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this, but Sister Hong'er came over with an iron basin.

"Hurry up, pull the camera over, and you two come over quickly, Xiaopangju is going to perform." It seemed that after seeing it, he hurriedly shouted at the people present.

The little tiger can play music, which is a special thing to see, and it is the only one in the whole world.


After the others heard it, they hurriedly came up.

Cheng Hao tapped one paw on the iron basin and the other paw on the floor, opened his mouth and shouted:
"Ding ding dong dong~ dong dong dong~ ding ding~ dong dong ding~"

"Aw! Awow Aow~Aw~Aw~(Azure is waiting for Misty Rain~And Aow is waiting for you~Aw~Aw~!)"

"This song is very nice, but what is Xiaopangju singing? I feel like he is singing."

"Yeah, I don't know what Xiaopangju is singing? This seems to be a very new thing."

The few people who heard the singing couldn't help but said, although they couldn't understand what Xiaopangju was singing?But listening to Xiaopangju's tones one after another, you can still hear Xiaopangju singing.

So here comes the question, what song is Xiaopangju singing?

"Azure is waiting for misty rain, and I'm waiting for you. Cooking smoke curls up, thousands of miles across the river~"

"Aww ow~ ow~"

At this moment, sister Hong'er sang, and with a soft and clear voice like an oriole, she translated for them what Cheng Hao was singing?

Immediately, the whole office fell silent, and several people stared at this scene dumbfounded.

The iron bowl and the floor made a beautiful melody, accompanied by the sound of the tiger and the beautiful singing of sister Hong'er and second sister.

In a daze, they seemed to see a beautiful scene of misty and rainy Jiangnan.

"Okay... so amazing, I've never heard this song before." The sound engineer stammered, his eyes full of shock.

This song is full of a very classical charm, he has never heard it before, but it is conceivable that if this song cannot be released, it will definitely break through the sky of Xiaopangju's fame.

It's amazing that a tiger can play this tune.

"Don't make noise, shut up, and listen quietly!" said the lighting master who closed his eyes tightly, at the moment he is not in Jiangnan but he is better than Jiangnan.

"What a beautiful love story~" the reporter beside him couldn't help sighing.


"You have a smile in your eyes~"

The crisp melody slowly stopped, and the singing gradually dissipated.

But everyone in the office stood still, eyes closed, unable to get out of the artistic conception of the singing, as if they had been immobilized.

After a long time, they opened their eyes, clapped their hands vigorously and exclaimed:
"It's so nice, it's really nice, I've never heard such a nice song."

"That's right. If this song comes out, I believe it will shake the entire music scene. I wonder if you wrote this song, Miss Hong'er?"

"That's right, Miss Hong'er never imagined that you are so talented."

It's really amazing. Not only can the breeder take care of the tigers, but she is also so proficient in rhythm and music. They can already see a new star in the music industry rising.

"Everyone thinks too highly of me. I don't know anything about music." After hearing the compliments from several people, Hong'er quickly waved her hands and said, "Xiaoju made this song, not me."

"Did Xiaoju do it? Miss Hong'er, stop joking. How could Xiaoju, a tiger, make such a beautiful song?" The reporter who heard this said quickly shook his head.

Little Pangju can sing, they already think it's outrageous, tell them now, can Xiaopangju still sing?This is simply a fantasy.

"That's right, it must be Miss Hong'er who made the song, and Xiao Jue will sing it after being familiar with it."

"That's right, that's right. It must be like this. Then we suggest Miss Hong'er, you should make this song into an album and register for a patent as soon as possible, and you must not take advantage of loopholes."

Several people said one after another, in this impetuous age, many people like to take advantage of loopholes, Miss Hong'er must be very careful.

It would be bad if someone plagiarized the fruits of labor.

"Aww~ (Does this song sound good? Sister. How about we record it as an album and sell it? It will definitely make a lot of money.)" Hearing what a few people said, Cheng Hao pulled Sister Hong'er's clothes and said .

"Xiaoju, do you want to make this song into an album?" Sister Hong'er touched Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "You little villain can also sing. My sister didn't expect it. Originally, my sister thought you could only sing." Sing two tigers."

"Aww~ (I'm an educated tiger sister, don't think I'm too stupid.)"

Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, what do you mean you can only sing about two tigers, but you can sing about not just any living thing, okay?

Moreover, he is still an evolutionary animal now, and he feels that his memory is very good. He even remembers some things that he couldn't remember in his previous life. Otherwise, how could he sing blue and white porcelain?

"Well, our little orange is the best." Sister Hong'er said with a smile: "Our little orange is strong and powerful, and the most amazing thing is that she can make songs, which is amazing, so what is the name of this song?" name?"

She didn't know when Xiaoju learned how to compose a song, but this song is really nice.

