Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 136 Please Don't Embarrass Huhu

Chapter 136 Please Don't Embarrass Huhu

"Everyone, don't be so restrained, continue to eat buns, eat buns." After the purpose of intimidation has been achieved, the head of the garden said to everyone with a smile.

"Okay, okay."

The managers replied, and they obediently gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun, looking this way eagerly.

For a while, the scene fell silent.

"The noodles are here, everyone, prepare to eat the noodles." The chef's voice came from the kitchen, and then a stainless steel trolley pushed full of noodles into the hall.

"This bowl is yours, this bowl is yours, everyone, please eat slowly, you are welcome." The uncle chef put the noodles in front of them and said: "The chili oil, these will be here in a while, everyone wait a moment wait."

"Okay, thank you."

Looking at the large bowl of noodles in front of them, everyone quickly replied gratefully.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The chef uncle smiled, and pushed the cart to the director's side.

"Aww~ (Uncle, where are my noodles? Why are there only theirs and not mine?)" Cheng Hao checked up and down, but he didn't see his big iron bowl, so he immediately jumped off the chair and got it The uncle chef asked beside him.

Everyone is eating noodles, why is there no noodles from him?Where did his face go?
"Don't worry, Xiaoju, your face will come right away, can you wait a little longer? Who told you, the little villain, to arrive last." The uncle chef, who was blocked on the way, searched with his shiny hands His head said: "Hey, let uncle make way first, uncle will serve your noodles soon."

"Aww~ (Remember to add more scorpion seeds, more soup.)" Cheng Hao reminded after hearing this, and then gave way.

"Add more soup and simmered seeds for Xiaoju, Lao Xu." After seeing Cheng Hao make way, the head of the garden said.

"Okay, I see." The uncle chef nodded after hearing the words, and pushed the cart to finish the remaining noodles.

He pushed the cart back into the kitchen and continued to ramen.

After a while, a large iron basin of noodles was brought out and placed in front of Cheng Hao.

"You little glutton, be careful, don't wait until you get burned." The uncle chef who was placed below reminded him, and then walked away.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, I'm not the same person I used to be. How can I get burned so easily?)" Cheng Hao replied indifferently, and opened his mouth to blow the hot air on his face.


Immediately, a howling warm wind blew up in the entire cafeteria hall.



The blown door kept swinging, looking as if it was about to shatter at any moment.


The people who saw this scene couldn't help but stared at this scene in horror, their eyes were full of panic and affection.

Why does this little tiger make such a big noise when it blows its noodles?This is too outrageous.

Then if you raise your paws and hit someone, wouldn't the person be broken on the spot?
Thinking of this, they couldn't help but glow in their hearts.

And at this moment, not only the door was swinging, but also a strange voice came from their faces. The managers were so scared that they left their chairs, and made a look like they were ready to run away at any time.

"Xiaoju, are you trying to tear down Grandpa's cafeteria?" The director sitting next to Cheng Hao had a black line on his head, stretched out his hand, clenched it, and punched Cheng Hao on the head.


The dull sound was mixed with the director's words, echoing throughout the hall.

"Aww~ (Alas!)"

Cheng Hao, who was suddenly punched, almost retracted his whole head into his neck, and only had time to groan.

"It's amazing..." Everyone who saw this scene was even more shocked. They didn't expect that Xiaoju, who made the whole cafeteria tremble, was cleaned up by the head of the garden just like this.

No wonder the other party is a consultant of the evolutionary department.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, can you be gentle? My head was almost smashed off by you.)" Cheng Hao, who pulled out his head, complained, although his big head was quite hard.

But don't hit him like this, okay?It's easy to beat a tiger into a fool.

"If you don't let you have a long memory, how can you be so good?" The principal said angrily after hearing this: "You little villain, if you demolish grandpa's cafeteria, you will just wait to beg for grandpa's food." Let's fix the cafeteria."

"Aww~ (I don't know how to beg for food, besides, I have controlled the strength, and it is impossible to blow the cafeteria away.)" He is a big star in Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, and the famous tiger on the Internet ran away. How embarrassing is it to beg for food?

