Chapter 135
"Isn't it? Isn't this the tree king here? Why is it so broken?"

After the body of the big banyan tree turned into powder, Cheng Hao fell directly from the air, landed in the hill full of tree debris, and sank directly, as if falling into a swamp.

Faced with this sudden situation, Cheng Hao quickly opened his mouth to blow all the sawdust away, and then stopped the falling trend.


The blown sawdust formed a gust of black wind in the sky, which dissipated in an instant.

"Aww~ (This guy produces a lot of sawdust, he almost drowned me.)" Looking at the whistling black wind, Cheng Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Only then did he inspect the tree pit left by the big banyan tree, and after confirming that there was no sign of life here, he walked away with confidence.

Anyone who dared to pose a threat to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, he would personally eradicate them, because this was his territory.

"555~, Grandpa Banyan Tree was killed by this big tiger. It's a terrible death."

"Yeah, where did this tiger come from? It's really scary."

"That's right, we can't stay here any longer, we have to leave immediately."

After watching Cheng Hao disappear at the end of the forest boundary, the banyan trees around the big banyan tree talked sadly while pulling up their roots from the ground, and ran towards the deeper forest.

The backer they relied on was eradicated, and they had to go deeper into the forest to find a stronger shelter.

"Aww~ (Big octopus, are you there? I got rid of that guy and came back.)" Cheng Hao, shaking the sawdust on his body, shouted towards the river.

His body was covered with sawdust, and if he soaked in water again, it would immediately swell up, and he didn't want to cross the water to go back and make his body wet.

"Whoa Whoah"


As soon as his voice fell, the river immediately surged, revealing the figure of a big octopus.

"Puff~ (How did you get it done so quickly?)" The big octopus that was exposed behind asked in surprise, how much time has passed, why did the other party come back?

"Aww~(It's just a big banyan tree, how much time will it take me to clean it up? You underestimate me too much.)" Cheng Hao leaped across the eight or nine meters wide river, landed on the big octopus and said: " Aww~ (Next time if there is such a guy around, you can call me again, I haven't cleaned it up and had fun, it will be gone.)"

"Puff puff puff ~ (it must be.)" the big octopus nodded his head and replied, secretly shocked that the opponent's strength was getting stronger and stronger.

It was so fast to clean up that tree, and asked him to help keep an eye on other trees.

It looks like some trees are going to be unlucky.

"It's not good, director. The enthusiasm we spent 200 million to buy was suppressed by someone, no! It should be said that it was suppressed by a tiger."

In the city under the dark night, he is responsible for the operation of the company's artist popularity. At this time, he is sweating profusely and reporting to the production director on the other end of the phone.

Their company's boy group, today is a big day to release a new song, they specially bought the first hit.

But I just told them on the platform that their enthusiasm was surpassed by others, no!It should be said that a tiger surpassed it.

And if they still want to secure the number one position, they have to pay more.

When he heard this, he was very surprised, and he didn't get mad at him. Did they spend so much money to buy the first few hours?Is the other party teasing them?
"Don't worry, tell me clearly first."

"What does it mean to be surpassed by a tiger? That tiger is very powerful." The sleepy-eyed director on the other end of the phone asked aloud.

Can't the men's team supported by their company beat a tiger?Don't make fun of them, okay?

And how did a tiger steal their heat?

"Yes, Director." The operator swallowed after hearing this, and finally calmed down, and then said, "Director, do you know Little Fat Orange?"

"I know, isn't it just a cute little tiger? What's the matter, don't tell me that the people in our company were robbed of their popularity by him." The director yawned and said, the words contained Full of anger.

"Although the facts are hard to believe, this is the current situation. Xiaopangju released a new song, which directly suppressed our popularity." The director said cautiously: "His popularity is too high. I can’t hold back, so I can only give him the number one position.”

"Okay, okay, tell me the new song of Xiaopangju, I want to see what a little tiger can do, and it can actually suppress the song of our boy group." Hearing this The director said while suppressing his anger.