"Aww~ (This song is called Blue and White Porcelain.)" Cheng Hao said, with his head raised and his chest raised.

"Blue and White Porcelain?" Sister Hong'er heard the words and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "This name is indeed very suitable, then Xiaoju, shouldn't you sing the whole song? My sister just took your song, but I haven't received it yet." Let's start."

"Aww~ (This is easy, I can sing one more sentence with you, sister, and then you sing along, and then we will make a little money together.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently, being a tiger doesn't have to be very rich. Money, but absolutely not without money.

Like now, he has to plan carefully when buying ham sausages, so that he can live a life of eating ham sausages every day.

"You little villain, you really fell into Qian's eye." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but said with a smile when she heard the words, and reached out to touch Cheng Hao's big round head.

Xiaoju, the little villain, is actually thinking about making money now.

Are ham sausage and marinated eggs so delicious?She has already given Xiaoju 200 yuan, why is he still thinking about making money?

"Aww~ (If you have money, you will have meat. If you don't have meat, you will have nothing. I want to be a tiger with wealth and freedom.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and said, he wants to bring wonderful music to the people of this world.

Knock on the door of music to open this world, and make a little money by the way.No, earn some food expenses by the way.

"Miss Hong'er, do you want to record a song? We can help if you want." The reporter listened to the conversation between one person and one tiger.

"That's right, although our equipment is not professional, it must be much better than that of the Tiger Park."

"That's right, I promise I won't disappoint you, Miss Hong'er."

The cameraman, sound engineer and others said, what if Miss Hong'er releases this song?Then the heat they can rub will be even greater.

With the double enthusiasm of Chubby Ju and Miss Hong'er, wouldn't their fans go up like a rocket?
"Then it will be troublesome." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after hearing the words.

"No trouble, no trouble. We are lucky to hear such a beautiful song. I believe that people who hear this song will have the same thoughts as us."

"That's right, when the time comes, Miss Hong'er, if you become famous, just remember to let us do an interview."

"Yes, yes, if there are new songs to be released next time, we are still willing to help."

Several people said with a smile, and quickly moved the tables and chairs away to record songs.

"Xiaoju is bothering you, you, the original author, have to work harder, my sister is just helping to translate."

After the equipment was adjusted, Miss Hong'er said to Cheng Hao with a smile.

There were no musical instruments at the scene, just an iron bowl and the porcelain plates they were stepping on, and it was all about watching Xiaoju's performance.

"Aww~ (There is no problem, sister.)"

"Aww~ (Everything is left to me, I will play the accompaniment and melody for you, and you are responsible for singing along.)" Cheng Hao said, and his two paws began to tap.

Immediately, the entire office was reminded of the beautiful melody and the beautiful singing voice again, bringing everyone present to the beautiful blue and white porcelain.

Some of them saw the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, some saw a beautiful love, and some saw the process of making the classic blue and white porcelain.

Music is like a space-time tunnel, leading them through reality and into that incredible place.

"The video and audio are ready. Miss Hong'er, do you post it yourself? Or just post it on our computer?"

After the recording was completed, the reporter asked.

The document was formed after the fingers tapped quickly on the notebook.

"I'm not very familiar with this, do you know anything about it?" Sister Hong asked after hearing this. In addition to posting the video on the official account of Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden, she knows nothing about other music and video platforms. Very little.

"Of course we understand. We are grandma, and we are very clear about what platform to post videos on."

"That's right, Miss Hong'er, if you don't understand, we can help you register an account and post it on major music platforms and video sites."

Several people said with a smile, they are grandma masters, and they dare not say anything else, but they know everything about each music platform and each video website.

"Then I would like to trouble you for your help. Remember to add Xiaoju who wrote the lyrics, composed music, and sang Xiaoju. The last thing is my name." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Uh, okay."

The reporter who heard this was stunned, then nodded and said.

So I did as Sister Honger said, and in a short while, the video was sent on dozens of music platforms and video websites.

"Miss Hong'er, all the music platforms and video sites have been uploaded, and there should be echoes on the Internet later, so let's continue the interview now." The reporter who closed the computer said.

"Yes, yes, our interview is not over yet."

"Yes, Miss Hong'er, are you tired? If you are tired, we can continue later."

The cameraman and others who heard this said that they could already see the scene of this song soaring in the music world, and they could also ride this song to the sky.

"I'm not tired, I'm just singing, and it's Xiaoju who is really tired." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, Xiaoju had to knock on the floor, knock on the iron bowl, and sing, and he was the busiest up.

"Aww~ (I'm not tired either, let's finish the interview quickly, I can go back to sleep when it's done.)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, singing the song twice made him a little sleepy, it's time to go back to the nest Go to sleep.