And they only give money and don't give meat, and they don't want food, okay?
"Grandpa doesn't care if you have control or not? Anyway, if you, a little villain, tear down Grandpa's cafeteria, then you can honestly beg for grandpa's food." The principal said angrily: "Hurry up and eat!" Come on, you little guy. The noodles should be cold after blowing so hard."

"Aww~ (Understood, Grandpa.)" Cheng Hao, who was sucking his face, replied, looking at the managers sitting by the way.

The managers who were watched by him suddenly shrank their heads and did not dare to look at him, as if they were afraid of being stared at by him.

"What? Are these guys so timid? Forget it, leave after dinner and ignore these guys." Seeing them like this, Cheng Hao gave up talking to them, and then never They got the idea of ​​eggs in a bowl.

This group of guys are so timid, let alone pee their pants in fright when they get close, how embarrassing is that?
A few minutes later, Cheng Hao, who had eaten and drank enough, left the cafeteria with small steps and the sound of "dang bang bang bang".

The rest of the group of staring guys in the cafeteria are here.

"What delicious food did you eat, you little villain? Why is your stomach so bulging?"

Cheng Hao was running on the road to digest his food, when he heard sister Hong'er's voice, he immediately followed the direction of the voice, and happily walked up to her.

Sister Hong'er, who was putting meat on Xiong Daxiong, Erxiong and San, saw this, and quickly reached out and pressed his big head: "You little scoundrel, don't rub your hands, and don't you want to see how old you are now? Do you want to?" Knock my sister out?"

"Aww~ (Of course not, I'm saying hello to you, sister.)" Cheng Hao, whose head was pinned down, replied, and got out from Sister Hong'er's hands.

"From now on, don't bump into my sister here, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er patted his nose, reached out to touch his watery stomach, and said doubtfully, "You little scoundrel, did you drink the water?" How much water? Why is the stomach still screaming?"

"Aww~ (Not much, just half a bowl of noodle soup, very little.)" Cheng Hao replied, staring at Sanxiong's meal, and couldn't help licking his lips: "Aww~ (Sister, Xiong Da, Xiong San, Xiong Er, is this Chinese New Year? How come the food is so good?)”

Look at what they eat?There are whole chickens, trotters, beef and apples.

"Huhu~(What are you doing?)"

Hearing this, Xiong Erxiong and Xiong Da immediately became vigilant, protecting their food and looking at Cheng Hao.

Could this guy be trying to grab their food?Even if the elder sister is there, they will not let each other's hand easily.

"There is no Chinese New Year, this is their usual meal." Sister Hong'er saw it, patted Cheng Hao's big head, turned his eyes away from Xiong Erxiong's big food and said: "Isn't this supported by the above?" Is it our zoo? So everyone’s food has changed.”

"Aww~ (So our Tiger Garden is already so rich now?)" Cheng Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. He remembered that the best food for these three bears was pig's trotters and whole chickens. After ordering apples, winter melons, pumpkins and steamed buns, you can still eat beef now, which is really outrageous.

It seems that before he knew it, the entire Huhu had already escaped the poverty line.

"You can't say that you are so rich, you can only say that it can make everyone's life better." Sister Hong'er held Cheng Hao's big round head and said: "You little villain, don't mess around outside when you are full. After shopping, hurry home and continue to sleep, and see you later when my sister finishes her work, okay?"

What if Xiaoju is allowed to wander here again?Xiong Daxiong Er and the others probably won't be able to eat properly.

You have to let Xiaoju leave as soon as possible.

"Aww~ (Then I'll be leaving first, sister, remember to come to me early.)" said Cheng Hao, who was holding his head towards the door, and now he was full and couldn't eat anything.

Don't compete with these little bears for food.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoju, go back."

"Big sister will bring a pot of milk to you when the time comes, okay?" Sister Hong'er coaxed with a smile.

"Aww~ (Okay.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, and then walked away contentedly.

"Okay, Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San, you continue to eat, Xiaoju has already left, and will not come to harass you again." Seeing Cheng Haoyuan's back, Hong'er looked at Xiong Daxiong Erxiong San, who was protecting the food, and said .

Look at how scared they are, it seems that they are still very scared of Xiaoju.

"Hoohoo~ (Okay, sister.)" Sanxiong breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and started to cook.

"Everyone, go slowly. If I think about it? I will call you back."