"Director, check your phone, I've already sent the song sung by Xiaopangju." The operator said cautiously.

"Okay, I get it. I'll continue to scold you after I've finished watching this song." After the director hung up the phone, he turned on the phone, and saw a video appearing on the screen: Xiaopangju personally sang "Blue and White Porcelain""

"Huh? Blue and white porcelain? It sounds pretty good, but I don't know what the content of the song is. Can it be compared to our boy group's song?" While chanting the name of the song, the director couldn't help but hesitate. With a smile on his shoulders, he clicked on the video.

"It's been 5 minutes now, has the director finished reading it? Should we continue to buy heat or not?" The company's office operations looked at the clock on the wall, and their heart beat along with the clock. It was almost dawn, but the director hadn't given him any news yet.

If they don't reply to them before dawn, it will be difficult for them to buy back the number one position.

Just as he was thinking so, the phone rang suddenly.

After seeing the name displayed on the phone, he quickly connected the phone and asked:

"Director, have you finished reading it? Should we continue to buy popularity?"

"Don't buy it. It's useless to buy it. It's just that those bastards are singing nonsense. Find time to tell them to go away." The somewhat exhausted director on the other end of the phone said: "There is another one The bastard who is a lyricist, fire him too, what kind of nonsense is he doing?"

"Look at the songs sung by others, look at the songs made by others, this bastard is not as good as a little tiger."

"Director, are you really going to fire them all?" Hearing this, the operator asked cautiously. It seemed that the director was really angry this time.

But he also understands very well, after all, the songs made by the people in his company are really bad.

To put it in a bad way, Tiger's music is better than their music booth.

"Really shit, if I hadn't signed the contract, I would want them all to leave now." The director said cursingly: "Do you know anyone in Hongtashan City? Let him go to Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest right now." Yuan signed Xiaopangju to me, no matter it is 5000 million or 6000 million, even if it is [-] million a year, I have to win him."

"Um, do we really want to sign the chubby orange? Shouldn't we sign the breeder's lady?" The operation officer who heard this asked timidly, why did the director sign the chubby orange?Shouldn't it be Miss Breeder who signed it?
"I said that you have been in the company for so long, have you been in vain? Have you watched the video?" The director on the other end of the phone couldn't help holding his forehead and scolding: "Can't you see that the rhythm is that the little fat orange is knocking?" , the song is sung by Xiaopangju, is the lady breeder just singing along with it?"

"If this is really made by the breeder lady? Will she sing along?"

She finally knew why the company fell from a big first-tier company to a second-tier one. It was because the guys in the company were so stupid, they were a bunch of pig teammates.

I can't even tell from the video, who is the lead singer?
"Uh, isn't this a little too outrageous, director." The operation officer was stunned and said, "How can a tiger compose lyrics and music? And it's such a good song, won't it Could it be a gimmick deliberately created by the lady breeder who taught him?"

It is outrageous enough that a tiger can sing. Did you tell him the lyrics and composition were all done by a tiger?Should he find a rope and hang himself?Otherwise, he would have lived on dogs at such an old age.

"You idiot, there is nothing impossible, don't use your previous thinking to think about the current situation." The director yelled at the phone when he heard it: "Now is the era of evolution, can evolutionary animals be inferior to humans? ? Don’t forget the piano bear on the Internet now, he can play the ultra-difficult Vega Punk Lake, which of the few idiots in our company can do it?”

"And that panda named Benben can also paint landscape paintings. How many idiots in our company can do it?"

"Finally, tell me, that orangutan practicing military boxing, which of you idiots can beat it?"

"Do you really think these animals are inferior to humans? It's just that they haven't evolved to keep up. Now that they have evolved, if you still look at new things with the old eyes, you will only find it more and more incredible."

"Before eight o'clock, I will receive the news that you brought back from Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park, otherwise, you should pack up your things and prepare to leave."

"Ah? Why am I the one who got out, director? I also signed the contract." Hearing the operation officer here, he couldn't help but be surprised.