"Then let's continue the talk show." The reporter said with a smile, and moved the tables and chairs back with his companions, and started the talk show again.

"How is it? How is the interview going? No questions?"

Ten minutes later, the director opened the door of the office and asked everyone.

"There is no problem with the interview, if there are no accidents? Director, your Tiger Garden is about to produce a second big star."

"Yes, the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

The few people who were packing up the equipment sighed after hearing the words, it’s fine that a small chubby orange came out of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, but they didn’t expect that there would be a superstar who shocked the music world this time.

"Uh, what happened that I don't know about?" The headmaster who heard this was a little confused, not sure what they were talking about?
"You will know this later, the principal, so just treat it as a surprise."

"That's right, I suggest to the director that you better build a large concert hall in the Tiger Garden, so that people who come to the concert will not have a place to stay."

"Mr. Director, let's go first. If you want to know what happened? You can pay attention to the official account of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park tonight."

Several people said with a smile, then walked away.

"What are these little guys trying to do with the old man?" Looking at their leaving backs, the director shrugged his shoulders, and left after seeing the office was restored.

"Xiaoju, go to sleep slowly, my sister has to go back to work, and I will come to see you tomorrow." Sister Hong'er, who got on the sightseeing bus, smiled and waved.

"Aww~ (Got it, goodbye sister.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw upon hearing this, then yawned and went into the room to sleep.

He was really sleepy to death, he didn't even take a nap because of doing this talk show, he just needs to catch up on sleep now.

Xiaoju Fan [-]: "Hey! A song composed by Xiaopangju?"

"Aren't you kidding me? Can Xiaopangju still compose lyrics and arrange music?"

Little orange powder three-five-six-seven: "Yes, yes, the breeder's sister is probably fooling us again, let's see what fun the breeder's sister is playing with Xiaopangju, shall we?"

Xiaoju Fan [-]: "Probably the breeder sister knew that she hadn't broadcast live for a month, so she came here to apologize. Let's click on it and take a look."

Little orange powder [-]: "That's right, that's right, everyone will find out after clicking on it."

Friends in the Xiaoju fan group saw a new announcement in the group, specially marked "Xiaoju's latest creation, a song written and arranged by myself", they clicked on the link video without laughing and discussing.

Then they saw a tiger and a person. When they saw the tiger, the fans who came in couldn't help being stunned, and then began to send barrage:
"Don't tell me that this tiger is Xiaopangju, why did he change so much?"

"That's right, that's right, he's not as cute as he used to be. You can see that his little smart eyes are gone."

"Yeah, yes, my cute little chubby tangerine has changed, no matter how you say it, woo woo woo, return my cute little chubby tangerine, or I will take this cute little chubby orange away."

When they were all feeling the change of Chubby Orange's appearance, suddenly the entire video was overwhelmed by countless bullet screens.

"Niu Pi is really awesome. Brothers in front, I came back from the back. I can tell everyone responsibly that there is no peeing in the whole song. It is definitely because I will not listen to it this year for ten years, no! I will listen to it in this life. One of the best songs ever."

"Not bad, brothers, hurry up, I thought this song was just a gimmick created to take advantage of Xiaopangju's popularity, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"Brothers, listen to me again quickly, I can't do it, I'm going to fall, this song is really good."

"Yeah yeah, it can't be done. I want to become a fan, tell me where is Xiaopangju? I'm going to listen to Xiaopangju's live concert."

"Ahhh! God is not fair, why is it so cool for me to hear it now? No, I have to listen to it again."

"Worship and worship! The music world is about to have a talent, and I will come here to make a pilgrimage."

"The sky does not produce chubby oranges, the music world is like a long night forever!"

"Little Fat Orange is God forever!!"

The little orange fans who just came in said that they were stunned, and then began to ask:

"Hey, hey, big brothers, what happened to you? What did you see behind? Why are you all crazy?"

"Yeah? What did you see? What kind of stimulation did you receive?"

"Ding ding ~ dong dong ~"

At this moment, the chubby orange sitting in the video tapped the iron basin with one paw, and the porcelain plate with the other to attract the attention of the little orange fans who asked questions, and then?Then their whole souls seemed to be sucked into the video.

"Aww~ (This sleep is really comfortable, I haven't seen the big octopus for a long time, and I don't know how the big octopus is doing recently?)" Lying in the house, Cheng Hao stretched his waist, and then crawled out of the nest .

After looking at the dark night, he jumped over the fence and ran towards the river bank.

After a while, he came to the bank of the river, looking up to the sky and screaming.


As his voice fell, the sea immediately exploded, revealing a huge octopus.

"Puff puff puff~ (Where have you been running for so long? Why haven't I seen you here for so long.)" Cheng Hao, who had obviously grown up a circle, asked the big octopus.