At the entrance of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, the director escorted the managers away.

"Okay, good bye, Mr. Principal."

The managers who heard this said with a smile, and returned to their commercial vehicles one after another, and left the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Mr. Director, after listening to their terms and rewards, do you have time to listen to our company's?" After seeing that the people from the major media companies had left, Director Wang came up and asked.

Finally, these guys are all gone, and now it's his turn to play.

"Oh? Didn't Director Wang come to ask about the live broadcast? I thought that Xiaoju hadn't broadcast live for a month, and you came here to ask the teacher." The director looked at the other party and said that Xiaoju hadn't broadcast live recently.

The main reason is that the tool person in charge of the live broadcast ran away, and there are too many animals in their tiger park and they don't have time.

He was really startled when he saw the other party running over in the morning. He thought that the other party came to ask them for liquidated damages.

"How is it possible? We are not such unreasonable people. We understand that Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is very busy recently." Supervisor Wang said with a smile, they wanted to come to Xingshi to question the crime.

But after checking the principal's details, the higher-ups were so frightened that they almost didn't give a big ear to the person who made this statement.

If you are full and have nothing to do, ask the consultant Xingshi from the evolution department to question him?They are playing lanterns in the toilet to seek death.

Besides, it's just that there was no live broadcast for the last half month and this month's half month. They believe that in the remaining half month, Hongta Mountain Sierra Tiger Park will definitely broadcast live.

That's right, that's how it is, so the higher-ups specially ordered them not to disturb the tranquility of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, let alone threaten to come over if they are full and have nothing to do, if anyone dares to do that?Their chairman will give them a very kind butt kick and ask them to leave the company.

"That's good, that's good. By the way, isn't your company in the field of live broadcasting? Why do you want to get involved in the entertainment industry now?" The director asked curiously after hearing this.

"We don't have the idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry. We just want to have a little contact with the entertainment industry." Seeing that the director is interested in knowing more about it, Director Wang said with a smile: "Our company plans to sign a small Fat Ju’s song came not because he planned to come to the world with the whole tiger in Pang Ju.”

"Our company will package and promote Xiaopangju's song, and then be responsible for accepting various endorsement advertisements."

"And the reward received at that time will be six to four cents compared to that of Little Fatty Orange."

"Are we four and you six?" Hearing the director here ask, it sounds good to just sign songs instead of people, and if they are responsible for promoting and packaging the album, they will save them trouble.

Is this salary a bit too low?

"Of course not, it's [-]% from Huyuan, and [-]% from us." Hearing this, the supervisor quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't look at us as [-]%, but this is hard money. It's just doing album promotion to help Fatty. Orange rights protection is a lot of troublesome things."

"If we really calculate it, our company will only earn two floors at most, and this is still when the market is good. If it is not good, I am afraid we will have to make no money."

"It seems to be such a thing, but I won't believe it, but your suggestion is good." After hearing this, the director rubbed his chin and said:

"Aren't you busy today? If you're not busy, just spend a little more time in our Tiger Park."

"Of course I'm not busy anymore. I'm very free. I'm very happy to play in the Tiger Park." The supervisor who heard this said happily, knowing that the director was tempted by his words.

Otherwise, why did Mr. Director keep them and send the others away?

"That's fine. Let's take a stroll in the tiger park first. The tigers in the tiger park will not hurt people, and there are other animals there."

"Just treat it as if you've come to the zoo. I'll go back to the office to sort out the documents, and I'll come back to you later." The director said with a smile.

"No problem, Mr. Director, you can go to work first." The supervisor said with a smile, and the director walked away.

"Director, have we settled the matter?" Xiao Li asked after seeing the director leave.

"It hasn't been fully negotiated yet, but it should be soon. If there are no accidents? The director should go to draw up the contract." The supervisor said with a smile, very happy in his heart.

Do you know what is ability?His few short words made the director tempted. This is called ability.

After the contract is signed, the company will definitely appreciate him greatly.

"Then what are we doing now? Director." Looking at the sky where the sun has just risen, Xiao Li said.