How to say that the lyrics and music composer don't need to be fired, and the boy group members don't have to be fired, so he should be fired?
"Isn't this nonsense? If you fire those guys, you will have to pay hundreds of thousands of compensation. If you fire you, you will be compensated for three months' salary at most." The director said angrily: "So I don't need to teach you what to do next. ?”

"No, no, I'll contact my acquaintances in Hongtashan City and go to the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongtashan immediately." The operation officer said, his head nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Hurry up, I hope you can bring me good news. What if we can sign Xiaopangju to the company? If I get promoted, your salary increase will not be far away." The director laughed and hung up the phone up.

The operating officer on the other end was crying for help from grandpa and grandma.

"Is this the place? It looks really big enough."

"Yes, this is the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the famous tiger park in Hongtashan City, where Xiaopangju lives."

At dawn, a commercial vehicle appeared at the gate of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, and a group of people came out as the door opened.

"Just come to the wrong place, let's go, and visit the hot and famous Internet celebrity." The leading middle-aged man said with a smile when he heard this, and the group walked towards the gate.

"It's not business hours yet, what is this?" the security guard guarding the gate asked when he saw the person coming.

"We are from Lotte Media Co., Ltd. We came here this time to meet your director and discuss about the little fat orange." The man who was stopped said with a smile, and took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to him. To the security guard: "This is my business card. I am the manager of Lotte Media Co., Ltd. I wonder if this brother can help me inform your director?"

"Lotte Media Co., Ltd." After hearing this, the security guard looked at the business card and said, "Then everyone, wait a moment, I'll call the director right away."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." The manager smiled, and waited with his staff.

After a while, the director drove over from the dormitory in a sightseeing car.

"Mr. Principal is the manager who wants to see you." Seeing the principal coming, the security guard hurried up and said.

"Okay, I know."

"Open the door first and let the guests come in. As for other things, we will talk about them later." After looking at the people waiting outside the door, the director said.

"Yes." The security guard nodded and opened the door.

When the manager outside saw it, he immediately came up with a smile: "Your Excellency is the director of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, right? I am the manager of Lotte Media Co., Ltd. I am here to discuss with the director about Little Fat Orange's debut."

"Our company likes the blue and white porcelain created by Xiaopangju very much, so we want to invite him to join our company."

"Uh, blue and white porcelain? Debut?" The principal who rushed over just after waking up, felt a little confused when he heard this.

I don't know what they are talking about?
"Yes, Mr. Director, if you have no objections? Then we can discuss this matter now." The manager said with a smile.

"We can discuss this matter later. First of all, I have to find out what happened." The principal waved his hand and said.

He doesn't even know what's going on now, so promise a hammer, at least let him figure things out, right?

"Uh, Mr. Director, don't you know that Little Pang Ju created "Blue and White Porcelain" with over 580 million hits in just eight hours?" The manager asked weakly, what do you think of this Mr. Director They looked a bit dazed, did they go to the wrong place?
"Sir, wait a moment. I'll make a phone call." Hearing this, the director, who was still in a daze, said.

He took out his phone and dialed Miss Hong'er's number.

"Good morning, principal, what's the matter?"

Sister Hong'er, who was awakened by the ringing of the phone, asked with sleepy eyes.

Why did the principal call him so early in the morning? Did Xiaoju get into some trouble again?
"Xiaohong, do you know that Xiaoju made a song "Blue and White Porcelain"?" After hearing this, the director asked.

"I know, I helped translate the lyrics, what's the matter?" Sister Hong'er asked, yawning.

"It's like this. Now there is a media company at the gate of Huyuan who wants to sign Xiaoju, so I asked what happened?" Well, it's none of your business."

"Okay, principal." Sister Hong'er, who was planning to get dressed, nodded and replied, then continued to lie down.

"How is it? Mr. Director, do you know now?" The manager who was watching from the side asked after seeing the phone hang up.

"Understood, everyone, please come to the office with me. This kind of matter needs to be discussed in detail." The principal smiled and invited.

"Naturally." The manager said happily after hearing this, and followed the director to the office.