After staying here for so many days, he didn't see the other party appear, and he didn't know where the other party went?
"Aww~ (I'm hibernating during this time, and I'll come to find you right after hibernation is over, do you think I treat you well?)" Cheng Hao answered when he heard the words, looking at the big octopus and asked: "How is it?" ? Have you found any big ones recently? It would be even better if it was bigger than the big snake last time."

"Puff~ (No, no, the river is full of small fish and shrimps, and I haven't seen any big ones. But I recently found that the nearby forest is not very quiet, and there is a big tree there.)" Big Octopus Stretching out his tentacles, he pointed to the direction of the distant mountains and said.

Although he stayed in the river, he could tell that it was not simple, and there was a faint danger.

"Aww~(Is there a big guy in the mountain?)" Cheng Hao became interested when he heard it: "Aww~(Then let me go and see what kind of guy is there? By the way, see if I can solve it .)"

"Puff puff ~ (Okay, but remember to be careful, that guy is not easy. Recently, many animals have come out of the mountain.)" The big octopus reminded, carrying Cheng Hao on his back and swimming towards the opposite bank past.

He couldn't stay on land for as long as the other party, so he could only send the other party over here.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, if it's simple, I wouldn't bother to care about it.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile after jumping off the back of the big octopus.

Then he walked into the jungle with strides. What he was most afraid of was the evolution of plants.

"Puff puff~ (Tiger seems to have become a lot stronger again, it looks like I have to work hard.)" Looking at Cheng Hao's back that gradually turned into black spots, the big octopus said.

Then sank into the river and began to look for some powerful guys.



In the jungle under the dark night, vines rushed towards Cheng Hao like giant pythons. Facing these vines, Cheng Hao didn't directly cut them off with his claws, but hugged them happily. Don't let them escape.

Then he took a bite, and the vines that were straight just now became limp in the next second.

"Why do you only have such a small amount of evolutionary power? You guys are not working too hard, obviously everyone is a tree, why are you so watery?" The power of evolution cannot be absorbed after taking less than two sips Cheng Hao was speechless, let go of the vines, and continued walking forward.

These vines are all leeks that can't be cut, so they can't be disposed of so quickly. Let them recover for a while and then suck them again, so that they can have a steady stream of evolutionary power.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the bodies of these vines will not run away directly from the ground.



With the lessons learned from the companions, the vines protruding from the remaining trees were quickly retracted.

I'm afraid that after sticking out, it will turn into the half-dead look of my companion.

"Aww~ (You plants are a bit bloody, okay? Why are you slipping so fast? Come out to hinder me and stop me.)" Looking at the vines that ran away, Cheng Hao was a little speechless.

But fortunately, his target this time was not these little guys, but the big guys in this forest, so he simply didn't bother to pay attention to them, and continued to walk towards the place in the forest that exuded a faint pressure.

Without this level of oppression, this guy should be able to provide him with a lot of purification power. I hope this guy won't run away.


A huge banyan tree in the dense forest, the whole body of the tree was trembling at this time.

As the king of trees in this forest, it sensed that the terrifying danger was approaching, so it was shaking off the roots of its body to reduce the burden of escaping.

But he didn't shake his body twice, and a tiger appeared in his field of vision.

Every time the tiger took a step, the whole tree trembled until the tiger approached it.

It felt that all the strength in its body was drained, as if a giant hand was holding its roots, making it unable to move.

"Aww~ (Is this the dangerous tree in this mountain forest?)" Looking at the big banyan tree in front of him, Cheng Hao's eyes flashed dangerously red.

The big banyan tree that was stared at usually trembled all over.

"Aww~ (Don't be so scared, I'm a good tiger, I will never let you die, I just want to eradicate you.)"

Seeing that the big banyan tree reacted so violently, Cheng Hao said soothingly.

With one bite, it landed on the outstretched branch of the big banyan tree.

Immediately, the whole big banyan tree began to shake its body crazily like a sea fish on the tidal flat, trying to throw Cheng Hao out.

But Cheng Hao showed no sign of flying out at all. Instead, he was like a big magnet, clinging tightly to the banyan tree.



Immediately, there was the sound of something breaking from the whole body of the big banyan tree, piece after piece of bark peeled off from the big banyan tree, its huge body was like a wafer that shatters when touched, In a short time after the number line kept falling, the whole number shrank by a circle.



And at this moment, the big banyan tree finally didn't have the strength to continue to swing, it just wanted to drill down into the ground desperately to break away from Cheng Hao's suction.

But Cheng Hao was like a powerful vacuum cleaner, tightly attached to the big banyan tree, making it unable to sink down.

It can only slowly wither and wither, and finally turn into a puddle of powder.

(End of this chapter)

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