It seems a bit early now, where should they go?
"Of course I walked around and took a look around. Ah, I heard that the Tiger Park has been greatly expanded this time, and there are many animals to see. This is a free-for-all zoo." The supervisor said, walking Buzi wandered around the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

They are fishing for fish according to the order, and if they don't do it for nothing, they will be very happy if they hear that they have successfully negotiated the matter this time.

"Is this the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain? It is exactly the same as in the video. Who knows where the little fat orange is? I want to listen to the little fat orange singing and shake paws with the big stars in the music world."

"Yes, yes, yes, I also want to listen to Xiaopangju's singing, and I want to shake hands with big stars. Of course, it would be even better if he is willing to leave a pawprint on my clothes."

Just after ten o'clock, the tourist bus stopped at the entrance of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

The tourists who got off the bus immediately waved the sign in their hands happily after seeing the big characters of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

They will soon be able to meet the legendary internet celebrity, the current big singer Xiaopangju.

"Everyone, be quiet, don't make too much noise." The tour guide, wearing a tour guide hat, waved to the crowd and said:
"I'm going to negotiate with Huyuan now to see if Huyuan can arrange a few sightseeing cars for us? Just sit in Xiaopangju's pen, or just walk on two legs? Today's Hongtashan Northeast You can go to Tiger Forest Garden."

"Okay, guide, hurry up and go."

"Yeah, by the way, ask us if there is any beef or pork for sale in Huyuan. We need to bring some food to see Xiaopangju."

"Yes, yes, we came here empty-handed this time."

The tourists said loudly, how could it be possible to see a star without bringing flowers?Big stars like Xiaopangju don't need flowers, they definitely need fleshy ones, so they take the fleshy ones to see Xiaopangju.

"Got it, got it, everyone, calm down." The tour guide said, and then walked towards the gate of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, and talked with the security guard about the sightseeing car.

After getting the ticket price of [-] yuan per person for the sightseeing car, you can sit all the time in the Siberian Tiger Forest Garden in Hongta Mountain, the tour guide went to tell everyone.

"Aww~ (This is really a beautiful spring with flowers blooming and no clouds in the sky.)" Inside the pen, Cheng Hao yawned and woke up from the sleep.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, he couldn't help being in a daze comfortably, thinking in his mind when Sister Hong'er would bring him pots of milk?I heard the sound of a crowd coming from outside.

"It's the big singer Xiaopangju, look at how comfortable he is sitting on the roof? Big singer Xiaopangju, I love you."

"Big singer, big singer, come one by one."

"Super invincible and cute little fat orange, we come to see you, you are so cute, can you sing us a blue and white porcelain song?"

"Little Fat Orange, we brought your favorite beef to see you."

After a dozen large sightseeing cars stopped, the crowd immediately ran towards the pen, shouting loudly and waving the meat in their hands.

"Aww~ (Why are there so many tourists today, and you still wake up my elder brother? Am I becoming famous so soon?)" Hearing the shouts of the tourists, Cheng Hao jumped off the roof.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, he jumped over the six-meter-high fence and landed in front of them.

"Too...too amazing, as expected of our song god, Little Fat Orange."

"That's right, Little Fat Orange is amazing, he jumped over from such a high height with ease."

"Big star Xiaopangju, can you sign me? Just sign here."

"Yes, yes, big singer Xiaopangju, sign for me."

The tourists who had finished marveling said, some showed their sweaters, some held scarves, and some took off their coats directly, wanting Cheng Hao to make paw prints on their clothes.

"Aww~ (As long as you bring meat and presents, I will satisfy everyone's wishes.)" Tail took the chicken, duck and fish in their hands and threw them into the roof of the enclosure, Cheng Hao rubbed his paws on the inkpad, and signed them on their clothes and hats.

As for those tourists who came empty-handed and did not bring gifts, they immediately saw the two faces of the kitten.

Cheng Hao walked straight past them, heading directly towards the gift recipients, without even intending to look at them.

"Isn't he, is this big singer so snobbish? We didn't bring gifts and buy meat, so he doesn't care about us?"

"Yes, yes, he is a public figure, how can he treat us like this?"

Looking at the happy faces of the people around them who got their paw print signatures, the tourists who were holding clothes and preparing to sign were dumbfounded.

And the tourists who got the signatures of the paw prints on the side, heard what they said, and said in a bad mood:

"Aren't you stupid? Xiaopangju is a little tiger and won't be kidnapped by morality. In addition, if you have a gift, you can get an autograph, which is much better than other stars."