Since all the directors are willing to talk to him in detail, it means that he has already succeeded in half, and the remaining half depends on whether his conditions are rich or not.

"Please sit down, everyone, don't worry."

"Everyone must be very tired from the long journey, let's take a rest first." After the director brought a group of people to the office, he invited them to sit down and began to boil water and make tea.

"Don't worry about the rest, we are anxious about the little fat orange." Hearing this, the manager took the document from the assistant beside him and handed it to the director, saying: "Our Lotte Media Co., Ltd. is a company with more than ten years of development. A large company that has been around for over [-] years and has great influence in the entertainment and music circles, as long as the director agrees to let Xiaopangju join our company?"

"Our company promises to use all resources to quickly make Xiaopangju a new star in the music scene."

"As for the remuneration? Director, you can rest assured that we have drawn up a contract here, and you can ask a lawyer to read it to ensure that there is absolutely no problem."

"Okay, okay, I'll watch it. Don't get excited, sir, let's sit down first." After accepting the contract, the director said with a smile.

Even asking him to find a lawyer to look at this kind of words can be said, instead of making excuses to fool him.

It seems that Xiaoju's movement this time is really not small.


Just as he was thinking this way, the phone in his pocket rang, and the director who took out the phone looked at the name he remembered on the phone, and immediately connected:

"What's wrong? Xiao Wang."

"I'm receiving guests now, why are you calling again?"

"Director, it's not that I want to call. It's the managers of six or seven media companies who are here at the gate. They want to see you." At the gate of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden, the security guard looked at the parked cars and said. :

"Now there are more than six or seven houses, there are now a dozen or so."

"Um, then you can take them to my office. No! There may not be enough room in my office, so you can take them to the cafeteria." After hearing this, the director looked at his office and changed his words.

"Okay, Director."

"I'll take the guests to the cafeteria right now."

The security guard who received the order spoke, and walked towards the managers who got out of the car one after another.

"My guests, I'm really sorry! You must have heard it, right? We have to move on to another place."

After the principal put away the phone, he looked at the people who got up and said.

"Understand, understand, we can understand, after all, Xiaopangju's talent cannot be concealed."

"It's normal for so many media companies to come here, but I hope that Mr. Director will read our contract before considering other companies." The manager said after hearing this, but he didn't think of other guys. They move so fast.

As soon as his front foot arrived, these guys rushed over with their back feet.

"It must be sure. Now everyone, please go to the cafeteria with me. The location of the cafeteria is big enough, and everyone must be very hungry when you come so early. Let's go to the cafeteria and have something to eat first." The director said with a smile, and led everyone towards Go to the cafeteria.

"Isn't it, is Tiger Park so lively early in the morning?"

"Yes, Director. Are we late?"

After the white little Benben stopped at the gate of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, the supervisor and the operator of Xiancha Live Streaming who got out of the car couldn't help being stunned looking at all the high-end commercial vehicles.

Why are there so many cars at the entrance of the garden?Is there someone already grabbing the song?

"It shouldn't be late. The cars of this group of guys are still hot. It looks like they just got in." The supervisor touched the hood and said, "Let's go directly to Mr. Director. Don't worry about anything else. I'm an old acquaintance with the director, so it's much easier to talk about the little fat orange."

Isn't he familiar with the layout of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain?

Coming here is like coming to your own home, who doesn't know him?

Relying on my relationship with the head of the garden, and the relationship with the breeder lady, I must have the greatest advantage among all of them.

"Okay, I see." Hearing this, the operator nodded, held the gift in his hand tightly, and followed.

This time the company values ​​them very much, and they must not lose face.

"Hey! Isn't this Director Wang, the live broadcast of Xiancha? Why did you come here so early in the morning?" The security guard on guard saw the two people who came in, and said hello.

"Hasn't it been a long time since I saw Xiaopangju? I came here to see how he is doing, and start a new business by the way." Director Wang said with a smile when he heard the voice, and took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the security guard. : "Brother, we have known each other for a long time, and we are more or less acquaintances. Can you tell me the truth? How many companies has this car come from? When did the first one come?"