"That's right, the meat sold in Huyuan is not expensive. You can get a chicken in a suit for only 15 yuan. You don't even want to spend 15 yuan. How can you get a signature?"

"That's right, there are so many people. If Xiaopangju also signs autographs with those who didn't bring gifts, wouldn't those of us who brought gifts be white belts?"

Although it is voluntary for those who are willing to bring gifts and buy meat to see Xiaopangju, but they will not be happy to see some guys who come here empty-handed and get autographed first in front of themselves.

"But we bought the tickets. We bought the tickets, and Tiger Park should give us value for money."

"Yeah, we don't treat them differently like this."

The tourists who didn't bring presents couldn't help complaining when they heard this.

"Do you really think about it? Could it be that the tigers in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain must cooperate with you after you buy the tickets?"

"Even if you bought tickets for the concert, do you want the singers at the concert to shake hands and hug you, and then take a photo with you?"

"Yeah, you're thinking too well, don't you?" The tourists who got the signatures said angrily. It's one thing to buy tickets, but another thing is whether the tiger is willing to cooperate with them, okay?
They didn't have any intentions themselves, how could the tiger be willing?
"Aww~ (Okay, okay, everyone be quiet. In order to thank everyone for coming to send gifts, I want to send blue and white porcelain to everyone.)"

Cheng Hao, who received a roof full of chicken, duck and fish meat, expressed his happiness. He jumped onto the six-meter-high fence and sat down in one step. His paws struck the iron fence.

The sound of "Ding Ding ~" spread into the ears of tourists all at once.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, the big singer Xiaopangju is going to sing."

"Yes, everyone listen carefully."

Hearing the familiar prelude, the tourists immediately fell silent, looking at Cheng Hao who was sitting on the fence and knocking on the iron pipe, listening to the beautiful music.

"Ding ding ~ ding ding ~ ding ding ~"

"Aww~Aww~ (The outline of the blue and white pen is thickened and faded...)"

"This is?" Sister Hong'er, who was approaching, raised her head involuntarily after hearing the voice.

"This cry is somewhat familiar, sister Hong'er." Xu Lele who was on the side said.

"You must be familiar with it. This is Xiaoju singing." Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing and said, "It looks like Xiaoju is very happy today. Let's go, let's go and see what's going on?"

"Xiaoju can sing?" Xu Lele's face was full of doubts when he heard this: "What song can Xiaoju sing? Why don't I know?"

"Xiaoju can not only sing but also beat the rhythm. You are busy in the department every day, so of course you don't know. You can find out by searching for blue and white porcelain." Sister Hong'er drove a tricycle to the crowded place while explaining. crowd.

At this time, Cheng Hao's singing also came to an end.

The crowd immersed in the music also opened their eyes and cheered excitedly:

"Okay, okay, it's amazing, the voice of the big singer Xiaopangju is really beautiful."

"Yes, yes, big singer Xiaopangju, I love you."

"One more song, one more song. Big singer Xiaopangju."

"Aww~ (It's almost done, my throat can't stand even shouting for 3 minutes. The meat you give is worth a song. If you want to listen to it, there will be another price.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, then jumped into the barn.

Singing like this every day is a bit useless. If they want to listen to it again, can't they just search for his albums on the Internet?

"Big singer Xiaopangju, don't run away, come back quickly."

"Yeah, why did you suddenly run away, big singer?" The tourists who saw this scene shouted.

"Everyone, calm down, Xiaoju is tired from singing, and now I want to rest in the house for a while." After seeing them shaking the iron gate of the fence, sister Hong'er walked over immediately.

"Big singers get tired after singing a song, and they get tired so fast."

"Yeah, it's not very good for a big singer."

The tourists who heard this quickly made way for Sister Hong'er to approach from the side of the pen.

"Xiaoju, my sister came to see you with a pot of milk, you little villain didn't cause trouble for my sister, did you?" Sister Hong'er who unlocked the pen lock asked.

"Aww~ (Of course not, I'm a good tiger.)" said Cheng Hao, who jumped off a pile of chicken, duck and fish, and ran to the iron gate.

The quality of the tourists today is pretty good, 90.00% of them brought him gifts.

Judging from the quantity of these gifts, it should be enough for him to eat for a day or two.

"That's good, let's drink some pot of milk, isn't your singing voice almost smoking?" Sister Hong'er rubbed Cheng Hao's big head and asked.

"Aww~(Almost smoked.)" Cheng Hao replied, gulping down milk: "Aww~(Sister, why are there so many people here in our Tiger Garden today? And everyone called me a big singer Yes, am I on fire again?)”

"Yes, yes, are you angry again?" Sister Hong'er wiped the milk from Cheng Hao's mouth and said, "Drink the milk obediently, and prepare to continue business."

"There will be many people coming to Tiger Park today, I'm afraid you have to sing for a while."

She heard from the head of the park that the tickets for the tiger park were sold out.

Tickets from today to the end of the month have been sold out, and now we can only sell temporary tickets and buy tickets offline.

"Aww~(Ah? Isn't that going to kill a tiger?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this. Is it open?
"Yes, who made you so famous?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, "But you don't have to worry, my sister brought you another treasure today."

With that said, sister Hong'er took out the headset she was wearing and put it on Cheng Hao's big head: "This is the microphone I brought for you. With this microphone, you don't have to sing so loudly. Everyone can be heard."

"Yes, so Xiaopangju, aren't you going to sing one for your sister?" On the other side, Xu Lele, who fixed the horn on the barn, came over and asked.

She just heard the ending, as for the previous song?That was not heard at all.

"Aww~ (My voice is almost smoking, why don't you tell me to sing another one? Don't you take a break when I'm Latian's cow?)" Cheng Hao, who was sucking a lot of milk, heard it , Said angrily.

Even if the other party wants to listen to the song, he has to bring a good gift, and respectfully wait for him to rest, okay?It's outrageous to dare to make such high demands when you come empty-handed.

"Lele, you can let Xiaoju sing after he has rested enough, let him have a good rest now." Sister Hong'er said with a smile when she heard this, looked at the food piled up on the roof and said: "Xiaoju, what are you doing with all the food on the roof? Aren't you afraid it will spoil in the sun?"

"My sister will help you move them all into the cold storage, okay?"

"Aww~ (Sister, are you sure you moved them all into the cold storage instead of taking them back and continuing to sell them at the door?)" Cheng Hao, who was drinking milk, asked after hearing this, and was very suspicious of Sister Hong'er's words. authenticity.

After all, the gifts he received this time were quite a lot.

Are the whole chickens from the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden on his roof?

"Cough...cough, you little scoundrel, don't tell me if you see through. Anyway, you won't be treated badly at that time." Sister Hong'er smiled awkwardly when she heard the words, but she didn't expect Xiaoju to be so smart, and she guessed right She has something to do, and now tourists are coming one after another, and there are not enough whole chickens in the cold storage.

We can only send them over to find familiar animals, and borrow food to go back and continue selling.

And the primary target is of course Xiaoju. After all, so many people paid money to come to see Xiaoju.

"Aww~ (Then I'm going to eat braised pork tonight, sister, remember to tell the chef uncle.)" Since it's the head of the garden and grandpa has a request from him, you can ask for any conditions, right?He has not eaten braised pork for a long time, and today he wants to relive the taste of braised pork.

"Okay, okay, my sister will help you tell the chef uncle, and then I will take all the food back." Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (Bring it, bring it.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw and said, and Sister Hong'er and Xu Lele took out the sacks of food they brought.

The tourists who saw this scene couldn't help but say in surprise:
"Little Pangju has a good personality. You can see that the breeder's sister is packing his food. He is not aggressive."

"Of course, our little chubby orange is an evolutionary animal, and its IQ is as high as that of a human being. Of course, I know that the breeder's sister packs food for him to keep."

"That's right, little fat orange is smart."

What if Xiaopangju is not smart?So what are they?

Look at the way Xiaopang just sang with the iron pipe accompaniment, and you can see how smart Xiaopangju is.

"Okay, Xiaoju, you can continue to operate here."

"My sister will help you take the food back and refrigerate it first."

Sister Hong'er, who took a little effort to pack all the meat, said while touching Cheng Hao's big head with a smile.