"Which one of us is with whom? Don't tell the truth. If you know anything, I will tell you." The security guard who took the cigarette said with a smile: "This group of guys came five minutes earlier than you, Director Wang, and the earliest ones came here." Just 5 minutes."

"They are all here for Xiaoju, and they want to sign Xiaoju to debut."

Director Wang couldn't help but feel tense when he heard this, and asked quickly:
"Really? It looks similar to what I guessed, so Mr. Director didn't agree to one of them now, right?"

"Of course not. Our director is the one who doesn't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. Especially with so many people coming this time, if they don't fight for their heads and blood, I'm afraid our director will not make a decision." The security guard is careful. said after looking around.

"Brother, do you think my chances are great? I came this time with a mission from the company, in order to sign a song with Xiaopangju, and our company will help Xiaopangju release a song and operate it." Hearing Director Wang ask here, the other party knows the director so well, so he should be able to give some advice.

"As long as the money is in place, basically the chances will not be bad, especially Director Wang, you are still cooperating with our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park." The security guard said with a smile: "Our director is a very nostalgic person, you only need the price If it’s done right, it’s guaranteed to be a success.”

"By the way, the principal is in the cafeteria now, not in the office, you'd better not go to the office"

"Okay, thank you brother for your reminder. I won't babble here anymore, I have to see Mr. Director of the Garden." Director Wang said gratefully after hearing this.

"It's okay, Director Wang, go slowly." The security guard said with a smile, watching him walk towards the cafeteria.

"Aww~ (It smells so delicious, has the chef been making pork bone noodle soup so early?)"

In the quiet barn, there was a sound of "Xixisuosuo", and then a round head poked out, it was Cheng Hao who had woken up.

He was enjoying a beautiful dream in the nest, and he was attracted by the fragrance.

"Aww~ (No, I can't take it anymore, the chef is forcing me to get up early, I'm going to cook soon.)" Cheng Hao said, and jumped over the fence door.

I rushed towards the cafeteria, today's meal.

He wants to eat the freshest bowl, and no one can stop him, not even God.

"Everyone, have some buns and soy milk first. The pork bone soup will be stewed soon, and then we can have noodles." In the cafeteria, the director looked at the company manager sitting there and said with a smile.

"It doesn't really matter whether you face each other or not. We are here today mainly to discuss with you, Mr. Director, about the little fat orange."

"That's right, as for the noodles, I'll have a chance to eat them later." The managers said while eating steamed stuffed buns and drinking soy milk, their eyes collided in the air, creating invisible sparks.

See everyone else sitting here as competitors.

"Director, the atmosphere here is so tense. Shall we sit back a little?" Operation Li asked after seeing him.

He felt that sitting next to these people, goosebumps almost set up.

"Afraid of a hammer, if we are afraid of them, how can we fight them?" The supervisor who heard this said angrily, looking around and releasing his own deterrence.

As the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose. Although they have the least number of people coming, it doesn't mean that they are afraid of these guys.

"Aww~ (Uncle Chef, bring me a big bowl of noodles. The soup needs to be thick and thin. I want more after I finish eating. Remember that the soup should not be too hot. Add more eggs and add more simmered seeds. I like it the most. Smell.)”

At this moment, there was the sound of wind blowing "woo hoo" outside, and then a familiar voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Little Fat Orange, is it Little Fat Orange?"

"It seems to be him. The cry is very similar to the one in the video."

Hearing the roar of the tiger, the managers present couldn't sit still.

Without waiting for them to get up, they rushed in as soon as they reached the figure, and appeared at the dining window of the cafeteria.

"Aww~ (Uncle Chef, do you understand? If you understand, can you squeak?)" Cheng Hao asked, knocking on the iron bowl hanging on the window.

Seeing this scene, the managers who had just gotten up quickly sat down again, because they could hear that the melody coming from the iron bowl was blue and white porcelain.

At first they doubted whether the video was a fake, but now there is no doubt at all, this little chubby orange can really play music, even though it is played with an iron bowl.

"Ding ding ~ ding ding ~"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (the sky blue is waiting for misty rain, and Ao is waiting for you, cooking smoke is rising, thousands of miles across the river~)" Cheng Hao supported the window with one paw, tapped the iron bowl with one paw, and began to sing.

The canteen uncle quickly brought him the noodles, he waited until the whole tiger's saliva could hardly be stopped.

"Aww~Aww~ (Who is playing Dongfengpo on a pipa, the years are peeling off the wall and I saw when I was a child~)"

"My ears should be fine. Little Fat Ju seems to be singing something else."

"That's right, Little Fat Orange is indeed singing another song. The melody of this song is not blue and white, but it's still very nice."

"That's right, so it seems that Pangju is very talented, maybe this is the next song that Pangju will release."

As soon as the melody was changed, those present who had heard the blue and white porcelain immediately realized that Xiaopangju was singing another song.

Immediately, they looked at the past with bright eyes. They thought that if the other party would write a good song, they couldn't write a second one.

After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the music world. There are many people who rely on their laurels. Now that Xiaopangju sings the second song, everyone immediately realizes that this is a treasure of sustainable production.

"Mr. Director, what is the song Xiaopangju is singing?" Director Wang came over and asked curiously.

"That's right, it's completely different from the melody of blue and white porcelain." Operation Xiao Li also said.

"Who is playing the lyrics of this song with a pipa? The east wind breaks the years, peeling off the wall and seeing the childhood." It's not good to give the lyrics to everyone present.

"So that's what the lyrics mean? Sure enough, everyone in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain can understand what Xiaopangju said."

The managers around couldn't help but nodded when they heard it.

Whether a song is good or not, you can tell from the melody and lyrics, especially the managers of a media company like them, who will know that the melody and the lyrics will definitely be popular as soon as they hear it.

"Aww~ (and my face~ you haven't shown up yet, Benhu's saliva~ can't stop.)" After waiting for a long time but not seeing the face he wanted, Cheng Hao had to change a song The song continued to urge meals.

Uncle Chef usually has neat hands and feet, why is he so slow today?It seems that there is no one this morning?

No, wait a minute.

Cheng Hao's singing stopped abruptly, and his paws beating on the iron bowl also stopped, and he couldn't help being stunned as he looked at the densely packed people in the cafeteria.

What's going on today?Why are there so many people here?
Is the cafeteria open at the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain?It's still contracted for a dinner party outside, why are there a group of guys who don't know each other?

"Little Fat Orange, keep singing, don't worry about us."

"Yeah, yeah, the song you sang is very nice, keep singing, it will be fine when we don't exist."

"That's right, don't pay attention to us."

I saw that the singing stopped and the melody was broken.

Cheng Hao, who was looking at them from all the people, said, they were immersed in the music, why did the little fat orange suddenly stop?Keep singing.

After they have finished listening, they can go back and teach those stupid guys how to sing.

There is not even a tiger that can only bark nicely.

"Aww~ (You guys are staring at me here, I still sang Hammer, but fortunately I only sang a little bit, otherwise I would be plagiarized by you.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said unhappily, walked up to the head of the garden with strides, and unceremoniously stretched out his paws to the meat buns on the plate.

The garden principal's grandfather must have been there long ago, seeing him coming in, he was still eating meat buns here without reminding him, it's really disgusting.

"You really have no manners at all, you little villain, and you actually robbed the old man's food." Seeing this, the head of the garden angrily patted his head and said: "But you, the little guy, sing very well Well, Grandpa didn't realize that you have this talent before."

I have to say that Xiaoju really gave him a big surprise. She knocked on the bowl with a good look, and her singing was no worse than those singers.

Apart from not being able to speak human words, he is simply a singer.

"Aww~ (I didn't realize that I was so good before, but recently there are always more things in my mind, so I can't help but sing them out loud.)" Cheng Hao replied, looking away again The familiar Director Wang unconsciously licked his tongue.