If she and Lele are going to go together?Then Tiger Park has no chickens and ducks to buy for tourists.

"Aww~ (Go, go, remember to close the iron door for me, don't let them in.)" Cheng Hao said, the iron door must be closed tightly for him.

You can't let anyone in, otherwise it will be bad if someone pesters him.

"Don't worry, sister will close it tightly." Sister Hong'er closed the iron gate and locked it, then smiled at the tourists and said, "Everyone just take a good look at Xiaoju here, don't even try to climb over the fence ah."

"If anything happens, we are not responsible."

"Besides, please keep your voice down. Don't disturb Xiaoju. If Xiaoju feels too noisy, she will run away. Then you won't be able to see him."

"Okay, okay, we understand." The tourists who heard this nodded their heads, and Sister Hong'er and Xu Lele drove away in tricycles in peace.

"Aww~(Stop standing here, I'm a little tired from singing, and I'm going to go to my room to sleep now, you go to see other tigers, don't stare at me as a tiger.)"

Seeing the tourists on the third floor and the third floor outside the fence, Cheng Hao pointed at his house with his paw, and then said to them in a prone position.

Even if they couldn't understand the tiger's words, they should know that he was going to sleep by looking at him, right?
"What is Xiaopangju expressing? Or is he performing a show?" Seeing this scene, some tourists couldn't help muttering.

"Little Fat Orange seems to mean that he is going to sleep in the room."

"That's right, what he meant by waving his paw was to let us leave, right?"

After seeing it, the other tourists thought for a while and said, Xiaopangju is going to sleep, and he is giving the order to evict.

"No way, didn't Xiaopangju wake up just now? Why are you going to sleep again?"

"That's right, don't go to sleep, little fat orange. Sing for me."

"Yeah, let's sing one more song. We'll leave after singing." The tourists shouted loudly when they heard that Pangju was going to sleep.

They came to listen to the music, why did Xiaopangju fall asleep so quickly?Anyway, I'll sing them another song.

"Ooooh~ (Okay, okay, let me sing you two tigers again, it's really hard to get food for you guys.)" Hearing the shouts from outside the fence, Cheng Hao was very upset have no choice.

I could only turn over the iron basin containing the milk and knock it up with my paws, and just sang two tigers to send them away.

"Everyone be quiet, Xiaopangju heard our request and started singing."

"That's right, everyone, don't disturb Xiaopang Ju's singing, just listen quietly."

When the noisy tourists saw it, they immediately silenced and pricked up their ears.

"Wait a minute, this song is so familiar, I think I've heard it before."

After listening for a few seconds, a tourist spoke.

"Yes, yes, this rhythm and melody are so familiar, a bit like two tigers." After thinking for a while, the other tourists followed suit.

"Um, will Xiaopangju sing two tigers for us?" The tourists who heard this couldn't help being stunned. A tiger sings two tigers for them. It's a bit weird no matter how you think about it.

"Yes, that's the truth."

"Little Fat Ju can sing these too, we can't ask too much."

"That's right, it's good that Little Fatty is willing to sing, what other songs do you want to hear?"

"Yeah, Xiaopangju's singing of two tigers is not fooling us, at least it's still a little new, and he didn't continue to sing blue and white porcelain."

"Not bad, this proves that we still hold a lot of weight in Xiaopangju's heart."

The tourists chattered and said, if you don't think there is anything wrong with my brother, after all, how many songs can a tiger know?

The second song without repetition is already good.

"Aww~(Run fast, run fast~)"

"Aww~ (It's over, it's over, everyone, let's go, let's go.)" Cheng Hao, who was confused to the end, raised his paw and shouted.

I finally finished fooling around with this song, should the tourists leave?



The moment Cheng Hao raised his head, the tourists made a deafening noise: "It's so nice, Little Fat Orange's singing is really nice. I've never heard of two tigers with such an eloquent voice."

"Yeah, chubby orange is awesome. Let's go to other places to see other animals first, and see you later."

"Yeah, little fat orange, you should take a good rest, we'll be over later."

"Ah? Come again?" Cheng Hao, who felt relieved at last, opened his eyes when he heard this.

Are these guys going to live in Tiger Park?Why are you still here?

(End of this chapter)

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