"Here! Xiaoju. If you're hungry, eat first." Director Wang smiled when he saw this scene, and handed the meat bun to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (You're not bad, you have good eyesight, I like dealing with people like you.)" Seeing the bun being handed over, Cheng Hao unceremoniously bit it off.

Afterwards, he sat down beside Director Wang familiarly, and put his paw on his shoulder.

It looked like an old friend who hadn't seen for a long time, was hooking shoulders.

"Xiaoju, you've grown so fast recently, I almost didn't recognize you." Director Wang, who was draped on his shoulders, said with a smile, feeling the pressure on his shoulders.

He reached out and took the meat buns from Xiao Li's plate, and continued to hand them to Cheng Hao.

Xiao Li, who was about to eat meat buns, watched the buns on his plate being moved away.His eyes were wide open, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Because judging from the current situation, Xiaopangju is very familiar with the supervisor, and they have started hooking up.

"Aww~ (I've really changed a bit. By the way, do you drink this soy milk? If you don't drink it, I'll help you out.)"

Cheng Hao looked at the soy milk on the table and asked. After eating four buns, his mouth was still a bit dry. The soy milk in the bowl of the other party didn't seem to have been touched, so he was about to be rude.

"You little glutton, don't want to drink anything." The head of the garden said unhappily after hearing this, and handed him untouched soy milk: "Drink the soy milk from grandpa. You have never drank soy milk from grandpa. You drink."

"Didn't you go hunting last night, you little glutton? Why are you so hungry today?"

"Aww~ (There is no big game in the river, nor in the forest. I came back on an empty stomach after cleaning up a tree yesterday.)" Cheng Hao, who was sipping soy milk, replied, curled up together, like Like a big orange gourd.

"Really? It seems that you have hunted all the prey around you." The head of the garden touched Cheng Hao's big round head and said, "You can hunt farther away. You must be so strong now that you have grown up. Stronger, don't be limited to such a small range, you know? Grandpa believes that you will definitely grow into the most powerful Tiger King."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I'll run a little farther to hunt tonight.)" Cheng Hao replied, nodding his big round head.

"Well, remember to be careful."

"It's not peaceful in the forest." The director said with a smile, his eyes were quite relieved.

It has been a long time since I saw a wild tiger like Xiaoju. Originally, the Hongta Mountain Amur Tiger Forest Park was established to restore the number of wild Amur tigers.

As a result, there is some food in the garden every day, and the useless tiger who sleeps and eats every place in the tiger garden as a bed, and only Xiaoju now gives him a glimmer of hope.

"Um, does Xiaoju still go out to hunt by herself at night?" Director Wang couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. Did a tiger as small as Xiaoju start to hunt by himself?
"That's right, Xiaoju is now a very precious director, you better not let Xiaoju out, otherwise if something happens, it will be a big loss for the music world."

"That's right, Xiaoju is very precious now, don't let him do such a dangerous thing."

The managers who heard this spoke up.The director of the garden is really big-hearted, and he even asked Xiaoju to hunt in the forest every night. What if something happened to him?

"Don't worry, Xiaoju is not as weak as you think. Going out to hunt at night is to exercise his ability to survive in the wild." The director smiled and took out a black ID from his pocket and said to everyone: "In addition Let me tell you something, everyone has come from afar, I definitely can’t say that I can satisfy every guest who comes from afar.”

"But if you need help with anything else? I can still help, because I am a consultant for the Evolution Department of Hongtashan City. This is my certificate. I hope you can remember it."

"Sometimes fate must end. Don't force it when you have a fate, otherwise something will happen to everyone at that time."

"It turns out that Mr. Director is still the consultant of the purification department. It's really disrespectful."

"That's right, that's really rude, Mr. Advisor."

Hearing that the faces of the managers here changed slightly, they immediately pressed down the little thought just now, and said with a smile.

Originally thought that the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park was just an ordinary tiger park supported by the government, but I didn't expect that the director of the park would have such an identity.

(End of this chapter)

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